AP EUROPEAN HISTORY STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 8 The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion

Directions: Read the chapter slowly, carefully, and completely. As you read, take thoughtful answers in each box. This study guide may or may not be graded/checked for completion and accuracy. You can use this study guide on all quizzes but not on any chapter tests. You may be expected to use your online text to complete some portions of this study guide.

Learning Objective 1 How did European contact with the rest of the world evolve in the centuries since the Renaissance?

Activity for LO 1 Online Video: “The Origins of Modern Imperialism and Colonialism” List at least 2 origins of modern imperialism according to the video:

Important Terms and/or People for LO 1 AP EUROPEAN HISTORY STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 8 The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion

Directions: Read the chapter slowly, carefully, and completely. As you read, take thoughtful answers in each box. This study guide may or may not be graded/checked for completion and accuracy. You can use this study guide on all quizzes but not on any chapter tests. You may be expected to use your online text to complete some portions of this study guide.

Learning Objective 2 What were the characteristics of European mercantile empires?

Important Terms and/or People for LO 2 AP EUROPEAN HISTORY STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 8 The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion

Directions: Read the chapter slowly, carefully, and completely. As you read, take thoughtful answers in each box. This study guide may or may not be graded/checked for completion and accuracy. You can use this study guide on all quizzes but not on any chapter tests. You may be expected to use your online text to complete some portions of this study guide.

Learning Objective 3 How did Spanish colonial organization reflect its imperial goals?

Activity for LO 3 Online Map: “European Global empires, 1600-1800” Based on this map, what European countries seem to be leading the colonial charge at this time?

Important Terms and/or People for LO 3

AP EUROPEAN HISTORY STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 8 The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion

Directions: Read the chapter slowly, carefully, and completely. As you read, take thoughtful answers in each box. This study guide may or may not be graded/checked for completion and accuracy. You can use this study guide on all quizzes but not on any chapter tests. You may be expected to use your online text to complete some portions of this study guide.

Learning Objective 4 What were the origins of slavery in the Americas?

Activity for LO 4 Online Video: “Piracy” List two things you learned from watching the video.

Activity for LO 3 Map 8-2: “The Slave Trade, 1400-1860” p.283 What was new about slave trading at this time compared to ancient times?

Activity for LO 3 Online Document: “A Defense of the Slave Trade” List two reasons given for why the slave trade was justifiable?

Important Terms and/or People for LO 4

AP EUROPEAN HISTORY STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 8 The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion

Directions: Read the chapter slowly, carefully, and completely. As you read, take thoughtful answers in each box. This study guide may or may not be graded/checked for completion and accuracy. You can use this study guide on all quizzes but not on any chapter tests. You may be expected to use your online text to complete some portions of this study guide.

Learning Objective 5 Why did mid-eighteenth century European wars often involve both continental and global conflicts?

Activity for LO 5 Online Map: “The Seven Years War” What does this map tell us about the Seven Years War?

Important Terms and/or People for LO 5

AP EUROPEAN HISTORY STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 8 The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion

Directions: Read the chapter slowly, carefully, and completely. As you read, take thoughtful answers in each box. This study guide may or may not be graded/checked for completion and accuracy. You can use this study guide on all quizzes but not on any chapter tests. You may be expected to use your online text to complete some portions of this study guide.

Learning Objective 6 What were the causes of the American Revolution?

Activity for LO 6 Document: “Thomas Paine’s ‘Common Sense’” p.297 According to Paine, what concrete harm does an association with Great Britain do to the colonies?

Activity for LO 6 Online Document: “The Declaration of Independence 1776” According to the document, what was the main reason why the colonies sought their independence?

Activity for LO 6 Online Video: “Revolutions in the Atlantic World” List two things you learn from watching the video.

Important Terms and/or People for LO 6