Patricia Kay Galloway

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Patricia Kay Galloway

Patricia Kay Galloway Assistant Professor, School of Information University of Texas-Austin Austin, TX 78712-1276 Telephone 512-232-9220 Fax 512-471-3971 Email [email protected]


Millsaps College: B.A. with honors (French), 1966 Indiana University: Fellow of Folklore Institute, summer 1966 University of North Carolina: M.A. (Comparative Literature), 1968 Université de Poitiers: Summer school in Romanesque art/history, 1968 Goodman School of Drama, Chicago: Professional acting program, 1968-69 University of North Carolina: Ph.D. (Comparative Literature), 1973 University of Pisa: Summer school in computational linguistics, 1977 Certificate in Data Processing, 1986 University of North Carolina, PhD (Anthropology), 2004

Work Skills

Historical and archaeological research: My first independent scholarly work with artifacts was on medieval European material culture from archaeological excavations; I established expertise on the artifact class of bone and antler combs and wrote and published specialist reports on combs from Roman, Saxon, and medieval archaeological sites. Since 1979 I have specialized in the French colonial history and Muskogean tribal ethnohistory of the Southeast, publishing extensively in this field and working actively to make research available to the public through television documentaries, public lectures, and museum exhibits. I am presently serving on editorial advisory panel for the Southeast volume of the Handbook of North American Indians for the Smithsonian Institution. In archaeology, I planned and administered a county archaeological survey of historic-period Chickasaw sites and have edited a house series of archaeological reports and the state archaeological journal since 1980. In museology, I served as project director and core scholar on the permanent exhibit “Mississippi 1500-1800,” installed at the Old Capitol Museum of Mississippi History in 1997; I am presently serving as core scholar for a complete redesign of all permanent exhibits for the planned new Mississippi state historical museum. I am Currently writing a dissertation for PhD in anthropology, specializing in early modern medical epistemology.

Computing experience: Four and a half years of specifically archaeological computing at the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn and through association with the Institute of Archaeology, London got me started in the field of humanities computing. I served two years as programming advisor to humanities departments of Westfield College in the University of London. During employment since 1979 at MDAH I have built computer support services from nothing in 1980 to a nested series of UNIX-based intranets today. I designed the locational database for the movable shelving that accommodates MDAH’s archival collections. I am presently project director for an NHPRC grant-funded archival electronic records program. As Information Services manager, I am responsible for long-range planning and budgeting for data processing, with a budget of over $300,000.00 annually for hardware and software alone; I am presently responsible for computing facilities for a new archives building project with a computer budget of over $900,000.00. I have been involved with computing since 1974, and my experience includes IBM and CDC mainframescomputers, DEC (VAX) and AT&T (3B2) minicomputers, and IBM PC-compatible microprocessor systems; OS/VS, SCOPE, UNIX, VMS, MSDOS, Windows, and Linux operating systems; Pascal, FORTRAN, and SNOBOL programming languages; SGML and HTML markup languages. I have specific knowledge of microcomputer operating systems, UNIX system administration, desktop publishing software and systems, web design and implementation, and imaging applications, as well as a variety of word processing programs, spreadsheets, and database programs like dBASE, Paradox, INGRES, Informix.

Galloway curriculum vitae 1 I serve on the multidepartmental Information Technology Professional Development Committee, charged with reviewing all IT staffing decisions in Mississippi state government for the State Personnel Board.

Teaching experience: I have taught French and German language and French literature; I have presented various lectures on topics in humanities computing, archaeology, history, and literature for university groups and grant-funded programs; I have provided in-house training in computer applications. For ten years I have served as advisor to history and archaeology graduate students working on southeastern ethnohistory at a variety of institutions including the University of Mississippi, University of Kentucky, University of North Carolina, University of Michigan, and University of Chicago.

