First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

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First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

Common Core Standards ----- Aligned to ELP Standards Ongoing Standards List -- See Pacing Chart 6-1. Other Standards emphasized in this pacing chart: 1.RL.1 Ask/answer questions about key details. 1.RL.9 Compare/contrast experiences of characters. 1.RI.4 Ask questions to clarify meaning of words/phrases. 1.RI.5 Use various text features. 1.RF.1a 1.W.1 Write an opinion piece in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons, and provide a sense of closure. 1.SL.1b Working toward building on others’ conversation through multiple exchanges. 1.L.4a Use context as a clue to meaning of a word or phrase. 1.L.5d Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs... by acting out the meanings. Special Focus: paragraph; multiple meanings; modal auxiliary; Reader’s Theater; synonyms/shades of meaning for ‘said’

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 Test book look HFW Storm Vocabulary Vocab cook took bear birds lizards ants wonderful foolish scratchy hood wood Earth sticky terrible huge tiny table

Day 1 PA/Phonics Decodable HFW Comp Repeated Reading !!! Use one copy of the script on the doc cam for this lesson.

Chart chant The pictures do Introduce 198/199 The Fishy Crook by Deb Bartolazzi Introduce Storm Vocabulary predicate blends, not really help cards and Optional of digraphs, as with chant 5 min In a wood there stood a cook, The Little Red Ant by Shirley Climo Reader’s Theater se needed prediction, and Who was fishing in a brook. Stress the meaning of the words: actor, play, roles, main role -- these are in the nt there are no Read Only: Then she caught upon a hook, progress monitoring. role = character = actor’s part en text features to bear, Earth, Some fish to eat, but look! look! look! ce 197A preview... so table, guess, Ask class to read the play on their own (but read the first sentence for them). = Phonemic for each fool, helmet For next a mermaid came and took, Listen for which words they have trouble with. If someone gets this word, ask w Awareness picture, Those tasty fish right off the hook. them how they figured it out -- ha What do you Spelling Oh, my! Oh, my! She was a crook, •did they use a chunk they know? t see? (Whatever chant: Who stole the lunch from that good cook. •did they use the other words in the sentence? th the response, bird space e 197A/B try to give 1. Teacher: “This poem is a story If no one gets the word, guide them -- su Phonics them an idea about a cook who wants some fish for •Is there a chunk you know? bj about the page. Also add lunch, but a crook steals the fish.” Read Ex: weak, hard, might ec Ex: He’s these over title. Then partners do the first read. •Say the first sound(s) of the word and keep going--maybe the other words will t wearing the next 2. Tricky words? Did anyone know help you figure out what this word is. do a space suit, weeks: them? How did you figure it out? chunk? Ex: other, carry, lifted es but I don’t four (Ex: the ‘er’ and the ‘ai’ of mermaid) . think he’s in five Did the other words help? (Ex: ‘stole’ is If they still are struggling, do a Think Aloud: space because six a verb that makes sense with ‘crook’) •I see this chunk, that helps me. the title says seven 3. Unknown words you don’t know •I say the first sound and I keep going. it’s a camp. eight what they mean? P.11 you nine 4. Choral read. If it is a lot of struggling, stop! Choral read from there. would explain ten 5. Why does the title call the crook Assign groups for each role. Raise your hand if you have the role of the ant? the what a ‘space ‘fishy’? role of the ___ ? [Highlight character names for each role and give scripts to walk’ is.) students.] Read the play again in parts. [You can read the play in parts tomorrow if you don’t have time today.]

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 Test Phonics-Spelling HFW Storm Vocabulary Vocab Little Bear Goes to the lizards ants Moon wonderful foolish scratchy sticky terrible huge tiny Day Phonemic HFW Comprehension Routine Repeated Reading Comprehension Wide Awareness Class should be gathered close to Routine Read 2 Phonics poetry charts.

