Joseph: the Son of Jacob Part 2 (No. CB15)

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Joseph: the Son of Jacob Part 2 (No. CB15)

Christian Churches of God No. CB15

Joseph: The Son of Jacob Part 2

(Edition 2.0 20030202-20070128)

As a result of the famine in the land of Egypt, Joseph’s brothers come before him for the first time in thirteen years to ask for food. Although he recognizes his brothers, Joseph does not make himself known to them at first. Nevertheless, Joseph is eventually reunited with his brothers and his father.

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(Copyright ã 2003, 2007 CCG, ed. Wade Cox)

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Joseph: The Son of Jacob Part 2

Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt Genesis 42:9 “You are spies! You have come to The famine had spread to other nations see the nakedness of the land!” Joseph’s brothers denied his accusations that beyond Egypt, and the house of Jacob in they were spies who had come to Egypt so Canaan was no exception. For this reason, they could report to enemy nations of when Jacob saw that his remaining ten sons Egypt’s weaknesses. were not going out to Egypt where supplies And they said, “Your servants are twelve could be purchased, he asked them, “Why do brothers, the sons of one man in the land of you look at one another? Indeed I have heard Canaan; and in fact, the youngest is with our there is grain in Egypt” (Gen. 42:1-2). father today, and one is no more. (Gen. 42:13)

Remember from previous studies, Jacob’s But Joseph continued his accusation against other sons had told him that a wild animal them. He knew that they were not truly spies, had killed Joseph. Because Jacob did not but he decided to make sure that his rank and want any harm to come to the only son power remained the focus of their attention. thought to be alive through his dead wife He did this by assuring them that they would Rachel, Jacob kept Benjamin behind while not leave Egypt unless their younger brother the other ten brothers set out towards Egypt came to Egypt as proof that what they told (Gen. 42:3-5). him was true (Gen. 42:14-16).

