2016 ACT Workkeys Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors

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2016 ACT Workkeys Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors

ACT WorkKeys Internet Version (WKIV) Test Administration Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors

General Alerts  Room Supervisors and Proctors administering internet tests must be familiar with ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Online Testing. Hereafter, this document will be referred to as the Online Testing Manual.  Room Supervisors and Proctors must be familiar with this document, ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors. Hereafter, this document will be referred to as WKIV Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors.  Participation in test administration training is required.  When testing staff have completed test administration training, each person must complete the Test Site Staff ACT WorkKeys Manual Verification Form at http://www.act.org/workkeys-private/forms/manual.html.  No relative of an examinee who is taking the test may serve as a Room Supervisor or Proctor for that examinee.  No student or student teacher may serve as a Room Supervisor or Proctor.

WorkKeys Policies and Procedures (Pages 6-8)  All testing personnel are required to read the materials provided by ACT.  The window for ACT WorkKeys Internet Version is December 1, 2015 – February 29, 2016. The window for ACT WorkKeys Paper/Pencil with Accommodations is February 11-25, 2016.  You may administer all of the tests in one session with breaks between tests, administer each test separately on different days, or administer the tests in a combination of these two options. Be sure to allow examinees the appropriate amount of time to complete each test.  In cases of suspected or documented irregularities, all testing staff are obligated to cooperate fully with ACT and the ALSDE with investigations and respond to requests from ACT and the Alabama State Departmento of Education in a timely manner.  Under no circumstances are cameras of any type allowed in test rooms.

Testing Facility Requirements (Pages 9-10)  Testing rooms, including classrooms, must offer adequate testing conditions.  As in the administration of all standardized tests, examinees should be seated so that cheating is discouraged. Since a standard seating chart might not be appropriate for a computer lab, the Room Supervisor may prepare a simple diagram illustrating the location of examinees in relation to other examinees in the room. The sample seating chart on page 7 of these Alerts may not adequately show the set-up of your lab.  The testing room must offer adequate writing surfaces, uncrowded seating, good lighting, comfortable temperatures, a quiet atmosphere, and freedom from distraction. Lapboards are not allowed.  Whenever possible, individual testing workstations should be divided by test carrels that provide adequate privacy between examinees.  All instructional materials (bulletin boards) related to potential test questions or information that could provide strategies for solving problems must be removed or covered prior to the test.  Rooms must be free from distractions and be able to provide an uninterrupted period. Post signs outside the test rooms to warn others that testing is in progress and quiet is required. Bells, intercoms, and public address systems must be turned off during the test session. ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016 Page 1 Testing Facility Requirements continued (Pages 9-10)  Test rooms must be set up according to ACT requirements. If these requirements are not met, scores may be cancelled. o Whenever possible, individual testing workstations should be divided by test carrels that provide adequate privacy between examinees. o Testing workstations do not need to face the same direction. They may face the walls and/or each other as long as there is adequate privacy between examinees. o There must be sufficient aisle space for staff to get to every seat during testing without disturbing examinees. o Staff must be able to see every examinee clearly.

Testing Staff Requirements (Pages 11-14)  ALSDE requires all Test Administrators/Room Supervisors must be certificated employees. Proctors must be full-time employees involved with the education of examinees. All ALSDE requirements must be met.  To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest and to protect you and your relatives or wards from allegations of impropriety, you may not serve as Test Supervisor or Back-up Test Supervisor for the administration of any ACT State Test or have access to secure test materials, if any relative or ward will be testing with standard time at any school in your state during the initial or make-up administration. Relatives and wards include children, stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, in-laws, spouses, and persons under your guardianship.  Anyone who coaches high school or college athletics may not serve as the Room Supervisor for one-on-one testing of an examinee athlete. An athletic coach may serve as the Room Supervisor if there is more than one examinee in the room.  Reading (except this manual or supplemental policy information), grading papers, using a computer, cell phone, recording or media device, talking casually with other staff, or engaging in any activity in the test room not directly related to the administration is not allowed.  Specific responsibilities for staff roles can be located on pages 12-14 of the Online Testing Manual.  A Proctor may be used to assist a Room Supervisor or the Test Coordinator if fewer than 25 examinees are testing. A Proctor is required (in addition to the Room Supervisor) after the first 25 in the room. Refer to the chart on page 13 of the Online Testing Manual for the number of proctors required.

