Sumner School District Grade 5

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Sumner School District Grade 5

Expository Writing: The primary purpose of expository writing is to explain, interpret, or describe something based upon background experiences or information provided in the prompt. Total Sumner School District Grade 6 Score ______6 Trait Writing Scoring Rubric Student ______

September 2008, Sumner School District – Based on the work of NWREL and Washington State GLEs. Expository Writing: The primary purpose of expository writing is to explain, interpret, or describe something based upon background experiences or information provided in the prompt. 6 Trait Writing Scoring Rubric Grade 6

Ideas/Content Organization Voice GLE 3.1.1 GLE 3.1.2 GLE 3.2.1 s

n 4 The topic is very clear and is supported 4 Uses an effective and clever or 4 Clear, well-defined voice adds to the o i t by multiple layers of interesting and unusual organizational structure. effectiveness of the writing. a t

c important ideas and details. e p

x  The introduction is clever or  The writing has a clearly defined E

s  The topic or point to this writing is unusual and pulls the reader in. and consistent voice directed to the d

e very clear and focused and includes a  Information and/or events are audience and purpose. e c strong thesis statement when x sequenced in an intentional way  The emotions of the writer are E

appropriate. within and between paragraphs. strong and clear.

4  Many ideas give significant support to  Sophisticated transitions link ideas  Writing is highly original. the main point. within and between paragraphs.  Writing demonstrates strong  Many carefully chosen supporting  The conclusion wraps up the confidence and personality. details elaborate on ideas. writing in a unique and compelling  Selects a clever title when appropriate. way. s

n 3 The topic is clear and is supported by 3 Uses an effective organizational 3 The writer behind the writing is o i t layers of adequate ideas and details. structure. clearly seen. a t c e p

x  The topic or point to this writing is  The introduction is interesting and  The writing has an appropriate and E

s clear and includes a thesis statement if pulls the reader in. consistent voice directed to t e

e needed.  Information and/or events are audience and purpose. M

 Many ideas support the main point. sequenced in a logical way within  The emotions and interest of the  Relevant details and/or examples and between paragraphs. writer are evident. 3 extend ideas and develop elaboration.  Uses transitional words and  Writing has a sense of originality.  Selects appropriate title if needed. phrases to link ideas within and  Writing shows personality. between paragraphs.  The conclusion is satisfying, beyond a repetition of the introduction. t r

o 2 The topic may be unclear and/or some 2 An attempt has been made to 2 There is limited sense of the writer p

p supporting ideas and details are missing organize the writing. behind the writing. u S

or confusing. s

d  The introduction is insufficiently  The writing does not maintain a e e  It is difficult to find a topic, point or developed. consistent voice directed to the N /

g thesis in this paper and/or more than  Information and/or events are audience or purpose. n i

p one main idea may be present. sequenced in a way that may not  The emotions and interest of the o l

e  Ideas may be insignificant or do not always be clear. writer are somewhat evident. v

e support the main point.  Transitions connecting ideas are  Writing shows limited originality. D  Lacks sufficient supporting details. simple.  Writing shows limited personality.

2  Title does not match content or is the  The conclusion has been attempted opening sentence. (e.g., repeats the introduction). s

n 1 The message is unclear and/or 1 The writing is unorganized and 1 There is no sense of the writer behind o i t supporting ideas and details are missing. difficult to follow. the writing. a t c e p

x  The writing is unfocused with no main  The introduction is incomplete or is  Does not seem to be written to a E

t idea, topic or point. missing. particular audience or for a specific e e  Ideas are missing.  The sequencing of information purpose. M

t and/or events is scrambled.  The emotions and interest of the

o  Supporting details are missing or

N  Transitions are missing. writer are not evident. confusing. s

e  The conclusion is missing.  Lacks originality. o  Title, if needed, is missing.

D  Personality of the writer is not

seen. 1

September 2008, Sumner School District – Based on the work of NWREL and Washington State GLEs. Expository Writing: The primary purpose of expository writing is to explain, interpret, or describe something based upon background experiences or information provided in the prompt.

Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions GLE 3.2.2 GLE 3.2.3, 3.3.5, 3.3.6 GLE 3.3.1-3.3.4, 3.3.7 s

n 4 Precise, interesting and vivid words 4 The writing is smooth, expressive and 4 Errors are so few and minor they may o i t effectively convey the message. easy to read. be overlooked, even in complex a t

c writing. e p

x  Words are used accurately and  Sentences begin in many different E

s precisely. ways.  Capitals are used correctly. d

e  Strong energetic words enliven the  Sentence structure varies  Punctuation is used correctly. e c

x writing. throughout the piece of writing.  Spelling is nearly perfect. E  Clear, colorful and vivid images are  A variety of sentence types are  Presentation elements increase the

4 created. evident. quality of the piece.  Sentence lengths vary throughout the piece of writing.  Sentences are complete.  Usage rules are used appropriately. s

n 3 Words are carefully chosen so the 3 The writing is clear, readable, and 3 Minor errors, though noticeable, do o i t message gets across. smooth. not interrupt the reading. a t c e p

x  Most words are used accurately and  Sentences are varied in structure,  Capitals are used correctly most of E

s precisely. type, length and beginning. the time. t e

e  Words are selected for effect and are  Sentences are complete.  Punctuation is used correctly most M

appropriate to form/genre.  Usage rules are used appropriately of the time.  Images are created. most of the time.  Most words are spelled correctly. 3  Presentation elements (handwriting, title, margins, paragraph conventions) are present. t r

o 2 Words convey the message with little 2 Some of the writing is smooth and 2 Errors may make the writing difficult p

p imagination. some is hard to read. to read or understand in places. u S


d  Some words may be misused and/or  Sentences do not often vary.  Capitals are used inconsistently. e e overused.  Sentences are complete some of the  Some punctuation is missing or not N /

g  While many words are ordinary, some time. used correctly. n i

p attempts have been made to enhance  Usage rules are used appropriately  Some words are spelled correctly. o l

e the writing. some of the time.  Some presentation elements are v e  Some attempts to create images. missing and/or used incorrectly. D

2 s

n 1 Words are boring, misused, or unclear. 1 Problems with sentence structure 1 Many errors make the writing almost o i t make this difficult to comprehend. impossible to read. a t

c  Words are often misused and/or e p

x overused.  All the sentences are similar in  Capitals are missing or not used E

t  The wording is vague and fuzzy. beginning, structure, type and correctly. e e  No image is created. length.  Punctuation is missing or not used M

t  Sentences are incomplete or one correctly. o

N long sentence is used.  Few words are spelled correctly.


e  Frequent usage errors interrupt the  Presentation makes the paper o

D reading. difficult to read.


September 2008, Sumner School District – Based on the work of NWREL and Washington State GLEs.

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