Administrative work: As archaeological finds supervisor for four years in Europe, I organized and maintained systems for the processing and cataloging of artifacts, supervising up to ten people of different nationalities in various phases of this work, including conservation, identification, and recording. I designed a system of archaeological data capture and recording implemented on a microprocessor system for field work as early as 1976. In Mississippi I put together and administered a cooperative city/state government project of archaeological site survey on Chickasaw sites and coordinated a joint universities project of prehistoric-historic Choctaw site survey. I am presently classified as a systems manager, serving as director of the Information Systems section of the Administration Division at MDAH. I chair the departmental Information Management Committee and the Website Committee. I supervise a senior desktop publishing specialist, a webmaster, a computer systems analyst, and a programmer in providing a full range of end-user oriented computing services to the entire Department, and I coordinate computer support staff with subject-area specialties in the Museum, Archives, Records Management, and Historic Preservation divisions. As author and recipient of grants from NEH, the Mississippi Humanities Council, and corporate donors, I supervise staff from other divisions and contract personnel in documentary research, museum exhibit design and implementation, and development of public programs in history. I am presently involved in specifying electronic records policy for Mississippi state government.

Chronological Education and Work History

Date of Birth: September 7, 1945 Place of Birth: Bloomington, Indiana

1962-1966: Millsaps College; B.A. with honors, French

Summer 1966: Folklore Fellow, Folklore Institute, Indiana University

1966-1968: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A. Comparative Literature, 1968; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1966-1967

Summer 1968: Université de Poitiers, Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale

1968-1969: Goodman School of Drama, Chicago; professional acting program; research assistant to Director

1969-1971: UNC-CH; Teaching Assistant, French

Summer 1971: Millsaps College; Instructor, French

1971-1972: University of North Carolina at Wilmington; Instructor, French and German; Director, language laboratory

May 1973: UNC-CH; Ph.D., Comparative Literature

May-June 1973: Hope Arts Center, Belfast, Northern Ireland; Volunteer

Galloway curriculum vitae 2 July-Nov 1973: Norwich Survey Project, Norwich, England; Finds assistant

Nov 1973-April 1974: Winchester Research Unit, Winchester, England; Pottery research

May-June 1974: Riksantikvarens Arkeologiske Undersokelser i Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway; Finds supervisor

July-August 1974: Norwich Survey Project; Finds assistant

Sept 1974-Feb 1975: Labor für Feldarchäologie, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn, West Germany; Research assistant

May-July 1975: Trondheim, Norway; Finds supervisor

Jan-April 1976: Department of Environment, Eltham Palace, London, England; Finds supervisor May-Sept 1976: Trondheim, Norway; Finds supervisor

April 1977-April 1979: Computer Unit, Westfield College, University of London; Humanities Programming Advisor

August 1977: University of Pisa; Summer School in computational linguistics

April 1979-July 1980: Mississippi Department of Archives and History; Editor, Mississippi Provincial Archives: French Dominion project

March 1980: Society of American Archivists Basic Archival Workshop

July 1980-April 1983: MDAH; Administrative Assistant to Director, Information and Education Division

April 1983-2000: MDAH; Systems Manager, Information Systems section, Administration Division

August 1993-present PhD program in Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (pursuing a second doctorate; presently writing dissertation)

1989-present: Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University; appointment as Research Archaeologist

2000-present: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Texas-Austin

Galloway curriculum vitae 3 Bibliography

M.A. Thesis: Mlle de Scudéry's Ibrahim, ou l'Illustre Bassa in Germany: Philipp von Zesen, Daniel Caspar von Lohenstein, August Adolf von Haugwitz (UNC-CH 1968)

Ph.D. Dissertation: Transaction Units: An Approach to the Structural Study of Narrative through the Analysis of Percyvelle of Galles, Li Contes del Graal, and Parzival (UNC-CH 1973)

Ph.D. Dissertation in progress: Mortal Knowledge (UNC-CH; expected completion 2000)

History and Ethnohistory:

1980 The Mississippi Provincial Archives Project at MDAH. The Primary Source, newsletter of the Society of Mississippi Archivists, 2(1):13-14, 22.

1981 Louisiana Post Letters, 1700-1763: The missing evidence for Indian diplomacy. Louisiana History 22(1):31-44.

1981 Dearth and Bias: Issues in the editing of ethnohistorical materials. Association for Documentary Editing Newsletter 3(2):1-6.

1981 Historic Tribes in the Yazoo Basin during the French Colonial Period. In Samuel O. Brookes, Cultural Resources along the Yazoo River from Greenwood to Vicksburg, Mississippi, Appendix. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District.