Chart chant SKIP 191 I Do not use The Fishy Crook 30 second practice Your library blends, digraphs, as HFW card chant 5 Prediction as main strategy. 1. Choral-snap read. probably has The needed min Don’t do graphic organizer. Word Wall activity: Count the adjectives Grasshoopper and Do not use ‘Fantasy’. 2. Partner read and count how that use ‘y’ with the long e sound at the end. the Ants Vanishing Letters SKIP 200 many words have the variant vowel So how would you spell ‘stormy’. which tells about 199F 10 min Do not do picture predict. sound.** Don’t count repeats. Wait storing food for the Phonemic Write one word. to show me. Show now. (9) winter. Awareness Choral spell. Erase Emphasis: one letter at random. 1.RL.9 3. Where is the interjection? The Little Red Ant and the Great Big 199F/G Continue to choral (compare/contrast (Oh, my! ) Remind them that poets Crumb, by Shirley Climo Phonics spell whole word. experiences of characters) sometimes use repetition. What other Spell the word to word repeats? Reader’s Theater your partner. Do Read Title Repeat with group roles as yesterday (but quick on-demand on Read pp 202-205 4. Explain about the use of change who does what). OR dry erase to check for What does Mother Bear ‘who’- this is not asking a question. mastery. If needed, think? Does she think Little It is explaining more about the cook Form groups of 6 with only 1 child per part. write the word and Bear can go to the moon? and the crook. Other examples: I saw A group could have 5 if the narrator also have students copy Let’s reread. When you can my friend who lives in Yuma. I does the role of ____. A group could have 3 to end up with prove what Mother Bear visited the lady who lives next door. children: narrator, ant, and all others. Each correct word. thinks, raise your hand. I hugged my aunt who gave me a group practices the play on their own. gift. ---- In the poem the word ‘who’ Does Little Bear agree or is capitalized because all first words disagree? Let’s reread. Raise of a poem are capitalized, even when your hand when you can it’s in the middle of a sentence-- Ex: prove he disagrees. ‘Those tasty fish...’ goes with took -- the first two lines make one sentence. 20 min then finish tomorrow

**Note: I don’t know how to make the /u/ (with the dot) on the computer, so instead of saying ‘variant vowel sound’ to the class, make the actual sound.

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 Test Phonics-Spelling HFW Storm Vocabulary Vocab Little Bear Goes to the Moon lizards ants wonderful foolish scratchy sticky terrible huge tiny Day Phonemic HFW Comprehension Comprehension Repeated Reading Comprehension Awareness Routine Multiple Meanings Class should be gathered close Routine 3 Phonics to poetry charts.

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 Chart chant HFW Read pp 206-209. space Good Books by D Bartolazzi 30 second practice blends, digraphs, as card Look on p 208. What does Little needed chant Bear believe? Point to Prove. Get yourself a good book. Word Wall Activity 5 min Did the words or the picture tell 1. The stars are in space. Curl right up and take a look. Create oral sentences. you that Little Bear thought he 2. We need space to put Then you can begin to cook 217F was on the moon? the boxes. Up ideas and have fun! The Little Red Ant by S. Climo Phonemic 3. Remember to put Awareness Read pp 210-213. finger spaces. 1. Partners do the first read. Other words for ‘said’. Read about What is Mother Bear doing? half the story. Ask students to tap their 217F/G (Think Aloud, if needed: I think 2. Tricky words? Did anyone shoulders when they hear a word the Phonics she is pretending that they are Write these on the board. know them? How did you figure it author used instead of using the word on the moon because she asks, Ask partners to read them. out? chunk? (Ex: the ‘ur’ of curl) ‘said’. Give an example. “Are you a bear from Earth?”) Did the other words help? (Ex: Write a list as you read. Put ‘said’ at 217H 1. Tricky words? Who ‘ideas’ is a word that would go the top. Keep this list. Explain, as Context Clues Read p 214. figured it out -- how? with books) needed. Teaching Chart 142 What does Little Bear think now? Let’s reread. When you 2. Any unknown words? 3. Unknown words you don’t called (names called for attendance) (You can do this in can prove what Little Bear is know what they mean? Have they scolded (upset with, fussed at) parts over this thinking now, raise your hand. 3. Put your finger up to heard the expression ‘cook up’? It exclaimed (relate to exclamation week. Also, show which sentence. means ‘to think’. Ex: I will cook point) Practice Book, if Optional: -space means up in the sky away up a plan so that we can go. Point puffed (out of breath) you have it -- Why do you think Little Bear from Earth out that the last two lines are one panted (out of breath) again, not thought he could go to the -space means an empty place sentence - cook up is split apart so sighed (have them do this) necessary to do moon? Why do you think between it will rhyme. You don’t pause entire sheet -- Mother Bear pretended that he -space means a place for or some after cook. You keep going so that This list is continued on Day 4. Do as possibly use for was on the moon? room for ‘cook up’ stays together. Model much as you have time for. homework.) reading the last two lines. 20 -30 min 4. Tell your partner a If this is running too long, do sentence using space, the place 4. Choral read. ‘snap’ read for the first read -- away from Earth, up in the you read the harder parts. sky. Random Call.

