Integrated Safeguards Datasheet s10
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I. Basic Information Date prepared/updated: 04/15/2011 Report No.: AC6235 1. Basic Project Data Original Project ID: P079736 Original Project Name: CEMAC - Transport-Transit Facilitation Country: Africa Project ID: P125915 Project Name: Africa: CEMAC Transport and Transit Facil - Second Add'l Financing Task Team Leader: Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge Estimated Appraisal Date: March 30, 2011 Estimated Board Date: June 23, 2011 Managing Unit: AFTTR Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Sector: Roads and highways (85%);Central government administration (15%) Theme: Trade facilitation and market access (60%);Regional integration (40%) IBRD Amount (US$m.): 0.00 IDA Amount (US$m.): 112.00 GEF Amount (US$m.): 0.00 PCF Amount (US$m.): 0.00 Other financing amounts by source: BORROWER/RECIPIENT 0 .00 0.00 Environmental Category: B - Partial Assessment Repeater [] Is this project processed under OP 8.50 (Emergency Recovery) Yes [ ] No [X] or OP 8.00 (Rapid Response to Crises and Emergencies)
2. Project Objectives The project development objective is to facilitate regional trade among the CEMAC member states and improve the Central African Republic, the Republic of Cameroon's and the Republic of Chad's access to world markets.
3. Project Description General initial project and program description
The CEMAC Transport and Transit Facilitation Project is financed by five IDA credits and grants, totaling US$418 million (approved in 2007 and 2009). This comprehensive program tackles most of the transit facilitation dimensions along the two targeted corridors: road rehabilitation, railway modernization, customs reform, transport regulation, support to the Douala single window and - though to a more modest scale, port modernization. A key project's objective is to reduce the dwell time in the Douala port (around 20 days) and the transit time from Douala to N'Djamena (15 days) and from Douala to Bangui (10 days). In addition to the IDA support, this program is also supported by the AfDB and the European Union.
The original project and its first additional financing have three components to be implemented in Cameroon, CAR and Chad:
(i) First component: Roads and Railway Infrastructure Improvement. Activities include: (a) periodic maintenance, rehabilitation and upgrading works on selected road section along the corridors; (b) paving of existing gravel road sections; (c) harmonization and enforcement of axle load control policies; (d) construction and improvement of rest areas; (e) rehabilitation of critical rail infrastructure; and (f) implementation of HIV- AIDS awareness and mitigation measures. This component finances in particular the rehabilitation of the following road sections: in Cameroon: Mbéré - Ngaoundéré (86 km), Ngaoundéré - Garoua (275 km) and Dabanga - Kousseri (78 km); in Chad: Bongor - Eré - Kelo (131 km); in CAR: Fambélé - Baboua (34 km), Fambélé - Bouar (33 km) and Bossembélé - Yaloké (10 km). It also finances the rehabilitation of 175 km of railway tracks in Cameroon (Batchenga - Ka'a).
(ii) Second component: Transit and Transport Facilitation Investments. Activities include: (a) communication between stakeholders, especially within the port community, including Information and Communication Technology (ICT) interfacing; (b) transit regime and border crossing improvements through cargo tracking, border posts constructions and improvement; (c) port safety and security strengthening; and (d) improvement in intermodal interfaces. This component finances in particular the improvement of multimodal platforms in Ngaoundéré and Douala (Cameroon) and the construction of a bus station in Bouar (CAR).
(iii) Third component: Customs and Transport Sector Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building. Activities include: (a) CEMAC Customs Union and national customs strengthening; (b) institutional support for transport facilitation institutions; and (c) coordination and management of the project's activities. This component finances in particular the improvement of local customs' offices in Garoua Boulai - Touboro and Kousseri (Cameroon) and in Belabo (CAR), as well as the construction of a training center for the Cameroonian customs and of new offices for the "cellule BAM-BAD", the project implementing unit in the Cameroonian Ministry of Public Works.
The proposed second additional financing includes the following additional activities to be executed in Cameroon:
- The rehabilitation of the road Magada - Maroua (about 60 km) whose design study has already been completed (financed by the EU). A possible separate financing on part of that section is envisaged with the EU, subject to confirmation of additional financing from that donor. If confirmed, the EU financing would focus in priority on furthering the proposed works (urban sections in Maroua and Magada). - The reconstruction of the Tilde bridge, a major bottleneck for transit in Northern Cameroon. - Road safety investments on the targeted corridors (such as the repair or replacement of crash/traffic barriers), using the conclusions from a road safety audit financed by the EU on the Douala - Yaounde section. It is envisaged to finance under this component a similar road safety assessment on the rest of the corridors. All road safety activities would be closely coordinated with the other donors and with the WB - TOTAL road safety initiative recently launched in the CEMAC sub-region. - Depending on the residual resources (such as the ones that could potentially be freed from the separate financing arrangement with the EU on Magada - Maroua), this component may finance additional spot interventions or rehabilitation/maintenance activities on other sections of the targeted corridors (particularly on the Maroua - Dabanga section in Northern Cameroon).
