ENG 101: Low-Intermediate Written Communications

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ENG 101: Low-Intermediate Written Communications

English 102 Section 57 Spring Semester 2008

WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Instructor: Mr. Khaldon Quteish Office Hours: 8:00-8:50 p.m. Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed Telephone: 1 Course Times: 3:00-4:50 Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs Office: W1-271 Course Location: W5-103 E-mail: [email protected] Credit Hours: 0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Instructor: Ms. Iman Baza Office Hours: 1:00-1:50 Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed Telephone: 5307463 Course Times: 2:00-2:50 Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs Office: W1-264 Course Location: W5-103 E-mail: [email protected] Credit Hours: 0

Course Description: English 102 provides students with high-intermediate level skills in reading, composition, speaking and listening. Reading targets the cognitive skills of sequencing, generalizing, synthesizing, and making inferences and judgments about information. Skimming, scanning, using context clues, and predicting are also stressed. In writing, the transition is made from simple essay writing to more complex and sophisticated exposition. Cohesion is emphasized, as is fuller development of ideas through various techniques of support. Students write essays organized according to the rhetorical patterns of descriptive process, cause and effect, comparison, and argumentation. At this level, complex sentence structure is the focus of attention, with the introduction of noun clauses, reported speech, and the reduction of adverb and adjective clauses. Students also learn the subjunctive expression of unreal ideas in conditionals, wishes, and hopes, as well as the use of subjunctive in demands. Speaking and listening focus on the major rhetorical patterns of descriptive process, cause and effect, comparison, and argumentation. The cognitive skills of sequencing, generalizing, synthesizing, and making inferences and judgments about information are targeted. Note-taking skills are developed. Academic vocabulary is developed through reading and listening as well as memorizing assigned vocabulary. Projected Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. read low-intermediate level texts at a rate of 150 wpm by using skimming, scanning, context clues, and prediction to extract the thesis, main ideas, and supporting ideas; 2. use pre-writing, drafting, revising, and peer-editing techniques to write a five-paragraph essay at a level of proficiency equivalent to Level 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE); 3. correctly use noun clauses, direct quotations, subjunctive expression of unreal ideas in conditionals, wishes and hopes, subjunctives in demands, and reduced adverb and adjective clauses when constructing written sentences; 4. recognize and use 560 AWL words correctly in oral and written communications 5. use a dictionary to look up words and to identify their grammatical forms; 6. listen to an academic lecture and take notes containing its thesis, main points, and minor points; 7. deliver a 10-minute cause and effect oral presentation and a 15-minute argumentation presentation; 8. use MS Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, EFL software, and the Internet to complete assignments. Textbooks and Supplies: 1. Azar Schrampfer B. Understanding and Using English Grammar (3rd ed.). Pearson Education, Inc. 2007. 2. Blanchard K and Root C. Ready to Write More. (2nd ed.) Pearson Education, Inc. 2004. 3. Jones, B. Academic Word Power 3. Houghton Mifflin Co. New York: 2004. 4. Hollinger, L. Academic Word Power 4. Houghton Mifflin Co. New York: 2004. 5. Monolingual dictionary of student’s choice 6. Laptop computer

1 Mr. Khaldon does not have an office telephone yet. 7. Flash memory 8. Class handouts 9. Flash drive 10. Transparency and pen for writing on transparencies 11. 2 pencils, 2 blue or black pens, 1 editing pen (green, purple, or pink), eraser On-Line Resources: Students can access the ELU home page by going to www.eluprogram.com. The English 102 syllabus – as well as important announcements, practice quizzes and exam, and other resources – are available there. Students are responsible for checking the ELU home page every week for important announcements.

