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Lights! Camera! Action! s1

Lights! Camera! Action!

Trek across Eurasia Reality TV Show -- Pilot Proposal: Part One

Imagine being the producer, contributor, or participant of a hit reality TV series that will take place in Europe and Russia. Your first job is to determine 5 GREAT points of interest (locations/regions) in Europe and Russia that you think would be ideal for your video-shoots and challenges. The five locations must be spread out across Europe and Russia.

(The challenge your team will eventually create for your reality TV show’s future contestants may be a distance to be crossed, a route to follow, feats to accomplish, problems to solve in each region, a scavenger hunt, or a combination of any of these. Your group may add an element of timing to the challenge, as well.)

Here’s your first task: From the point of view (role) you have chosen, decide on the 5 locations (example: The Alps) Try to spread them out throughout the region. Be prepared to thoroughly explain the following information: Name______Circle Your Role Below:

Extreme Athlete Survivalist Cinematographer GPS Programmer Travel Agent Meteorologist

Point of Interest: What problems do you Why would this be interesting Reasons you chose it Description of location Location//Region expect? to the viewers? 1.





Self-Evaluation Circle or highlight the boxes that show how well you think you did on Part One. Poor = 1 pt each Okay = 2 pts. each Good= 3 pts each Excellent = 4 pts each Very intriguing places. Not interesting, too Some are okay, but could Varied. Spaced out Selection of locations Good selections squished together have been more varied throughout Europe and Asia Excellent, thorough Some good facts, more Description / Facts Limited of none Good job with description. description of locations. information is needed Accurate! I recorded a few ideas I recorded many or all Didn’t consider my role at I recorded ideas according Point of View according to how my role ideas according to how my all. to how my role would see it would see it role would see it Could not imagine how the Predicted some realistic Great job inferring the way environment could cause Predicted probable Inference problems a contestant the environment would problems to people, or how problems to overcome. might encounter. affect people. it might be interesting.

Now add up your total points and circle your grade. Total Points ______Grade______

16=A 15,14 =A- 13=B+ 12 = B 11=B- 10,9= C+ 8= C 7=C- 6=D+ 5=D 4=D-

Teacher Evaluation: Poor Okay Good Excellent Very intriguing places. Not interesting, too Some are okay, but could Varied. Spaced out Selection of locations Good selections squished together have been more varied throughout Europe and Asia Excellent, thorough Some good facts, more Description / Facts Limited or none Good job with description. description of locations. information is needed Accurate! Recorded many or all ideas Recorded a few ideas Recorded ideas according Point of View Didn’t consider role at all. according to how the role according to how role to how role would see it would see it would see it Could not imagine how the Predicted some realistic Great job inferring the way environment could cause Predicted probable Inference problems a contestant the environment would problems to people, or how problems to overcome. might encounter. affect people. it might be interesting. Trek Across Eurasia Challenge Reality TV – Pilot Proposal Directions

Who: You and 5 other “Experts”

Work together to persuade the Network CEO (Chief Executive Officer – me ) and other Board of What: Directors (classmates) to vote for your group’s pilot idea for a new Survival Reality TV Show.

How: As contributors, participants, and experts you will work together throughout process. Share your point of view in order to plan a complete, compelling pilot proposal. Finally, create a 7-10 minute persuasive, informative presentation.

Tuesday: Research via Textbook Chapter 6 to locate 5 great location ideas. When: Wednesday: Sharing /consensus building /Planning – Sign up for ONE location! Thursday & Friday: Planning and Computer Lab reserved to delve into your specific expertise and location. Prepare your individual portion of the presentation. Monday: Bring your ideas together and finish up in Computer Lab as needed Tuesday or Wednesday: Presentation Day

1. Note-taking from your individual perspective (teacher and self rubric) Evaluation: 2. Consensus-building sheet (group rubric) 3. Individual Focus / Specialty Sheet (teacher and self rubric) 4. Group Planning Sheet (group rubric) 5. Final Pilot Presentation (teacher and classmates evaluation)

THINK ABOUT: “How does the physical geography affect people in a region / How do human actions change the environment?”  Integration of specialty information Pilot Proposal  Accuracy of facts  Technology usage Requirements  Visuals included  Simulated Excerpt from pilot – (acting that shows survival, athletic challenge)  Textbook pages 146-170 Resources  Atlas pages 68-79  Online sources – check out the data bases  Google Earth Winning Team  Front of the Line Pass  5 extra credit points

Trek Across Eurasia Group Planning & Consensus Building Sheet  First, become a team by creating a team name.

Team Name______Names ______

 Next, share your location ideas and analysis so that EVERYONE’S opinions are heard. Discuss the pros and cons of each location, using your information gathering sheet.

 Third, choose and prioritize 5 locations, trying to reach a consensus. If one or more members do not agree with the rest of the group – continue to try to find a compromise, so that all members of your group are happy with the end result.

Consensus: Consensus decision-making is a group decision making process that seeks not only the agreement of most participants but also to take into account other opinions. Synonyms: Agreement Compromise Unanimous Decision Harmony OUR TOP FIVE LOCATIONS ARE: 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

 Next, get approval from Mrs. Jones for ONE location that your team will use for your pilot proposal. (Sign up) and get a planning sheet for your team.  Finally, begin to create a plan for your pilot by using the planning sheet. Group Rubric Consensus Building Results Name of Group______Skill Assessed Poor (1 pt.) Okay (2 pts.) Good (3 pts.) Excellent (4 pts.) Communication Some did not participate. Most participated, but Good effort by all to both Everyone had meaningful Poor listening by group sometimes we were off contribute to discussion ideas to share and Skills members. We were off task or not listening to and listen to one another. everyone listened task much of the time. each other. Some sharing Everyone’s opinions respectfully, not was not meaningful. were stated. Little to no interrupting one another. People were interrupted interruptions. Questions may have been or not respected. asked in order to better understand another’s point of view. Consensus No one took a leadership The group was pretty The group was focused A leader(s) emerged who role. The group did not focused. There were and had discussions kept the group focused or Building focus. Few discussions some discussions about about the pros and cons all participated equally! about the pros and cons the pros and cons of of locations. Group was Group had discussions of locations. Little locations. Group was able to prioritize 5 about the pros and cons meaningful dialogue. able to prioritize 5 locations, but not of locations and was able Mindless agreement or locations. There was everyone agreed. There to prioritize 5 locations. did not identify top 5 some meaningful was meaningful dialogue, There was meaningful choices. dialogue, but not all not mindless agreement. dialogue, not mindless members contributed agreement. A consensus equally or could not was reached. reach a true consensus. Time Our group went too fast Lost track of time, got Good use of time. Excellent use of time. Our or too slow. We either behind or didn’t give Authentic discussion. We group sheet is filled out, Management didn’t talk about much at discussion enough time. were able to sign up for a ideas were shared, all or spun our wheels location that all agreed discussion emerged, and getting nowhere. would be good. decisions made.

12 = A 11= A- 10 + B+ 9=B 8=B- 7=C+ 6=C 5=C- 4=D+ 3=D 2=D-

Our Group Grade______

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