1. Personal Data

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1. Personal Data



Name: EMMANUEL PETRAKIS Date of Birth: 31.05.1956 Nationality: Greek Military Service: Navy (1/1981 – 3/1983) Address: Department of Economics, University of Crete University Campus at Gallos, Rethymnon 74100 Tel: +302831077409 (office) FAX: +302831077406 e-mail: [email protected] Web-page: http://economics.soc.uoc.gr/petrakis


Ph.D. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, 1985–1990 Economics – Department of Economics Dissertation Title: Voting for Taxes and Public Goods Supervisor: Prof. L.S. Shapley (Nobel Prize 2012)

M.A. ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 1983– 1985 Economic Theory and Policy – Post-graduate Studies Program, Department of Economics

B. A. ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 1980– 1983 Economics– Department of Economics

Diploma NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, 1974–1980 Shipbuilding Mechanical Engineering - Department of Marine Engineering


1990 – 1991 Post-Doctoral Fellow, CentER, TILBURG UNIVERSITY 1987 – 1988 Fellow, EARHART FOUNDATION, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1985 – 1986 Fellow, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 1983 – 1985 Fellow, ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS


English (fluent) Spanish (fluent) French (working ability)



• Industrial Organization Theory and Policy • Managerial Economics and Organization • Game Theory and Bargaining Theory • Environmental and Public Economics • International Trade Theory • Labour Economics and Political Economy of Institutions • Digital Economy and Internet Economics


2002 – Professor, Department of Economics, University of Crete Courses Taught: Mathematics Ι, Fall Semester 2002 – 2003 Game Theory, Fall Semester 2002 – 2006 Industrial Organization II, Spring Semester 2003 & 2013, Fall Sem. 2013 Industrial Organization (Master course), Spring Sem. 2003–2004 & 2013 Microeconomics II (Master course), Spring Semester 2004 – 2009 Microeconomics I (Master course), Fall Semester 2013 – Microeconomics III, Spring Semester 2014 – Mathematics II, Spring Semester 2014 – Supervision: Doctoral and Master Theses

2002 – Adjunct Professor, Department of Business and Organizations Administration, Hellenic Open University Courses Supervised: Economic Analysis and Policy (DEO34) 2002– 2008 Economics for Managers (MBA50) 2008 – Course Coordinator: Economic Analysis and Policy (DEO34) 2003– 2005 Supervision: Master Theses

2012 – 2015 Adjunct Professor, School of Economic Sciences and Management, Business Administration Program, Open University of Cyprus Course Supervised: Organization and Management (MBA50) 2012 – 2015 Supervision: Master Theses

1998 – 2002 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Crete Courses Taught: Mathematics Ι, Fall Semester 1998 – 2001 Industrial Organization Ι, Fall Semester 1998 – 1999, Spring Semester 2001 Game Theory, Spring Semester 1999 - 2000, Fall Semester 2000 – 2001 Industrial Organization II, Spring Semester 1999 – 2001


1994 – 1998 Visiting Professor, Universidad Carlos III, Depart. de Economía Courses Taught: Decision and Game Theory, Fall Semester 1994 – 1997 Industrial Organization, Spring Semester 1995 - 1996, Fall Semester 1996 – 1997 Industrial Organization Theory (Doctoral & Master’s Course): Fall Semester 1994 – 1997 Supervision: Doctoral Theses

1992 – 1994 Visiting Associate Professor, Universidad Carlos III, Depart. de Economía Courses Taught: Microeconomic Theory, Spring Semester 1993 Decision and Game Theory, Fall Semester 1993 Industrial Organization, Spring Semester 1994

1991 – 1992 Assistant Professor, Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Courses Taught: Microeconomic Theory, Spring Semester 1991 –1992 Game Theory, Fall Semester 1991 Supervision: Master Theses

1990 – 1991 Postdoctoral Fellow, CentER, Tilburg University

1986 – 1989 Teaching Assistant, University of California Los Angeles, Courses: Introduction to Statistics, 1986–1988 Principles of Economics, 1988–1989

1986 – 1990 Research Assistant, University of California Los Angeles Department of Economics (1986 – 87) Graduate School of Management (1987 – 90)

Shorter-term Visiting Positions

2015 (Sept. & Visiting Professor, Université Pierre Mendès France (UPMF) Oct.)

2013 (Summer Visiting Professor, Koç University, Turkey Semester) Courses Taught: Principles of Economics Intermediate Macroeconomics

2011 - 2015 Visiting Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Courses Taught: Game Theory, Fall Semester 2011 – 2014 Industrial Organization I (Ph.D. course): Fall Semester 2011 – 2013 Game Theory (Master course): Fall Semester 2014

2011 (Fall Visiting Researcher, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón, Spain


2005 (Fall Visiting Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business Semester) Courses Taught: New Economy and the Economics of Internet (mini Master course)

2004 – 2006 Visiting Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (Spring Courses Taught: Advanced Topics in Industrial Organization (mini Doctoral Semester) course)

2002 (Spring Visiting Professor, University of Cyprus Semester) Courses Taught: Game Theory, Microeconomics II

2000 – 2003 Visiting Professor, Joint Ph.D. Program, Athens University of Economics and Business and University of Athens Courses Taught: Industrial Organization II- Theory of Regulation (Doctoral course), Spring Semester 2000 – 2003

2000 (Spring Visiting Professor, Technical University of Crete, Graduate Program, Semester) Department of Management and Production Engineering Courses Taught: Industrial Organization (Master course)

2000 – 2002 Researcher, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)

1998 – 2000 Visiting Professor, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania & 2004 Courses Taught: Mathematics for Economists II (Master course), Fall Semester 1998 – 2000 & 2004 Cost-Benefit Analysis I (Master course), Spring Semester 2000

1998 (Spring Visiting Professor, University of Cyprus Semester) Courses Taught: Decision Theory and Game Theory Theory of Industrial Organization


7.1 Articles in Refereed Journals

1. C. Manasakis, E. Mitrokostas and E. Petrakis (2017): “Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility by a Multinational Firm”, Review of International Economics (DOI: 10.1111/roie.12320, forthcoming).