Optional p 216 5. Tell your partner where Maurice Sendak created Where you need more space to put the Wild Things Are, if you something. Random Call. think any in class saw this movie.

Skip 217-217A

Test Phonics-Spelling HFW Meet Ellen Ochoa Storm Vocabulary Vocab lizards ants -ful 217 S Optional -- You can just explain an interview. wonderful foolish scratchy -less sticky terrible huge tiny

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 Day Phonemic HFW Comprehension Repeated Reading Comprehension Awareness Routine Routine 4 Phonics

Chart chant HFW card 218-223 Good Books 30 second practice blends, digraphs, as chant 5 Look at the pictures -- Is there anything you are curious needed min about? Call on volunteers. Write this as a question and read 1. Partner read. The Little Red Ant by S. Climo together. Let’s read to answer the question. (It may take the Continued Continue, entire article, or the answer may not be there.) 2. Reread to if needed: count the words with 217 O Vanishing Tell class: We read the text feature before we read each the variant vowel cried (multiple meanings) Phonemic Awareness Letters page - What are text features? (title, caption) sound. Don’t count grumbled (have them do this) 10 min Note: underlined words are in Progress Monitoring. (Skip repeats. Wait to show whispered 217 P Treasures guide.) me. Show now. (4) scoffed (makes fun of) Phonics asked OR p.218 title: Who do you think Ellen Ochoa is? (predict) 3. What kind of a declared 217 P/Q Tell partner. Have class read and you fill in words they word is ‘yourself’? coaxed (try to get someone to do something) Structural Analysis Partner hesitate on. Then reread together. 1.RI.4: Model asking to (compound) demanded -ful Challenge clarify meaning: What does Hispanic mean? Ask students begged -less to ask about one of the words. Explain. Then reread page 4. Choral read. squawked (you can make sound) together. crowed (you can make sound) screeched (you can make sound) 15 min. p. 219 caption. (Picture is misleading for prediction- we shouted won’t emphasize.) Teacher reads question. Read as before. yelped (you can make sound) 1.RI.4 as above. yelled (what’s a synonym for this?)

p. 220 caption: I wonder how you get to be on this team? This is a focus on word choice, one of the six Teacher reads question. Read as before. Add: They must traits. For some, you can have them close their train hard. Do you know someone who trains hard? They eyes and imagine the animal talking in the way need to be healthy and pass a check up. Have you had a indicated by the word chosen. check up by a doctor or dentist? They keep a chart that tells Also -- look at the completed list -- Which of how you are doing. these words are animal sounds?

p. 221 caption: They are floating inside. 1.RI.4 Who wants 1.L.5d to ask a question about one of the words in the caption? Give a sentence. Which verb might be best? Teacher reads question. Read as before. Act it out. Ex: I was having a good dream and didn’t want p.222 Teacher reads Lunch in Space and the names on the to get up. I ____ to myself. food packets. Then read (5) as before. 1.RI.4 Who wants to yelled or grumbled ask a question about one of the words?

p.223 similarly

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 Test Phonics-Spelling HFW Storm Vocabulary Vocab lizards ants wonderful foolish scratchy sticky terrible huge tiny Day Phonemic HFW Fluency Formative Repeated Reading Comprehension Awareness Class should be gathered close to Routine 5 Phonics poetry charts.