1981 Multidimensional scaling for mapping ethnohistorical narrative: Choctaw villages in the eighteenth century. In Proceedings of the Xth Congress of the UISPP, Comision IV: Coloquio Manejo de datos y metodas mathematicas de arqueologia, 158-175.

1982 Choctaw Factionalism and Civil War, 1746-1750. Journal of Mississippi History 44:289- 327. Reprinted, revised in Carolyn Reeves (ed.), The Choctaw before Removal, University Press of Mississippi, Jackson: 1985.

1982 Editor. La Salle and His Legacy: Frenchmen and Indians in the Lower Mississippi Valley. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson.

1982 Sources for the La Salle Expedition of 1682. In Galloway (ed.) La Salle and His Legacy, 11- 40.

1982 Henry de Tonti du village des Chactas, 1702: The Beginning of the French Alliance. In Galloway (ed.), La Salle and His Legacy, 146-175.

1982 French-Choctaw contact, 1680s to 1763. In William Brescia (ed.), Choctaw Tribal Government: A New Era, 8-13. Choctaw Heritage Press, Philadelphia, Mississippi.

1984 with Dunbar Rowland and A.G. Sanders (ed. and trans.) Mississippi Provincial Archives: French Dominion, vols. IV and V. LSU Press, Baton Rouge.

1985 The Barthelemy Murders: Bienville's establishment of the lex talionis as a principle of Indian diplomacy. In E.P. Fitzgerald (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 1982, 91-103. University Press of America, Lanham, MD.

Galloway curriculum vitae 4 1987 with Robert Weddle and Mary Christine Morkovsky (eds.), La Salle, the Mississippi, and the Gulf of Mexico: Three Primary Documents. Texas A&M Press, College Station, TX.

1987 Talking with Indians: Interpreters and Indian Policy in Colonial Louisiana. In Winthrop D. Jordan and Sheila L. Skemp (eds.), Race and Family in the Colonial South, 109-129. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson.

1987 Tunicas under the French regime, 1676-1763. In Faye Truex and Patricia Q. Foster (eds.), The Tunica-Biloxi Tribe: Its Culture and People, 20-32. Tunica-Biloxi Indians of Louisiana, Marksville.

1988 Foreword. In Alexander Moore (ed.), Thomas Nairne's Muskogean Journals, vii-ix. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson.

1989 The Chief who is your Father: Choctaw and French Views of the Diplomatic Relation. In Peter H. Wood, Gregory A. Waselkov, and M. Thomas Hatley (eds.), Powhatan's Mantle: Indians in the Colonial Southeast, 254-278. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

1990 Sauvole, entry in Joseph Dawson (ed.), The Louisiana Governors: From Iberville to Edwards, 4-7. LSU Press, Baton Rouge.

1991 Couture, Tonti, and the English Connection: A Revision. In Hester Davis (ed.), Arkansas Before the Americans, 74-94. Arkansas Archaeological Survey Research Series 40.

1991 The Archaeology of Ethnohistorical Narrative. In David Hurst Thomas (ed.), Columbian Consequences, Volume 3, 453-469. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington.

1991 Editor. Native, European, and African Cultures in Mississippi, 1500-1800. Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.

1991 Formation of Historic Tribes and the French Colonial Period. In Patricia Galloway (ed.), Native, European, and African Cultures in Mississippi, 1500-1800, 57-75. Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.

1992 Editor with Philip Boucher. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. University Press of America, Lanham, MD.

1992 Editor. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. University Press of America, Lanham, MD.

1992 The Emergence of Historic Indian tribes in the Southeast. In Barbara Carpenter (ed.), Ethnic Heritage in Mississippi, 21-44. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson.

1993 Blood and Earth: European Use of North American Native Remains from Contact to the Present. In Leslie Bary et al. (eds.), Rediscovering America 1492-1992: National, Cultural and Disciplinary Boundaries Re-Examined, 111-131. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.

1993 Editor. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. University Press of America, Lanham, MD.

1994 Confederacy as a Solution to Chiefdom Dissolution: Historical Evidence in the Choctaw Case. In Charles Hudson and Carmen McClendon (eds.), The Forgotten Centuries: Indians

Galloway curriculum vitae 5 and Europeans in the American South, 1521-1704, 393-420. University of Georgia Press, Athens.