2. M. Alipranti, E. Mitrokostas and E. Petrakis (2017): “Non-Comparative and Comparative Advertising in Oligopolistic Markets”, The Manchester School (DOI: 10.1111/manc.12184, forthcoming).


3. I. Barreda-Tarrazona, N. Georgantzis, C. Manasakis, E. Mitrokostas and E. Petrakis (2016): “Endogenous managerial compensation contracts in experimental quantity- setting duopolies”, Economic Modelling, 54, 205–217.

4. M. Alipranti, C. Milliou and E. Petrakis (2015): “On Vertical Relations and the Timing of Technology Adoption”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 120, 117–129.

5. M. Alipranti, C. Milliou and E. Petrakis (2014), “Price vs. quantity competition in a vertically related market”, Economics Letters, 124, 122–126.

6. C. Manasakis, E. Petrakis, and V. Zikos (2014), “Downstream Research Joint Ventures with upstream market power”, Southern Economic Journal, 80(3), 782-802.

7. C. Manasakis, E. Mitrokostas and E. Petrakis (2014), “Strategic CSR activities and Corporate Governance in Imperfectly Competitive Markets”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 35, 460-473.

8. E. Mitrokostas, and E. Petrakis (2014): “Organizational structure, strategic delegation and innovation in oligopolistic industries”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 23(1), 1-24.

9. C. Manasakis, E. Mitrokostas, and E. Petrakis (2013): “Certification of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in Oligopolistic Markets”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 46(1), 282 - 309.

10. H. Bester, C. Milliou and E. Petrakis (2012): “Wage Bargaining, Productivity Growth and Long-Run Industry Structure”, Labour Economics, 19, 923 - 930.

11. E. Sartzetakis, A. Xepapadeas and E. Petrakis (2012): “The role of information provision as a policy instrument to supplement environmental taxes”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 52, 347-368.

12. C. Milliou and E. Petrakis (2011): “Timing of Technology Adoption and Product Market Competition”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29, 513-523.

13. C. Manasakis, E. Mitrokostas and E. Petrakis (2010): “Endogenous Managerial Incentive Contracts in a Differentiated Duopoly, without and with Commitment”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 31, 531–543.

14. C. Manasakis, and E. Petrakis (2009), “Union Structure and Firms’ Incentives for Cooperative R&D Investments”, Canadian Journal of Economic, 42(2), 665-693.

15. P. Garella and E. Petrakis (2008): “Minimum Quality Standards and Consumer’s Information”, Economic Theory, 36(2), 283-302.

16. C. Milliou, and E. Petrakis (2007): “Upstream Horizontal Mergers, Vertical Contracts

5 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 and Bargaining”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 25(5), 963-987.

17. E. Petrakis, E. Sartzetakis and A. Xepapadeas (2005): “Environmental Information Provision as a Public Policy Instrument”, The Berkeley Electronic Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy: Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 4: No. 1, Article 14.

18. E. Petrakis and M. Vlassis (2005): “The Endogenous National Minimum Wage Institution”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 27(4), 747-762.

19. E. Petrakis and M. Vlassis (2004): “Endogenous Wage-Bargaining Institutions in Oligopolistic Industries”, Economic Theory, 24, 55-73.

20. H. Bester and E. Petrakis (2004): “Wages and Productivity Growth in a Dynamic Monopoly”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 22(1), 83-100.

21. E. Petrakis and M. Vlassis (2004), “The Political Economy of the Minimum Wage Institution in an Internationally Integrated Market”, Review of International Economics, Vol. 12(1), 27-40.

22. C. Milliou and E. Petrakis (2004): “B2B Electronic Marketplaces: Joining a Public or Creating a Private”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 9, 99-112.

23. E. Petrakis and M. Vlassis (2003): “Minimum Wages in National and Internationally Integrated Economies”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 25/3, 257-265.

24. E. Petrakis and A. Xepapadeas (2003): “Location Decisions of a Polluting Firm and the Time Consistency of Environmental Policy”, Resource and Energy Economics, Vol. 25(1), 197-214.

25. H. Bester, and E. Petrakis (2003): “Wages and Productivity Growth in a Competitive Industry”, Journal of Economic Theory, 109 (1), 52-69.

26. E. Petrakis and J. P. Theotoky (2002): “R&D Subsidies versus R&D Cooperation in a Duopoly with Spillovers and Pollution”, Australian Economic Papers, Vol. 41 (1), 37-52.

27. I. Herguera, P. Kujal, and E. Petrakis (2002): “Tariffs, Quality Reversals and Exit in Vertically Differentiated Industries”, Journal of International Economics, 58 (2), 467- 483.

28. E. Petrakis, and A. Dhillon (2002): “A Generalized Wage Rigidity Result with Centralized Negotiations”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 20 (3), 285 – 311.

6 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 29. E. Petrakis, and M. Vlassis (2000): “Endogenous Scope of Bargaining in a Union- Oligopoly Model: When will firms and unions bargain over employment?”, Labour Economics, Vol 7(3), 261-281.