4. Project Location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis The initial project finances activities at several different sites in Cameroon, CAR and Chad, including (a) several sections of the road corridors linking N'Djamena and Bangui to Douala that need upgrading or long term maintenance; (b) rail sections in Cameroon between Yaoundé and Belabo and near Douala that need to be rehabilitated; and (c) a number of trade-related investment and technical assistance in the three countries.
Safeguards issues concern relatively minimal environmental and social impact resulting from the road, railway and bridge investment components of the project in Cameroon. In general, key social issues relevant to the project objectives are mostly in relation to social impacts of the road improvements in Cameroon.
5. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists Ms Lucienne M. M'Baipor (AFTCS) Mr Bienvenu Rajaonson (AFTEN) Ms Dahlia Lotayef (AFTEN) Mr Emeran Serge M. Menang Evouna (AFTEN)
6. Safeguard Policies Triggered Yes No Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) X Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) X Forests (OP/BP 4.36) X Pest Management (OP 4.09) X Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11) X Indigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10) X Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) X Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) X Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50) X Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP 7.60) X II. Key Safeguard Policy Issues and Their Management A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues 1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts: The project finances activities at several different sites in Cameroon, CAR and Chad, including (a) several sections of the road corridors linking N'Djamena and Bangui to Douala that need upgrading or long term maintenance; (b) rail sections in Cameroon between Yaoundé and Belabo and near Douala that need to be rehabilitated; and (c) a number of trade-related investment and technical assistance in the three countries.
Safeguards issues concern relatively minimal environmental and social impact resulting from the road, bridge and rail investment components of the project in Cameroon, CAR and Chad, and to a more limited extent by some of the trade facilitation activities. Specific safeguards instruments have been prepared in application of the activated safeguards policies. In particular:
- When the original project was prepared, three separate environment and social impact assessment studies (ESIAs) were prepared, one for Cameroon, one for Central African Republic and one for Chad. Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) were prepared, based on the ESIAs. - Regarding the railway works, an Environmental and Safety Management Plan (ESMP) has been updated in 2007, based on the ESMF prepared for the purpose of an earlier IDA-financed project to support the railway concession. - When the original project was prepared, three separate resettlement action plans (RAP) were also prepared, one for each country. - When the first additional financing was prepared, it was determined that the Kousseri by-pass required a specific environmental and social management plan (ESMF).
The Environmental Assessments of the road, bridge and rail track works has not revealed any significant direct environmental impacts.
The studies that have been prepared for the purpose of the original project have been disclosed both in country and in the Bank's Infoshop on February 15, 2007. The Kousseri by-pass study was disclosed in country on September 1st, 2009 and in the Bank's Infoshop on September 2, 2009.
For the purpose of the second additional financing, the following safeguards have been prepared:
(a) Regarding the Magada - Maroua road: An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) - including an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared to mitigate the negative impacts caused by the rehabilitation of the Magada road. This ESIA was submitted for disclosure to the World Bank Infoshop on March 18, 2011 and published in country on March 23, 2011. A field mission of the Ministry of Public Works' environmental and social unit has confirmed that no involuntary resettlement were expected prior to or during works' execution.
(b) Regarding the Tilde bridge: An abbreviated RAP (ARAP) has been prepared by the Ministry of Public Works in order to mitigate the negative impacts caused by the displacement of 13 families as a result of the Tilde bridge reconstruction works. This ARAP has been disclosed in country on March 23rd, 2011 and submitted for disclosure to the World Bank Infoshop on March 18, 2011. The Tilde bridge is located on the road section Dabanga - Kousseri (78 km) which is being rehabilitated, together with the Kousseri by-pass, as part of the 1st Additional Financing to the CEMAC Transport and Transit Facilitation Project. The corresponding ESIA and ESMP were prepared and disclosed in country on September 1st, 2009 and in the World Bank Infoshop on September 2nd, 2009.
2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area: During the construction phase, negative environmental and social impacts may include the destruction of physical habitat and the logging of fruit-trees along the road. However, no new road section will be constructed and the widening of some sections will only affect very partially the local agricultural activity and local habitat. As a side-effect of the physical works, the agricultural workforce may be slightly reduced in the region. Air quality in works areas will be somewhat degraded by intensive use of gas-powered machines and repetitive truck movements, but this air pollution will be limited in time and importance. Works can also affect rainwater streaming and the soils physical properties. After pavement, the road will become a waterproof strip that can considerably modify water streaming.
