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MINUTES of a MEETING of SOUTH WONSTON PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 14th April 2008 in the Pavilion, Lower Road at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Selby, (Chairman), Bolton, Clements, Peal, Perrins, Sawdon, Waller & Whiteley City Cllr Wright (until 9.00pm) Mr Ward Mr Evans Mr Waller Mr Wright Mrs Platt 1 Member of the public PCSO Fortune (8.10 to 9.35pm) Mrs Found (Clerk)


Apologies were received from City Cllrs Lipscomb and Godfrey also County Cllr Bailey.

08/059 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Chairman suspended Standing Orders.

Mr Mike Wright referred to the Public Meeting at the Village Hall on 14th March 2008 which was to explore the notion that residents would be prepared to accept an increase in the precept ie Council Tax for a number of years in order to raise and repay a loan to purchase the freehold of the Village Hall site and the Mission Trust site. Mr Wright said that a car park was a great asset to the village hall, but was now much reduced. Mr Wright said that the Public Meeting was attended by 31 people, which represents 10% of the electorate. Mr Wright reported that the meeting did not have the full information to hand, but there was lively debate, with 2 strong opponents to the idea. There were two proposals, firstly that funds be sought to purchase the freehold of both the village hall sites and secondly that a sink fund be established for a future project. The first proposal resulted in an even vote and the second was clearly lost. Mr Wright distributed his own calculations relating to a loan of £200k over 10 or 15 years, for the various Council Tax bands. Mr Wright said the extra cost per household would be around £2 per month.

Mr Sam Evans confirmed that he was one of the two opponents referred to, and took exception to this. Mr Evans said that the first motion was lost by a 15 to 14 vote and the second fell automatically. Also Mr Evans was not opposed to raising funds but he stated that this required full research with all the facts being made available, and that this was missing from the Public Meeting.

The Chairman resumed Standing Orders.


The Clerk confirmed that following the resignation of Stuart Freemantle the Council had two vacancies. Two candidates had come forward, Sally Waller from Green Close and Stuart Whiteley from Downs Road. Details of the candidates had been distributed to all Members prior to the meeting.

It was RESOLVED to co-opt Sally Waller to South Wonston Parish Council.

It was RESOLVED to co-opt Stuart Whiteley to South Wonston Parish Council.

Sally Waller and Stuart Whiteley each immediately signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting table.


Page 1321, 08/045 Landfill Alresford Drove Paragraph two, final sentence was amended to read “Clerk had already asked if this can be pursued.”

Page 1323, 08/049 Representative’s Reports Paragraph two, final sentence was amended to read “It was agreed to proceed on this basis.”

Following the above amendments it was RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

08/062 MATTERS ARISING FROM MEETING HELD ON 10TH MARCH 2008 Page 1320, 08/042 Matters Arising from Meeting 11th February With reference to the first item, Safe Cycle Route to Winchester, the Chairman confirmed that he had recently met with Group Captain Sue Bonell, the Commanding Officer (CO) at Worthy Down, also Major Roy Stanger, who confirmed that they would support an official cycle route over the hill from South Wonston to Connaught Road. The Chairman said that if this section could be achieved then the route could be extended in the future. Clerk to send a letter to Capt Bonell confirming the plan to move the scheme forward. Cllr Peal confirmed that reclassification of the route from a footpath would require permission from Hampshire County Council Rights of Way.

Page 1322, 08/048 Correspondence – Recently Received With reference to the final item, Sportstech are currently contacting local schools to assess demand for tennis coaching.

Page 1323, 08/048 Correspondence – Recently Received Cllr Sawdon was unable to attend the Open Space presentation due to ill health. Clerk will enquire if there are notes of the meeting available.

Page 1327, 08/052 Recreation Ground – General Matters The new seat will be installed this week. 51

Cllr Waller proposed that the agenda item relating to the future of the village hall be brought forward in order that members of the public present who may be interested in hearing Council’s deliberations on the matter need not wait until the end of the meeting.

It was RESOLVED to bring forward agenda item 20. Future of the Village Hall.


The Chairman read out the minutes of the Public Meeting, organised by the Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC) and held at the Village Hall on Friday 14th March 2008, also a letter from Dennis Thomson, Acting Chairman of the VHMC dated 15th March 2008 but only just received. A copy of the minutes and letter had been distributed to Members for the meeting.