30. E. Petrakis, I. Herguera, and P. Kujal (2000): “Quantity Restrictions and Endogenous Quality Choice”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 18, issue 8, 1259-1277.

31. J. L. Moraga, and E. Petrakis (1999): “Coupon-Advertising under Imperfect Price Information”, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 8, No 4, 523- 544.

32. E. Petrakis, and M. Vlassis (1999): “The Strategic Role of Minimum Sectoral Wages in Oligopolies: A Case for the Spanish Labour Market”, Investigaciones Económicas, XXIII(3), 331-350.

33. E. Petrakis, and S. Roy (1999): “Cost Reducing Investment, Competition and Industry Dynamics”, International Economic Review, 40(2), 381-401.

34. C. Cabral, P. Kujal, and E. Petrakis (1998): “Incentives for Cost Reducing Innovations under Quantitative Import Restraints”, Annales d´Economie et de Statistique, 49/50, 479-493.

35. E. Petrakis, E. Rasmusen, and S. Roy (1997): “The Learning Curve in a Competitive Industry”, Rand Journal of Economics, 28(2), 248-268.

36. E. Petrakis, and A. Xepapadeas (1996): “Environmental Consciousness and Moral Hazard in International Agreements to Protect the Environment”, Journal of Public Economics, 60(1), 95-110.

37. H. Bester, and E. Petrakis (1996): “Coupons and Oligopolistic Price Discrimination”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 14, 227-242.

38. H. Bester, and E. Petrakis (1995): “Price Competition and Advertising in Oligopoly”, European Economic Review, 39 (6), 1075-1088.

39. H. Bester, and E. Petrakis (1993): “The Incentives for Cost Reduction in a Differentiated Industry”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 11, 519- 534.

7.2 A rticles in Collective Volumes

40. Vassakis K., Petrakis E., Kopanakis I. (2018): “Big Data Analytics: Applications, Prospects and Challenges”, in: Skourletopoulos G., Mastorakis G., Mavromoustakis C., Dobre C., Pallis E. (eds), Mobile Big Data. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 10. Springer, Cham 7 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017

41. Kopel, M., Manasakis, C., Petrakis, E. (2017): “Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility by a Local Firm Against a Multinational Enterprise”, in Commendatore, P., Kubin, I., Bougheas, S., Kirman, A., Kopel, M., Bischi, G.I. (eds), The Economy as a Complex Spatial System. Springer Proceedings in Complexity.

42. C. Manasakis and E. Petrakis (2010): “Endogenous Technology Policy and Industrial Relations, from a Political Economy Point of View” (in Greek), in N. Papadakis and Em. Spydidakis (eds), Labor Market, Employment and on-the job-training in Greece. Institutions, Structures and Policies, Sideris Publications, 303-324.

43. G. Neofotistos, and E. Petrakis (2009), “Climate Change and its Economic Impact”, in D. Xenakis (ed) Directions of Progressive Governance.

44. S. Lelis, P. Kavassalis, E. Petrakis, M. Rafea, K. Popov, J. Sairamesh, and S. Haidiri (2005), “Network Explanations to the Web Economy’s Patterns of Growth”, New Economy, Economic Policy Studies, IMOP, Volume 8, 21-50.

45. C. Milliou, and E. Petrakis (2005), “Firm’s Incentives to Create a Private B2B E- marketplace in a Differentiated Industry, New Economy, Economic Policy Studies, IMOP, Volume 8, 1-20.

46. C. Cabral, P. Kujal, and E. Petrakis (2000): “Incentives for Cost Reducing Innovations under Quantitative Import Restraints”, in D. Encaoua, B.H. Hall, F. Laisney and J. Mairesse (eds), The Economics and Econometrics of Innovation, Part V, Chapter 16, Kluwer Academic Press (Reprint).

47. E. Petrakis, and A. Xepapadeas (2000): “Environmental Consciousness and Moral Hazard in International Agreements to Protect the Environment”, in A. Batabyal (ed.), The Economics of International Environmental Agreements, Series International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy, Part I, Chapter 6, pp. 83-98, Ashgate Publishing Limited (Reprint).

48. E. Petrakis and A. Xepapadeas (2000): “Location Decisions, Environmental Policy and Government Commitment”, pp. 115-127 in N. Georgantzis and I. Barreda (eds.), Spatial Economics and Ecosystems: The Interaction Between Economics and the Natural Environment, Series: Advances in Ecological Sciences, ISBN: 1-85312-563- 6, Southampton: WIT (Wessex Institute of Technology) Press.

49. H. Bester, and E. Petrakis (1999): “Coupons and Oligopolistic Price Discrimination”, in G. Norman (ed), The Economics of Price Discrimination, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Vol. 112, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K. (Reprint).

50. E. Petrakis and A. Xepapadeas (1999): “Does Government Precommitment Promote Environmental Innovation?”, in E. Petrakis, E. Sartzetakis and A. Xepapadeas, (Eds), Environmental Regulation and Market Power, Edward Elgar, pp. 145-161.

8 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 51. E. Petrakis (1999): “Diffusion of Abatement Technology in a Differentiated Industry” in E. Petrakis, E. Sartzetakis and A. Xepapadeas, (Eds), Environmental Regulation and Market Power, Edward Elgar, pp. 162-174.

52. E. Rasmusen, and E. Petrakis (1992): “Defining the Mean Preserving Spread: 3-pt versus 4-pt”, in "Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty: New Models and Empirical Findings", ed. John Geweke, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 53-58.

7.3 Books

53. E. Petrakis and A. Xepapadeas (eds.), Microeconomic Policy and the Environment (in Greek), Economic Policy Studies, IMOP, Volume 6, 2001.

