Academic Affairs Council
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TITLE OF REQUEST: Enrollment Reporting – Update of SDBOR Policy 2:24
DATE DUE FROM MODULE(S): Finalize April 8, 2005
DATE RECOMMENDATION WAS SENT TO THE SYSTEM DATA ADMINISTRATIOR AND/OR AC GROUP FOR APROVAL, (IF APPROPRIATE): Final review at October 21 MOCC – Sent to TAC and AAC on 11/03/05 Changes requested by AAC have been made in the documents (11/15/05) – AAC questions are in red (11/15/05).
EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHANGE Effective after approval from TAC, AAC
Title of Request: Enrollment Reporting – Update of BOR Policy 2:24
Origination Point of This Request SDBOR System Data Administrator – Carla Reihe
Explanation of Request: To update the current SDBOR Policy 2:24 Enrollment Reporting to reflect what is currently being done.
Coordination Recommendation from Ranny Jones representing MOCC and SDA/UDA:
SOUTH DAKOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Policy Manual SUBJECT: Enrollment Reporting NUMBER: 2:24 ______1. All enrollment extracts shall provide enrollment information as of the first 10% of class days (term or section census date) plus active registrations if the section has not reached the first 10% of class days when the extract was taken.
2. Enrollment extracts shall be taken at the following times:
A. In the Fall Term: 1. TENTH DAY CENSUS EXTRACT: On the tenth day of classes on the adopted academic calendar. Two weeks after official census date 2. IPEDS M ID TERM EXTRACT: Twenty one days before the IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey is due. Twenty-one days before November 15
1 AAC requested that this phrasing be changed (Why is the specific date of November 15 included? – recommend this to state 1-2 days after the mid-term date. Question by AAC: will the proposed mid term extract meet the IPEDS needs – what is the relationship? 3. END OF TERM EXTRACT: On the last day of classes on the adopted academic calendar. In the middle of the final exam week B. In the Spring Term: 1. TENTH DAY CENSUS EXTRACT: On the tenth day of classes on the adopted academic calendar. Two weeks after the official census date 2. END OF TERM EXTRACT: On the last day of classes on the adopted academic calendar. In the middle of the final exam week C. In the Summer Term: 1. SUMMER END OF TERM EXTRACT: On the first Tuesday in August. Prior to first Home Location run for billing for Fall.
3. All extracts shall include information for both state-support and self-support students.
4. Students who are not in compliance with Policy 5:5 (1.B.) Policy 5:7 (1.A) and who have not made contact with the university regarding payment or an arrangement to pay (either in writing or in person) shall not be counted in the tenth day extract.
5. The IPEDS Extract shall be used for IPEDS reporting and Student Right to Know graduation rate reporting. AAC stated that if this statement intentionally was not included in our recommendation it should still be stated with a “strikethrough”.
6. Enrollment reports should indicate which extract was used to generate the data.
7. Changing of data after an enrollment extract freeze: AAC stated that this would come back to them for consideration at their December meeting as procedures and not as part of the policy. See email exchange “Turchen/Shekleton” attached. AAC specifically requested examples of what is considered a valid change to the extract and what is a discrepancy that would remain in the extract?
A. It is the universities’ responsibility to verify the enrollment extract data BEFORE the data extract is copied (or frozen), as after that time no changes will be made to the data. Exceptions to this policy will only be granted in rare cases where the impact is considered significant to the Executive Director of the Board of Regents. B. To appeal and recommend a change to the frozen extract, the following procedure will be followed: 1. The following information needs to be forwarded to the System Data Administrator (SDA): i. Name of the university ii. Name of the person requesting the change to the frozen extract iii. Data elements to be updated iv. Including costs/benefits of making the change
2 v. Justification to support the change after the data is frozen vi. Report programs already public that utilize this information 2. The SDA will review the information and request additional documentation as needed. The recommendation, including the SDA comments, may then be forwarded to the Director of RIS for consideration. 3. The Director will analyze the request and either forward on to the Executive Director for the SD Board of Regents for approval or deny the request. C. Discrepancies that remain in the data after the extract is frozen for any given term will be reported as they are or listed as errors in any reports generated from the frozen extract file. 1. If an appeal is denied, report programs will not be changed to hardcode around an error/discrepancy. 2. However, if an appeal is approved, the extract file will be changed so that future report programs do not have to include hard coding around the error/discrepancy.
8. Collection and initial release of official enrollment totals or enrollment estimates for all semesters shall be the responsibility of the Board of Regents office. Prior to the initial release of enrollment data, all inquiries regarding enrollment totals or estimates shall be directed to the Board office.