The letter and minutes confirmed that the object of the meeting was to ascertain whether or not there could be support for raising the Council Tax precept over a period of 10 years to cover the cost of the Parish Council purchasing the Village Hall and old Mission Church site. The meeting was convened in response to a Statement from Mr Alan Gower, South Wonston resident, Churchwarden and ex member of the VHMC, sent to the VHMC in February. He was not convinced villagers would be against such an increase and the Chairman had decided this view must be tested. The Parish Council’s Chairman gave illustrative figures for a Band D property which showed that the Parish Precept would need to be increased by 21% per year for ten years. If the Public Meeting indicated there might be support for an increase, the Chairman would propose to the Parish Council that all villagers should be informed of the extra amounts payable for properties in each Council Tax Band and have the opportunity to vote on the issue.

At the meeting City Cllr Godfrey had said there was a cap on increases imposed by the Government at 5% but greater increases may be allowed for a specific purpose when it could be shown there was support from local Council Tax payers. He also suggested as another option that the increase be used not to buy the existing sites but to create a fund to build a hall elsewhere.

The letter confirmed that there were 31 persons present at the meeting when the first and only indicative vote was taken. Those present were invited to vote for and against an increase in the Council Tax for the purpose of purchasing the two sites. The result was 14 votes in favour and 14 votes against with three abstentions.

The second motion to increase the Council Tax in order to accumulate a fund for a hall in the future was substantially lost.

Cllr Waller confirmed that she had attended the Public Meeting and the vote regarding an increase in the Council Tax had been lost 15 to 14 and this had been written on the board by Mr Thomson. 52

The Chairman did not agree with this, stating that the vote had been 14 for and 14 against.

Cllr Waller asked if the lease of the village hall could be surrendered to the Trustees, rather than purchased.

Cllr Sawdon confirmed that this had been considered very early on in the deliberations but had been ruled out.

Cllr Waller said that if the village hall is in financial difficulty and requires fund raising events to keep it going then maybe retention of the facility was not viable.

The Chairman said that the fund raising events allowed a subsidised rate to be charged to hirers.

Cllr Waller said that if the rate were not subsidised then hirers might go elsewhere.

Cllr Clements said that the village hall is well used and when the possible loss was publicised residents were up in arms.

The Chairman confirmed that the village hall is used each weekday evening, also some weekends. More daytime use would be welcomed. Also following the recent alterations and provision of the separate small room revenue should increase.

Cllr Sawdon confirmed that previous public meetings regarding the village hall had shown vociferous support to keep it going.

Cllr Sawdon reminded Members of the car parking problem at the village hall.

It was noted that so far attempts to purchase the freehold of the village hall site only had been made, not the Mission Trust site. The latter had been offered for sale by Pearsons and although it had been indicated that there was a purchaser this does not appear to have been progressed and to date no planning application to develop the site has been lodged. The Trustees view the Mission Trust site as a premium development opportunity, although this may not actually be the case.

The Chairman asked if Members wished to canvas every household.

After discussion it was agreed not to currently take any action. If a planning application is lodged for the Mission Trust site and fails then the land may be available to purchase at a more realistic figure.

It was noted that previous valuations for the sites were quite dated and varied depending on who the valuer is acting for.

The Clerk confirmed that the services of the District Valuer had been mentioned a number of times previously. The cost of an impartial valuation of both sites could cost £600-1000 and could be arranged fairly promptly. Although not immediately, Members thought this valuation would be worthwhile, especially if a planning application for the Mission Trust site fails.

It was agreed to take on board the findings, also opinions and to establish the full facts. 53

08/064 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Chairman suspended Standing Orders.

PCSO Fortune confirmed that he had apprehended a youngster on a mini motorbike on a local restricted byway and written to the boys parents.

Forthcoming school leavers and end of exam dates in May and June were suggested to PC Fortune as significant in terms of anti social behaviour and vandalism.

The Chairman resumed Standing Orders.


Cllr Perrins confirmed that the Village Plan is still to be uploaded.

The Chairman and Cllr Sawdon will make the final amendments prior to uploading.

Inclusion of Council minutes was discussed. Wonston Parish Council only display the minutes of the most recent meeting however an archive of minutes could be included ie up to 12 months.

Cllr Waller confirmed that she had found six months worth of minutes very useful in order to ascertain ongoing issues and projects.

It was agreed to include a rolling three months of Council minutes.

Cllr Perrins confirmed that the sheep logo could be removed and replaced with a village scene.


Regarding the Village Design Statement the Chairman confirmed that an appointment will be made with Steve Opacic of WCC however he is away until after 21st April.

