Health 90 – Central Collegiate Mr. Cal Carter – 2015-2016 - 1

Course Outline

Fourth R Healthy Relationships Plus Program (seven weeks) Stress Management Action Plan/Drug Report (two weeks)

Sexual Health (two weeks) Relationship Action Plan (one-two weeks)

Guidance (two weeks)

Health Promotion/Comprehensive Safety/Food Policy (one week)

Course Assessment

Final Assignment 15% Minor Assignments/Journal 25% Discussion 10% Vocabulary Quizzes 10% Action Plans/Major Assignments/Quizzes 35%

=100% Health 90 – Central Collegiate Mr. Cal Carter – 2015-2016 - 2

Course Mentality “Health education contributes to fostering improved health, while recognizing that there are many factors that promote health at every stage of a young person's development. Throughout this curriculum, opportunities are provided for students to attain, maintain, and promote a healthy mind, body, heart, and spirit. Young people can acquire the understandings, skills, and confidences needed, for example, to evaluate healthy food policies; to negotiate and make healthy decisions about sexual and reproductive health; to question the norms and trends that influence decision making; to communicate effectively in relationships; and to take action to promote the health of self, family, community, and environment.” - Sask. Health 9 Curriculum

In this course you can expect a lot of discussion and group work that places an emphasis on reflecting and thinking deeply about our feelings on the topics of this health class. There will be several action plans for you to complete over the course of the semester. These involve determining goals to improve some of your habits or prepare you for situations by creating a plan. Most classes, you will be asked to reflect on your understandings of health so actively questioning your learning will help when you are asked to convey your thoughts to others. These reflections on your beliefs about health should help you in determining goals for your action plans. There is also a guidance piece within this course pertaining to career development. We will utilize to accomplish this goal in getting an idea of what our future direction may be. We also are piloting the Fourth R Healthy Relationships Plus Program which is in line with many of the outcomes listed below emphasizing more discussion.

Outcomes What you should be able to do at the conclusion of this course :

9.1 I CAN promote/make healthy decisions and identify qualities of leadership 9.2 I CAN safely approach situations. 9.3 I CAN question stigma for people living with HIV/Hep C. 9.4 I CAN analyze norms for romantic relationships. 9.5 I CAN evaluate healthy food policies. 9.6 I CAN analyze challenges and supports for addictions. 9.7 I CAN analyze tragic death/ suicide as distressing. 9.8 I CAN facilitate living for people with chronic illness. 9.9 I CAN promote sexual health, avoid compromising behaviours. 9.10 I CAN promote healthy decision making. 9.11 I CAN set health promoting goals. 9.12 I CAN create and implement an action plan. Health 90 – Central Collegiate Mr. Cal Carter – 2015-2016 - 3

Course Expectations

What I expect from you: - Ask questions – use your phone (when allowed) to answer q’s/record homework - Have a positive attitude and respect others in the class. - Complete your assignments - keep up! - Come to class prepared (Binder, Paper, Pen/Pencil, Journal) - Maturity – this class deals with serious themes – I expect you to treat them and the associated discussions with respect.

What you can expect from me: - Positive attitude, approachable, willing to help - Feedback to help you grow - Questions, questions, questions - I will try to be as fair as possible while challenging you!

Assessment 35% - Action Plans/Major Assignments/Quizzes As mentioned above we will be completing action plans so that you may learn to set goals to live healthier. Additional details will be included with the Action Plan Outline. Time- pending - You will be required to complete a project/presentation. We will determine fair marking rubrics together with guidance from the teacher.

40% - Minor Assignments/Journal (25%) + Discussion – mark out of 10 for each reporting period (15%) As mentioned above, this class will deal with a lot of discussion and sharing. You will be given questions to consider related to the goals/outcomes (I CAN statements) and we will express some of these ideas regarding them, then we will expand on our opinions and points as a class. Your questions will help me identify what questions you can ask to further your learning and utilize relationships with others to learn. People have similar and differing views on some of these topics (for example: relationships), so respect and hearing other opinions or providing yours may help you become more healthy. Discussion is based on talking in turn, contributing to discussion positively, and other expectations as determined by the class.

15% - Final Assignment With the units we cover you will have quizzes to show your understanding of the content. Many of these will reflect learning from discussion, assignments, and projects. There will be a final “quiz” that should include an assessment of all of our discussions and units we have covered, but it is open book. Health 90 – Central Collegiate Mr. Cal Carter – 2015-2016 - 4

10% - Vocabulary Quizzes There are many terms to become familiar with in Health 9 and there will be quizzes to convey your understanding of them.

Contact Information

Mr. Cal Carter

Email: [email protected] Room: 113 Website: CCI Phone Number: 306-693-4691

Please read through the course expectations and procedures (attached), as well as this course outline with your parent/guardian. Have your parent/guardian sign a copy of this course outline (also available at the website) and return it to class, including their e-mail. I would like to have it so that they may contact me at their convenience or so that I may contact them regarding questions about our learning. Parent/Guardians may also get a look at where we are at as I plan to keep the website (wikispace) up to date with our progression through the semester, including postings about upcoming presentations/projects.

Dear Parent/Guardian, This class deals with a multitude of mature themes throughout the course of the semester. We will discuss topics mentioned in the outline including but not limited to: addiction, tragic death, and sexuality. If there are any topics you feel that your child should not be involved in, please contact me and alternatives may be prepared for your child while the class progresses through that material. I appreciate your feedback and welcome questions regarding the content that you may have (my information is listed above). I look forward to working with your child and all students in this class!

Thank you, -Cal Carter ______

Parent/Guardian's Name and E-mail: Parent/Guardian's Signature:



Student's E-mail: Student's Signature:


Date: Health 90 – Central Collegiate Mr. Cal Carter – 2015-2016 - 5
