Read the Text and Do the Tasks That Follow

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Read the Text and Do the Tasks That Follow

Контроль чтения 9 класс


Read the text and do the tasks that follow

Pantomimes are very popular in Britain at Christmas. Most big towns and cities have their own pantomime. This is a humorous musical play usually performed in the open air. A pantomime is usually based on a traditional story which everyone knows, and the show itself is very exciting, with lots of jokes, songs and dancing. Sometimes the audience takes part in the performance, too. The tradition began over two hundred years ago and has been a part of Christmas celebrations ever since. At first it was merely an entertainment for children, but now adults enjoy it as much. Of course, there have been a lot of changes over the years. Some elements like joking and singing were added, but the basic plot remained the same. Every pantomime must have three main characters: a young man, a young lady and a “dame”. The first two always marry at the end, and the dame, the comic figure, tries to prevent them from doing it. There are all possible kinds of pantomimes and a lot of famous singers or comedians take part in them. Thus the old tradition is enriched with modern ideas and fresh forces, which is so typical of the British.

Choose the best sentence ending (a, b, c or d) which is true to the text 1. Pantomimes a) are a sort of entertainment for children; b) started not so long ago; c) are absolutely the same in every area; d) have the same principal characters. 2. The principal characters a) are always played by pop singers; b) are found in every pantomime; c) are all comic figures for people to laugh at; d) are always performed by famous comedians. 3. New ideas a) bring life into old stories that the pantomimes are based on; b) can prevent the characters from getting married; c) make people feel sorry and sad; d) are something pantomimes can’t do without. 4. The songs and dances in pantomimes a) have been a part of every pantomime from the very beginning; b) were added to please the children; c) are one of those new ideas which didn’t let pantomime die; d) have always been the funniest part of them.


Read the text and do the tasks that follow

Most British housewives love window shopping. This is pastime when you just walk round the shops and look at all those beautiful things that are displayed in every shop window. Some women can spend the whole day looking at everything they meet on their way. But it would be a mistake to say that men are against this kind of shopping. You will certainly see a lot of unmarried couples, husbands and wives, or just friends wandering different stores without any idea of buying something in the end. Shop managers know about this feature of people’s character and try to benefit from it. They usually place the most unusual, most beautiful or most attractive items in their shop windows attract as many customers as possible. Sometimes you’ll see something which has absolutely nothing to do with the things you can buy in the shop. For example, if you see a sheep dummy pretending that it peacefully eats grass, do not expect to buy a piece of mutton or, say, a toy sheep. Most probably this shop sells wool and woolen clothes. There is another point about shop windows. As managers make them look better to attract people, streets become more colorful and picturesque. Choose the best sentence ending (a, b, c or d) which is true to the text 1. Window shopping a) is not very popular in Europe; b) is a nice pastime for some people; c) is hated by men and older people; d) is more difficult in the evening. 2. A manager must pay special attention to the shop windows because a) they attract customers; b) they are colorful and picturesque; c)everyone likes window shopping; d) everyone can throw a stone at the glass. 3. Things that are displayed in shop windows a) sometimes frighten nervous customers; b) sometimes have nothing to do with the goods; c) sometimes look dirty; d) sometimes pretend to be something else. 4. One of the reasons why window shopping is good is that a) it keeps managers busy most of the time; b) it s the best pastime for young people; c) it protects the environment; d) it helps to make streets look better.


Read the text and do the tasks that follow

Christmas in England is the biggest celebration of the year. Quite unlike the New Year ’s Day which is usually dedicated to big and noisy parties Christmas is a home and family holiday. In Western Europe people usually have special Christmas holidays which last for about ten days. These are used to get ready properly. Christmas time is the busiest for housewives. Most shops have season sales so they get a wonderful chance to buy lots of useful things and presents much cheaper. You just have to know what you want to buy and where you have to go. There are special services delivering Christmas trees in special pots. These firms take care of the environment and prevent wild trees from being cut down. Small children believe that on Christmas night Santa Claus travels from chimney to chimney on his deer and brings presents to everyone. That is why to get a present you have to put up a sock next to the fireplace. Of course, in modern houses most flats are equipped with central heating and have no fireplace, that is why children usually put their gift socks next to their beds. This is quite comfortable because you can see what Santa has brought to you as soon as you wake up.