54. E. Petrakis, E. Sartzetakis and A. Xepapadeas (eds.), Environmental Regulation and Market Power, Edward Elgar Publishers, 1999 [“Introduction”, pp. xi – xviii, by the Editors]

55. E. Petrakis, Voting for Taxes and Public Goods, PhD Thesis, University of California Los Angeles, 201 pp., Ann Arbor, MI: U.M.I. Dissertation Services #9035231, 1990. Advisor: Shapley, Lloyd S.

7.4 Publications in Conference Proceedings and Other Refereed Publications

56. E. Sartzetakis, A. Xepapadeas, and E. Petrakis (2009): “The Role of Information Provision as a Policy Instrument to Supplement Environmental Taxes: Empowering Consumers to Choose Optimally”, Nota di Lavoro 46.2009, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

57. C. Milliou and E. Petrakis (2009): "Timing of Technology Adoption and Product Market Competition", CESifo Working Paper 2686, June 2009.

58. E. Petrakis, and T. Karpathiotaki (2008): “Flexibility of Tourism Product: The application of agile thinking in the Tourism Sector”, Marketing and Management Sciences, Proceedings of the International Conference on ICMMS, Athens, Greece.

59. M. Kourgiantakis, and E. Petrakis (2006): “Modeling B2B E-marketplaces: The Role of Intermediaries”, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, E-commerce, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 207-214.

60. M. Kourgiantakis, and E. Petrakis (2004): “Local E-commerce Revisited”, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, E-commerce, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 463-470.

61. C. Milliou, E. Petrakis and N. Vettas (2003), “Endogenous Contracts under

9 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 Bargaining in Competing Vertical Chains”, CEPR Discussion Paper Series, No 3976.

62. H. Bester and E. Petrakis (2001), “Wages and Productivity Growth in a Dynamic Monopoly”, CEPR Discussion Paper Series, No 2707

63. E. Petrakis and A. Xepapadeas (1998): “Does Government Precommitment Promote Environmental Innovation?”, Nota di Lavoro 98.88, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.

64. H. Bester, and E. Petrakis (1998): “Wages and Productivity Growth in a Competitive Industry”, CEPR Discussion Paper Series, No 2031.

65. E. Petrakis, and A. Dhillon (1997): “Wage Independence in a Symmetric Unionized Oligopoly”, Nota di Lavoro 97.02, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.

66. E. Petrakis, and M. Vlassis (1996): “Endogenous Scope of Bargaining in Oligopoly”, Nota di Lavoro 96.82, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.

7.5 Research Papers under Review and in Progress

1. C. Cabolis, C. Manasakis, D. Moreno and E. Petrakis (2016): “R&D Investments Fostering Horizontal Mergers”, SSRN working papers series, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2803124 (revise and resubmit, Journal of Economic Theory).

2. C. Milliou, E. Petrakis, and N. Vettas (2009): “(In-) efficient Trading Forms in Competing Vertical Chains”, Department of Economics, University of Crete, Working Paper 09-16 (revise and resubmit, International Journal of Industrial Organization).

3. C. Milliou and E. Petrakis (2012): “Vertical Integration, Knowledge Disclosure and Decreasing Rivals´ Costs”, Departamento de Economía, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, WP 12-13 (revise and resubmit, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy).

4. E. Petrakis and N. Tsakas (2016): “The Effect of Entry on R&D Networks”, SSRN working papers series, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2704255 (revise and resubmit, Rand Journal of Economics).

5. E. Bacchiega, O. Bonroy and E. Petrakis (2016): “Contract contingency in vertically related markets”, Quaderni - Working Paper DSE N° 1079, Department of Economics, U. of Bologna. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2845846 (revise and resubmit, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy).

6. C. Milliou, E. Petrakis and I. Sloev (2010): “Equilibrium Product Variety and Market Structure in Successive Oligopolies”, mimeo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

7. M. Alipranti and E. Petrakis (2012): “Comparative Advertising in Markets with

10 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 Network Externalities”, mimeo, University of Crete.

8. M. Alipranti and E. Petrakis (2015): “Bertrand Competition under Three-part Tariffs in Vertically Related Markets”, mimeo, University of Crete.

9. E. Petrakis and P. Skartados (2015): “Profit Sharing and Firms’ Strategies”, in progress.

10. A. Dhillon and E. Petrakis (2001): “Profit Sharing, Bertrand Competition and Monopoly Unions: A Note”, mimeo, University of Warwick.

11. E. Petrakis, and A. Xepapadeas (2001): “To Commit or not to Commit: Environmental Policy in Imperfectly Competitive Markets”, Department of Economics, University of Crete, Working Paper 01-10.

12. M. Kourgiantakis, and E. Petrakis (2006): “Modeling B2B E-marketplaces: The Role of Intermediaries”, mimeo, University of Crete.

13. M. Kourgiantakis, and E. Petrakis (2006): “Pricing Policies in buyer-driven and supplier-driven e-marketplaces”, mimeo, University of Crete.