Evaluation: 1. Homework. Homework helps students practice what they are studying in the classroom. While there will be homework assignments throughout the semester, teachers will only review it and provide written feedback, but they will not assign it a grade. Homework is due at the beginning of the class period. Instructors will not give feedback for late homework, regardless of the reason for its being submitted late. 2. Assessments. All vocabulary quizzes and reading and listening sections of midterm/final exams are administered on-line. Therefore, students must ensure that their laptop batteries are charged and that their laptop is in working order. For Projects 1 and 2, students research assigned topics, synthesize and summarize texts, and write in- class outlines and cause/effect and argumentation compositions. Compositions are later converted into scripts for oral presentations, and PowerPoint slides are prepared. Each presentation is followed by a question-and-answer period. Project 1 is worth 10% (composition, 3%; PowerPoint slides; 1%; and oral presentation, 6%), and Project 2 is worth 15% (composition, 5%; PowerPoint slides; 1%; and oral presentation, 9%). All resource material and rough drafts must be submitted, or the projects will not be graded. The oral presentation will be double-marked. There will be eight scheduled vocabulary quizzes, each worth 1.25% each. There will be two in-class compositions: process (10%) and comparison (10%). Compositions are evaluated on content, organization, and mechanics (grammar, spelling, and punctuation). Compositions are double-marked. Students may not appeal the grade assigned to double-marked compositions. All rough drafts must be submitted, or the compositions will not be marked. The midterm exam will have two sections: reading (12%) and listening (8%). The final exam will have two sections: reading (15%) and listening (10%). 3. Summary of English 102 Assessment Weightings: Projects 1 & 2 25% Vocabulary 10% Quizzes Compositions 20% Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 25% Total 100%

Grade Scale: P 70- 100% N 0-69% P A grade of 70% or better is required to pass English 102.

Attendance: Attendance will be taken electronically in every class. Students will fail English 102 if they miss a combined total of 15 hours or more hours of their Written Communications, Oral Communications, and Laboratory classes. Students will receive a first warning from PeopleSoft – not the ELU – when they have missed five hours, a second warning when they have missed ten hours, and an NP when they have missed 15 hours. Students are responsible for keeping track of how many hours they have been absent.

2 Furthermore, departmental policy prohibits ELU instructors from interceding on a student’s behalf to have a grade of NP removed regardless of the reason for absences or to have the attendance record corrected.

3 Make-up Quizzes and Exams: It is important that students understand the meaning of “excused absence.” An excused absence means that homework or a quiz can be made up. However, a student is still counted as absent regardless of the reason. If students are sick, have a traffic accident, etc. on the day of a quiz or exam, they MUST call 5307402, at least 30 minutes before the quiz or test is scheduled to begin. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to sit for a make up quiz or test. Students who have called 30 minutes prior to the quiz or test must submit the original medical leave statement, traffic accident report, etc. to Maria Fernandes, the ELU administrative assistant, within three days of their return to regular classes. Because assessment dates are contained in the English 102 Tentative Schedules given to students during the first week of the term, students will not be allowed to make up assessments they miss because of IELTS tests, TOEFL tests, holidays with parents, etc.

Dishonest Practices: Students who plagiarize (i.e., submit someone else’s work as their own or use someone else’s words or ideas without giving them credit) will receive a “0” for the plagiarized work. Students who cheat or talk without permission during an assessment will receive a “0” for the assessment. Mobiles: Students must turn off their mobiles and place them in their handbags or pockets before entering their classroom. It is at a teacher’s discretion to ask students to leave if individuals are looking at their mobiles or if their mobiles ring during class. These students will be reported to the Dean. Students discovered with a mobile in their possession during an assessment will receive a “0” for that assessment. Disclaimer: GUST reserves the right to amend any dates, topics, assignments, or other planned features of the course and tentative schedules. Any changes will be announced in class, and absent students are responsible for keeping up to date with any changes and developments that may occur.

English 102 (Written Communications) Tentative Schedule WEE DATE BOOK, CHAPTER, ASSESSMENT & ASSIGNMENT K 1. Interactive skimming & scanning reading exercise 2. Parts of an essay Feb. 17-18 3. Ready to Write More, Chapter 1 4. Writing varied sentences (handout) 5. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Chapter 12 (review of passive) Orientation session – W1-010 – 4:00 1 Feb. 19 1. Explanation of major GUST and departmental policies 2. Signing of MOU 1. Interactive skimming & scanning reading exercise 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 1 cont. Feb. 20-21 3. Writing varied sentences cont. 4. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Chapter 14 (review of gerunds and infinitives) 1. Ready to Write More, Chapter 5 Feb. 24 2. Writing varied sentences cont. 3. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Chapter 18 (reduction of adverb clauses to modifying adverbial phrases) 2 Feb. 25-26 Holiday 1. Interactive inference reading exercise Feb. 27-28 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 5 cont. 3. Writing varied sentences cont. 4. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Chapter 18 cont.

