Area Backdrop Contract (Abc), Traffic
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The work in this contract shall consist in part, or in combination, as directed by the Department=s Consultant Manager, of those traffic engineering and planning services required for specific projects in the Department of Transportation program. The individual assignments made to this Contract will be primarily in Regions 8, 10, and 11 (Metro). Assignments may be made in other Regions based on Department needs.
All work shall conform to current versions of those NYSDOT documents listed in each assignments individual Scope of Services. When necessary, the State shall provide to the Consultant either the full document or guidance extracted from it.
The following is a list of tasks that the consultant may be required to perform:
Traffic Forecasting and Analysis (Urban and Rural) - employing several Travel Demand and Operation Models including (but not limited to): Tranplan, Transcad, Integration, T MODEL 2 and NETSIM. Modeling tasks may include (but not limited to): network and trip table development, operation of models, model calibration, coordination with base models, and interpretation and analysis of results;
Bike/Pedestrian Travel Forecasts and Analysis such as: designing and conducting surveys, developing current and future use estimates for specific area or corridors, and analyzing the results;
Origin and Destination Surveys - designing and conducting surveys to identify existing travel patterns, evaluate proposed alternatives and assist in model calibration, production of Origin and Destination tables, travel pattern plots, and other summaries as requested;
Traffic Counts - conducting machine and manual traffic counts, turning counts, and classifications counts according to NYSDOT required format; documentation and analysis of results;
Level of Service Analysis - such as intersection analysis for specific corridors based on current Highway Capacity Manual procedures; Safety Accident Analysis - identifying and analyzing existing safety problems and high accident locations, preparation of collision diagrams, and discussion of remedies and solutions;
Transportation System Inventories - gathering information on physical features of roads (widths, shoulders, number of lanes, bike facilities, traffic control devices, speed limits, structural and pavement conditions, right of way widths and lines, drainage, and utilities), adjacent land uses, historic buildings, and environmental concerns (wetland, habitats, etc.);
Land Use Inventories and Forecasts - gathering information and analyzing specific areas and/or corridors including property assessments, zoning, field observations of development patterns, economic forecasts and preparation of written analysis and maps;
Corridor Development Review - identifying existing land use and socioeconomic characteristics, major generators, sensitive environmental and community areas, analyzing future development potential including growth estimates, producing summaries of information in both written and mapped form;
Traffic Calming – identifying and using the latest techniques for applications in specific areas and/or corridors, and analyzing the effectiveness of proposed solutions;
Traffic Impact Studies - identifying traffic impacts of proposed development, redevelopment, or anticipated traffic flow changes due to an anticipated event. Review of the project areas may include lane reconfigurations, signal timing adjustments, analysis of detour routes or other traffic pattern changes. All reviews must be in accordance with NYSDOT's Highway Work Permit Process;
Model Assessment and Training - Review and outline of the current state of the practice concerning traffic forecasting and operational analysis models. In addition, they will also produce informative material. The consultant may be required to conduct a workshop/training seminar(s) as necessary;
Speed and Delay Surveys - Develop an automated, user friendly, accurate, and reliable procedure for measuring and reporting travel speeds to NYSDOT. In addition, the consultant maybe requested to provide relevant technical information to assess the effects of traffic and speed on congestion in specific Regions of NYS. The Consultant may be required to conduct surveys to collect travel speeds;
Development of Transportation Alternatives - based on available data and analysis, identify and evaluate transportation alternatives for specific areas and/or corridors to address deficiencies. Alternatives will include: Capital solutions to increase capacity, appropriate traffic demand management (TDM), traffic system management (TSM), growth management techniques; arterial/access management, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); transit and multi-modal solutions; evaluation of designated corridors to identify potential need for and usage of HOV or SUL facilities, etc. Alternatives will include enough detail to allow for technical, environmental, and financial evaluation. Both long term and short term solutions may be requested. A written analysis, conceptual diagrams and maps will be expected;
Arterial/Access Management - using State and local planning, capital, regulatory, and management tools to enhance and/or preserve roadway functions to accommodate access to abutting properties and provide for safe and efficient through traffic. Tasks related to Arterial/Access Management may include (but are not limited to):
Driveway Inventories and Land Use including: identifying number and type of driveways (curb cuts), number and types of connections between developments, use of local roads for access, pedestrian facilities, public transit facilities, and types of land use;
Review of Local Land Use Ordinances - determine if there are any Arterial/Access Management tools and techniques currently existing and the status of their use. (e.g. spacing standards overlay zones, setbacks, etc.);
Corridor Access Analysis -review current land use and driveways, identifying properties, existing traffic controls, speed limits, turn restrictions, intersection controls, accident data, identifying access problems, assessing future land use potential, etc;
Implementation of Arterial/Access Management tools and techniques- providing technical assistance to local governments and community outreach work;
Development of Arterial/ Access Management Design Concepts - preparing design concepts for corridor projects;
Signal Optimization Analysis - Optimizing either an arterial or grid system using state of the art technology;
Congestion Management System- Supporting the effort of the Department and its constituent MPO’s in congestion management system development. Activities could include database and software development, and formulating strategy evaluation techniques.
Further, additional services that may be required of the consultant include, but are not limited to: scoping, preliminary and final design (Phases I-VI) for projects involving the installation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) equipment in various highway corridors. Products associated with these phases include an Expanded Project Proposal (EPP), Design Report, and Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (P, S &E). Design survey and mapping, right-of- way survey and mapping, traffic signal design, environmental assessments and construction support services may be required.
Regarding the ITS services, the consultant will be responsible for providing expertise in communications design and ITS equipment design. The design documents will specify the equipment specifications, installation plan, placement methodology, and communications specifications for all ITS equipment including:
Variable message signs (VMS) Closed Circuit Video Cameras (CCVC) Highway advisory radios Roadway sensors Other equipment as may be determined during project scoping/preliminary design
The ITS projects may include close coordination with local governments during the design and installation of fiber, and may require a specific plan for fiber installation and connections, as well as specific plans for the termination points. The Consultant will follow ITS Standards from the suite of NTCIP Standards, as well as applicable NYSDOT and NYS Office for Technology information and security requirements, as specified by NYSDOT during project scoping/preliminary design.