Lord of the Flies s3

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Lord of the Flies s3

Lord of the Flies Chapter 1 Study Guide

1. What major characteristics do we get of the first boy? 2. What major characteristics do we get of the second boy? 3. What happened to the plane that made these boys stranded on the island? 4. What are the two boys’ names? 5. Why can’t Piggy run or swim? 6. What does Ralph’s father do for a living and why does this provide hope for Ralph? 7. According to Piggy, why is it likely no one, including the people at the airport, know where they are? 8. What does Ralph find? 9. What does Ralph use this item for? 10. What are the names of the twins? 11. Explain the outfits of the last group of boys to arrive at the platform. 12. What does Ralph think is the most important thing to do on the island? 13. What does Jack argue? 14. What three boys go on the exploration to see if they are indeed on an island? 15. What item does Jack have? 16. Why does the piglet get away? 17. What does Jack promise about the “next time”?

Chapter 2 Questions:

1. What rule does Ralph establish? 2. What description does the narrator give us of the six-year-old boy who tells the older boys what he has found? 3. What does this boy tell the older boys? 4. What happens to this boy? 5. What does Jack say he will do if there is a beastie? 6. What does Ralph suggest they do to help themselves get rescued? 7. What does Jack suggest using to start a fire? 8. What did the boys accidentally do? 9. What does Piggy say the most important thing to do is? What does he point out at the end of the chapter? Chapter 3 Questions:

1. Describe Jack. What is he wearing? What looks different now from when he first arrived on the island? 2. What is Jack doing? 3. What is the first thing Jack asks for when he comes out of the forest? 4. What are Ralph and Simon doing? 5. What is Ralph upset by? 6. What are Ralph’s feelings on meetings? 7. Describe the conflict between Jack and Ralph after Ralph says, “When the meeting is over they’d work for five minutes, then wander off or go hunting.” 8. Jack says he could have killed a pig if they could make what? 9. There are two reasons why Ralph thinks it is really important to have shelter. What are they? 10. Of what are the children still afraid? 11. What are Jack’s thoughts on rescue? 12. Where must the pigs be hiding during the hot day? 13. Where do Jack and Ralph assume Simon is? 14. Where is Simon really?

Chapter 4 Questions:

1. What do the first two paragraphs describe? 2. How is this description important symbolically to the story? 3. What have the littluns grown used to because of their eating habits? 4. Who are the three boys building sand castles? 5. Who is the leader of the three? What reason is given for him being leader? 6. Who cries and why? 7. Of what duty have Roger and Maurice just been relieved? 8. Of what does Maurice feel a bit guilty? 9. What catches Henry’s interest on the beach? 10. What almost hits Roger? 11. What keeps Roger from throwing the stones at Henry? 12. What is Jack doing to himself and why? 13. Who is all with Jack in the forest? 14. What is a strange detail of Piggy’s hair? 15. What does Piggy suggest making that Ralph ignores? 16. What does Ralph see in the distance? 17. What happened to the smoke on the mountain? How does Ralph react? 18. What does Jack return with? 19. What do the boys chant upon their return? 20. What happens to Piggy after he yells at Jack for letting the fire go out? 21. Who gives Piggy his piece of meat? 22. What does Jack do in response to this? 23. What does Maurice pretend to be? 24. What does Ralph decide to do at the end of the chapter? Chapter 5 Questions:

1. What does Ralph decide about the meeting that he is about to have? 2. What does this say about how Ralph is changing? 3. What does Ralph start to realize about his appearance? 4. What did Ralph, Jack, and Piggy not have the “wit” to do? 5. What does Ralph realize a chief needs to be able to do? 6. Where does Piggy stand at the beginning of the assembly? 7. What is the first thing Ralph lists as something that the boys have failed to do? 8. What is Ralph’s second complaint? 9. What is Ralph’s third complaint? 10. What do all the littluns laugh about while Ralph is talking? 11. What is Ralph’s fourth command? 12. What does Ralph say about fires for cooking? 13. What is the last thing Ralph tries to talk about before he loses control? 14. What does Jack have to say about the littluns’ fear? 15. What did the boy named Phil think he saw? 16. What did the boy really see? 17. How does Maurice get the littluns to stop crying? 18. According to Percival, where does the beast live? 19. What does Simon suggest about the beast? 20. What do the boys vote on? 21. Why does Ralph not blow the conch? 22. Why is Piggy afraid of Ralph giving up control?

Chapter 6 Questions:

1. What is happening in the air while the boys sleep? 2. What sign is sent to the boys that they don’t get to read? 3. What do Sam and Eric think they see? 4. What do they really see? 5. How do Sam and Eric exaggerate what they saw? 6. When Jack follows Ralph up the rocks, what does he think the castle rock would be good for? 7. About what do Ralph and Jack argue? Chapter 7 Questions:

1. What does Simon say to Ralph? 2. What sarcastic remark does Ralph have in response? 3. What is discouraging Ralph in regard to being rescued? 4. What does Ralph accomplish that he is quite proud of? 5. What happens to Jack during the pig hunt? 6. Who hurts his butt during the game of pretend pig hunt? 7. What does Simon offer? 8. What does Ralph ask Jack that makes the boys uncomfortable? 9. All but what three boys remain to go up the mountain? 10. What do the three boys see on the mountain?