Choose the best sentence ending (a, b, c or d) which is true to the text 1. Christmas time is the busiest for housewives because a) they have to work and do the housework; b) they have no time to get ready for the celebration; c) they have to buy presents and things in sales; d) their families eat more on these days. 2. The difference between New Year’s Day and Christmas is that a) no one gets presents on New Year’s day in England; b) New Year’s day is a public holiday while Christmas is a family one; c) you don’t have to buy a Christmas tree for New Year’s day; d) people don’t have holiday on New Year’s day 3. According to the legends Santa Claus a) gets into a house through the chimney; b) never gives presents to those who live in modern flats; c) brings gift socks with him; d) wakes children up to ask how they behaved. 4. Christmas sales a)are held every three months; b) are a way to protect the environment; c) can’t be organized to sell Christmas trees; d) are a wonderful opportunity to buy things cheaper.


Read the text and do the tasks that follow If both parents go to work it is wise to take on a nanny. Some nannies live in the house where they work, some come in the morning and leave when one of the parents come back home. Having a nanny is not a new idea; most rich families have always had one, even if mothers don’t work. Nannies can also work as cleaning ladies or housekeepers, for additional money, of course. In most European countries there are agencies who send nannies to families. These firms care about their reputation so you practically don’t run any risk when you leave your child alone with a new person. Agencies also require some qualifications from the nannies which can be obtained in special colleges or evening classes. Is it good to leave a child in the charge of a nanny? Parents ill say it’s wonderful as they can work or go out freely without worrying about their child. Nannies must be content, too — they get reasonable money for doing what they like. The only disadvantage of this is that children spend less time with their parents and get less love and attention. But on the other hand, when a qualified nanny brings your child up you can be sure he or she will become more friendly and less spoilt.

Choose the best sentence ending (a, b, c or d) which is true to the text Most nannies a) live with the family they work in; b) do the housework as well; c) have good qualifications; d) only work in rich families. 2. Parents employ nannies because a) they don’t want to do the housework; b) they have to work during the day; c) they go out very often; d) they have extra money. 3. Having a nanny in the house can be bad because a) children become more friendly; b) parents can go to work without worrying; c) children become more spoilt; d) parents don’t see their children very often. 4. Agencies which send nannies require qualifications because a) they don’t want to pay more money; b) they don’t like risking; c) they care about what people say; d) there is a serious competition between nannies.


Read the text and do the tasks that follow Thanksgiving Day is a legal holiday in the United States. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. This is a family holiday when all the members get together to have a meal. Most people go to church in the morning, and then comes the Thanksgiving dinner at which roasted turkey is usually served. This holiday is a harvest festival which is thought to be one of the oldest and most popular ones in the world. The first celebration in the United States was held in 1621 when the settlers gathered their first harvest. First people came to New England in December 1620 on a ship called “The Mayflower”. The winter was very cold so half of them died during the first months of 1621 of hunger and decease. The settlers weren’t good farmers, so they couldn’t grow anything by themselves. The Indians whose land it was gave them some seeds of corn which they planted, and the first harvest was very good. Later Thanksgiving days were celebrated all over the country among the settlers but the dates were different. During the third of the Civil war in October 1863 President Lincoln turned this holiday to be a national one. And even later, in 1951 the United States Congress fixed this celebration on the fourth Thursday of November.

Choose the best sentence ending (a, b, c or d) which is true to the text 1. Thanksgiving is now celebrated a) on December 21; b) on the fourth Thursday in November; c) after a very cold winter; d) alter a very good harvest. 2. The first celebration was held a) alter the first harvest; b) after the Civil war c) in 1951; d) in 1863. 3. The settlers took seeds from the Indians because a) they didn’t want to grow anything by themselves; b) they had no possibility to grow anything by themselves; c) they didn’t want to offend the Indians whose land it was; d) they didn’t want to come back to England to get some seeds; 4. Half of the people arrived on “The Mayflower” died because a) they didn’t like new surroundings; b) they couldn’t live with Indians; c) the harvest was not good enough; d) the winter was severe.

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