The Village Plan will be finalised and uploaded as soon as possible. The Summary has been distributed. The Youth Plan will be added later. There are many areas to be followed up and the Action Plan to be carried forward.


It was noted that there are further pot holes on the Alresford Drove. A South Wonston resident who sustained injury when walking on the Alresford Drove has appointed solicitors to make a claim against the County Council. The levels of the landfill to the 54

south of the Alresford Drove are of concern ie they appear to be too high. Clerk has raised this with David Smith at HCC and Ian Midgeley at the Environment Agency (EA). Works on the northern section of landfill continue, with materials still being stockpiled. The levels of the northern landfill will be monitored. When the landfill is complete and highway repairs are carried out the Parish Council will be able to comment on the reinstatement of the Alresford Drove ie will the carriageway be reinstated to its original width and will any passing bays be retained. It may be that the southern section of the landfill could become a bridleway. The Chairman confirmed that he will meet with County Cllr Bailey the following morning regarding this.


The Clerk confirmed that the Youth Club and Table Tennis Club had put forward representatives. Peter Symonds College is unable to hold a ballot but will put details on their intranet and pass on details of anyone who is interested. The Brownies will be able to respond after a meeting later in the month.

The Chairman suggested that the meetings should be held quarterly.

Clerk confirmed that a boy and girl from the village, both teenagers, had originally come forward to join the Youth Council at the time of the Youth Questionnaire and again when contacted recently. These youngsters may not be elected through the school. As the Henry Beaufort age group represents a large sector of the youngsters in the village compared to many of the other organisations to be represented it was agreed that if not elected through the Henry Beaufort School these youngsters should not be turned away.


The Chairman confirmed that further to the Community Sustainable Energy Programme detailed at the last meeting and the assistance offered by Prof Bahaj and his students at Southampton University, a meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th May, 7.30pm in the pavilion. The Chairman has submitted an article to the West Dever News to gather interest. Also Robert Hutchinson of Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC), which is working to reduce the district’s carbon footprint, has contacted all Parishes in the District. If there is sufficient interest for the 20th May meeting, then Mr Hutchinson could be invited to attend.


- Circulated

There has been no correspondence circulated recently. 55

- Recently Received

The appeal to the Planning Inspectorate regarding the proposed Downlands Development for 40 dwellings has been dismissed by the Inspector. The main issues being the effect of the development upon the character and appearance of the area, also the effect upon the living conditions of neighbouring properties.

County Cllr Bailey had submitted a report which the Chairman read out. The report included details of Alresford Drove, the Village 30 bid, Hampshire Records Office & Local Studies Centre, New Building Housing Monitoring and Job Vacancies in the Winchester District.

Invitation for a Parish Council representative to attend the Annual HCC Service at the Cathedral, Sunday 8th June, 11am.

Grant request from the South Wonston Youth Project for £475 which is the sum paid in pavilion hire this year.

It was RESOLVED to approve a grant of £475 to the Youth Club.

The Chairman read out a reply from HCC regarding the 86 bus service. Further to the request to re-route some buses via Stockbridge Road, Chilbolton Avenue and the Hospital, Stagecoach say this is not possible and would cut the drivers break time to the bare minimum and reduce the ability to deal with the unpredictable Winchester traffic. Also any diversion would lengthen the journey for existing passengers and also leave a section of the current route unserved on those journeys. Stagecoach also note that the diversion would mostly be used by retired people and they claim that the current concessionary fares scheme is so under funding operators so while the diversion may increase the number of concessionary travellers there would be little additional revenue to cover the additional costs incurred and this could jeopardise the whole service. In view of the Parish Plan Questionnaire interest in a commuter service to the railway station Stagecoach would provide an early morning journey arriving at the station at 0655 Monday to Friday, which would cost £6200, if the Parish Council would like to consider funding the journey.


Cllr Clements confirmed there are around 30 youngsters regularly attending the Youth Club. It was agreed to congratulate the Youth Leaders on the running of the Club.

Cllr Sawdon said that the skate park is progressing, the concrete pad for the youth shelter is installed and a sign has been ordered.

