Rotary Club of York North

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Rotary Club of York North

ROTARY CLUB OF YORK – EAST Visit us on Facebook! District 7390 Meets Tuesdays at Heritage Hills 7:15 a.m. October, 2012 Newsletter

Table of Contents October Birthdays Page 1:  Birthdays 10/1...... Wendy Keesee  Greeters 10/5...... George Dvoryak 10/21...... Cathy Bene  Invocators 10/30...... Dave Andrews  Club Programs 10/31...... Tom Pokopec

Page 2: *If your October birthday is not listed, please contact Angie Hartman at [email protected]  Message from the President  County Cup Greeters Page 3: 10/2...... Tom Pokopec th ...... Sue Reiley  25 Anniversary Celebration 10/9...... David Schlosberg  Membership Growth ...... Jack Schofield 10/16...... John Schriver ...... Jim Smolko 10/23...... Connie Spark ...... John Spittle York East Rotary Board Meeting 10/30...... Charlie Stein ...... Bob Straw Attention all Board Members! Meeting on Thursday, October 11, 2012 at Brewery Products at 7:30 a.m. Invocators 10/2...... Steve Fluder 10/9...... Bill Gierasch 10/16...... Careon Gohn Club Programs 10/23...... Linda Gorter 10/30...... Carol Gottschalk 10/2 George Eckenrode-FCR, Update us on FCR's merger with Holcomb 10/9 Sensei Skylar Cooper, York Okinawan Karate studio 10/16 Club Assembly REMINDER: If you are unable to serve as greeter or invocator 10/23 TBA you need to find your replacement!! 10/30 John Kramb from Adams County Winery

