1. There are 3 FSPT funding agencies: a. Community Based Care of Central Florida (CBC-CF), which funds services for children involved with the abuse/neglect system, and sometimes their parents/caregivers. b. Children’s Home Society (CHS), which funds “community” kids who are not involved with the dependency or delinquency systems c. Human Services Associates (HSA) which funds a variety of low income kids 2. Staff credentials: Any level of staff may provide services for FSPT 3. LE: There is no LE required 4. Cost Share: If a family’s income is too high for 100% funding, CHS might require the family to pay 25%, 50% or 75% of the cost of services. The amount will be told to you when the case is assigned. Have the parent complete the Copayment Agreement at the intake session. You will need to collect the copayment at each session, unless the parent submits their credit card information on the Copayment Agreement. 5. Forms: CHS & HSA require several additional forms: a. Demographic form, completed at intake (CHS and HSA each have their own Demographic form) b. Auxiliary Aids and Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, completed at intake (CHS only) c. CFARS form is different for CHS and HSA and includes “Mental Health Outcomes” (MHO) sections, which have to be completed every 3 months (only for CHS and HSA). 1. CBC-CF: use our regular CFARS form at the usual times (intake, 6 months, discharge) 2. CHS: use the CHS version of the CFARS form. MHO is required every 3 months. 3. HSA: use the HSA version of the CFARS form. MHO is required every 3 months. 6. Billing codes: a. Sessions are either billed as In-Home and On-Site Services (IHOS) or Individual Outpatient (IndOP), depending on what is listed on the authorization. A “unit” is one hour, not 15 minutes, as with Medicaid. b. The Bio-Psychosocial and CFARS are billed as Assessment (AS) for one hour. This requires a separate Progress Note, documenting the time you spent outside of the intake sessions completing them (usually later on the same day) c. Because CBC-CF authorizes 2 hours of AS, the intake session is billed as a second hour of AS for CBC-CF cases. d. Because CHS only authorizes one hour AS, and it is used for the Bio/CAFRS, the intake session is billed as IHOS or IndOP, depending on the code on the authorization for ongoing services. e. There is no billing or payment for the Treatment Plan, nor TPR's, so try to complete them during your session time to avoid extra unpaid work. 7. Prior Authorization: Although authorizations are usually for 3 months at a time, service limits are on a per-month basis, so keep track of your sessions to make sure that you do not exceed the amount authorized each month. Contact the case manager to request another authorization prior to the first authorization’s expiration. 8. Treatment Plan: This is not billable, so you may complete it during session time.

Adapt Behavioral Services – Clinician Procedure Manual Revised - 06/12