1994 "So Many Little Republics": British Negotiations with the Choctaw Confederacy, 1765. Ethnohistory 41(4):513-37.

1995 The Southeast: Farmers of the Mississippi Valley; De Soto: Memories of the Invaders; Tribes, Trade, and Colonial Warfare: The Rise of the Choctaw Confederacy. Segments in Mark Leone and Neil Asher Silberman (eds.), Invisible America: Unearthing our Hidden History, Henry Holt and Company, New York.

1995 Choctaw Genesis 1500-1700. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

1995 An Essay on Historical Sources. The Journal of Chickasaw History 1(2):29-32.

1996 Ougoula Tchetoka, Ackia, and Bienville's First Chickasaw War: Whose Strategy and Tactics? The Journal of Chickasaw History 2(1):3-10.

1996 New Orleans, Mississippi River, James Adair, Red Shoe, Choctaw Indians. Entries in Alan Gallay (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Colonial Wars of America. Garland, New York.

1997 Editor. The Hernando de Soto Expedition: History, Historiography, and "Discovery" in the Southeast. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

1997 Commemorative History and Hernando de Soto. In Galloway (ed.), The Hernando de Soto Expedition, 410-435.

1997 Conjoncture and Longue Durée: History, Anthropology, and the Hernando de Soto Expedition. In Galloway (ed.), The Hernando de Soto Expedition, 288-294.

1997 The Incestuous Soto Narratives. In Galloway (ed.), The Hernando de Soto Expedition, 11- 44.

1997 with Ann Ramenofsky. Disease and the Soto Entrada. In Galloway (ed.), The Hernando de Soto Expedition, 259-279.

1998 Debriefing Explorers: Amerindian Information in the Delisles’ Mapping of the Southeast. In G. Malcolm Lewis (ed.), Cartographic Encounters: Perspectives on Native American Mapmaking and Map Use, 223-240. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

1998 Savage Medicine: Du Pratz and Eighteenth-Century French Medical Practice. In David Buisseret (ed.), France in the New World: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 107-118. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing.

1999 René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle. Entry in John Garraty and Mark Carnes (eds.), American National Biography, vol. 13, 213-14. Oxford University Press, New York.

Galloway curriculum vitae 6 Archaeology:

1975 with Ian Graham and Irwin Scollar. Model Studies in Seriation Techniques. In Computer Applications in Archaeology, 18-24. University of Birmingham Computing Centre, Birmingham, England.

1975 with Ian Graham and Irwin Scollar. Model Studies in Computer Seriation. Journal of Archaeological Science 3:1-30.

1976 Cluster Analysis using Fragmentary Data. In Computer Applications in Archaeology, 41-47. University of Birmingham Computing Centre, Birmingham, England.

1976 Note on Terminology for Comb Descriptions. Medieval Archaeology 20:154-156.

1978 Restoring the Map of Medieval Trondheim: A Computer-aided Investigation. Journal of Archaeological Science 5:153-165.

1979 The Combs. In Giles Clarke, The Lankhills Cemetery (Winchester Studies 3: Pre-Roman and Roman Winchester, part ii), 246-248. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

1981 Comb reports. In Philip Crummy, Aspects of Anglo-Saxon and Norman Colchester (CBA Research Report 39), 5-7, 16. Council for British Archaeology, London.

1981 with Mark Newcomer. The craft of comb-making; an experimental enquiry. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of London 18:73-90.

1981 with Christopher S. Peebles. Notes from Underground: Archaeological data management from excavation to curation. Curator 24:225-251.

1983 Comb report. In Nina Crummy, The Roman small finds from excavations in Colchester 1971-9 (Colchester Archaeological Report 2), 57. Colchester Archaeological Trust, Colchester.

1984 Technical Origins for Chickachae Combed Ceramics: An Ethnohistorical Hypothesis. Mississippi Archaeology 19(2):58-66.

1985 Editor. Anthology of Mississippi Archaeology, 1966-1979. Mississippi Archaeological Association, Jackson.

1986 The Direct Historical Approach and early historical documents: An ethnohistorian's view. In David Dye and Ronald Brister (eds.), The Protohistoric Period in the Midsouth, 1500-1700, 14-23. MDAH Archaeological Report 18.