End of Recommendation ****************************************************************************** Current Policy
SOUTH DAKOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Policy Manual SUBJECT: Enrollment Reporting NUMBER: 2:24 ______1. All enrollment extracts shall provide enrollment information as of the first 13% of instruction of each section plus active registrations if the section has not reached the first 13% of instruction when the extract was taken.
2. Enrollment extracts shall be taken at the following times: A. In the Fall Term: 1. TENTH DAY EXTRACT: On the tenth day of classes on the adopted academic calendar. 2. IPEDS EXTRACT: Twenty-one days before the IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey is due. 3. END OF TERM EXTRACT: On the last day of classes on the adopted academic calendar.
B. In the Spring Term: 1. TENTH DAY EXTRACT: On the tenth day of classes on the adopted academic
3 calendar. 2. END OF TERM EXTRACT: On the last day of classes on the adopted academiccalendar.
C. In the Summer Terms: 1. SUMMER EXTRACT: On the first Tuesday in August.
3. All extracts shall include information for both state-support and self-support students. 4. Students who are not in compliance with Policy 5:5 (1.B) and who have not made contact with the university regarding payment (either in writing or in person) shall not be counted in the tenth day extract. 5. The IPEDS Extract shall be used for IPEDS reporting and Student Right to Know graduation rate reporting. 6. Enrollment reports should indicate which extract was used to generate the data. 7. Collection and initial release of official enrollment totals or enrollment estimates for all semesters shall be the responsibility of the Board of Regents office. Prior to the initial release of enrollment data, all inquiries regarding enrollment totals or estimates shall be directed to the Board office. SOURCE: BOR, August 1993; BOR, January 1997.
Coordination Recommendation from Module(s):
Module: All Modules, MOCC, and UDA/SDA
Explanation of Coordination Reached:
Recommended changes: 10/14 – Biying and I would like to recommend an additional policy change regarding changing of data after the extract is frozen. It is not atypical to have multiple requests to change frozen extract data. While the e-mails regarding the extract freeze itemize the data to be checked and the DAs & SDA review the data throughout the semester, there is typically something that slips through the cracks. We also acknowledge the importance of having accurate enrollment numbers, especially in the fall semester.
Therefore, we would like to propose the following change to the policy:
D. Changing of data after an enrollment extract freeze 1. It is the universities’ responsibility to verify the enrollment extract data BEFORE the data extract is copied (or frozen), as after that time no changes will be made to the data. Exceptions to this policy will only be granted in rare cases where the impact is considered significant to the Executive Director of the Board of Regents. 2. To appeal and recommend a change to the frozen extract, the following procedure will be followed:
4 i. The following information needs to be forwarded to the System Data Administrator (SDA): 1. Name of the university 2. Name of the person requesting the change to the frozen extract 3. Data elements to be updated 4. Including costs/benefits of making the change 5. Justification to support the change after the data is frozen 6. Report programs already public that utilize this information ii. The SDA will review the information and request additional documentation as needed. The recommendation, including the SDA comments, may then be forwarded to the Director of RIS for consideration. iii. The Director will analyze the request and either forward on to the Executive Director for the SD Board of Regents for approval or deny the request. 3. Discrepancies that remain in the data after the extract is frozen for any given term will be reported as they are or listed as errors in any reports generated from the frozen extract file. i. If an appeal is denied, report programs will not be changed to hardcode around an error/discrepancy. ii. However, if an appeal is approved, the extract file will be changed so that future report programs do not have to include hardcoding around the error/discrepancy.
SOUTH DAKOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Policy Manual SUBJECT: Enrollment Reporting NUMBER: 2:24 ______1. All enrollment extracts shall provide enrollment information as of the first 10% of class days (term or section census date) plus active registrations if the section has not reached the first 10% of class days when the extract was taken.
2. Enrollment extracts shall be taken at the following times:
A. In the Fall Term: 1. CENSUS EXTRACT: Two weeks after official census date 2. Mid Term EXTRACT: Twenty-one days before November 15 3. END OF TERM EXTRACT: In the middle of the final exam week
B. In the Spring Term: 1. Census EXTRACT: Two weeks after official census date 2. END OF TERM EXTRACT: In the middle of the final exam week
5 C. In the Summer Term: 1. End of Term EXTRACT: Prior to first Home Location run for billing for Fall.
3. All extracts shall include information for both state-support and self-support students.
4. Students who are not in compliance with Policy 5:5 (1.B) and who have not made contact with the university regarding payment (either in writing or in person) shall not be counted in the tenth day extract.
6. Enrollment reports should indicate which extract was used to generate the data.
7. Collection and initial release of official enrollment totals or enrollment estimates for all semesters shall be the responsibility of the Board of Regents office. Prior to the initial release of enrollment data, all inquiries regarding enrollment totals or estimates shall be directed to the Board office.