PeopleSoft Common Financial System (CFS) Training & Tips Table of Contents

Logging into PeopleSoft...... 3

User ID...... 8

Favorites...... 9

Run Controls...... 12

Operational Reporting...... 14

Legacy Data...... 14 Cal State San Marcos CFS Training & Tips

The implementation of the Common Financial System (CFS) brings some changes that will affect the end user.

 Logging into PeopleSoft

 User ID’s have changed

 Favorites

 Run Controls

 Operational Reporting

Logging into PeopleSoft

The CSUSM Portal will be the mechanism used for the user to access PeopleSoft Financials.

The portal uses your User ID & Password that you use to log into your PC as the credentials to log you into PeopleSoft Financials & the Financial Data Warehouse. It also provides useful information for things going on throughout the CSU.

To access the portal – use the following instructions:

Go to & log into the portal:

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Select the Finance Administration.

Select one of the following:

o CFS Finance Production - to go into the production PeopleSoft database (April 1, 2011 forward).

o Finance Legacy as of 3/31/11 - to view archive data (March 30, 2011 and back). See the Legacy Section for additional information.

4 of 18 Last Revised: 5/10/2018 Cal State San Marcos CFS Training & Tips Select the PeopleSoft Finance Access – CFS will take you to the following screen:

Next, using the Select ‘San Marcos’, select the ‘Login’ button.

5 of 18 Last Revised: 5/10/2018 Cal State San Marcos CFS Training & Tips You will see this screen:

Select the Financial Services link. This will take you to the following screen:

6 of 18 Last Revised: 5/10/2018 Select the Production Link and you will be automatically logged into PeopleSoft Financials.

7 of 18 Last Revised: 5/10/2018 Cal State San Marcos CFS Training & Tips You should see something like this:

If not, please call the Help Desk at x4790 for assistance.

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User ID

Your user id is now your employee ID with an “68” in the front of it. One place you will see this difference is in the Process Monitor (see below).

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You will need to resave your “Favorites” in the new CFS database. The favorites list is your own list of bookmarks to components and transaction pages that you use frequently. An example of your favorite might include ‘Process Monitor’.

To access the Process Monitor select the PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor

10 of 18 Last Revised: 5/10/2018 Cal State San Marcos CFS Training & Tips Once you are on the Page, you then add to your favorites. Select the My Favorites menu option.

Select the Add to Favorites option. You will get the following screen. Type in the description you wish to use.

11 of 18 Last Revised: 5/10/2018 Cal State San Marcos CFS Training & Tips Once you select “OK” the menu has been added to your favorites folder. To see this, select the My Favorites.

The Edit Favorites is used to delete your favorite or change the description of your favorite.

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Run Controls

A Run Control is a database record that provides parameter values for Reports and Processes. Instead of entering the same values each time you run a report, you may create (and save) a Run Control with those settings. The next time you run the report, you select the Run Control you saved and the system recalls the settings.

Run Controls will need to be reestablished in the new CFS system. It is best if you make print screens of the Run Controls you set up in the CMS Legacy System. These can be used to create the Run Control in the new CFS system.

EXAMPLE: CSU State & SW Reporting > Campus Reports> Fund/Deptid Budget Report

To create a new Run Control choose the “Add a New Value”.

Note: Run Controls are case sensitive and should not contain spaces or slashes. Use underscores instead.

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Set up your report parameters (ex: below) and run the report – the run control will save these paramaters for you.

To reuse saved run controls choose the “Find an Existing Value” options for the specific Report you are printing or viewing.

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Note: Once a Run Control is created it cannot be deleted. Care should be taken using the “Add a New Value” option. Run Controls are reusable and can be changed before each re-use. A single generic Run Control for each module, for example “POREPORTS”, may be used to meet all of your Purchasing reporting needs.

Operational Reporting nVision will no longer be available in the new CFS System. A Data Warehouse has replaced this functionality. Further information on how to access the Data Warehouse and Reporting will be given at the Data Warehouse training. There is also a Data Warehouse Training Guide that can be used as a reference.

Legacy Data (Detail for March 30, 2011 & prior)

Detail information will not be available for conversion data in CFS. In order to research detail information for data prior to March 30, 2011 you may still log into a read only copy of the legacy database. You will be able to run nvision and other reports in this instance to do research. There will be no data entered into the legacy system after the close of the March period (period 9).

16 of 18 Last Revised: 5/10/2018 From My CSUSM Portal:

Select the Finance Administration.

Select Finance Legacy as of 3/31/11 to view archive data (March 30, 2011 and back).

17 of 18 Last Revised: 5/10/2018 You should see something like this:

For additional information on how to run reports against the legacy database, please refer to the training guides found on the SOD website: %20Guides/SMInquiryandReportsTrainingManual90.doc %20Guides/procardtrainingguide.doc (only Procard inquiry will be useful as no adjustments will be done in Legacy after March 30, 2011)

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