1987 Poundbury Combs. In C.J.S. Green, Excavations at Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset, 1966- 1982; Vol. 1: The Settlements. (Monograph Series of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society).

1988 Comb report. In Nina Crummy, The post-Roman small finds from excavations in Colchester 1971-85 (Colchester Archaeological Report 5), 22. Colchester Archaeological Trust, Colchester.

1989 Editor. Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, Artifacts and Analysis: The Cottonlandia Conference. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

Galloway curriculum vitae 7 1989 with Jay K. Johnson and Walter Belokon. Historic Chickasaw Settlement Patterns in Lee County, Mississippi: A First Approximation. Mississippi Archaeology 24(2):45-52.

1990 The Craft of Comb-Making. Combs of Bone, Antler, and Ivory. Both in Martin Biddle (ed.), Object and Economy in Medieval Winchester (Winchester Studies 7: The Crafts and Industries of Medieval Winchester, part ii), 264-267, 665-678. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

1992 The Unexamined Habitus: Direct Historic Analogy and the Archaeology of the Text. In Christopher Peebles and Jean-Claude Gardin (eds.), Representations in Archaeology, 178- 195. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.

1993 Ethnohistory. In Jay K. Johnson (ed.), The Development of Southeastern Archaeology, 78- 108. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

1994 Prehistoric Population in Mississippi: A First Approximation. Mississippi Archaeology 29(2):44-71.

1997 Where Have All the Menstrual Huts Gone? The Invisibility of Menstrual Seclusion in the Late Prehistoric Southeast. In Cheryl Claassen and Rosemary Joyce (eds.), Women in Prehistory: North America and Mesoamerica, 47-62. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. Reprinted in Kelley Hays-Gilpin and David S. Whitley (eds.), Reader in Gender Archaeology, 197-211 (Routledge, London, 1998).

2000 Archaeology from the Archives: The Chambers Excavations at Lyon's Bluff, 1934-35. Mississippi Archaeology 35(1): 23-90.

Language and Literature:

1979 Testing a theory of narrative analysis by computer. In D.E. Ager, F.E. Knowles, J.M. Smith (eds.), Advances in Computer-Aided Literary and Linguistic Research, 53-57. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England.

1979 Yngve's Depth Hypothesis and the structure of narrative: the example of detective fiction. In Maxine McCafferty and Kathleen Gray (eds.), The Analysis of Meaning: Informatics 5, 104- 109. ASLIB, London.

1979 Producing narrative maps with multidimensional scaling techniques. Computers and the Humanities 13:207-222.

1979 Manuscript filiation and cluster analysis: The Lai de l'Ombre case. In La Pratique des ordinateurs dans la critique des textes, 87-95. CNRS, Paris.

1980 with Helen Boreland. Authorship, discrimination, and clustering: Timoneda, Montesino, and two anonymous poems. ALLC Bulletin 9:125-151.

1982 Filiation, Classement, Cluster Analysis: Lai de l'Ombre. Le Médiéviste et l'ordinateur 7:10- 14.

1982 Clustering variants in the Lai de l'Ombre manuscripts: techniques and principles. ALLC Journal 3:1-8.

Galloway curriculum vitae 8 1983 Narrative theories as computational models: reader-oriented theory and artificial intelligence. Computers and the Humanities 17:169-174.


1977 An Introduction to Archaeological Computing: Some Problems and Methods. Humanistiske Data, occasional report of NAVF's EDB-Senter for Humanistiske Forskning i Bergen, 15- 20.

1983 Voyage through the Gutenberg Galaxy: A case study in bookmaking technologies. Mississippi Libraries 47(1):18-21.

1984 Computers for professors: A guide for the perplexed. Academe 70(4):9-16.

1985 Newsfilm Project Software Details. In Lisa F. Buechele, Newsfilm Index: A Guide to Newsfilm Collection 1954-1971, 541-542. Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.

1991 with Clara Sue Kidwell. Choctaw Land Claims in Mississippi: Management and Analysis of Heterogeneous Data. In Ian Lancashire (ed.), Research in Humanities Computing 1: Selected Papers from the ALLC/ACH Conference, Toronto, June 1989, 325-334. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Reviews and Conference Reports:

1979 Report on Informatics 5: The Analysis of Meaning. ALLC Bulletin 7:182-183.

1980 A Comparative View of French Louisiana, 1699 and 1762, by Carl Brasseaux. Journal of Mississippi History 42:285-287.