Chapter 8 Questions:

1. What choices do the boys have, once they confirm with their own eyes that there is indeed a beast? 2. How can you tell at the next meeting that Jack has grown very antagonistic toward Ralph? 3. Are you surprised by the boys’ vote? Is Jack surprised? 4. Why do you think that after they have voted for Ralph, some of the boys leave him and go off to Jack’s group? What would you have done? 5. Why can’t the boys keep a signal fire on the mountain anymore? How do they solve that problem? 6. How does Piggy change after Jack leaves? Why? 7. What adjectives would you use to describe the killing of the sow? 8. Who is the Lord of the Flies? 9. What does the Lord of the Flies “say” to Simon? 10. What is the Beast?

Chapter 9 Questions:

1. What does Simon discover about the ape-like beast? How does he feel when he makes the discovery? 2. Why do you think Simon released the tangled parachute lines? What does this show you about him? 3. Page 134: Ralph teases Piggy by squirting water toward his glasses. How would Piggy usually react? How does he react this time? What has changed about him? 4. Why do Ralph and Piggy say they will go to the pig roast? 5. When Ralph and Piggy come upon jack’s party, what is it that “breaks the ice”? 6. Jack “looked down from behind his paint at Ralph and Piggy.” What does that rather unusual sentence convey that more common phrasing would not? 7. Describe the dance on the sand during the storm )pp. 138-139). 8. Who crawls out of the forest? Why don’t the boys recognize him – or do they? 9. How does the mood of the chapter change when the rain ceases? 10. How will the boys who killed Simon act and feel the next day? 11. What is the connection between “The Shell and the Glasses” in the next chapter? Chapter 10 Questions:

1. Who is left on Ralph’s side of the island? 2. About what is Ralph feeling guilty? 3. How does Jack’s leadership style differ from Ralph? Compare them using the T-chart below.

Jack Ralph

4. Why does Jack have Wilfred beaten? How do Robert and Roger feel about it? 5. What sacrificial offering does Jack’s group make to the beast? Explain another sacrificial offering you have read about or saw in a movie that this act reminds you about. 6. What do Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric decide about the fire? 7. What weapon does Jack’s tribe have to protect the entrance of the Castle Rock? 8. Why does Jack’s group attach the four boys in their hut? 9. During the attack, it seemed to Ralph that there were “a dozen others.” Why? How many were there, really? Who was Ralph actually fighting with?

Chapter 11 Questions: 1. The four boys left on the beach after Piggy’s glasses have been stolen don’t want to be “savages” like Jack and his group. How do they plan to make the distinction? 2. Whose idea is it to go to Jack and demand Piggy’s glasses? Are you surprised that he wants to go? Do you think it is a good idea? 3. What is ironic about Piggy’s question, “What more can {Jack} do than he has?” 4. On the way to Castle Rock, Ralph’s band sets off across the beach, which is “swept clean like a blade that has been scoured.” What tone is set by this detail of setting? Create your own simile that could describe how clean the beach was, while setting a more pleasant, comfortable tone. 5. What happens when Ralph’s band arrives at Castle Rock? Should Ralph have foreseen this outcome? 6. How is Piggy killed? 7. What do you know about Roger? 8. What is meant by the narrator’s statement that “the hangman’s horror clung round {Roger}”? Do you think Jack and Roger are equally responsible for Piggy’s death? 9. How do Jack’s “savages” treat Sam and Eric? 10. Will Same and Eric join Jacks gang? What will happen to Ralph? (Prediction) Chapter 12 Study Guide

1. How does Ralph manage to survive once the hunt for him begins? Mention, at least, two things he does. 2. What does Ralph do to the “Lord of the Flies”? Why? 3. Sam and Eric tell Ralph that Jack has sharpened a stick at both ends. What do you think Jack intends to do? 4. Why does Jack start the whole area on fire? How did this plan backfire on Jack? 5. How do Jack’s boys know where to find Ralph? 6. Once Ralph starts running from his pursuers, he knows that he must decide quickly what to do. What are his alternatives? 7. What do you think would have happened without adult intervention? 8. What is the “better show” the Navy officer thought British boys should have made? Do you think the boys would have made that “better show” if Jack had not been there? 9. What is ironic about the fact that the adult who saves the band of boys from their own savagery is a naval commander? 10. What is ironic about the narrator’s description of the “semicircle of little boys” that the officer sees and his comment about “fun and game”? 11.Why does Ralph cry at the end of the book? How do the other boys respond?

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