Use of Digital Devices by Staff (Not in Manual)  School personnel involved in administration of state testing may not use digital devices (including but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, MP3 players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) during test administration. Violation(s) may result in disciplinary action/certification revocation. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the local education agency (LEA).  All printers that have scanning or copying capability and all copy machines must either be disabled or removed from all rooms being used for a testing section. (The Instant Score Reports will not be printed within the classroom.)  Failure to report any irregularity is a test security violation. All irregularities involving staff must be reported on the Irregularity Report printed on page 6 of this document.

ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016 Page 2 Computer-Based Test Administrations for ACT WorkKeys Internet Version (Not in Manual)  Each online testing room must have a separate computer workstation the Room Supervisor will use to access the platform, begin and close the test session, and monitor testing progress.  The workstation must pass the System Check and be located in an area where the Room Supervisor can see all examinees in the room.  Whether a desktop or a laptop is used as the workstation, the computer must remain stationary on a table or a desk throughout the test session.  The Room Supervisor may not exit the program and enter any other site on the computer during the test session.  No iPads, cell phones, smart watches, tablets, or other electronic devices may be accessible or used in the test room. These devices MUST NOT be used as timers.

Approved Test Materials to be Provided for Testing (Page 17)  Materials needed for testing include the following: o ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Online Testing (one manual for the Room Supervisor and one manual for each Proctor who will be assisting in the testing room) o ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors o Roster of examinees to be tested o Seating chart o One sheet of scratch paper for each examinee (scratch paper is allowed for the Applied Mathematics test) o Supply of soft-lead No. 2 pencils (no ink or mechanical pencils)

Accommodated Testing (Not in Manual)  An examinee with an IEP/504/I-ELP who cannot complete the ACT WorkKeys Assessments under standard conditions may be tested with accommodations or accommodated testing materials (large-type, braille, audio DVD, or reader’s script).  An examinee with an IEP/504/I-ELP receiving the accommodations of large-type, braille, audio DVD, or read-aloud MUST test using a paper and pencil format. Examinees receiving other accommodations may also require the use of paper and pencil format. Contact Susan Beard or Nannette Pence in Student Assessment at 334-242-8038 if you have questions.  The Room Supervisor must complete the ACT WorkKeys Online Report of Accommodated Assessments found on page 43 of the Online Testing Manual or at http://act.org/workkeys-private/manuals/AccommodatedAssessments2010.pdf. After the form has been completed, make a copy for your records and then fax a copy to ACT.

Test Day Activities (Pages 25-28)  Control who enters and leaves the room at all times.  Admit examinees by checking them in, one-by-one, at the door of the test room.

ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016 Page 3  Do not allow examinees to enter the room unless the Room Supervisor has verified the examinee’s identification and documented this on the roster. Acceptable identification can be found on page 26 of the Online Testing Manual.  Examinees must not bring cell phones or other electronic devices into testing room, including during the break.  Highlighters, colored pens or pencils, and mechanical pencils are not allowed.  Examinees must not bring backpacks or bags of any kind into testing room.  Neither examinees nor staff may have access to food or beverages, including water, except during the scheduled break.

Administering the Tests (Pages 29-31)  Examinees should not be allowed to select their own seats. The Room Supervisor will record examinees’ names on a seating diagram prior to the scheduled test administration.  Once examinees are checked in, the Room Supervisor will write ABSENT beside the examinee’s name for any examinee who is not present for testing.  Examinees must use No. 2 pencils with erasers (no mechanical pencils) when writing on the scratch paper.  The use of notes, any foreign language or English dictionary is NOT permitted.  The Room Supervisor may not answer questions regarding individual test items or questions about how to use a calculator. Response to questions may be, “Do the best you can.”  If examinees note typographical errors or ambiguities in particular test items, Room Supervisors should first instruct examinees to do the best they can, and then include an explanation of the question or comment on a copy of the Testing Irregularity Report.  Room Supervisors must administer tests according to standard testing procedures. At no time may the Room Supervisor leave the room unattended.  Instructions about guessing are included in the on-screen instructions. The Room Supervisor should refer the examinees to these instructions. The Room Supervisor may not comment on or add to these directions in any way.  The Room Supervisor may NOT admit anyone to the testing room once the timed tests have begun.

Calculators (Page 30)  Examinees are allowed, but not required, to use an approved calculator on the Applied Mathematics test. Use of a calculator is optional.  Any four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator may be used, unless it is specifically prohibited as described on the Calculator Notice Policy.  The calculator on the computer may NOT be used during testing.  Unless a calculator is provided by the school, each examinee is responsible for bringing his/her calculator and making sure it works properly.  Although examinees may bring backup calculators, an examinee may have only one calculator on his or her desk at a time.  Examinees are NOT allowed to share calculators.