7 .6 Electronic Publications

1. E. Petrakis, “Education and Training: The Needs of the Firms in the Information Society”, Report for the Discussion Group 4 of the Greek E-businessforum, Coordinators: C. Nikolaou (Univ. of Crete) and C. Glavanis (Ernst & Young), GGET, Ministry of Development, August 2001, pp. 1-93 (in Greek), http://www.ebusinessforum.gr/

2. E. Petrakis, Lecture Notes in Decision Theory and Game Theory (in Greek), S.K.E.P.S.IS., 1999, http://skepsis.odl.uoc.gr/

3. E. Petrakis, Lecture Notes in Industrial Organization (in Greek), S.K.E.P.S.IS., 1999, http://skepsis.odl.uoc.gr/

7.7 Citations

 According to Scopus database: 587 citations (h-index: 15)  According to Google Scholar database: > 1566 citations (h-index: 22)

These citations are, among others, in the following journals:

 Journal of Political Economy  Journal of Finance  Economic Theory  Journal of Economic Theory  Journal of Mathematical Economics

11 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017  European Economic Review  Management Science  Marketing Science  International Journal of Industrial Organization  Journal of Industrial Economics  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control  Rand Journal of Economics  Journal of Economics and Management Strategy  Journal of International Economics  International Economic Review  Economic Journal

 Canadian Journal of Economics  Southern Economic Journal  American Journal of Agricultural Economics  Economics Letters  Labour Economics  Oxford Economic Papers  Journal of Evolutionary Economics  Journal of Public Economic Theory


8.1 Presentations in International Conferences

1. ASSET 2015 Meetings, Granada, Spain (November 2015) 2. LASER DEFAP Workshop on Industrial Organization, Bergamo, Italy (June 2015) 3. 3rd Conference on Industrial Organization: Theory, Empirics and Experiments, Alberobello, Italy (June 2014) 4. ASSET 2013 Meetings, Bilbao, Spain (November 2013) 5. ASSET 2012 Meetings, Limassol, Cyprus (November 2012) 6. Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Murcia, Spain (September 2012) 7. UECE Lisbon Meetings 2010: Game Theory and Applications (November 2010) 8. ASSET 2010 Meetings, Alicante, Spain (October 2010) 9. Jornadas de Economia Industrial, Madrid, Spain (September 2010) 10. EARIE 2010, Instabul, Turkey (September 2010) 11. III Conference on the Economics of Advertising and Marketing, Barcelona, Spain (June 2010) 12. EARIE 2009, Lubljana, Slovenia (September 2009) 13. International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, USA (April 2009) 14. ASSET 2007 Meetings, Padova, Italy (November 2007) 15. EARIE 2007, Valencia, Spain (September 2007) 16. EARIE 2005, Porto, Portugal (September 2005) 17. CRETE 2005, Syros, Greece (July 2005) 18. ASSET 2004 Meetings, Barcelona, Spain (November 2004) 19. EARIE 2004, Berlin, Germany (September 2004)

12 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 20. EARIE 2003, Helsinki, Finland (August 2003) 21. SAET Conference, Rodos, Greece (July 2003) 22. CRETE 2003, Chania, Greece (July 2003) 23. ASSET 2002 Meetings, Paphos, Cyprus (November 2002) 24. EARIE 2002, Madrid, Spain (September 2002) 25. CRETE 2002, Chania, Greece (July 2002) 26. IMOP 2002 Conference on New Economy, Athens, Greece (June 2002) 27. Pan-European Conference on European Integration, Globalization and Transition Economies, EEFS, Heraklion, Greece (May 2002) 28. Fourth Annual Conference on Economies in Transition, Trade and Factor Mobility, IEFS UK Chapter, London, England (November 2001) 29. Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Barcelona, Spain (September 2001)

30. EAERE 2001, Southampton, UK (June 2001) 31. ASSET 2000 Meetings, Lisbon, Portugal (November 2000) 32. EAERE 2000, Rethymnon, Crete (June 2000) 33. International Conference on Globalization: Trade, Financial and Political Economy Aspects, Delphi, Greece (May 2000) 34. ASSET 1999 Meetings, Tel Aviv, Israel (October 1999) 35. European Trade Study Group Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (September 1999) 36. EEA 1999, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (September 1999) 37. ESEM 1999, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (August 1999) 38. EAERE 1999, Oslo, Norway (June 1999) 39. EARIE 1998, Copenhagen, Denmark (August 1998) 40. EAERE 1998, Venice, Italy (June 1998) 41. CEPR/DFG/ZEW Conference on Industrial Structure and Input Markets, Mannheim, Germany (May 1998) 42. ASSET 1997 Meetings, Marseille, France (October 1997) 43. EEA 1997, Toulouse, France (September 1997) 44. Conference on Innovation, Competition and Employment, Chania, Greece (August 1997) 45. ESEM 1997, Toulouse, France (August 1997) 46. EAERE 1997, Tilburg, The Netherlands (June 1997) 47. ASSET 1996 Meetings, Alicante, Spain (November 1996) 48. EALE 1996, Chania, Greece (September 1996) 49. First International Conference on Industrial Economics, Madrid, Spain (July 1996) 50. 10th International ADRES Conference, Strasbourg, France (June 1996) 51. Conference on Technology, Employment and Labour Markets, Athens, Greece (May 1996) 52. Simposio de Analisis Económico, Barcelona, Spain (December 1995) 53. CEPR ERWIT, Thessaloniki, Greece (September 1995) 54. Royal Economic Society, Canterbury, England (March 1995) 55. ASSET 1994 Meetings, Lisbon, Portugal (November 1994) 56. Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Madrid, Spain (September 1994) 57. CEPR ERWIT, Rome, Italy (September 1994) 58. EARIE 1994, Chania, Greece (September 1994) 59. ASSET 1993 Meetings, Barcelona, Spain (October 1993)