Chart chant HFW card chant 5 min Review: 30 second practice blends, digraphs, as Optional The Little Ant, 1-5 needed 217 R word: vanished Word Wall activity: Assess: Dictate sentences: Chart 143 Which adjectives on wall have opposites? Is there space for that (The Write Up a Storm book has pictures of 225B here? For the The Little Ant by D Bartolazzi adjective opposites you could use in a center Phonemic Awareness The bird shook the branch first read, A little ant ran on the sand, activity.) when he landed. OR be sure to And vanished in a flash! 225B The bird shook his wings. use: A little hand had grabbed the ant, Phonics And tossed it in the trash! Assess: Storm vocabulary. Add a sentence with Reading words you know have Strategy The little ant got out again, Spelling Test been difficult in the past. of Say the And it began to grin, chunk you “Thank you for the tasty bits ✓ know and I found inside that bin!” The Little Red Ant and the Great Big Understand. 10 min Review student booklets read on. Crumb, by Shirley Climo (dry erase) later to see needs. Note 1. Choral read. Model motions for Write ‘book’ these in next week’s Also, use poem. Partners use an adjective from this week or Change to pacing chart. of context the word wall to create a sentence related to brook clues for 2. How did the ant vanish? the story. Random Call. (You can give the shook meaning. adjective or they can select.) crook 3. Was the ant upset? Prove it to cook And, partner. cooking asking questions 4. Tell your partner what the ant Write ‘good’ about says. Change to unknown stood words. 5. Prove how you know the ant is wood 1.RI.4 talking. (quotation marks)

Write ‘foot’ 6. Tell your partner what happened in the first stanza. Randomly call to share.

7. Repeat for second stanza.

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 In-Class Support

1.) Centers – independent practice of current or previously learned skills - Introduce 1-2 at a time, as you think appropriate. Big 5 +

2.) In Class Support Groups – teacher led small group instruction targeting specific students and skills -- ONE TARGET at a time. · Teacher-led small group (3 – 5 students) instruction using assessment information to form groups · Targeted students pulled during whole class independent practice (centers) · Groups meet for 5-10 minutes to practice or re-teach deficit skills

Centers must be independent.

Day 1 -- Students -- Target Day 2 -- Students -- Target Day 3 -- Students -- Target Day 4 -- Students -- Target Day 5 -- Students -- Target

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 The Little Red Ant and the Great Big Crumb by Shirley Climo -- A Play for Actors -- 5 roles: ant, lizard, spider, rooster, coyote + narrator Main role = ant

Narrator: Once there was a little ant who was the smallest ant in the ant hill. She thought she wasn’t strong. She thought she was too weak.

Little Ant: I am short. I am not as strong as the other ants. It is hard for me to carry things. I need help to carry this big crumb of cake.

Narrator: Little Ant met a lizard near the corn plants.

Little Ant: Can you help me carry this big crumb of cake?

Lizard: I am stiff. I need the sun to warm me up.

Little Ant: Then the sun is stronger than you are. I will ask the sun to help me.

Narrator: Little Ant spied the sun. It looked like the sun was in a corner of a net, but it wasn’t. Little Ant met a spider in the web.

Spider: I know someone stronger than the sun. The sun needs the rooster to wake him up.

Little Ant: Then the rooster must be stronger than the sun.

Narrator: Little Ant spied the rooster.

Little Ant: Will you help me carry my big crumb of cake?

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

Rooster: Cake? Where is this cake? I would like to eat your cake crumb.

Narrator: Suddenly, the rooster heard a coyote and he ran away. Little Ant spied the coyote.

Little Ant: Mr. Coyote, will you help me carry my cake crumb?

Coyote: Not now. Maybe another morning. Maybe next week.

Little Ant: But that might be too late.

Narrator: Suddenly, the coyote heard a man coming near, and he ran away. When Little Ant saw the large man, he tried to ask him for help, but the man didn’t hear Little Ant. The ant ran up the man’s body. The man yelled and ran away. The ant thought of an idea.

Little Ant: The man is stronger than the coyote. The coyote is stronger than the rooster. The rooster is stronger than the sun. The sun is stronger than the lizard. The lizard can blow away an ant hill. The man is the strongest one and he ran away from me. I AM THE STRONGEST OF ALL!

Narrator: Now Little Ant knew she was strong. She knew that she could do it by herself. She went back to find the yellow crumb. It was warm and sticky. It smelled sweet. Little Ant lifted the crumb up and up and up. She carried it step by step to the ant hill. She feasted on the crumb all winter. She grew bigger. She became as big as the other ants.

Everyone: The End

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

Once the Reader’s Theater script is known, you can use it as a center activity with any of the following tasks:

This will also build fluency practice as they read the play over and over.