4 1. Interactive inference reading exercises 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 5 cont. 3 March 1-6 3. Write introductory paragraph & body paragraphs of process essay 4. Peer edit introductory paragraph 5. Final draft of introductory paragraph due on March 6 6. Writing varied sentences cont. 7. Reduction of adjective clauses to modifying adjective phrases (handout) 8. Work on Project 1 1. Interactive (inferred thesis) reading exercises 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 5 cont. 3. Write introductory paragraph & body paragraphs of process essay 4 March 9-13 4. Peer edit introductory paragraph 5. Final draft of introductory paragraph due on March 6 6. Writing varied sentences cont. 7. Reduction of adjective clauses to modifying adjective phrases cont. 1. Interactive (inferred thesis) reading exercises 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 10 3. Write concluding paragraph of process essay 5 March 15-19 4. Peer edit body paragraphs & concluding paragraph of process essay 5. Final draft of body & concluding paragraphs due on March 19 (Process essay is worth 10% of English 102 grade.) 6. Writing varied sentences cont. 7. Noun clauses (handout) 8. Work on Project 1 March 20 Holiday 1. Interactive (inferred thesis) reading exercises 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 7 6 March 23-27 3. Writing varied sentences cont. 4. Noun clauses cont. 1. Interactive (synthesizing) reading exercises 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 7 cont. 7 March 29- 3. Write introductory paragraph of cause & effect essay April 3 4. Final draft of introductory paragraph of cause & effect paragraph due on April 3 5. Writing emphatic sentences (handout) 6. Work on Project 1 1. Interactive (synthesizing) reading exercises 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 7 cont. 8 April 6-9 3. Write & revise rough draft of body & concluding paragraphs of cause & effect essay 4. Writing emphatic sentences cont. April 10 English 102 Midterm Exam (20% of English 102 grade) 1. Interactive (synthesizing) reading exercises 2. Ready to Write More, Chapter 8 9 April 12-17 3. Body & concluding paragraphs of cause & effect essay due on April 13 4. Writing concise sentences (handout) 5. Work on Project 1 6. Library orientation in library on April 17 at 3:00 April 20-22 Project 1 presentations (10% of English 102 grade) 10 1. Ready to Write More, Chapter 8 cont. April 23-24 2. Write introductory, body & concluding paragraphs of comparison essay 1. Interactive (synthesizing) reading exercises 2. Argumentative essay handout 3. Write & revise rough draft of body & concluding paragraphs of cause & effect 11 April 26-May 1 essay 4. Writing concise sentences cont. 5. Comparison essay due on May 1 (10% of English 102 grade) 6. Work on Project 2

5 1. Interactive (synthesizing) reading exercises 2. Argumentative essay cont. 12 May 4-8 3. Write introductory paragraph of argumentative essay 4. Introductory paragraph of argumentative essay due May 8 5. Citing sources (handout) 6. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Chapter 20 1. Interactive (synthesizing) reading exercises 2. Argumentative essay cont. 3. Write body paragraphs of argumentative essay 13 May 11-15 4. Body paragraphs of argumentative essay due on May 15 5. Awkward or confusing sentences (handout) 6. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Chapter 20 cont. 1. Interactive (synthesizing) reading exercises 2. Argumentative essay cont. 14 May 18-22 3. Write concluding paragraph of argumentative essay 4. Concluding paragraph of argumentative essay due on May 20 5. Faulty parallelisms (handout) 15 May 25-29 Project 2 presentations (15% of English 102 grade) 16 & June 1-14 English 102 Final Exam (25% of English 102 grade) 17 Date, time & location to be announced

