IDAS form 10—Inconsistent development on strategic port land or Brisbane core port land (Sustainable Planning Act 2009 version 3.1 effective 3 August 2015)

For strategic port land, this form must be used for development applications for a material change of use on strategic port land if the material change of use is inconsistent with the land use plan approved under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, section 286.

For Brisbane core port land under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, this form must be used for development applications for development completely or partly on Brisbane core port land if the development is inconsistent with the Brisbane port land use plan for transport reasons.

You MUST complete ALL questions that are stated to be a mandatory requirement unless otherwise identified on this form.

For all development applications, you must:  complete IDAS form 1—Application details  complete any other forms relevant to your application  provide any mandatory supporting information identified on the forms as being required to accompany your application. Attach extra pages if there is insufficient space on this form.

All terms used on this form have the meaning given in the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA), the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 or the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994.

Mandatory requirements

1. How are the premises identified in the applicable land use plan approved under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994?

List applicable zones, precincts and areas List of applicable overlays/codes

2. What is the nature of inconsistency with the land use plan approved under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994? (Tick all the applicable boxes.)

Material change of use on strategic port land that is inconsistent with the relevant land use plan Development on Brisbane core port land that is inconsistent with the Brisbane core port land use plan for transport reasons

Mandatory supporting information

3. Confirm that the following mandatory supporting information accompanies this application

Mandatory supporting information Confirmation of Method of lodgement lodgement For ALL applications Information regarding the nature of the proposals inconsistency with the Confirmed approved land use plan. For strategic port land A statement detailing why the port authority and the Minister under the Confirmed Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 should favourably consider this Not applicable proposal, which is inconsistent with the approved land use plan. The views of the local government with respect to the proposed material Confirmed change of use. Not applicable For Brisbane core port land A statement detailing why the assessment manager and the Minister Confirmed under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 should favourably consider Not applicable this proposal, which is inconsistent with the approved land use plan for transport reasons.

Privacy—Please refer to your assessment manager, referral agency and/or building certifier for further details on the use of information recorded in this form.


Date received Reference numbers

The Sustainable Planning Act 2009 is administered by the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning. This form and all other required application materials should be sent to your assessment manager and any referral agency.

IDAS form 10—Inconsistent development on strategic port land or Brisbane core port land Version 3.1—3 August 2015