Upon their arrival in Egypt, Joseph’s brothers After keeping them in prison for three days, came before him bowing with their faces Joseph allowed all but one of the brothers to humbly toward the ground. They did this as a return home to their father with grain to help mark of respect for an important man. We their families through the famine (Gen. can recall from the story in Part 1 that Joseph 42:17-20). Finally, realizing that they were was second in command under the Pharaoh going through all of this because of what of Egypt. Joseph knew who they were and he they had done to Joseph in the past, the remembered the dream he had as a young brothers discussed their guilt and the real boy – that his brothers were bowing down to possibility that their lives might be taken him. So that dream had finally come true because of their past actions. (Gen. 42:6-9). Genesis 42:21-22 Then they said to one another, “We are truly guilty concerning our brother, for They did not recognize their brother Joseph we saw the anguish of his soul when he pleaded after so many years, because he was a young with us, and we would not hear; therefore this boy when they sold him into slavery and now distress has come upon us.” 22 Then Reuben spoke he was a grown man. Also he looked like any to them saying, did I not speak to you saying, ‘Do other Egyptian. But they knew the power of not sin against the boy’; and you did not listen. the man who stood in front of them. Joseph Therefore now behold, his blood is now required of us.” wanted to tell them who he was and embrace them, but he decided to wait. Noticing that Joseph spoke the Egyptian language and his his younger brother Benjamin was not brothers spoke only Hebrew, so all of this present, Joseph began one of the two tests his talk between the brothers was through an brothers were meant to experience in order to interpreter. This person could speak both learn from their past mistakes. languages (Gen. 42:23). But Joseph remembered his native language and he Joseph: Son of Jacob Part 2 Page 3 understood what his brothers were saying. let him go for the time being (Gen. 42:38). He was sorry for his brothers and he went Knowing how much our parents truly love away so that they would not see him cry. us, as God also loves His children, it is easy When Joseph returned, he had Simeon tied to realize how difficult it would be for Jacob up as his prisoner right in front of the other to put Benjamin in a life- threatening brothers’ eyes (Gen. 42:24). position; especially when Jacob believed that he had already lost two sons, Joseph and The brothers return to Canaan Simeon. Before the freed brothers began their return to their father Jacob’s house, unknown to his However, when the famine became severe, brothers Joseph commanded his servants to Jacob had no choice but to allow Benjamin put the brothers’ money back into their grain to return to Egypt with his other sons in bags. When one of the brothers opened his order to obtain supplies. This time, Judah bag of grain where they had stopped to set up took responsibility for Benjamin’s safety. camp, he found all his money in it! He Judah promised that if anything happened to showed it to his brothers and they found their Benjamin, the blame would be on him money in their grain sacks as well. Suddenly forever (Gen. 43:1-9). they all became frightened that they might be blamed for stealing the money if Joseph were Try to remember who took a curse upon to find out (Gen. 42:25-28). themselves in Jacob’s family when he was younger. Referring to previous lessons and Try to imagine the fear that would be felt by the Bible itself, what does God say is wrong the brothers believing that they would have with taking a curse or blame upon oneself? to answer for their actions to the second most powerful individual in the strongest nation in Jacob finally accepted that Benjamin would the world. When it is often difficult to have to return with his other sons to Egypt, answer to our parents for our actions, think because the rest of his children and of how difficult it would be to have to grandchildren were suffering due to the answer for our mistakes to our nations’ famine. However, to ensure that they did not leaders! go back to Egypt empty-handed, Jacob sent presents of fruit, balm, honey, spices, myrrh, After returning to the land of Canaan, the pistachio nuts and almonds along with them brothers quickly came before Jacob and told (Gen. 43:10-11). him about everything that had happened to them in Egypt. When Jacob saw the bundles With these gifts, the sons were also to take of money from his sons’ sackcloth bags, he with them twice the amount of money they also became frightened. For, Jacob believed took on their first journey to Egypt. They Joseph and Simeon to be dead, and now were also told to return the money that had Benjamin was required to return with his been found in their grain bags, just in case it other sons to Egypt. As the oldest son, had remained in their bags by some oversight Reuben attempted to assure his father that if (Gen. 43:12-13). Benjamin were put under his care, he would make sure Benjamin would return with them, As they headed out, Jacob declared, “May even at the cost of the lives of his own two God Almighty give you mercy before the sons (Gen. 42:29-36). man, that he may release your other brother and Benjamin. As for me, if I am bereaved, I Genesis 42:37 “Then Reuben spoke to his father am bereaved” (Gen. 43:14). saying, ‘Kill my two sons if I do not bring him back to you; put him in my hands, and I will bring By this point in the famine, Jacob had him back to you.’” realized that more lives then just Benjamin’s and his other sons’ could be lost if he did not Concerned that some danger would come to replenish the supplies of his household. By Benjamin along the journey, Jacob refused to Page 4 Joseph: Son of Jacob Part 2 allowing himself to be bereaved or upset by serving was five times larger than that of the the loss of Benjamin and sending his other others (Gen. 43:34). sons back to