The Chairman confirmed that he is organising a ‘task group’ with the Gardening Club, Swifts FC and the Skate Park Group to tackle the bund, possibly on Saturday 26th April. A quotation of £5.5k has been received to provide top soil and turf however the task group hope to rake and seed the area and cover with netting. There has been a delay with the production of the concrete ramps. In due course a grand opening will be organised. As the majority of grants available for the skate park are not forthcoming until the project is complete suggest the Parish Council will fund the scheme in the 56


Cllr Peal confirmed that if a cycle route to Worthy Down is progressed then reclassification from ‘footpath’ will be required for the section to Connaught Road, ie by HCC Rights of Way. A rights of way plaque has been attached to a post near the oil well. The new Definitive Map is available to view in public libraries. If the southern section of Alresford Drove landfill between Alresford Drove and the Ox Drove/Lower Road could become dedicated bridleway this would be a welcome addition to the rights of way links.

There will be a Police Parish Partnership meeting on 13th May which the Chairman is unable to attend. Cllr Waller agreed to take on this role. Clerk to forward details of the meeting to Cllr Waller.


- Applications

Due to the deadlines the following applications have already been processed:

Case No. 08/00452/FUL - Cllr Peal inspected Ref No. W20164/05 Applicant Mr Stuart Latham Proposal Stables with tack room and feed area Location South Wonston Farm Response by 27th March 2008 Submitted – no comment

Case No. 08/00519/FUL - Cllr Perrins inspected Ref No. W21051 Applicant Mr Russel Hicks Proposal Raise ridge height to accommodate larger rooms in roof and extension to the rear Location 8 Stavedown Road Response by 4th April 2008 Comment submitted – roof height and volume of extension

Case No. 08/00516/FUL - Cllr Perrins inspected Ref No. W18463/02 Applicant Mr & Mrs Batchelor Proposal Single storey rear extension Location Beechcroft, 31 Wrights Close Response by 4th April 2008 Submitted – no comment 57

Case No. 08/00602/FUL - Cllr Peal inspecting Ref No. W21060 Applicant Mr P McFarelane Proposal Single storey front and two storey side extensions; widening of front hard standing Location 53 Wrights Way Response by 11th April 2008 ‘No comment’-- precedent already set

Case No. 08/00561/TPO - Tree Warden inspected Ref No. WTPO/1096/16 Applicant Mrs Shirley Thorne Proposal 1 No. Ash tree in front border – remove 2 No. lower arms back to trunk 1 No. Hawthorn tree in side border – reduce branch over roof by 3m 1 No. Sycamore in side border – remove branch hanging over chimney back to trunk and second branch by 2m 1 No. Ash tree in side border – reduce 2 No. branches by 2m 1 No. Ash tree in side border – remove 2 No. branches nearest house and garage roof spaces back to trunk Location Kentsbray, Lower Road Response by 14th April 2008 ‘Support application’

It was RESOLVED that there were no objections to the above applications.

Case No. 08/00533/FUL - Cllr Peal inspecting Ref No. W20855/01 Applicant Mr Mowat Proposal Erection of two bedroom bungalow with associated landscaping and parking in land to the rear of 27 Downs Road (RESUBMISSION) Location Fieldfares, 27 Downs Road Response by 15th April 2008

It was RESOLVED to object to this application due to the loss of amenity to neighbouring properties and over development.

Case No. 08/00653/FUL - Cllr Peal inspecting Ref No. W21062 Applicant Mr Donald Strange Proposal Change of use from one dwelling back to two semi detached dwellings Location 14 Anders Road Response by 24th April 2008

It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to this application. 58

- Decisions

Case No. 08/00126/FUL Ref No. W15601/02 Applicant Mr & Mrs P Baker Proposal Single storey side extensions including attached single garage and store Location 90 Downs Road Decision Application Permitted

Case No. 08/00125/FUL Ref No. W05881/04 Applicant Mr & Mrs G Allan Proposal Erection of single storey double garage Location The Gables 9 Burns Close Decision Application Withdrawn

The above decisions were noted.

08/073 FINANCE

- Receipts Total £

Mrs Gourlay, Pilates Inv 914 65.00 Brownies Inv 905 15.00 SW Toddler Craft Group 916 15.00 Birthday Group Inv 917 40.00 Bumps & Babes Inv 909 60.00 SW Toddler Group Inv 910 15.00 SWDTC Inv 911 91.00 SW Youth Project Inv 907 915 927 145.00 Mr Hine Inv 921 27.00 Mrs Barlow-Platte Inv 922 27.00 Namaste Yoga Inv 913 39.50 - Payments Between Meetings Net Vat Total £

F Cannon 374.75 374.75 F Cannon 78.91 11.47 90.38 T Winter 109.80 109.80 D Selby 107.74 107.74 Excel Roofing Service 675.00 118.13 793.13 Churches Fire Security 220.00 38.50 258.50 Leisuremark 3617.00 632.98 4249.98 Serco 240.00 42.00 282.00 Serco 157.66 27.59 185.25 T Winter 11.47 11.47 Leisuremark 7234.00 1265.95 8499.95 59

