Trinidad Area Catholic Community

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Trinidad Area Catholic Community

THANK YOU !!! We want to thank everyone who helped make our Annual Parish Festival a success. A good time was enjoyed by all. Thanks to Ron and Tammy Lagerman from Cedar Street Printing for making and donating the sign commemorating the 125th Anniversary of Holy Trinity Church. A special thanks to Fran Monteleone and her crew for preparing the Spaghetti Dinner. It was delicious. 435 adults and 40 children were served. A big thanks to everyone who brought baked goods, items for the Silent Auction, Christmas Booth, and Grannies Attic and those who gave monetary donations. A special thank you to Tom Cappellucci and his band, Southern Express, and Sam Bachicha for the music provided during the day on Sunday. Thanks to all the workers who put in many hours to pull this off. We wouldn’t be a success without all your help. God bless all of you!

FESTIVAL RESULTS Our Annual Parish Festival, after expenses, made a profit of $15,136.14. Contrary to the ads in The Chronicle News, this money is going to be used to purchase tables and chairs for the gym. It will not be given to Holy Trinity Academy.

ATTENTION KNIGHTS This is a reminder to those Knights that have been working at the Ave Marie Shrine of the work session to be held this Tuesday, August 31st at 5:00 pm.

FIRST SATURDAY ADORATION Saturday, September 4th, is First Saturday. We will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Prayer begins at 10:15 am, Mass will follow at 11:00 am. Adoration will be after Mass for one hour. Everyone is invited to come pray and adore our Lord.

ATTENTION LITURGICAL MINISTERS: A REQUEST The Liturgical Ministry Schedule for the remaining weeks in September and through to Thanksgiving Day will soon be completed. If there are dates for which you, as a Liturgical Minister, will be unavailable to minister, please contact Louise at the Pastoral Center by Friday, September 3, 2010.

HEALING MASS On Friday, September 17, 2010, 6:30 pm we will have a Healing Mass at Holy Trinity Church. Presiders for the Mass will be Fr. Donald Malin and Fr. Brendan. We encourage and welcome you to please attend.

HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL CLASS OF 1985 will be celebrating their 25th Class Reunion beginning on Friday, August 27th at Cougar Canyon. There will be a tour of Trinidad on our very own trolley car with a Bar-b-que at Kit Carson Park and a dinner at Holiday Inn on Saturday, August 28th. The final gathering for the classmates will be on Sunday, August 29th at the 9:00 am Mass at Holy Trinity Church followed by a tour of the school and then a brunch. “GO TIGERS” “Welcome Holy Trinity Graduates - Class of 1985” AUGUST 29, 2010 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ______


Sat 5:00 Anv. Mass for: Rose Cha, Jess Sawaya, Arlene Ortiz Franklin Vecchio, August Monteleone, Robert Salerno, Ellis Hayhurst, Frank Gagliardi, Healing of Joan Montano Sat 5:00 ST. IGNATIUS INTENTIONS: Emiliano Valverde, Maria Ann Trujillo, Crisanta Aragon Torres Sun 7:00 Anv. Mass for: Mary Amato Louanna Garcia, Victor Ringo, Jim Dunford Sr. 9:00 Anv. Mass for: Louis S. Rino Anna Mae Eccher, Phyllis Moniot, Victor Ringo, Guido Pachelli 11:00 Anv. Mass for: Victoria Barela Mike DeBono, Pasquin Family Mon 8:00 Rich Griego, In Thanksgiving, Well-being of Avis LaCrue Tue 8:00 Anv. Mass for: Pat Donachy Pearl Lira Wed 8:00 Joseph Griego Thu 8:00 Prince Griego Fri 8:00 Louis F. Blasi and Family Sat 5:00 Anv. Mass for: Angelo and Annie Cisneros Ruth Naccarato, Antionette Coszalter, LeAndra Gyurman, Joe DeAngleis, Kay Villani, Victor Ringo, Franklin Vecchio, Bernie Roberts, Floyd Torres, Julianita Graham, Elias and Juanita Torres Sat 5:00 SAN ISIDRO INTENTIONS: Felix Chavez, Asencionita Vialpando, Joe and Mary Ann Costa, Estella Morris, M/M Joe R. Chavez, Intentions of Joe and Anita Costa and Family Sun 7:00 Jennie Salbato, Violet Schroeder, Victor Ringo 9:00 Guido Pachelli, Phyllis Moniot, Victor Ringo, John Terry, Ernest Abeyta, Mary Casa, Steve, Catherine and Anna Comi 11:00 Anv. Mass for: Paul Maglia Mike DeBono, Living and deceased members of the Guadalupe Society