“The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of SERVICE as a basis of worthy enterprise.” 1 Message from the President This month is also Rotary Leadership month meetings. Angie and Linda are the first two to sign up for these unique The County Cup has just ended with great results and leadership training opportunities. Not only will you garner a momentum to go into 2013 for a bigger and better event. great deal of insight into how Rotary works, how other clubs do Thank you to all who participated! There are several members their thing, we might want to borrow some of the good ideas of our club who consistently work in the background to help that have to make our club better, but how we can get dollars make events work. One of them is Jim Arvin. White Rose for projects and how we can continue to have a significant Ambulance quietly protected Rotary and our guests all day at impact on our community. The commitment is part of a the County Cup. Fortunately we had no need for their services Saturday October 13, and it is worth the time and effort! that day. We were fortunate. We owe our thanks to Jim and th many other organizations that quietly supported us and helped On the 16 of this month, Dennis Zubler, our District Governor, us to make the day successful. Other sponsors were Walton will be in attendance at our meeting and he will be the and Company who allowed Jim Norton to use their CAD program. Dennis has been very supportive of our activities and equipment to help us map the fields, John Schriver of Block has been to a number of events at our request. Dennis has Business Systems, who printed, copied and provided time and asked that we provide a sample of our talent the day of his visit talent to help us market the Cup. Joanne Bankos of Collens- and I have asked Don Wonders, Bob Straw and Jack Meeker to Wagner Insurance provided her insurance expertise as we serenade us that day. Don has taken the lead and I am sure the sought to protect Rotary from liability. Bill Gierasch of Stock results will be outstanding! and Leader who helped us with reviewing documents as we signed agreements for the event. Wendy Keesee of Brewery Joe Hackett Products provided beer samples the day of the event. Please note that I included the names of their businesses as well. County Cup Please patronize these businesses and recommend them to people you know who need their services in appreciation of First Annual County Cups Nets Winning Teams $51,500 their support of Rotary. Finally I would be remiss not to mention John Krout, the chairman of the YCIDA. He and his The first annual County Cup, as they say, is history. team saw the value in the idea of the Cup in July of 2011 and by The dollars awarded to the top nine winners is today’s news: awarding York East Rotary the Diamond Award, first prize, use $15,000 Penn-Mar Human Services of the stadium for a day which was the catalyst for the planning $12,000 Veterans Memorial Gold Star Healing & Peace Garden of the County Cup. Please let me know if I missed you or $8,000 York Little Theatre services you provided to this new venture. I think it is $5,000 York County Literacy Council important for us to support those organizations that reinvest $4,000 Crispus Attucks their time and talent to events that support Rotary and its $3,000 Hanover Area Council of Churches projects. $2,000 Junior Achievement of Southcentral PA $1,500 Asbury United Methodist Church So what’s next? Glad you asked. The golf outing is next. Tom $1,000 United Way Pokopek and John Schriver have teamed up to chair this event for 2013. Last year we began to work on the golf outing in $51,500 in all! It was amazing to have nine Rotary clubs and 45 earnest 4-6 weeks prior to the event and were able to net non-profit organizations, all from York County, at Sovereign nearly $5,000.00. This year by starting early we plan to Stadium on September 22nd, with the same goals: FUN and generate greater sponsorships and participation to support our FUNdraising. student of the month scholarships, RYLA scholarships, and Let’s face it – soliciting and acquiring monies for our other awards we wish to make this year. Please see Tom and missions has become increasingly challenging. Government John and let them know you are interested in helping with the grants at federal, state and local levels are subject to ever more Golf Outing. cutting as the balance between tax revenues and expenditures has yet to be reached. Businesses, too, are keeping their belts As we near October the next event we will be hosting as a club th tight. The typical fundraising activities of local Rotary clubs and is our 25 anniversary celebration at the Outdoor Country Club. charities – golf outings, carwash ticket sales, wreath sales, Carol and Susan and their committee have pulled a great deal flower sales, galas, silent auction events – have yielded less of club history together to share with you that evening. We profit for as much, or more, work. Foundations and individual have invited many former club members to the event and I can th donors are being asked for more and more. tell you from experience, I went to the North York 20 In this sea of community fundraising, it is critical that celebration event they are a lot of fun! And it’s scheduled on a your message and mission be loud and clear, and heard by Thursday evening so you don’t take a bite out of your weekend th many. plans. Please sign up and join us on the 11 ! Why not combine our efforts? Rotarians are known for grassroots projects that become immensely successful global efforts (think polio eradication). With upwards of 700 “The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of SERVICE as a basis of worthy enterprise.” 2 Rotarians in York County, wouldn’t we be a tremendous force if sponsors, Peoples Bank, Glatfelter Insurance Group, Harley- we combined our efforts? Davidson, The Wolf Organization and two donors who chose to Enter YCIDA (York County Industrial Development remain anonymous. Thank you too, to the numerous other Authority) and the Revolution’s Sovereign Stadium. YCIDA companies and individuals who donated cash, products, opens the use of its entire facility with all of its amenities of services and time. parking, seating, concessions, playground, restrooms, AND a The end result is that all proceeds were infused into jumbotron to several non-profits each year, based on selecting the community via the participating non-profits. a novel, workable, community oriented project. The nascent How can you get involved next year? Register teams, Rotary idea, as yet to be dubbed The County Cup, was chosen solicit sponsors, sell tickets, SPREAD THE WORD! Visit us at to be the recipient of the “stadium for a day.” for up to the minute details, like us on In tremendous support of a concept and faith in Facebook, link to us on LinkedIn, twitter about us, talk about Rotarians to put a concept into action, Shipley Energy Group us. And say thanks (again) to the Shipley Energy Group for stepped forward as a major sponsor, before we had even one signing on as the 2013 title sponsor of The County Cup. marketing piece in print! Elizabeth Wolf From the outset, we worked to develop the event as one that would be repeatable. 25th Anniversary Celebration The Model: Provide a venue that could draw a broad spectrum of charities, giving each organization the ability to Hi Fellow York East Rotarians, raise funds prior to and the day of the event, and to compete It's time to celebrate! In October, our club will mark our for cash prizes beyond their own fundraising activities. The 25th year since its inception into the Rotary International venue also would provide an opportunity for the charities to family, and we plan to mark this occasion with some fun and spread their mission. With each organization drawing its core food. Please mark your calendars for Thursday evening, supporters to participate in and attend the event, the audience, October 11th, to come and join us, with present and past instead of being several hundred, is now several thousand. members of our York East RotaryClub. Fund the prize purse and the event operating We will be wining, dining and enjoying some great music at expenses through a combination of team registration fees and the Outdoor Country Club on October 11th from 6 till 10 p.m. sponsorships. Allow non-profits to recoup the registration fee Bob Straw will be awarding some nice prizes to Rotarians with by keeping 100% of ticket sale proceeds and by fundraising the answers to trivia questions about our club, so study up. day of the event with things like face painting, dart boards, Following a social hour, dinner and a brief review of our first 25 guessing games, raffles, chair massages, temporary tattoos, years, you can sit back and relax to some fine music or kick up balloon animals, bake sales. The non-profit activities become a your heals to anything from swing to the foxtrot. source of entertainment for attendees and an opportunity for Invitations will be coming to you this week. We hope to see non-profits to share the message of their organizations in an you there. informal venue. Yours in Rotary, What about the name? How do we encapsulate the Carol Gottschalk Smith and Josette Myers event model into a name generic enough not to reference a Co-chairs specific organization or component, yet simple and catchy enough to build an identity? The County Cup – there are a lot of “cup” competitions, from tennis to golf to the Olympics. Sustainability and Diversity through Why shouldn’t York County have a “cup” event, and why shouldn’t it be for the benefit of all of the residents of the Membership Growth county who are served by non-profits? The County Cup we The future of our club is dependent upon the strength became. We were able to secure the website of the membership. Every year we are asked to grow our club. Perfect. Growth is important; however, when a club is diverse, it is even And what about “the cup?” Again, we looked to the stronger and it increases the probability of sustainability into community for ideas. We found Pat Sells of Salvaging the future. The Four Way Test should guide us with creating Creativity, whose sculptures embellish many city streets, diversity. This has made York East a stand out for years. To sidewalks and gardens. How appropriate to bring together accomplish this, we all should be inviting new people that pieces of York County’s industrial heritage to be melded into a demonstrate talent, creativity, passion and energy to our durable traveling trophy, just as the Rotary clubs are bringing events. together non-profits, businesses, foundations and community Here is a simple challenge. We have about 60 members in the collaborative effort now known as The County members. If half brought in one person as a guest this year Cup. that would be 30 invites. If half became serious candidates Oh, yeah, this year we played croquet! that would provide 15 potential Rotarians. Finally, if 50% of Corporations, foundations and individuals supported them became members, we would have increased our the community event with sponsorships at many levels, from membership by 10% in a single year. $500 for a team sponsorship to $15,000 from our top sponsor Shipley Energy Group. Thank you to Shipley and our other top “The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of SERVICE as a basis of worthy enterprise.” 3 The challenge is ours. We can make it happen. Your continued support will assure the success of York East Rotary and sustain our efforts for another 25 years.

Respectfully, Chris Izzo, Membership Chair

“The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of SERVICE as a basis of worthy enterprise.” 4

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