There are 15 words with the long e sound. Write these words in lists: e ee ea y Answer: e=she, me, be, maybe ee=need, needs, week, sweet ea=near, weak, eat, feasted y=sticky, carry, body

There are 3 words with the /ar/ sound, like car. Write them and make a tally mark each time you read them. Answer: hard, warm, large **Note: lizard sounds like er

There are 4 words with the /or/ sound, like horn. Write them and write sentences with any two of them. Answer: corn, corner, morning, short

Find the contractions. Write them and the words they are made from. Make tally marks each time you read them. Answer: wasn’t, didn’t

There are 3 words that have the ‘ell’ Spelling Family, like bell. Write them. Make other words with this family using f, s, t, w, sh. Draw any 3. Answer: yelled, smelled, yellow

There are 2 words that spell the long o sound with ow. Write them and write a sentence with each one. Answer: blow, yellow

There are 5 compound words. Write them and write sentences with any two of them. Answer: someone, maybe, everyone, herself, became

Write strong, stronger, strongest. Make a tally mark every time you read one of these words. What are two other words that use er and est? Answer: bigger, smallest

There are 3 words that change the y to i when ed is added. Write these words. Write sentences with any two of them. Answer: spied, tried, carried

Listen to the ending sound of these verbs and list them under the cue words for the sounds of ed: wanted /ed/, dashed /t/, played /d/ -- I don’t remember which cue words we used in the interactive notebook - use those and only give the cue words, not the symbols for the sounds. Answer: wanted: feasted, dashed: looked, played: spied, yelled, smelled, carried

To reinforce a hard word such as ‘thought’ -- give that to them and ask them to find and tally it. THIS WORD IS IN 5-4 PROGRESS MONITORING.

There are 3 ways that show something belongs to someone. Find these words: my, your, man’s. Then write a sentence with each one.

What two words rhyme with mother? Answer: other, another

**Note: the er sound is most often spelled with er (ur is rare: fur) (ir says er in girl, bird) (lizard sounds like er, but usually ar has its own sound R) ( words like actor and narrator are pronounced like er, but ‘or’ usually has its own sound) I would tell the children, as it comes up, that er is usually spelled with e-r, but that sometimes other letters are used. If they put e-r, they will be right most of the time. You may not want to draw attention to the ar example above right now.

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

The Fishy Crook by Deb Bartolazzi Good Books by D Bartolazzi

In a wood there stood a cook, Get yourself a good book. Who was fishing in a brook. Curl right up and take a look. Then she caught upon a hook, Then you can begin to cook Some fish to eat, but look! look! look! Up ideas and have fun!

For next a mermaid came and took, Those tasty fish right off the hook. Oh, my! Oh, my! She was a crook, Who stole the lunch from that good cook.

Grammar Oral Language: listening, speaking Writing

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

The Fishy Crook by Deb Bartolazzi Good Books by D Bartolazzi

In a wood there stood a cook, Get yourself a good book. Who was fishing in a brook. Curl right up and take a look. Then she caught upon a hook, Then you can begin to cook Some fish to eat, but look! look! look! Up ideas and have fun!

For next a mermaid came and took, Those tasty fish right off the hook. Oh, my! Oh, my! She was a crook, Who stole the lunch from that good cook.

10 min. DSI: predicate of the sentence 10 min. DSI: modals GC-9 is a repeat from 3-2, Use if needed. •Finish the Ants expository 15 min. Letter Formation See attached. paragraph by editing for spelling, . punctuation, and capitals. Writing Fluency, Quick Write •Also, revising as needed. I am ___. 5 min. Oral Language Practice: any of the following according •Students should write a polished 15 min. Parts of speech: 7+ sentences with checklist to student needs: paragraph with indentation in their • any previous repeated reading rhyme for expression, best handwriting. fluency •Complete any other parts for the • any previous Guided Conversation card Ants theme folder. • any previous retell - this should be more fluent, more •Celebrate in some way. Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon elaborated WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

The Fishy Crook by Deb Bartolazzi Good Books by D Bartolazzi

In a wood there stood a cook, Get yourself a good book. Who was fishing in a brook. Curl right up and take a look. Then she caught upon a hook, Then you can begin to cook Some fish to eat, but look! look! look! Up ideas and have fun!

For next a mermaid came and took, Those tasty fish right off the hook. Oh, my! Oh, my! She was a crook, Who stole the lunch from that good cook.

15 min. Letter Formation 5 min. DSI: same 5 min. DSI: modals GC- 16, a couple each day Opinion Paragraph Follow the attached sheet to plan out 15 min. Parts of speech: sentence mats; write favorite at 5 min. Oral Language Practice: same how you will teach this paragraph. end

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

The Fishy Crook by Deb Bartolazzi Good Books by D Bartolazzi

In a wood there stood a cook, Get yourself a good book. Who was fishing in a brook. Curl right up and take a look. Then she caught upon a hook, Then you can begin to cook Some fish to eat, but look! look! look! Up ideas and have fun!