- Direct Debits Net Vat Total £

Southern Water 89.54 89.54 BT 48.88 8.55 57.43

- Accounts for Payment Net Vat Total £

CPRE 28.00 28.00 Hampshire ALC 394.00 394.00 D Found 918.46 918.46 HCC 270.31 270.31 Inland Revenue 451.88 451.88 D Found 37.59 4.10 41.69 RBS Software Solutions 200.00 35.00 235.00 South Wonston Youth Project 475.00 475.00

- Transfer

A transfer of £3000 from Cater Allen Bank to Alliance & Leicester current account is required.

It was RESOLVED to approve the above transactions.


- Master Plan

A meeting will take place with Mr Weakley on 22nd April, 2pm at the pavilion/recreation ground. Mr Weakley has produced a sketch scheme for the sports pavilion for discussion before meeting with the City Planning Officers on Thursday 1st May 2008. - Possible New Football Changing Facility

The Chairman confirmed that he had met with Gary Brown and Lloyd Hewitt from SWIFTS FC. Notes from the meeting on 31st March had been emailed to all Members. Council has already agreed in principle to put forward £30k from Open Space Funds and thereafter match pound for pound the funds raised by Swifts themselves.

- General Matters

The Chairman confirmed that he had met with Mr Bennett from the village in order to obtain a quotation, firstly to expose the speed hump at the entrance to the recreation ground car park to level the ground, and secondly to remove the grass bank along the eastern side of the car park to provide additional car parking. The clothes bank can be 60

moved into the corner and this could provide 8-10 more spaces for parking when football matches are on.

Cllr Peal offered to examine the playground inspection report.

The Early Morning Caretaker position will be advertised in the May edition of the West Dever News, also on the notice boards.


- General Matters

Cllr Peal confirmed that she had been called out to reset the alarm recently and had found the lock into the garage very hard to turn. Clerk to contact the locksmiths.

The Handyman is currently carrying our redecoration of the pavilion stores.

At 9.30pm it was RESOLVED to continue the business of the Council until not later than 10.00pm.


- General Matters

Cllr Waller raised the issue of the bird scarers in the fields south of the recreation ground. Cllr Waller provided details of the NFU code of practice relating to auditory scarers ie by considering the positioning, using bafflers and avoiding use on Sundays. As there have been numerous complaints over recent months Cllr Waller offered to speak with Mr Tidridge at the City Council Environmental Health Department to follow this up.


- General Matters

It was reported that the road line markings at the junction of Westhill Road North and Downs Road are faded.

There are numerous pot holes on the Alresford Drove.

The Council’s Village 30 bid was unsuccessful. This included the proposal to extend the 30mph limit on Westhill Road North to include the junction with La Frenaye Place.

The erection of restricted byway signs in relevant locations is to be pursued with HCC Rights of Way. 61


The Chairman referred to his meeting with the CO at Worthy Down. Although deliberations remain at a high level there is still a possibility that land could be procured from the MOD to extend the recreation ground, possibly also to provide a burial ground and allotments. The CO had to hand a map marked up with the area of land the Parish Council has expressed interest in. Also any additional development at Worthy Down will take into account the request for land. The Chairman reported additionally that the CO would be happy to make a presentation to the village to detail how Worthy Down will develop in the future.

In connection with running a burial ground costs supplied by Kings Worthy Parish Council last year were distributed to Members. The figures relate the Lovedon Lane Burial Ground. There would initially be considerable outlay and little income. The main costs once set up would be maintenance, however there will also be administration costs ie Clerk’s time.

Cllr Waller suggested that a less formal burial ground might be considered, for example with trees planted.

The Chairman said that of all the major projects ie village hall freehold and new changing rooms, the acquisition of additional land should be a priority.


This matter has been dealt with earlier in the meeting.


Due to the deadline the entry has been submitted. Details have been included of the Early Morning Caretaker position, Alresford Drove landfill, skate park progress and the Parish Council website.

The Chairman confirmed that he had submitted a separate item with a Village Plan update, sustainable communities and a meeting of cyclists.


The Annual Parish Assembly will be held on Monday 12th May 2008, 7.30pm and the Annual Council meeting will follow at 8pm. Both meetings at the pavilion.

The meeting closed at 9.50 pm

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