1981 Literature and Semiotics: A Study of the Writings of Yu. M. Lotman, by Ann Shukman. Style 15:55-61.

1981 Hardware Review: The Kurzweil Data Entry Machine. Computers and the Humanities 15:3, 183-185.

1982 The Only Land They Knew, by J. Leitch Wright, Jr. Journal of Mississippi History 44:89-91.

1982 The Siouan Languages Archive: User's Handbook, by David S. Rood. The Primary Source 4:1, 21.

1983 The Roots of Dependency, by Richard White. Journal of Mississippi History 45:322-3.

1984 George Gauld: Surveyor and Cartographer of the Gulf Coast, by John D. Ware and Robert R. Rea. Journal of Mississippi History 46:67-8.

1985 The Mississippi Choctaws at Play: The Serious Side of Leisure, by Kendall Blanchard. American Indian Quarterly. 8(3):247-248.

1986 Spanish Sea, by Robert Weddle. Journal of Mississippi History 48:74-76.

1986 Alabama and the Borderlands: From Prehistory to Statehood, edited by R. Reid Badger and Lawrence A. Clayton. Georgia Historical Quarterly 70(2):334-336.

Galloway curriculum vitae 9 1986 A Choctaw Source Book, edited by John H. Peterson, Jr. Journal of Mississippi History 48:245-246.

1987 The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816, by Florette Henri. The Southern Quarterly 25(2):149-151.

1988 The Historic Indian Tribes of Louisiana: From 1542 to the Present, by Fred B. Kniffen, Hiram F. Gregory, and George A. Stokes. Western Historical Quarterly 19(4):456-457.

1989 Quest for the Promised Land: Official Correspondence Relating to the First Acadian Migration to Louisiana, 1764-1769, ed. by Carl Brasseaux. Journal of Mississippi History 51(4):378-380.

1990 First Encounters: Spanish Explorations in the Caribbean and the United States, 1492-1570, edited by Jerald T. Milanich and Susan Milbrath. Journal of Mississippi History 52(1):57- 60.

1990 "Not Worth a Straw": French Colonial Policy and the Early Years of Louisiana, by Mathé Allain. Louisiana History 31(3):325-327.

1991 A New Face on the Countryside: Indians, Colonists, and Slaves in South Atlantic Forests, 1500-1800, by Timothy Silver. Forest and Conservation History 36(1):37.

1991 Major Robert Farmar of Mobile, by Robert R. Rea. Journal of Mississippi History 53(3):288-290.

1991 The Education of Little Tree, by Forrest Carter. The Southern Quarterly 29(4):185-186.

1991 Program of the 1991 Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Historical Society. Journal of Mississippi History 53(3):251-254.

1992 A New Andalucia and a Way to the Orient: The American Southeast During the Sixteenth Century, by Paul Hoffman. Journal of Southern History 58(3):504-505.

1992 Columbian Consequences, Volume 2: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives in the Spanish Borderlands East, edited by David Hurst Thomas. Ethnohistory 39(1):65-68.

1992 The Juan Pardo Expeditions: Exploration of the Carolinas and Tennessee, 1566-1568, by Charles Hudson. Journal of Southern History 58(1):327-328.

1992 Reading Material Culture: Structuralism, Hermeneutics and Post-Structuralism, edited by Christopher Tilley. American Anthropologist 94(1):194.

1992 Colonial Arkansas 1686-1804: A Social and Cultural History, by Morris S. Arnold. North Carolina Historical Review 69(3):335-336.

1993 The French Thorn: Rival Explorers in the Spanish Sea, 1682-1762, by Robert S. Weddle. Journal of Southern History 59(2):330-331.

1994 The Founders of America: How Indians discovered the land, pioneered in it, and created great classical civilizations; how they were plunged into a Dark Age by invasion and conquest; and how they are now reviving, by Francis Jennings. Florida Historical Quarterly June:105-106.

Galloway curriculum vitae 10 1994 Indians, Settlers and Slaves in a Frontier Exchange Economy: The Lower Mississippi Valley Before 1783, by Daniel H. Usner, Jr. Journal of Interdisciplinary History.