13 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 60. Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Madrid, Spain (September 1993) 61. ESEM 1993, Uppsala, Sweden (August 1993) 62. EEA 1993, Helsinki, Finland (August 1993) 63. ASSET 1992 Meetings, Toulouse, France (November 1992) 64. ESEM 1992, Brussels, Belgium (August 1992) 65. EEA 1992, Dublin, Ireland (August 1992) 66. ASSET 1991 Meetings, Athens, Greece (November 1991) 67. International Conference on Organisations and Games, CIRM, Marseille-Luminy, France (October 1990) 68. International Conference on Game Theory and Economics, SUNY Stony Brook, New York, USA (July 1990)

8.2 Invited Lectures

1. CentER, Tilburg University, The Netherlands 2. Instituto de Analisis Economico (IEA), Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain 3. Tinbergen Institute, The Netherlands 4. Erasmus University, The Netherlands 5. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain 6. European University Institute, Italy 7. Universita de Bologna, Italy 8. Universidad de Zaragosa, Spain 9. Universidad de las Islas Valeares, Spain 10. Universidad de Pais Vasco, Spain 11. University de Toulouse, France 12. Concordia University, Canada 13. University of Cincinnati, USA 14. York University, Canada 15. University of North Carolina, USA 16. University of Macedonia, Greece 17. Universidad Jaume I, Spain 18. Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece 19. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 20. University of Athens, Greece 21. CERGE, Prague, Czech Republic 22. University of Groningen, The Netherlands 23. University of Edinburgh, UK 24. Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden 25. Athens Laboratory of Business Administration (ALBA), Greece 26. CREST Paris, France 27. Universidad de Murcia, Spain 28. INRA Paris, France 29. Koç University, Turkey 30. Higher School of Economics, Russia 31. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain 32. GAEL, Université Pierre Mendès France (UPMF) 33. Düsseldorf Institute of Competition Economics (DICE), Germany

14 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 34. University of Cyprus, Cyprus 35. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.


9.1 Referee for International Scientific Journals

1. Journal of Industrial Economics 2. International Journal of Industrial Organization 3. Revista Española de Economía 4. Investigaciones Economicas 5. European Economic Review

6. Journal of Public Economics 7. Annales d´Economie et de Statistique 8. The Economic Journal 9. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 10. International Economic Review 11. American Economic Review 12. Ekonomia 13. Environmental and Resource Economics 14. Environment and Planning A 15. Review of Economic Studies 16. IMF Staff Papers 17. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 18. The Rand Journal of Economics 19. Bulletin of Economic Research 20. Management Science 21. European Journal of Political Economy 22. Berkeley Electronic Journals 23. Journal of European Economic Association 24. Canadian Journal of Economics 25. Australian Economic Papers 26. Economic Theory 27. Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 28. Economics Letters 29. Journal of Theoretical and Institutional Economics 30. Marketing Science 31. Journal of International Economics 32. Economica 33. Southern Economic Journal 34. Journal of Policy Modelling 35. International Journal of Finance and Economics 36. South-East Europe Journal of Economics 37. Journal of Public Economic Theory 38. Economic Modelling 39. SERIEs, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 40. Scandinavian Journal of Economics

15 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 41. Journal of Economic Theory 42. Manchester School

9.2 Participation in Editorial Boards of International Journals

 Associate Editor, European Economic Review (January 2003 – 2012)  Editorial Board, European Journal of Political Economy (2001 – 2004)

9.3 Participation in International Associations of Economists

 Member of the Econometric Society  Member of the European Economic Association

 Member of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics  Member of the Royal Economic Society  Member of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (Auditor, 1999 – 2000)  Research Partner, Laboratory of Economic Policy Studies (ΙΜΟΠ)

9.4 Supervision of Ph. D. Dissertations

1. Panagiotis Skartados, “Essays in Industrial Organization and Labour Economics”, University of Crete, in progress

2. Maria Alipranti, “Essays on Advertising and Innovation in Imperfectly Competitive Markets”, University of Crete Thesis Defense: July 2013

3. Igor Sloev, “Market Share Discounts, Separation and Equilibrium Structure in Successive Oligopolies”, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Thesis Defense: May 2011

4. Evangelos Mitrokostas, “Strategic Delegation and Corporate Social Responsibility in Oligopolistic Markets”, University of Crete. Thesis Defense: March 2008

5. Constantine Manasakis, “Competitive and Cooperative Strategies in Imperfectly Competitive Vertical Markets”, University of Crete. Thesis Defense: May 2007

6. Markos Kourgiantakis, “Development Strategies for E-business and Vertical Electronic Markets”, University of Crete. Thesis Defense: March 2007

7. Maria Tugores, “Workers’ On-Job Formation, Spillovers of Expertise and Imperfect Competition”, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Thesis Defense: October 2000

16 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 8. José Luis Moraga, “Essays on Advertising, Coupons and Environmental Quality Standards in Industries with Market Power”, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Thesis Defense: October 1997

9. Noemi Padrón Fumero, “Essays on the Theory and Practice of Environmental Policies”, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Thesis Defense: June 1997

9.5 Organization of International Conferences

2017 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 2017 (Scientific Program Committee)

2017 CRETE 2017, Milos, Greece, July 2017 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2017 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Athens, Greece, June 2017 (Scientific Program Committee)

2016 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Lisbon, Portugal, August 2016 (Scientific Program Committee)

2016 CRETE 2016, Tinos, Greece, July 2016 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2016 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Zurich, Switzerland, June 2016 (Scientific Program Committee)

2015 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Munich, Germany, August 2015 (Scientific Program Committee)

2015 CRETE 2015, Chania, Greece, July 2015 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2015 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Helsinki, Filand, June 2015 (Scientific Program Committee)

2014 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Milan, Italy, August 2014 (Scientific Program Committee)