In the railway sector, the World Bank is monitoring the implementation of IDA- financed works and compliance with the specific Environmental and Safety Action Plan updated in 2007. Through its regular supervision activities, the World Bank is also monitoring the implementation of linked activities financed by the Government of Cameroon.
ESIAs/ESMPs and RAPs were prepared and disclosed in each country in order to mitigate these negative risks. Proper environmental measures can avoid most of the negative environmental impacts resulting from the physical works and these measures will be included in all the procurement documents. For instance, in Cameroon, strict water sanitation and drainage precautions have to be taken to avoid important changes in rainfall runoff causing erosion. A specific budget has also been allotted for the environmental mitigation measures to be undertaken in the three countries. A RAP was prepared in each country to address some small trader housing displacement issues. In particular, a RAP was prepared to mitigate the negative impact of resettlements to proceed with the Kousseri by-pass works at the border with Chad. As indicated above, an additional ESIA/EMP, and Abbreviated RAP have been prepared for works financed under the second Additional Financing.
A major environmental benefit of the pavement of roads in this region lies in reduction of dust generation, particularly important on dirt roads during the dry season.
Impacts during the operational phase of these facilities include increased noise and accident risks due to the increased traffic and HIV/AIDS propagation. High attention will be paid to road safety improvement. A dedicated part of the financing from the development partner community has been allotted to sensitize the local population to fight against HIV and promote road safety and environmental conservation. The second additional financing includes specific resources to improve the road safety condition along the targeted corridors. These actions will be closely coordinated with other initiatives aiming at improving road safety, in particular with other activities implemented by the EU and a new launched initiative between the World Bank and TOTAL corporation in Africa.
Other possible long term adverse impacts identified by the ESIA in Cameroon include the potential increase in pressure on natural resources, particularly through illegal logging and the bush meat trade. Through this project, the relevant ministry in Cameroon has received assistance to acquire equipments (motorcycles and a vehicle) to ensure a better control of such illegal activities. The Government has also indicated its willingness to send more field staff in this region. Furthermore, during the civil works phase, the team will ensure that sensitive areas and natural habitats like national park or protected areas will not be encroached by the project activities.
As the ESIA does not identify any sensitive cultural/archeological sites around the project area, all mitigation measures will be taken in case of a fortuitous finding of any archeological remains or high value cultural site.
3. Describe any project alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts. No alternative has been considered to minimize adverse impacts. As for road investments, the operation consists mainly in a rehabilitation of existing roads so no alternative plotting is therefore conceivable. The most sustainable technical option has then been chosen with respect to the project's available resources. The project will ensure that all mitigation measures are taken to reduce or avoid environmental and socials impacts/ risks.
4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described. In each of the three countries, national institutions have been identified and strengthened to ensure the proper implementation of the safeguards instruments that have been prepared for the purpose for the original project and its two additional financing:
- In Cameroon, the Ministry in charge of Environment is responsible for the approval of the ESIA, the ESMP, the RAP and the ARAP. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the government of Cameroon has significantly improved the legal framework for environmental management. Law no. 96/12 of August 5, 1996 sets the framework for environmental matters. The decree no. 2005/0577/PM of February 23, 2005 provides guidance for the EIA. The creation of the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection in 2004 has reinforced the institutional capacity of the government to monitor environmental matters. An Inter-ministerial commission exists through the 96 Environment Law and plays its role in term of approving EIA and EMP. The Ministry of Public Works has a special unit for environmental and social issues - the Division de la Protection du Patrimoine et de l'Environnement (DPPER). This Unit presents all competencies able to ensure the implementation of the process with the monitoring of the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection and its creation was set up through IDA funding under the Transport Sector Project. This unit closely coordinates with the Ministry of Fauna and Forest (MINFOF) regarding the control of bush meat trade and other environmental mitigation activities (tree planting in particular). The members of this Unit receive training financed by the project in the area of Bank social safeguards to allow them to properly monitor the implementation of the ESIAs and RAPs. The project also provides capacity-building targeting the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection, and the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife. So far, the country has performed a good follow up of environmental and social dimensions in the project, fact that is very encouraging. Nevertheless, this performance has to be further continued and strengthened through the present additional financing.
- In CAR, implementation is supported by the Unité Environnementale et Sociale (UES) within MED, in close coordination with the Ministry of Environment (MEFCPE). A specific attention is brought to the issue of timber trade. For instance, the project supports the internet publication of the timber trade data being provided by MEFCPE. The UES has been also actively engaged in preparing and supervising the implementation of a detailed action plan to address some social and environmental issues detected in the execution of the Fambele - Baboua works.