1994 The Expedition of Hernando de Soto West of the Mississippi, 1541-1543, edited by Gloria Young and Michael Hoffman. Journal of Southern History 60(4):774-75.

1995 Calumet & Fleur-de-Lys: Archaeology of Indian and French Contact in the Midcontinent, edited by John Walthall and Thomas Emerson. Journal of the West, January:94-95.

1995 Situado and Sabana: Spain's Support System for the Presidio and Mission Provinces of Florida, by Amy Turner Bushnell. Southeastern Archaeology 14(2):212.

1995 The Savannah River Chiefdoms: Political Change in the Late Prehistoric Southeast, by David Anderson. Georgia Historical Quarterly 79(3):701-3.

1996 Culture, Form, and Place: Essays in Cultural and Historical Geography, edited by Kent Mathewson. Louisiana History 37(3):355-56.

1996 Hernando de Soto: A Savage Quest in the Americas, by David Duncan. Georgia Historical Quarterly 80(3):646-47.

1996 Choctaws and Missionaries in Mississippi, 1818-1918, by Clara Sue Kidwell. The Southern Quarterly 34(4):134-35.

1997 Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe, by Gerald Milanich. Journal of Field Archaeology 24:500-501.

1997 A History of the Timucua Indians and Missions, by John H. Hann. Journal of Southwest Georgia History 12:86-87.

1998 The Cultural Transformation of a Native American Family and its Tribe: A Basket of Apples, by Joel Spring. American Scientist 86: 199-200.

1998 The Many Hands of My Relations: French and Indians on the Lower Missouri, by Tanis C, Thorne. Journal of Anthropological Research 54:114-115.

1998 The Caddo Nation, by Timothy Perttula. American Antiquity 63(3):521.

1998 William Bartram on the Southeastern Indians, edited by Gregory Waselkov and Kathryn Holland Braund. Louisiana History 38:123-25

1999 Numbers from Nowhere: The American Indian Contact Population Debate, by David Henige. American Historical Review 104(3):867.

2001 Wilderness Manhunt: The Spanish Search for La Salle, by Robert S. Weddle (reprint edition). Le Journal 17(1):10-11.

2001 Indians of the Greater Southeast: Historical Archaeology and Ethnohistory, edited by Bonnie McEwen. Georgia Historical Quarterly 85:129-31.

2001 Searching for the Bright Path: The Mississippi Choctaws from Prehistory to Removal, by James Taylor Carson. Louisiana History 42(3):363-65.

Galloway curriculum vitae 11 in press Hernando de Soto and the Indians of Florida, by Jerald Milanich and Charles Hudson. Hispanic American Historical Review. in press Knights of Spain, Warriors of the Sun: Hernando de Soto and the South’s Ancient Chiefdoms, by Charles Hudson. Journal of Mississippi History.

Note: I do not list unpublished papers or conference papers that were not published, but I habitually present about as many papers each year as I write book reviews: 2-4.


Hardware Editor, Computers and the Humanities, 1981-83 Editorial Board, Computers and the Humanities, 1982-84 Book Review Editor, Computers and the Humanities, 1984-85 Editor, Mississippi Archaeology, 1981-present Editor, Mississippi Archaeological Association Newsletter, 1983-present Series Editor, Mississippi Department of Archives and History Archaeological Reports, 1981-present (Nos. 6-29) Editor, Proceedings of the French Colonial Historical Society, 1989-91 Editor, French Colonial History, 2003-present Editorial Consultant, The Journal of Chickasaw History, 1995-present Editorial Advisory Board, Handbook of North American Indians: Southeast. Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 1998-present

Professional Organizations

American Society for Ethnohistory (Executive Council, 1987-89; 1998-2000) French Colonial Historical Society (Conference Organizer, 1988, 1999; Editor, 1989-90; President, 1991- 92) Association for Computing Machinery (AnthroSource Steering Committee, 2004-2007) Southeastern Archaeological Conference (President-Elect, 1993-94; President 1995-96; chair, Native American Liaison Committee, 1996-2000) Mississippi Archaeological Association (Secretary-Treasurer, 1983-84, 1992-2000; Editor, 1981-2000) Society for American Archaeology