2014 CRETE 2014, Milos, Greece, July 2014 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2014 Industrial Organization: Theory, Empirics and Experiments, Alberobello, Italy, June 2014 (Scientific Program Committee)

2014 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2014 (Scientific Program Committee)

2013 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Evora, Portugal, September 2013 (Scientific Program Committee)

17 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 2013 CRETE 2013, Naxos, Greece, July 2013 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2013 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Rome, Italy, June 2013 (Scientific Program Committee)

2012 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Rome, Italy, September 2012 (Scientific Program Committee)

2012 CRETE 2012, Milos, Greece, July 2012 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2012 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Prague, Czech Republic, June 2012 (Scientific Program Committee)

2011 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Stockholm, Sweden, September 2011 (Scientific Program Committee)

2011 CRETE 2011, Milos, Greece, July 2011 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2011 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Rome, Italy, June 2011 (Scientific Program Committee)

2010 ASSET 2010 Meetings, Alicante, Spain, October 2010 (Scientific Program Committee)

2010 CRETE 2010, Tinos, Greece, July 2010 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2009 ASSET 2009 Meetings, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2009 (Scientific Program Committee)

2009 Tourism in a Changing World: Prospects and Challenges, Kos, Greece, September 2009 (Scientific Program Committee)

2009 European Economic Association (EEA), Barcelona, Spain, August 2009 (Scientific Program Committee)

2009 International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 2009 (Scientific Program Committee)

2009 CRETE 2009, Tinos, Greece, July 2009 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2008 CRETE 2008, Naxos, Greece, July 2008 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2007 CRETE 2007, Naxos, Greece, July 2007 (Scientific Organizing Committee)

2007 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2007 (Scientific Program Committee)

2006 CRETE 2006, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece, July 2006 (Local Organizer

18 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 and Scientific Organizing Committee)

2005 ASSET 2005 Meetings, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece, October 2005 (Local Organizer and Chair of the Scientific Program Committee)

2005 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Porto, Portugal, September 2005 (Scientific Program Committee)

2002 ASSET 2002 Meetings, Paphos, Cyprus, November 2002 (Scientific Program Committee)

2002 European Meetings Econometric Society (ESEM), Venice, Italy, August 2002 (Scientific Program Committee)

2001 ASSET 2001 Meetings, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece, October 2001 (Co- organizer and Scientific Program Committee)

2001 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Southampton, UK, June 2001 (Scientific Program Committee)

2000 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece, June 2000 (Co-organizer and Scientific Program Committee)

1999 IMOP Conference on Microeconomic Policy and the Environment, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece, November 1999 (Co-organizer)

1998 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1998 (Scientific Program Committee)

1996 First International Conference on Industrial Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, May 1996 (Co-organizer)

9.6 Research Projects

1. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Timing of New Technology Adoption in Vertically Related Industries. Financed by: ELKE, University of Crete, Duration: 08/2012 – 07/2014.

2. Local Coordinator. Title of the Project: New Methods in the Analysis of Market Competition: Oligopoly, Networks and Regulation. Financed by: Thales Program, Greek Ministry of Education, Duration: 02/2012 – 11/2015, Network Coordinator: Nikos Vettas, Athens University of Economics and Business.

3. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Techno-economic Study for the Establishment of a

19 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 Center of Excellence, Innovation and Education of Tourism in the Region of Crete. Financed by: Region of Crete, Duration: 12/2010 – 10/2011.

4. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Firms' Long-run Strategies, Oligopolistic Competition and Welfare: Quality Enhancing R&D, Advertising and Corporate Social Responsibility, Financed by: ELKE, University of Crete, Duration: 09/2010 - 01/2013.

5. Researcher. Title of the Project: Innovation Center on the Management of Natural Resources of Crete, Financed by: European Economic Space, Public Investment Program, Duration: 10/2009 – 04/2012, Head Researcher: Ioannis Frangiadakis, University of Crete.

6. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Identification and Registration of Academic Research and Development Capabilities in the University of Crete Financed by: ELKE, University of Crete, Duration: 03/2008 – 06/2011.

7. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Digital Integration Services in the University of Crete - Fryctories. Financed by: Information Society, Greek Ministry of Development, Duration: 07/2008 – 11/2008.

8. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Youth Entrepreneurship Observatory in the University of Crete. Financed by: General Secretary of Youth, Greek Ministry of Education, Duration: 06/2008 – 12/2008.

9. Researcher. Title of the Project: EU Food Industry Dynamics and Methodological Advances. Financed by: Sixth Framework: Sustainable Management of Europe’s Natural Resources. Duration: 01/2007 – 03/2010. Network Coordinator: K. Mattas, Aristotele University of Thessaloniki.

10. Researcher. Title of the Project: Regional Innovation Pole of Crete. Financed by: GGET. Duration: 11/2006 – 12/2008. Network Coordinator: Region of Crete.

11. Coordinator. Title of the Project: ASSET Conference 2005, Financed by: Greek Ministry of Education, Duration: 10/2005 – 03/2006.

12. Local Coordinator (Department of Economics). Title of the Project: Student Entrepreneurship Financed by: Greek Ministry of Education, Duration: 09/2005 – 09/2008, Head Researcher: Ioannis Tollis (University of Crete).

13. Local Coordinator (University of Crete). Title of the Project: Mobinet: Network of Excellence in the Mobile Business, Financed by: Commission of the European Communities, Duration: 09/2003 – 12/2005.

14. Local Coordinator (University of Crete). Title of the Project: Impact of the Establishment of Supermarkets in the Prefecture of Heraklion. Financed by: Prefecture of Heraklion, Duration: 07/2003 – 10/2003.

