Narrative Summaries and Cartoon Vocabulary

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Narrative Summaries and Cartoon Vocabulary

Narrative Summaries and Cartoon Vocabulary

Your poster board will feature the following four sections:

1. Create a visual summary for Freak the Mighty. 1. Compose a written summary of Freak the Mighty.

2. You will have six squares: one square for each plot 2. Your summary should be five paragraphs in length element (two for the rising action). —one paragraph for each plot element.

3. Each square should contain a visual demonstration 3. Use my example as a guide, but do not copy my of a key scene and should be accompanied by a work. caption that explains the scene. 4. Finally, go back and highlight all of the verbs in 4. Use my example as a guide, but do not copy my your written summary. work. 5. Highlight the verbs in two different colors: one for 5. Finally, go back and highlight all of the nouns regular verbs and one for irregular verbs. within your summary.

6. Highlight the nouns in three different colors: one for common nouns, one for proper nouns, and one for collective nouns.

1. Create a cartoon vocabulary for one of the Freak 1. Create a second cartoon vocabulary for another the Mighty buzz words. one of the Freak the Mighty buzz words.

2. Define the word. 2. Define the word.

3. Identify a link for the word. 3. Identify a link for the word.

4. Create a visual demonstration that shows the link 4. Create a visual demonstration that shows the link between the buzz word and the link. between the buzz word and the link.

5. Include a caption that explains the link. 5. Include a caption that explains the link.

6. Construct three sentences that contain the word 6. Construct three sentences that contain the word and that contain context clues. and that contain context clues.

7. Finally, go back and highlight each adjective within 7. Next, go back and highlight all of the prepositions your cartoon vocabulary. within your cartoon vocabulary.

8. Highlight the adjectives in two different colors: 8. Finally, go back and underline the prepositional one for proper adjectives and one for common phrases. adjectives. Rubric for Narrative Summaries and Cartoon Vocabularies Description Points Points Possible Earned Does your visual summary feature 6 key scenes 6 that represent each plot element (2 for the rising action)? Is your written summary at least one typed page 5 in length? Does your written summary contain five 5 paragraphs—one paragraph for every plot element? Does your project contain two cartoon 10 vocabularies—one each for a buzz word from Freak the Mighty, which fully follow the directions? Has your work been edited and revised to 5 eliminate common grammatical errors? Do your sentences flow well and feature a variety 5 of sentences and accurate word choices? Did you accurately highlight and differentiate the 5 examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions/prepositional phrases? Overall, is your work presentable: neat, organized, 5 advanced, insightful, and attractive to an audience? Did you present your work in a clear, concise, and 4 confident manner, meaning that the audience could clearly hear and understand you? Overall, do your summaries capture the key 10 details within the novel? Total 60

Comments: Theme and Main Idea PLEAs and Cartoon Vocabulary

Your poster board will feature the following four sections:

1. Compose a PLEA paragraph that expresses the 1. Compose a PLEA paragraph that expresses the main idea of Freak the Mighty. theme of Freak the Mighty.

2. Be sure to express the main idea, provide 2. Be sure to express the theme, provide background background information, and support your point information, and support your point with valid with valid evidence and analysis. evidence and analysis.

3. For your evidence, quote one example and 3. For your evidence, quote one example and paraphrase/summarize another example. paraphrase/summarize another example.

4. Use my example as a guide, but do not copy my 6. Use my example as a guide, but do not copy my work. work.

5. Finally, go back and highlight all of the nouns 7. Finally, go back and highlight all of the verbs in within your paragraph. your paragraph.

6. Highlight the nouns in three different colors: one 8. Highlight the verbs in two different colors: one for for common nouns, one for proper nouns, and one regular verbs and one for irregular verbs. for collective nouns.

1. Create a cartoon vocabulary for the term main 1. Create a second cartoon vocabulary for the term idea. theme.

2. Define the term. 2. Define the term.

3. Identify a link for the term. 3. Identify a link for the term.

4. Create a visual demonstration that shows the link 4. Create a visual demonstration that shows the link between the term and the link. between the term and the link.

5. Include a caption that explains the link. 5. Include a caption that explains the link.

6. Construct three sentences that contain the term 6. Next, go back and highlight all of the prepositions and that contain context clues. within your cartoon vocabulary.

7. Finally, go back and highlight each adjective within 7. Finally, go back and underline the prepositional your cartoon vocabulary. phrases.

8. Highlight the adjectives in two different colors: one for proper adjectives and one for common adjectives. Rubric for Theme and Main Idea PLEAs and Cartoon Vocabularies Description Points Points Possible Earned Do your PLEA paragraphs clearly present the main 10 idea and theme of Freak the Mighty in the form of points? Are your points in both PLEAs supported by valid 5 evidence and insightful analysis? Do your Links in both paragraphs clearly provide 5 the TAGS information and lead into the evidence? Is your evidence properly cited (documented)? 5 Does your project contain two cartoon 10 vocabularies—one each for the main idea and theme, which fully follow the directions? Has your work been edited and revised to 5 eliminate common grammatical errors? Do your sentences flow well and feature a variety 5 of sentences and accurate word choices? Did you accurately highlight and differentiate the 5 examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions/prepositional phrases? Overall, is your work presentable: neat, organized, 5 advanced, insightful, and attractive to an audience? Did you present your work in a clear, concise, and 5 confident manner, meaning that the audience could clearly hear and understand you? Total 60

Comments: Literary Devices and Leveled Questions

Your poster board will feature the following four sections:

1. From Freak the Mighty, quote and cite examples of 1. Pick ten of the literary terms from the first square the following literary terms: and explain the examples you gave for each.

A. Simile 2. Be sure to provide a thorough description of each B. Metaphor term. Explain the effect, meaning the imagery C. Personification created, the feeling produced, or the reason this D. Idiom was included in the novel. E. Hyperbole F. Suspense 3. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my G. Foreshadowing work. Do not use the same examples that I used. H. Allusion I. Onomatopoeia 4. Finally, go back and highlight all of the nouns J. Alliteration within your summary with one color, and highlight K. Repetition the verbs with another color. L. Symbol M. First-person perspective bias/unreliability 5. Highlight your nouns using three different colors: N. Tone one for common nouns, one for proper nouns, and O. Mood one for collective nouns. P. Direct characterization Q. Indirect characterization 6. Highlight the verbs using two different colors (not the same as the nouns): one for regular verbs and 2. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my one for irregular verbs. work. Find different examples of each term.

1. Pick another three terms from the first square. 1. Create leveled questions for Freak the Mighty.

A. One level 1 B. Two level 2 2. Create a visual demonstration of each of these C. One level 3 terms.

3. Each visual demonstration should depict the 2. Answer each question in the form of a point. feeling produced, the imagery created, or the reason this was included in the novel. 3. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my work. 4. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my work. 4. Look back at your leveled questions and answers and highlight all prepositions in one color and all adjectives in another color.

5. Highlight each preposition and underline the phrase it creates.

6. Using different colors, highlight all of the adjectives using two colors: one for common and one for proper. Rubric for Literary Devices and Leveled Questions Description Points Points Possible Earned Did you quote accurate examples for each 10 literary term? Does your description for each of your 10 examples clearly explain the examples and the reasons that each literary term was used? Does your visual description for each of your 5 examples clearly demonstrate the examples and the reasons that each literary term was used? Are your examples properly cited 5 (documented)? Does your project contain accurately written 10 and answered leveled questions that follow the instructions? Has your work been edited and revised to 5 eliminate common grammatical errors? Did you accurately highlight and differentiate the 5 examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions/prepositional phrases? Overall, is your work presentable: neat, 5 organized, advanced, insightful, and attractive to an audience? Did you present your work in a clear, concise, 5 and confident manner, meaning that the audience could clearly hear and understand you? Total 60

Comments: Tone, Mood, and Leveled questions

Your poster board will feature the following four sections:

1. Find, quote, and cite, ten examples that feature 1. Pick seven of the examples from the first tone from Rodman Philbrick or from one of his square and describe the mood that is characters in Freak the Mighty. produced for the reader. Use specific words from the tone vocabulary list that I gave you.

2. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my 2. Be sure also to explain the effect of the mood. work. Find different examples. For example, what does it foreshadow, or how does it produce suspense, or how does it 3. Finally, go back and highlight all of the nouns provide characterization, etc.? within your examples. 3. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy 4. Highlight the nouns in three different colors: one my work. for common nouns, one for proper nouns, and one for collective nouns. 4. Finally, go back and highlight all of the verbs in your descriptions.

5. Highlight the verbs using two different colors: one for regular verbs and one for irregular verbs.

1. Pick three examples from the first square and 1. Create leveled questions for Freak the Mighty. visually demonstrate the mood that is produced. 2. One level 1 2. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my 3. Two level 2 work. 4. One level 3

5. Answer each question in the form of a point.

6. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my work.

7. Highlight each preposition and underline the phrase it creates.

8. Using different colors, highlight all of the adjectives using two colors: one for common and one for proper. Rubric for Tone, Mood, and Leveled Questions Description Points Points Possible Earned Did you quote accurate examples of tone? 10 Does your description for each of your 10 examples clearly describe the tone, the mood it produces, and the effect of this mood? Does your visual description for each of your 5 examples clearly demonstrate the attitude, the mood it produces, and the effect of this mood? Are your examples properly cited 5 (documented)? Does your project contain accurately written 10 and answered leveled questions that follow the instructions? Has your work been edited and revised to 5 eliminate common grammatical errors? Did you accurately highlight and differentiate the 5 examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions/prepositional phrases? Overall, is your work presentable: neat, 5 organized, advanced, insightful, and attractive to an audience? Did you present your work in a clear, concise, 5 and confident manner, meaning that the audience could clearly hear and understand you? Total 60

Comments: Narrator Point of View

Your poster board will feature the following four sections:

1. Pick a scene from Freak the Mighty, and write it in 1. Pick a scene from Freak the Mighty, and write it in the first-person perspective from another the third-person-limited perspective. character’s point of view—not from Max’s perspective. 2. Begin by defining the perspective.

2. Begin by defining the perspective. 3. Be sure to provide dialogue, and keep it in the form featured in the novel. 3. Be sure to provide dialogue, and keep it in the form featured in the novel. 4. Your scene should be a page in length.

4. Your scene should be a page in length. 5. Finally, go back and highlight all of the verbs in your scene.

5. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my 6. Highlight the verbs using two different colors (not work. the same as the nouns): one for regular verbs and one for irregular verbs. 6. Finally, go back and highlight all of the nouns within your scene.

7. Highlight the nouns in three different colors: one for common nouns, one for proper nouns, and one for collective nouns.

1. Pick a scene from Freak the Mighty, and write it in 1. Pick a scene from Freak the Mighty, and write it in the third-person-omniscient perspective. the third-person-objective perspective.

2. Begin by defining the perspective. 2. Begin by defining the perspective.

3. Be sure to provide dialogue, and keep it in the 3. Be sure to provide dialogue, and keep it in the form featured in the novel. form featured in the novel.

3. Your scene should be a page in length. 4. Your scene should be a page in length.

4. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my 5. Refer to my example as a guide, but don’t copy my work. work.

5. Finally, go back and highlight each adjective within 7. Look back at your leveled questions and answers your cartoon vocabulary. and highlight all prepositions in one color and all adjectives in another color. 6. Highlight the adjectives in two different colors: one for proper adjectives and one for common 8. Highlight each preposition and underline the adjectives. phrase it creates.

9. Using different colors, highlight all of the adjectives using two colors: one for common and one for proper. Rubric for Narrative Summaries and Cartoon Vocabularies Description Points Points Possible Earned Did you define each perspective before you began 5 each scene? Is each scene at least 1 page in length? 5 Does each scene feature correctly punctuated and 5 formatted dialogue? Does each scene demonstrate the correct point of 10 view? Has your work been edited and revised to 10 eliminate common grammatical errors? Do your sentences flow well and feature a variety 5 of sentences and accurate word choices? Did you accurately highlight and differentiate the 10 examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions/prepositional phrases? Overall, is your work presentable: neat, organized, 5 advanced, insightful, and attractive to an audience? Did you present your work in a clear, concise, and 5 confident manner, meaning that the audience could clearly hear and understand you? Total 60


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