English 102 (Oral Communications) Tentative Schedule WEE DATE ASSESSMENT & ASSIGNMENT K 1 Feb. 17-18 1. Listening handouts & exercises 2. Academic Word Power 3, Units 1 (Lessons 1-4) & 2 (Lesson 1) Feb. 24 1. Note taking handout 2. Process listening handouts & exercises 2 3. Academic Word Power 3, Unit 2 (Lesson 2) Feb. 25-26 Holiday 1. Process listening handouts & exercises Feb. 27-28 2. Academic Word Power 3, Unit 2 (Lessons 3-4) 3. Vocabulary Quiz 1 – Academic Word Power 3, Units 1 & 2 – Feb. 28 (1.25% of English 102 grade) 3 March 1-6 1. Process listening handouts & exercises 2. Academic Word Power 3, Units 3 (Lessons 1-4) & 4 (Lesson 1) 3. Work on Project 1 1. Process listening handouts & exercises (inference) 2. Oral presentation handout 4 March 9-13 3. Academic Word Power 3, Units 4 (Lessons 2-4) & 5 (Lessons 1-3) 4. Vocabulary Quiz 2 – Academic Word Power 3, Units 1-3 – March 13 (1.25% of English 102 grade) 1. Cause & effect listening handouts & exercises (inference) 5 March 15-19 2. Work on oral presentation for Project 1 3. Academic Word Power 3, Units 5 (Lesson 4) & 6 (Lessons 1-3) 4. Work on Project 1 March 20 Holiday 1. Cause & effect listening handouts & exercises (inference) 2. Work on oral presentation 6 March 23-27 3. Academic Word Power 3, Units 6 (Lesson 4) & 7 (Lessons 1-4) 4. Vocabulary Quiz 3 – Academic Word Power 3, Units 4-6 – March 27 (1.25% of English 102 grade) March 29- 1. Cause & effect listening handouts & exercises (inference) April 3 2. Work on oral presentation for Oral Presentation 1 7 3. Academic Word Power 4, Units 1 (Lessons 1-4) & 2 (Lesson 1) 4. Work on Project 1

6 April 6 English 102 Midterm Exam (20% of English 102 grade) 1. Cause & effect listening handouts & exercises (synthesizing) 2. PowerPoint handouts 8 April 7-10 3. Academic Word Power 4, Units 2 (Lessons 2-4) & 3 (Lessons 1-2) 4. Vocabulary Quiz 4 – Academic Word Power 3, Unit 7, & Academic Word Power 4, Units 1 & 2 – April 10 (1.25% of English 102 grade) 1. Comparison listening handouts & exercises (synthesizing) 9 April 12-17 2. Work on oral presentation for Project 1 3. Academic Word Power 4, Units 3 (Lessons 3-4) & 4 (Lessons 1-3) 4. Work on Project 1 April 20-22 Project 1 presentations (10% of English 102 grade) 1. Comparison listening handouts & exercises (synthesizing) 10 April 23-24 2. Academic Word Power 4, Units 4 (Lesson 4) & 5 (Lessons 1-4) 3. Vocabulary Quiz 5 – Academic Word Power 4, Units 1-3 – April 24 (1.25% of English 102 grade) 11 April 26- 1. Argumentative listening handouts & exercises (synthesizing) May 1 2. Work on oral presentation for Project 2 3. Academic Word Power 4, Units 6 (Lesson 1-4) & 7 (Lesson 1) 4. Work on Project 2 1. Argumentative listening handouts & exercises (synthesizing) 2. Work on oral presentation for Project 2 12 May 4-8 3. Academic Word Power 4, Unit 7 (Lesson 2-4) 4. Vocabulary Quiz 6 – Academic Word Power 4, Units 4-7 – May 8 (1.25% of English 102 grade) 1. Argumentative exercises (synthesizing) 2. Work on oral presentation for Project 2 13 May 11-15 3. Vocabulary Quiz 7 – Academic Word Power 3, Units 1-7 – May 15 (1.25% of English 102 grade) 1. Listening exercises (synthesizing) 2. Work on oral presentation for Project 2 14 May 18-22 3. Vocabulary Quiz 8 – Academic Word Power 4, Units 1-7 – May 22 (1.25% of English 102 grade) 15 May 25-29 Project 2 presentations (15% of English 102 grade) 16 & June 1-14 English 102 Final Exam (25% of English 102 grade) 17 Date, time & location to be announced


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