Egypt, Jacob displayed his willingness to sacrifice Benjamin, so that the If we look at the importance of Benjamin’s rest of his family could survive into the serving of food, we must understand the future. biblical significance of the number five. Though the Bible often refers to five as When Joseph saw his brothers return with relating to divine grace without trial, perhaps Benjamin, he told his butler to kill an animal as Benjamin was free of the trials faced by in preparation for a feast to be held at his his half-brothers at that time, the significance house. Once the brothers were brought into of Joseph favouring his full brother over his Joseph’s house they immediately became half-brothers could be equally important. frightened at the possible reasons for which they had been brought there. Assuming the If we look at the model shown to us by God reason to be the money that they had found the Father we can see that, like Him, neither in their grain bags from their previous visit, Joseph nor ourselves should be “a respecter they approached the butler to explain their of persons” (Acts 10:34). As an example situation. Knowing the nature of the visit, the from Joseph’s own life, we saw how the butler assured the brothers that their presence jealousy and anger that had developed there was for peaceful reasons (Gen. 43:15- between the brothers, as a result of 23). favouritism from Jacob, eventually lead to a plot to kill Joseph. After washing their feet that were dirtied from their journey, drinking some water, and Joseph’s cup having their donkeys fed, the brothers The second test Joseph used on his brothers prepared their presents for Joseph’s arrival at was to place Benjamin in a position of noon (Gen. 43:24-25). potentially fatal guilt. To do this, Joseph had the overseer of his house return the brothers’ When Joseph arrived he was presented with money once again to their grain sacks, but to his gifts from Jacob. He asked about their Benjamin’s sack the servant was also told to father and was told that he was still alive and add Joseph’s silver cup. So, after the brothers in good health. While his brothers humbly had left with their donkeys at dawn, the bowed before him, Joseph recognized and keeper of Joseph’s house followed them. spoke to his younger brother Benjamin When the steward approached them he saying, “God be gracious to you, my son.” accused them of stealing the personal Joseph soon found himself wishing that he belongings of their good host (Gen. 44:1-8). could embrace Benjamin. So, he again had to They again denied what they were being go away from his brothers to hide his accused of, saying: emotions as well as his true identity. When Joseph returned, everyone was seated exactly “With whomever of your servants it is found, let according to their age, from the eldest to the him die, and we will also be my lord’s slaves.” youngest (Gen. 43:26-33). (Gen. 44:9) Eager to prove their innocence, they quickly Because the Egyptians thought it was opened their grain bags for inspection. It was shameful to eat with Hebrews, they sat then, after searching from the oldest to the separately from Joseph’s family. Joseph’s youngest, that the silver cup was found in the brothers were amazed to see that this man, possession of Benjamin. As it was the who they thought had no real knowledge of custom of the time when someone felt their family, had actually seated them strongly emotional, the brothers tore their according to their birthright and age. Not shirts. They felt guilty and fearful for their only that, they must have been curious why youngest brother’s life and quite possibly Joseph had made sure that Benjamin’s their own lives. Once again they would need Joseph: Son of Jacob Part 2 Page 5 to reason with Joseph, so the brothers headed him as a slave; it was by God that he had back to the city (Gen. 44:10-13). arrived where he was as a second to Pharaoh and a preserver of life during those times of Admitting their guilt for what had happened famine (Gen. 45:5-8). with the silver cup, as well as their past mistakes, they again bowed humbly before When Pharaoh heard reports from the Joseph and offered themselves as servants to servants of his house that Joseph’s brothers him. Seeing this display of humility, Joseph had come, Pharaoh and his servants were spoke to them and said, “The man in whose happy for Joseph. As a result, Pharaoh told hand the cup was found, he shall be my Joseph to send his brothers back to Canaan, slave. And as for you, go up in peace to your get their father and all that was Jacob’s, and father” (Gen. 44:14-17). to return to Egypt. Pharaoh was going to present Jacob with the best land in Egypt, Because the silver cup was found in the also known as the ‘fat of the land’. Joseph possession of Benjamin, he was at risk of did what Pharaoh commanded (Gen. 45:9- becoming a slave to Joseph, who was 21). governor of Egypt. Realizing that what was happening to Benjamin was very similar to Joseph gave his brothers a change of clothes, what they had done to Joseph in his youth, but to Benjamin he gave five changes of the brothers must have felt a strong sense of clothes and three hundred pieces of silver. guilt. What would any of us do if we were For his father, Joseph sent ten male donkeys one of Benjamin’s brothers? loaded with goods from Egypt and ten female donkeys loaded with grain, bread, and Judah tries to save Benjamin food for the journey (Gen. 45:22-24). For Judah the answer was clear. He feared that his father would not live much longer The symbolism of the sets of ten donkeys is and that the blame would be upon his head not only important in a physical sense. forever if he didn’t bring Benjamin back to Although the symbols found with numbers in Canaan. Hoping to explain his situation, the Bible may be too much to understand Judah approached Joseph to retell the whole right now, in the future it will be very story of what had happened (Gen. 44:18-32). important in understanding the Plan and Judah then pleaded with Joseph. Calendar of God.