Professional Activities

Member, Choctaw Heritage Council of Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, 1980- Member, Mississippi Automated Resource Information System task force; chair, 1992-93 Judge, Southern Literary Festival, 1980 (one-act play), 1983 (formal essay) Historical Advisor, "Nicolas de La Salle: A Tale of Discovery," Exhibit, Mississippi State Historical Museum, March 26-July 18, 1982 Historical Advisor, "The First Frontier," Auburn Television, 1986-87 Historical Advisor, "Spirit Warriors," Georgia State University Office of Educational Media, 1987 Historical Advisor, "Christ: The Living Water," Diocese of Jackson Sesquicentennial Project, 1987 Historical Advisor, "Historic Indians and French Colonial Period," Permanent Exhibit, Mississippi State Historical Museum, 1990 (preparation) and 1991 (fabrication) Historical Advisor, "Child of the Sun," Foundation for New Media, 1991-92 Core Scholar, "A Question of Image," Auburn Television, 1989-1991 Historical Advisor, Tunica-Biloxi Indians, 1996

Galloway curriculum vitae 12 Historical Advisor and on-camera interviewee, Louisiana History Project, Louisiana Public Broadcasting, 1997-present Historical Advisor, “Cahokia: America’s Lost Metropolis,” BBC, 1998 Expert witness, U.S. vs State of Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida (U.S. Supreme Court, No. 9 original), 1982 Expert witness, U.S. vs Andrew J. Adams, et al., 1981 Expert witness, Choctaw Tribal Court, 1991 Computer Panel, National Endowment for the Humanities, various years Computer Consultant, Louisiana Association of Museums, 1982 Consultant, Multicultural education, Jackson Public Schools, 1981 Commissioner, De Soto Expedition Trail Commission, 1992-1996 American Society for Ethnohistory representative, Wenner-Gren conference on Preservation of the Anthropological Record, 1993 Archival Advisory Board, Methodologies for Preservation and Access of Software-Dependent Electronic Records project, University of California-San Diego Supercomputing Center (NHPRC-funded grant), 1999-present Advisory Board, Regional Humanities Center proposal project, Tulane University (NEH-funded planning grant), 1999-2000 Consultant, Museum construction project, Department of Anthropology, University of South Alabama, 2004

Awards and Grants

McLemore Prize, Mississippi Historical Society, 1984 (for Mississippi Provincial Archives: French Dominion); 1997 (for Choctaw Genesis) Gilbert Chinard Prize, Society for French Historical Studies, Institut Français de Washington, 1984 (for Mississippi Provincial Archives: French Dominion); 1988 (for La Salle, the Mississippi, and the Gulf of Mexico) Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin Prize, American Society for Ethnohistory, 1996 (for Choctaw Genesis) James Mooney Award, Southern Anthropological Society, 1996 (for Choctaw Genesis) Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography Fellow, Newberry Library, 1987 Exemplary Service Award, Mississippi Automated Resource Information System, 1988 Research Grant (with Clara Sue Kidwell), "Choctaw Land Claims in Mississippi," National Endowment for the Humanities, 1988-89 Planning Grant, Columbus Quincentenary Project, Mississippi Humanities Council, 1988-89 School Materials Grants, "French Colonial Mississippi--A Supplementary Language Reader," Mississippi Humanities Council, 1989; DuPont Corporation, Gannett Corporation, 1991 Scholar-in-Residence Grant (to support work of Dr. Russell Magnaghi), "The Italian Experience in Mississippi," Mississippi Humanities Council, 1990-1991 Public Programs Grant (to Mississippi Historical Society), "Hernando de Soto in Mississippi: New Ideas on an Old Problem," Mississippi Humanities Council, 1991 Project Director, "Native American, African, and European Cultures in Mississippi, 1500-1800," Permanent Exhibits, Mississippi State Historical Museum, implementation grant from National Endowment for the Humanities, 1994-1997; recipient of 1998 Award of Merit, American Association for State and Local History Project Leader, Electronic Records Project, research grant to MDAH from National Historical Publications and Records Commission to develop long-term preservation of state government electronic records, 1997-1999 Project Director, Texas State Library and Archives Commission Metadata Study, 2003

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Galloway curriculum vitae 13

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