BLESSINGS OF LAUGHTER - LAUGHTER AND HEALTH Warning: Humor may be hazardous to your illness. One thing science can teach us about the importance of enjoying laughter at every stage of life is that it’s good for our health. Laughter is a great workout, for both the body and the soul. A good laugh: lowers blood pressure; reduces stress hormones in the body; increases muscle flexibility; raises the level of infection-fighting cells; releases endorphins, the body’s natural pain-killers; improves brain functioning; protects the heart; fosters relaxation; helps recovery from illness. But if the physical benefits are great, the mental health benefits – the spiritual pay-offs – are even better. Laughter changes human behavior – we talk more, make better eye contact with each other, touch each other more. Laughter is the great bridge between people, pulling us out of self-centeredness. Laughter can help us survive the worst that life can throw at us. “Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers,” says comedian Bill Cosby. “ And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.” TRINIDAD AREA CATHOLIC COMMUNITY

OFFERTORY 08-22-10 Trinidad $6,119.79 : Readings for the Week of August 29, 2010 San Isidro: 341.00 Monday: 1 Cor 2:1-5/Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b-16/Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1-9/Lk 4:38-44 Thank You! Thursday: 1 Cor 3:18-23/Lk 5:1-11 Friday: 1 Cor 4:1-5/Lk 5:33-39 2010 DMF Saturday: 1 Cor 4:6b-15/Lk 6:1-5 Goal: $93,576.00 Next Sunday: Wis 9:13-18b/Phlm 9-10, 12-17/Lk 14:25-33 Pledged: 52,625.00 Pledges 212

PARISH HAPPENINGS, AUGUST 29 – SEPTEMBER 5, 2010 Sunday Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Word & Communion Service, 10:00 am, Trinidad State Nursing Home Televised Celebration of Holy Trinity Mass, 1:00 pm, Channel 71 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday New Hope Catholic Charasmatic Prayer Group, 6:30 pm, Holy Family Hall Friday Adoration, 8:30 am, Holy Trinity Church Saturday First Saturday Adoration, 11:00am Mass Sunday Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass, 10:00 am, Trinidad State Nursing Home Televised Celebration of Holy Trinity Mass, 1:00 pm, Channel 71

COLORADO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC COMMITTEE is sponsoring a Regional Catholic Charismatic Praise and Teaching Conference. The event is to be held at The Red Lion Hotel Denver Southeast, 3200 S. Parker Road, Aurora, CO. September 10-12, 2010. Friday 5:00 pm Registration/Conference – 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Saturday* - 9:00 am – 9:00 pm. An optional Morning Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 am. Sunday – 9:00am, Closing Mass 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. Speakers: Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O. F. M. Cap. Nationally known Speakers: Chuck Hornsby and Jane Barz. Local speakers: Fr. Donald P. Malin, Fr. Pat Reardon O. P. and Deacon Chuck and Barbara Matzker. For more information please call 303-432-2694

DOES OUR FAITH MAKE US HAPPY? A new study from Duke University suggests that people who practice a religion are generally happier and have a stronger sense of purpose in their lives than people who don’t.

A SIGNATURE MISTAKE A teacher noticed that the majority of a young student’s homework had been written in his father’s handwriting. When she asked why, the student blurted out, “My pen ran out of ink, so I borrowed his!” FROM THE DESK OF SISTER DIDYAKNOW

The Sacred College (College of Cardinals) The Sacred College has existed since the early Church, though its exact origins are unclear. By the eleventh century, this was a body with great influence, the pope’s principal advisors on both governance and doctrine. It included bishops, priests and some deacons of Rome and surrounding dioceses. In the time of Pope Nicholas II (1509), cardinals became papal electors. Today the College still functions in an advisory capacity to the pope, and can have not more than 120 cardinals under age eighty, and thus eligible to elect a pope. (The “Consistory” is a Church court, commonly referring to the assemblage of cardinals presided over by the pope for deliberation; either secret, if only cardinals are present; semi- public, is bishops participate; or public, if other prelates are invited.)


The Greek Cross with Words: This Greek cross has abbreviated Greek words for Jesus Christ (abbreviations indicated by horizontal lines) and “nika” meaning “conquers”: “Jesus Christ Conquers.”

The Jerusalem or Crusaders Cross: This cross usually has four small crosses between the arms, the five crosses symbolizing the five wounds of our Lord. It was worn by Godfrey de Boullion, first ruler of Jerusalem after the liberation from the Moselms.

The Latin Cross: This is the most commonly used form of cross.

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: THE JOURNEY OF CONVERSION The journey of Christian discipleship is one of conversion—a turning away from sin and embracing new life in Christ. A clear expression of that conversion is the Catechumenate—the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). If you or someone you know would like to pursue full initiation in the Catholic Faith, or would like to learn more about the Roman Catholic faith, please call the Pastoral Center and ask for Louise. RCIA sessions will begin Wednesday, September 15. Be sure to read the bulletin for more information in the coming weeks.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: MARK YOUR CALENDARS The Blue Mass will be celebrated at the 9:00 am Mass, Sunday, September 26, 2010. At this parish Mass, Law Enforcement officers and those who protect and defend us on a daily basis will be recognized. Bishop Fernando Isern will be the main presider. Please plan to join the parish family at this Mass to pray for and thank the women and men who serve our community in this capacity.

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