- In Chad, the project is building capacity in the Ministry of Infrastructure, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Water.
In the three countries, the project is providing targeted technical assistance and institutional strengthening to the identified social and environmental institution.
5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people. Key stakeholders have been identified in the ESIA and RAP. However, these should also include representatives from the following entities, State at different levels, private sector, NGOs, local communities, elected authorities and development partners. The Consultation Mechanisms will be as follows:
All safeguards instruments were carried out on the basis of a participative approach. Individual interviews, group discussions and several meetings were organized during the execution of the study and will be planned during the approval process. The project contents, in terms of economic, social, cultural, environmental stakes, as well as mitigation impacts and compensations measures were developed and discussed with diverse stakeholders.
In particular, a consultation was organized during the preparation of Magada-Maroua road section and Tilde bridge design and the associated ESIA and ARAP. Regarding the Tilde bridge, a consultation was organized with community leaders from the Tilde village. Translation in local language (Kotoko) was ensured. During the consultation, local stakeholders raised the issue that many owners did not have official land titles and that some affected people may be renting the land. Measures in line with the World Bank policy on involuntary resettlements (OP 4.12) were included in the ARAP to address these issues. Regarding the ESIA, a consultation of local stakeholders was performed by the Social and Environmental Unit of the Ministry of Public Works during the period February 7-14, 2011. Consultations highlighted the benefits that the proposed rehabilitation of the Magada - Maroua road would bring to the local populations and the strong support for the project expressed by the local authorities.
The team will ensure that this participatory consultation process continues on a regular basis during project implementation. Supervision missions will be the opportunity to assess the whole process.
B. Disclosure Requirements Date Environmental Assessment/Audit/Management Plan/Other: Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Yes Date of receipt by the Bank 01/20/2011 Date of "in-country" disclosure 03/23/2011 Date of submission to InfoShop 03/18/2011 For category A projects, date of distributing the Executive Summary of the EA to the Executive Directors Resettlement Action Plan/Framework/Policy Process: Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Yes Date of receipt by the Bank 02/28/2011 Date of "in-country" disclosure 03/23/2011 Date of submission to InfoShop 03/18/2011 Indigenous Peoples Plan/Planning Framework: Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Date of receipt by the Bank Date of "in-country" disclosure Date of submission to InfoShop Pest Management Plan: Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Date of receipt by the Bank Date of "in-country" disclosure Date of submission to InfoShop * If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Physical Cultural Resources, the respective issues are to be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/Audit/or EMP. If in-country disclosure of any of the above documents is not expected, please explain why:
C. Compliance Monitoring Indicators at the Corporate Level (to be filled in when the ISDS is finalized by the project decision meeting)
OP/BP/GP 4.01 - Environment Assessment Does the project require a stand-alone EA (including EMP) report? Yes If yes, then did the Regional Environment Unit or Sector Manager (SM) Yes review and approve the EA report? Are the cost and the accountabilities for the EMP incorporated in the Yes credit/loan? OP/BP 4.04 - Natural Habitats Would the project result in any significant conversion or degradation of No critical natural habitats? If the project would result in significant conversion or degradation of other N/A (non-critical) natural habitats, does the project include mitigation measures acceptable to the Bank? OP/BP 4.11 - Physical Cultural Resources Does the EA include adequate measures related to cultural property? Yes Does the credit/loan incorporate mechanisms to mitigate the potential Yes adverse impacts on cultural property? OP/BP 4.12 - Involuntary Resettlement Has a resettlement plan/abbreviated plan/policy framework/process Yes framework (as appropriate) been prepared? If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Sector Yes Manager review the plan? The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the World Bank's Yes Infoshop? Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public place in a Yes form and language that are understandable and accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs? All Safeguard Policies Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional responsibilities Yes been prepared for the implementation of measures related to safeguard policies? Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included in the project Yes cost? Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project include the Yes monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard policies? Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed with the Yes borrower and the same been adequately reflected in the project legal documents? D. Approvals
Signed and submitted by: Name Date Task Team Leader: Mr Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge 03/21/2011 Environmental Specialist: Mr Emeran Serge M. Menang Evouna 03/21/2011 Social Development Specialist Ms Lucienne M. M'Baipor 03/22/2011 Additional Environmental and/or Mr Bienvenu Rajaonson 03/22/2011 Social Development Specialist(s): Approved by: Regional Safeguards Coordinator: Ms Alexandra C. Bezeredi 03/30/2011 Comments: Sector Manager: Mr Emmanuel A. James 03/30/2011 Comments: