Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, East Helena

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Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, East Helena



Call to Order: Trustees of School District No. 9 met in regular session on April 14, 2008, at the East Valley Middle School Library. Chairman Ellermeyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Attendance and Introduction of Board Members

Trustees Present: Chairman Marcia Ellermeyer, Mark Diehl, Kit Johnson, Ann Marie Thompson and Scott Walter.

Principals Joe McMahon, Keith Obert, Dan Rispens and Vice Principal, Mike Agostinelli, Superintendent, Ron Whitmoyer, Clerk, Kim Aarstad and Technology Coordinator, Jeanette Winslow.

Visitors: Liz Townsend, Lynn Deming, Alana Listoe, Joe Cohenour, Breck Scheet, Sue Roth, K.D. Jones, Carole Byrnes, Jesse Franzen, Judy Hart, Sandy Conrady, Jennifer Wiedbusch, Celeste Quist and Patty Buckley.


Principal Rispens reported that there might not be a student report.

Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Diehl to remove the student report from the agenda and to accept the agenda as presented. Unanimous vote for the motion.

Clerk’s Report

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Walter to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2008 regular meeting. Unanimous vote for the motion.

Approval of Claims: Motion by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee Diehl to approve the payroll warrants 36780 through 36876 and claim warrants 30653 through 30724. Unanimous vote for the motion. High School Trustee Report

Joe Cohenour, High School Trustee, reported that District No. 1 has met five times since the last East Helena school board meeting. The following items have been discussed. 1. The Helena School District has been awarded two Safe Routes to School grants from the Department of Transportation. The first grant was for $30,000.00, and the second was for $43,000.00, these monies will help implement the program. 2. There has been some discussion with HEA, after this discussion the board passed a $1000.00 stipend for early announcement of retirement, and stipends for certified Speech and Language pathologist of $2,000.00 and $1,000.00 for the certified primary Montessori teachers. 3. Tuition costs will be as follows: District to District & State $ 943.00 Elementary 1207.00 High School Parent Tuition 175.00 High School 0.0 Elementary

4. Called for a $75,000.00 high school general fund levy election - or $1.55 per year for a 100,000.00 home, if this levy is passed the district will be at 100% of the budget. 5. AA caucus gets together about once or twice a month at MTSBA office to have a web net with other AA caucus through the state.

Student Report

No Report

Principals, Vice Principal & Technology Report

Principal McMahon reported that career week was held on April 7 – 12, 2008. 1st grade students will be making May day baskets and delivering the baskets around the Eastgate neighborhood. 1st grade teachers recently noticed that the Kindergarten students were reading at early first grade levels. Kindergarten screening will be held in early June, the district has 99 students signed up, so we could be looking at a big class for the 2008-2009 school year. Jack Gladstone will be doing a presentation on May 9, 2008 for all East Helena students. April 14 – 18, 2008 is the week of the Young Child. Principal McMahon also submitted this discipline report.

Principal Rispens reported that MONTCAS testing has been completed. Annual parent breakfast was held on April 10, 2008. Principal Rispens wanted to thank July Salisbury, Chris Featherston and Cid Anderson for making this such a great success. Flood awareness day was held on April 11, 2008. 8th grade students will be going to the Exploration works and bowling on April 25, 2008. The East Helena schools hosted an Archery competition on April 12, 2008. VFW Loyalty day will be held May 1, 2008. First track meet will be held on May 1, 2008. Dinners Done Right will be holding a fund raiser for IPO, 5% of meals sold will be donated to the East Helena IPO. Track season started April 14, 2008. Track will be coached by Mr. Kloker, Mr. Jenkins, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Phillips.

Chairman Ellermeyer read the following report for Principal Obert.

A presentation by the Tiernan Irish dancers was held on March 17, 2008. 4th grade spring concert was held on April 3, 2008. 5th grade students are participating in the annual growth and development class. Student of the month assembly was held on April 11, 2008. April 14 – 18, 2008 is the Week of the young child. 5th and 6th grade track started April 14, 2008, their local meet will be held on May 1, 2008. Staff appreciation week will be held April 21-25, 2008. Loyalty day will be held on May 1, 2008. Annual academic fest will be held on May 10, 2008. Principal Obert also submitted his discipline report.

Vice Principal Agostinelli submitted the discipline report.

Jeanette Winslow, Technology Coordinator, reported that the district web site is doing great and invited the board to go on line and take a look at it. Over 320 parents have registered to use the site. Mrs. Winslow is currently working with 4th and 5th grade gifted and talented students posting their articles on the web site and establishing web sites for them, and working with three 6th grade students on an East Helena Quality Education fun run commercial.

Committee Report of the Board

No Report.

Unfinished Business

Strategic Planning Update

Trustee Walter reported that the board is working on establishing a strategic plan and goals for the district. Next meeting will be April 28, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the East Valley Middle School Library.

Election Update

Superintendent Whitmoyer announced that Ann Marie Thompson and Mark Diehl have elected to run for the board again. Breck Scheet and Klark Barrett will also be running for a trustee position. Superintendent Whitmoyer introduced Mr. Scheet to the board and public. Don Hoffman has chosen not to run for a second term. Clerk Evaluation Policy Language

Superintendent Whitmoyer reported that Board Policy 6015 states that “(T)he clerk shall be evaluated by the superintendent and the Board jointly, at least once annually”.

After a motion at last months meeting to change the language in this policy to eliminate the board language, Superintendent Whitmoyer recommended that the board strike out “and the board, jointly” from the policy.

After a discussion the language will change as follows: (T)he clerk shall be evaluated by the superintendent, with consideration of the board’s comments, at lease once annually.

Motion by Trustee Diehl, seconded by Trustee Walter to adopt the first reading of Board Policy 6015. Unanimous vote of the motion.

New Business

Lewis & Clark Library Update

Superintendent Whitmoyer introduced Judy Hart, Director of the Lewis & Clark County Library System. Judy introduced board members Jessie Franzen, Sandy Conrady and Carol Byrnes. Judy updated the board members regarding the current status of the library funding, activities and the up coming library levy.

Staff Appreciation Proclamation

Superintendent Whitmoyer asked that the board sign a message of appreciation for the staff.

Motion by Trustee Diehl, seconded by Trustee Thompson to present all staff members with a notice of the board’s appreciation for all their hard work. Unanimous vote for the motion.

Emergency Evacuation Update & Security System Purchase

Superintendent Whitmoyer reported that the district has had three bomb threats this year, the last one being at the East Valley Middle School. On Friday, April 11, 2008 the administration staff decided that the students would be locked out of the building until 8:10 on April 14, 2008 in an effort to try and make sure that as the students entered that the building was clean and that there was nothing new brought into the building. Through Principal Rispens and the local police departments hard work we were able to find out who wrote the threat at about 3:25 in the afternoon.

Principal Rispens reported that the threat was written in the girl’s bathroom. The threat stated that the bomb would explode on April 14, 2008. The administration was able to create a time line on who was in the bathroom at the time that the threat was written, and was able to determine that there were two girls who might have written the threat. Police Chief, Dale Aschim interviewed each girl for about ½ hour and one of them finally admitted to writing this threat. Since the confession was late Friday afternoon, we were not able to let the students know that the lock down would not be in place so we decided to continue with the lock down, but not continue with a backpack search. Principal Rispens talked to all the students and let them know how serious this issue was.

Principal Obert updated the board on the 2nd bomb threat at Radley elementary.

Superintendent Whitmoyer reported that Radley Elementary was the only school that had a security system and that the administrative staff would be looking at purchasing ones for East Valley Middle School and Eastgate Elementary.

Health Insurance Recommendation & Company Renewal Selection

Superintendent Whitmoyer reported that the district insurance committee made a recommendation to renew the district health insurance with MUST.

Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Diehl to accept upon the recommendations of the insurance committee the renewal of the medical insurance through MUST. Unanimous vote for the motion.

Audit Review 2006-2007

Kim Aarstad, Business Manager/Clerk, stated that the 2006-2007 audit has been completed and went over the audit findings.

Accreditation Status 2008-2009

Superintendent Whitmoyer went over the accreditation status issued by the Office of Public Instruction.

End of Year Maintenance Priorities & 2008 – 2009 Budget Update

Superintendent Whitmoyer updated the board on maintenance items and expenses for concluding the current school year.

Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Diehl to entrust the administration with the end of the year maintenance priorities. Unanimous vote for the motion. Instructional Coach Position Consideration

Superintendent Whitmoyer reviewed the current instructional coach position, data about the district test scores related to the practice, research about the coaching as a means of training and the pending funding that could support the position in the coming school year.

Superintendent Whitmoyer also submitted several testimonials from teachers who would like to have the district continue to have a instructional coach, funding for this position will be partially covered by the reading first grant.

Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Johnson to continue the instruction coach position for the 2008-2009 school year. Unanimous vote for the motion.


Superintendent Whitmoyer made the following recommendations to the board: to accept the resignations of Terry Love, Teacher and Susan Mether, Secretary; and to confirm employment of Carol Smith, Summer School Instructional Leader, Gordon Bruce, Summer School Assistant, Ashley Vogt, Substitute and Molly Culbertson, Substitute.

Motion by Trustee Diehl, seconded by Trustee Walter to accept the resignations of Terry Love and Susan Mether. Unanimous vote for the motion.

Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Diehl to confirm employment of Carol Smith, Gordon Bruce, Ashley Vogt and Molly Culbertson. Unanimous vote for the motion.

Hear the Public

No one addressed the board.

Future Meeting Dates and Agenda Items

The next regular meeting will be held on May 12, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the East Valley Middle School Library.


Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Submitted by: ______Clerk, Kim Aarstad

Approved by: ______Chairman, Board of Trustees Date

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