LCU Student Senate Minutes
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LCU Student Senate Minutes October 18, 2004
I. Meeting called to order at 9:17
II. Invocation – Senator Reznicek
III. Roll Call – Secretary Ellis
IV. Minutes of previous meeting read & approved
V. Officer Reports
a. Vice President (Trent Wilson) – Asked everyone to move to the front of the auditorium. Spring Break Campaigns – Oregon Campaign requested $600 from their budgeted $2000 ASAP. Secretary Ellis moved to approve going ahead and giving them $600 – approved. b. Treasurer (Ashley Hutchinson) – none c. Secretary (Amanda Ellis) – Moved to remove Andy Rogers from Senate based on unexcused absences – approved. Manny Reyes resigned due to being enrolled in too few hours to constitutionally serve on Senate d. Secretary of Cultural Diversity (Melissa Perez) – absent e. President (Lindsey Joiner) – Get to know the new Senators Two opening on the Duster Advisory Board – contact Brenda Cass Read a thank you letter from the public relations office about Homecoming
VI. Committee Reports
a. Spiritual Life (Kolbyn Joy) – SRW update – Need suggestions for speakers Senator Smith moved to pay each speaker $.30/mile travel plus a $150 flat-rate – approved Andy Brazzle is a for sure speaker at Men’s SRW b. Campus Experience (Kehley Merrill) – a. Changes to TWIRP week: Thurs – Coke & Nacho: prizes ($175) food ($150) Fri – Mr. Gatti’s ($1250) Senator K. Joy moved to accept the changes – approved b. Sign up to help with TWIRP Week. If you don’t it’s an unexcused absence (talk to Amanda for excuses) c. No costume party, instead a mock vote after Tuesday chapel. Vote and get a doughnut ($224) Senator Myers moved to accept – approved. c. Student Concerns (Jessica Boffey) – a. Presenting F/S awards in chapel tomorrow – Dr. Bullock & Dr. Marshall are Faculty of the past 2 months, Linda Gonzales & Sonny Parks are Staff. b. C.A.R program won’t work – looking into other options c. New Concern – more bike racks on campus
VII. Old Business
Report from “Publicize Senate” – Senator Myers – committee met Friday, they’ll do a power point presentation in chapel of each Senator and put a permanent display of in each building of the representatives from the colleges. Each Senator needs to take a picture after meeting.
Report from “Service Month” – Senator K. Joy – committee decided to make it a challenge competition. Each group/individual will fill out a service form and at the end of the month, prizes will be awarded in different categories. The idea was opened to discussion about when the month should be. Possible prizes: pay for intramurals fees (if a club/team wins), gift certificates, movies, Tech tickets, etc… Senator Harmon moved to accept March as service month – approved. Senator Norman moved to refer to committee with power to act – approved.
VIII. New Business
V.P. Wilson apologized for negative attitude the past few weeks – accepted.
IX. Announcements – Secretary Ellis
No meeting next week, TWIRP Week will count as an absence. IF YOU CAN’T HELP WITH TWIRP WEEK, CONTACT AMANDA!!!!!!!!
X. Meeting adjourned at 10:04
XI. Closing Prayer - Senator K. Joy
Prayer Requests Carol Carol’s husband is now home! Katy is sick w/the flu Amanda Miller was in a car accident People traveling this weeking A man from Kolbyn’s home got run over by his son in a tractor accident Couple in Ireland lost their baby The couple that hosted the New York campaign had a child that is doing well Strength for Senate SRW