Testing Monitoring Responsibilities (Page 30)  All testing staff, Room Supervisors, and Proctors are to remain attentive to their testing responsibilities throughout the entire administration.  To protect the validity of individual test scores and maintain the security of test materials, the following must be observed: o Walk around the room during testing to be sure examinees are working on the test and to help prevent prohibited behaviors.

ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016 Page 4 o During the test, do not read, correct papers, or engage in any tasks not related to the administration of the test. o Do not engage in conversation during the testing or allow unauthorized personnel in the test room. o Do not leave a test room unattended at any time. o Complete detailed documentation of any irregularities of which you are aware.

Prohibited Behaviors and Irregularities for Examinees (Pages 34-35)  The Room Supervisor is to complete an online Irregularity Report at http://www.act.org/workkeys/forms/cbt.html for each room in which an individual or group irregularity is observed. Once completed, the report should be submitted to the Building Test Coordinator. Copies should be made as needed.  The possession of a digital device (including but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, MP3 players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) is strictly prohibited during the administration of a secure test. School personnel will collect such devices before examinees can enter the testing room.  If an examinee is observed using a digital device during the administration of a secure test, testing for the examinee will cease, the device will be confiscated and is subject to search, the examinee will be dismissed from testing, and the examinee’s test will be invalidated. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the LEA.  All Room Supervisors and Proctors must be familiar with prohibited behaviors printed on page 34-35 of the Online Testing Manual, which include the following: o Looking at another examinee’s computer o Giving or receiving assistance o Using an unauthorized prohibited calculator o Using a calculator on any test other than Applied Mathematics test o Sharing a calculator with another examinee o Using any device to share or exchange information at any time during testing or during the break. No electronic devices, including cell phones, may be brought into the testing room. o Using dictionaries (including foreign language translators) or other aids o Exhibiting confrontational, threatening, or unruly behavior o Creating a disturbance or allowing an alarm or phone to sound in the test room o Attempting to remove test materials, including test questions or answers, from the test room by any means  Examinees may bring No. 2 pencils (no ink or mechanical pencils) with erasers into the testing room.  No highlighters, pens, mechanical pencils, rulers, or other devices are allowed in the testing room.  Examinees should NOT be allowed to bring calculator watches, watches with timers or alarms, unapproved calculators, foreign language or other dictionaries, textbooks, backpacks, or other bags (including purses) into the testing room.  In cases of unusual circumstances (e.g., bomb threats or incidents of cheating), the System Test Coordinator must notify Student Assessment immediately.

ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016 Page 5 After Testing (Not in Manual)  Materials that must be returned to the Building Test Coordinator include the following: o ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Online Testing o Test Site Staff WorkKeys Manual Verification Form signed and dated o ACT WorkKeys Online Report of Accommodated Assessments (if applicable) o Class roster o Seating chart/diagram o Irregularity Forms (if applicable) o All scratch paper (used and unused)

ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016 Page 6 IRREGULARITY REPORT

System School

Test ACT WorkKeys Internet Test Date

Subject(s) Tested Test Administrator/ Room Supervisor Proctor

School personnel should complete this report if unusual circumstances have occurred (e.g., misconduct of student, illness of student, suspicion of cheating, interruption of testing.) This report should be completed only if unusual circumstances have occurred. If the report is completed, it should be given to the Building Test Coordinator/Test Supervisor. The Building Test Coordinator/Test Supervisor must submit all reports to the System Test Coordinator immediately. Note: This report may be submitted directly to the System Test Coordinator or the ALSDE rather than through the Building Test Coordinator/Test Supervisor. ______

______Signature of Person Position of Person Date Reporting Irregularity Reporting Irregularity

ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016 Page 7 SAMPLE SEATING CHART

Test Date:______

o Exami nees shoul d be seate

8 d so that their comp uter scree ns are not visible to other exami nees. o Prior to the test, record exami nees’ names in the boxes on the seatin g chart, makin g sure the seatin g chart mirrors the actual room set-up. o If an exami ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016

Page 9 nee is absent , write ABSE NT in the approp riate box on the chart. o After testing , check the roster and seatin g chart to make sure you have scratc h paper for each exami nee who was presen t for testing .

10 ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration-Alerts for Room Supervisors and Proctors 2015-2016

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