For next a mermaid came and took, Those tasty fish right off the hook. Oh, my! Oh, my! She was a crook, Who stole the lunch from that good cook.

10 min. Letter Formation, 5 min. DSI: same 5 min. DSI: same Be sure to compare/contrast Frame for narrative, expository, and 10 min. Purple Pen sentences, Target: 5 min. Oral Language Practice: same opinion. An opinion is given in introduction/conclusion. Body=Reasons. Add labels: Opinion, and Reason/Reason/Reason to the Display Frame.

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

The Fishy Crook by Deb Bartolazzi Good Books by D Bartolazzi

In a wood there stood a cook, Get yourself a good book. Who was fishing in a brook. Curl right up and take a look. Then she caught upon a hook, Then you can begin to cook Some fish to eat, but look! look! look! Up ideas and have fun!

For next a mermaid came and took, Those tasty fish right off the hook. Oh, my! Oh, my! She was a crook, Who stole the lunch from that good cook.

10 min. Letter Formation 5 min. DSI: same 10 min. DSI: Write your plans on Pacing Chart. On Demand assess: Student writes Try to do two paragraphs before the given letter 5 times; then circles 15 min. Parts of speech: sentence mats; write favorite at 5 min. Oral Language Practice: same end of school. The first should go the one he/she thinks is the best. end quickly: Would you rather be a child Teacher collects and uses this to or an adult? The Preparing should plan mini-lessons. have been fairly accomplished by now.

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

The Fishy Crook by Deb Bartolazzi Good Books by D Bartolazzi

In a wood there stood a cook, Get yourself a good book. Who was fishing in a brook. Curl right up and take a look. Then she caught upon a hook, Then you can begin to cook Some fish to eat, but look! look! look! Up ideas and have fun!

For next a mermaid came and took, Those tasty fish right off the hook. Oh, my! Oh, my! She was a crook, Who stole the lunch from that good cook.

5 min. DSI: same 10 min. DSI:

15 min. Letter Formation 15 min. Parts of speech: sentence mats; write favorite at 5 min. Oral Language Practice: same end

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2 Predicate of the Sentence GC-9. Guided Conversations w/ Partner Practice: GC- 16. Guided Conversations w/ Partner Practice: The predicate tells what the subject does. The simple *** modal auxiliary: may, might, can, must ***modals: could, would, should, ought to, will, shall predicate = the verb, but the CORE wants the Remember only do one or two at a time! complete predicate = the verb and what follows the verb. Children answer in complete sentences. •What could you do if you were taller? Write the sentence on a strip of paper. Fold the paper •What would you do if you could do anything you to divide the subject from the predicate. Give one to wanted to do? students to read and fold. What might you do with your friend when you get •What would you do if you won a lot of money? together? •What should you do every day? p.199C has practice, but it would be better to make up more •What does your mother say you ought to remember to What may you do at home by yourself? relevant sentences. Examples-- Use with student names-- do? _____ remembered her homework. •What does your teacher say you ought to know? What must you at home? •What will you do when you get home? _____ and _____ played together outside. How can you help your family? They learned their spelling words.

I rested on the bench. Write Up a Storm!®© 1995, 2009 Write Up a Storm!®© 1995, 2009 Write Up a Storm!®©1995, 2011

Preparing for Opinion Writing Beforehand -- Build background with the concept of having an opinion, and giving reasons for this. Ask students, over time, to state a preference/opinion orally. -Do you prefer ___ or ____ ? I prefer ___ because... (school activities, food, sports, etc) OR I believe... because... OR I think... because... -Would you rather be a _____ or a _____? I would rather be a ____ because... (child/adult, job, character in story, animal) When possible, create text dependent questions. Emphasize the use of “because” in the response. This requires reasons to follow. Students should make reference to specific part in the text. “I like the part when Peter jumps over the fence because…” Is it far or unfair for Peter to steal the carrots from the garden? It is unfair/fair for Peter to steal the carrots from the garden because… Is it right or wrong... Is it good or bad...

Possible prompts for an opinion paragraph -- think it through before using prompt, will children be able to think of more than a few reasons? Match the challenge to your class. •What is your favorite __ ? Why? •What might be special or fun (to different people)? -Do you prefer.... or ...? Tell why. •What is your favorite character in ___ ? Why? Explain using a part from the text. Give reasons. •Do you think the character (name) is clever (or other trait)? Why? or Why not? Give reasons. Explain using a part from the text. •Do you think this story is funny? Why? or Why not? Give reasons. Explain using a part from the text. •Do you think that the character (name) was right (to do...)? Why? or Why not? Give reasons. Explain using a part from the text. •Do you think the article is informative? Why? or Why not? Give reasons. Explain using a part from the text.

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013 First Grade - Pacing Chart Week 6-2

Writing Procedures - Opinion Paragraph Give a paragraph model. (This prompt will be different than the one you will use with the students to write their paragraph.) Use one of the prompts above to model a paragraph. Have students discuss. Then show a pre-written paragraph. Example of Introduction: I prefer.... Conclusion: In conclusion, I prefer.... [Note: If your prompt involves an article or story, the title and author must be given in the introduction. Ex: In ____ by ____, the (character) .. I think... .] Find/compare parts of paragraph (Intro, Body, Conclusion) to the parts of Narrative/Expository, using the large display Frame. Show how the labels change. Ex: Facts→→Reasons as the Body of the paragraph.

Oral Rehearsal before writing: 1. Write the prompt on the board. Everyone reads it. Ex: Is it better to be a child or an adult? (This should be an easy prompt to do as a first paragraph.) Use and “I do, We do, You do” model. 2. “I do” – You model how to respond to the prompt. I prefer being a child because… Use a “think aloud”. (Now you are using the same prompt as the students.) 3. Partners give their opinion and reasons. 4. Randomly call on individual. Ask students to signal to you with their thumbs up or down. Up = agrees, down = disagree. Ask: Who agrees/disagrees? If you agree, do you have an additional reason? 5. Write about 5-6 reasons on chart paper -- use the Reasons chart (attached below) OR list the reasons.

“Hand is the Plan” -- Guide students through planning the paragraph. Review parts of paragraph by everyone holding parts of own hand. Give students the ‘hand’ graphic organizer with the topic already written in the wrist. Also, the introduction can be pre-written as a scaffold. Sample: I prefer to be ... Also, transition words can be written at the top of the Body fingers as a scaffold. Sample: One reason is, A second reason is, A third reason is,

Use “I do, We do, You do” model. “I do” - You model filling in the first body finger using a “think aloud”. Write the reason in the finger -- use a phrase – because you don’t have to work. Students copy. “We do” - Direct partners to talk with each other and create the second body finger. They may refer to the chart. Call on a student to share. Everyone writes own reason in the finger. “You do” – Direct students to independently think of the third reason. Call on a student. Everyone writes own reason in the third body finger.

•Use Hand to orally practice reasons with a partner. Sentence for each reason must be based on what is written in Hand.

Paragraph Frame Again, you can pre-write scaffolds of title, introduction, and transition words -- Do only what you think is needed for the students to be successful in understanding Opinion Paragraph.

1. Review the elements of the introduction (need to state the topic). Everyone writes the introduction (if it has not been given as a scaffold). Sample: I would rather be an adult for these reasons. 2. Students use the Hand. If needed, partners once again review reasons orally before writing. Transfer the reasons into the frame. The first reason is because… 3. Conclusion: Remind students that the Introduction/Conclusion are related, like cousins. Show this in your model paragraph. Orally practice, then write Conclusion. Sample: In conclusion, I prefer being a child for many reasons. 4. Cue to edit. Revise, as needed. Discuss/give title. 5. Write the polished paragraph on lined paper with one indent.

Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013



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First Grade - Pacing Chart m Week 6-2


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Embellishment - Optional .

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To add more to the writing, students would explain “why.” They could write, The first reason I prefer to be a child is because Jason, in the story, was swimmingu in the pool














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while his mom worked on the computer. I think swimming is much more fun than working on he computer. This is especially important for at least one of thee reasons if the opinion is



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related to a text. Child would embellish one reason by linking it to the text. C i 2 o

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Sample simple (non-embellished) paragraph frame: Sample chart of reasons: e r

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Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2 Little Bear Goes to the Moon WRITE UP A STORM! ®© / GESD 2013

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