20 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 15. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Design and Implementation of a Business-to- Business E-Marketplace for Crete. Financed by: GGET, PENED project, Duration: 01/2003 – 04/2007.

16. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Implementing Product Quality Regulation, Financed by: Marie Curie, Commission of European Communities, Duration: 10/2002 – 03/2003.

17. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Educational Support of the Go-Digital Programme: Encouragement of the Entrepreneurship in the Internet in the Region of Crete, Financed by: Ministry of Development, EDET, Duration: 12/2001 – 12/2007.

18. Researcher. Title of the Project: I-Cities, Financed by: IST Programme, Commission of the European Communities, Duration: 02/2000 – 05/2003, Head Researcher: C. Nikolaou (University of Crete).

19. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Conference on Microeconomic Policy and the Environment, Financed by: GGET, Duration: 11/1999, Head Researcher: Emmanuel Petrakis (University of Crete).

20. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Collective Negotiations and R&D Incentives in Imperfectly Competitive Markets: Impact on Productivity Growth, Employment and Concentration, Financed by: ELKE, University of Crete, Duration: 10/1999 – 10/2001, Head Researcher: Emmanuel Petrakis (University of Crete).

21. Local Coordinator. Title of the Project: Science and Technology Policies towards Research Joint Ventures, Financed by: Targeted Socio-Economic Research (TSER): Networks, Commission of the European Communities, Duration: 01/1998 – 01/2000, Head Researchers: Emmanuel Petrakis & Praveen Kujal (Instituto Flores de Lemus), G. Kalogirou (National Technical University of Athens, Network Coordinator).

22. Researcher. Title of the Project: Incentivos para Invertir en I+D y Represalia en Modelos Oligopolísticos de Comercio Internacional, Financed by: Acciones Integradas (entre España y Portugal), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, Duration: 01/1998- 12/1998, Head Researcher: Carmelo Nuñez Sanz (U. Carlos III).

23. Researcher. Title of the Project: From Science to Products, Financed by: Targeted Socio-Economic Research (TSER): Networks, Commission of the European Communities, Duration: 12/1997 – 06/2000, Head Researcher: Pedro Marin (Universidad Carlos III), Walter Garcia Fontes (Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Network Coordinator).

24. Researcher. Title of the Project: Políticas Estructurales e Inversión en I+D: Aspectos Dinámicos y de Coordinación, Financed by: D.G.I.C.Y.T., Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, Duration: 11/1996 – 11/1999, Head Researcher: Jose Luis Ferreira (Univ. Carlos III).

21 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 25. Researcher. Title of the Project: Soluciones Cooperativas en Economías con un Gran Número de Agentes, Financed by: Acciones Integradas (entre España y Portugal), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, Duration: 11/1994 – 11/1995, Head Researcher: Carlos Hervés Beloso (Universidad Carlos III).

26. Researcher. Title of the Project: Juegos dinámicos, crecimiento y política fiscal, Financed by: D.G.I.C.Y.T., Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, Duration: 09/1993 – 09/1996, Head Researcher: Manuel Santos Santos (Universidad Carlos III).

27. Coordinator. Title of the Project: Restricciones al Comercio e Incentivos a la Innovación Empresarial, Financed by: Acciones Integradas (entre España y Portugal), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, Duration: 12/1995- 12/1996, Head Researcher: Emmanuel Petrakis (Universidad Carlos III).

28. Researcher. Title of the Project: Imperfect Competition in Intertemporal General Equilibrium Macro-Models, Financed by: Human Capital and Mobility Program: Networks. Commission of the European Communities, Duration: 09/1994- 09/1996, Head Researcher: Omar Licandro (U Carlos III), Pierre Malgrange (CEPREMAP).

9.7 Administrative Positions

2007 – 2011 Vice-Rector of Economic Planning and Development, University of Crete.

2007 – 2011 President, Special Account of Research Funds Committee (ΕΛΚΕ), University of Crete.

2007 – 2011 Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Enterprise for the Management and Development of the Property of the University of Crete.

2004 – 2011 Vice-President, Enterprise for the Management and Development of the Property of the University of Crete.

2004 – 2008 Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Crete.

2002 – 2004 Vice Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Crete.

1998 – 1999 Member of the University Senate as representative of the School of Social Sciences.

1993 – 1998 Coordinator, Universidad Carlos III, Departamento de Economía, Euro- pean Student Exchange Program, Erasmus/Socrates.

9.8 Other Activities

22 CURRICULUM VITAE NOVEMBER 2017 2011 – 2013 President, Association of Southern-European Economic Theorists, ASSET, http://asset.dev.edu.uoc.gr/

2009 – 2011 Vice-President, Association of Southern-European Economic Theorists, ASSET.

2004 – Head, Laboratory Business Economics and New Technologies (BENeTec), Department of Economics, University of Crete, http://www.soc.uoc.gr/benetec

2000 – Coordinator, Department of Economics, University of Crete, for the Network of Southern European Universities, ASSET.

2000 – 2002 Member of the National Advisory Committee of the Greek Go-online Program, Ministry of Development (see http://www.go-online.gr/)

2001 – 2007 Coordinator, University of Crete, for the Chamber of Commerce – University of Crete Collaboration on E-business issues.

2001 Rapporteur of the Discussion Group 4 of the Greek e- businessforum: “Education and Training: The Needs of the Firms in the Information Society”, Ministry of Development (see http://www.ebusinessforum.gr/)

1998 – 2001 Responsible for the weekly Seminar series, Department of Economics, University of Crete.


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