Genesis 44:33-34 “Now therefore let your servant In symbolism, the number ten usually remain instead of the lad as a slave to my lord, represents completeness and a new 34 and let the lad go up with his brothers. For how beginning. The number two, as in the two shall I go up to my father if the lad is not with me, lest perhaps I see the evil that would come upon sets of ten donkeys, represents difference. It my father.” is quite possible that for Joseph, sending the donkeys in sets of ten was symbolic proof for Joseph reveals who he is his father Jacob that he was alive and that Judah had played a big part in kidnapping they could recommence their relationship Joseph and selling him into slavery. When anew. Joseph heard Judah say he was willing to give up his own life for that of his younger Arriving in the land of Canaan, Joseph’s brother, Joseph broke down and cried in brothers told their father that Joseph was still front of all who were there. Once all his alive and was now the governor of Egypt. At Egyptian servants had left the room, Joseph first, Jacob did not believe his sons, perhaps told his brothers who he really was (Gen. because of their past deception in which they 45:1-4). told him that Joseph was killed by a wild animal as a young man. However, once After a tearful reunion, Joseph informed his Jacob saw the donkeys and all that had been brothers that they had no blame for selling sent to him from Egypt, Jacob believed that Page 6 Joseph: Son of Jacob Part 2

Joseph really was alive. This made Jacob Pharaoh he had been living for 130 years very happy. So, Jacob told his other sons (Gen. 47:7-9). After this Joseph settled his that, without delay, he would go to Egypt to father and brothers and their families in see Joseph before his death (Gen. 45:25-28). Goshen. He also made sure they all had enough food to eat (Gen. 47:10-12). As this example from the life of Joseph shows, we should not develop favourites The famine continues either as parents or siblings, as Jacob did Meanwhile, the famine became worse and with Joseph and Joseph did with Benjamin. the people had to pay for the grain they got We shouldn’t doubt the dreams or means by from Joseph; but eventually the money ran which God does His works, because they out. This also shows that they did not really will not always make sense to us. And prepare for hard times by saving their money finally, we should never be quick to react to when times were good and they had plenty our emotions as Joseph’s brother did with (Gen. 47:13-15). him, because there are always consequences for our thoughts and actions. But the people were hungry and cried out for bread. Joseph then told them that they could Jacob and his sons journey to Egypt bring their animals and exchange them for So Jacob and his sons and all their families food. But eventually they had no more set out with all their possessions. Along the animals either and they cried out again. This way, Jacob was spoken to in a vision or time they gave up their land to Pharaoh so dream by the Angel of Yahovah and told not they could eat. All the people sold their land to be afraid to go to Egypt, because God had because the famine was so bad. So the people plans for his family there (Gen. 46:1-3). were then moved into the cities to live and they were fed there until the famine ended. When Joseph heard his father was on his way The only land not sold was that belonging to he went up to Goshen to meet him. Just the Egyptian priests. They had been given a imagine the joy when Jacob met his favourite ration of food from the Pharaoh (Gen. 47:16- son after so many years and especially as he 22). thought he was dead. So they cried tears of happiness. Jacob was now ready to die When the hard times passed the people were because he had seen Joseph once again (Gen. given seed to plant in the land and they were 46:29-30). required to give the king one fifth of all they produced. The other four parts were theirs. Joseph told his brothers to tell the Pharaoh The people were happy with this plan as they that they were used to working with had been saved from starvation after all. Just livestock. Most Egyptians did not like people as Joseph had said, the seven years of famine who did this work, because cattle and sheep ended and finally the rains came (Gen. were sacred to them (Gen. 46:31-34). 47:23-26).

Five of the brothers were brought before Jacob adopts Joseph’s children Pharaoh and when he heard they were Joseph’s father and brothers had been in keepers of sheep and cattle, Pharaoh told Egypt about seventeen years when word Joseph to let them settle in the land of came to Joseph that his father was very sick. Goshen. This was the best place for the herds So he took his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh and not many Egyptians lived there, so and went to his father. Jacob told Joseph Joseph was happy for his family (Gen. 47:1- what the Angel had told him long ago that a 6). great nation would come from him and the land of Canaan would be given to the Next, Joseph brought his father before generations that came after Jacob (Gen. 48:1- Pharaoh and he was very respectful to Jacob. 4). When asked how old he was Jacob told Joseph: Son of Jacob Part 2 Page 7

Jacob then told Joseph that he wanted to his brothers that he would provide for them adopt his two sons, so they could be included and their families (Gen. 50:15-21). Joseph with his other sons in the blessings and did not seek revenge for the bad things his promises made by the Lord. By doing this he brothers had done to him. Neither should we would make sure that Ephraim and Manasseh seek revenge upon those who have hurt us. would remain in his family and not get God will take care of those things for us if mixed up with Eygptian families, as their we trust Him. mother was an Egyptian (Gen. 48:1-5). Death of Joseph Jacob blessed Joseph and his sons and told Joseph continued to live in Egypt with his Joseph that God would be with him and take brothers and their families until he died. As him back to the land of his fathers (Gen. he was dying he told his people that the One 48:21-22). Then Jacob blessed all his other True God was with them and would bring sons (Gen. 49:1-2). After all this Jacob them out of Egypt (Gen. 50:15-26). Joseph breathed his last breath and died (Gen. did not forget God’s promises (Gen. 15:16; 49:29-33). 46:4; 48:21). He then made his brothers swear that they would take his bones out of Joseph wept over his father and kissed him. Egypt when God fulfilled this promise. We Then he directed the Egyptians to prepare his know from the Bible that Moses did take father’s body for burial. The embalming took Joseph’s bones out of Egypt hundreds of forty days; then there was a long period of years later (Ex. 13:19). Jacob also made a mourning for Jacob. When this was all over similar request of his sons when he was Joseph told Pharaoh that his father had made dying (Gen. 47:29-31). him swear that he would return his body to Canaan. Pharaoh told him to do what his Joseph lived one hundred and ten years. His father asked. So, his brothers, all Pharaoh’s body was embalmed and buried in Egypt. servants and the elders of his house and all The Egyptians considered it a divine blessing the elders of Egypt went with him. When to have lived this long. they got there, another seven days of mourning took place. After this they all From this paper it is hoped that we will returned again to Egypt knowing that they realize and better appreciate the trials and had kept their promise to their father (Gen. learning processes experienced by Joseph’s 50:1-14). brothers. We can apply these lessons to our own attitudes and the decisions we make Through all of this Joseph was finally throughout our lives. reconciled with his brothers. All of their past problems were finally put aside. He assured

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