Large Test - Biology/Life Sciences EOC (CASCS)

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Large Test - Biology/Life Sciences EOC (CASCS)

Large Test - Biology/Life Sciences EOC (CASCS)

Highlight 00:00:37 Hide Tools Instructions: Complete each question by choosing or typing in the best answer. To receive the highest score, be sure to leave nothing blank. When you have completed the test, click the "Grade My Test Now" button at the end of the test. If you run out of time, click the "Save for Me to Complete Later" button. Tests are automatically saved in case of internet disruption. Language: English | Español

1) Plant cells make their own food by taking in

A) oxygen and water.

B) oxygen and hydrogen.

C) carbon dioxide and water.

D) carbon dioxide and oxygen.

2) Viruses CANNOT

A) be crystallized.

B) live in bacteria.

C) reproduce on their own. D) cause disease in plants.

3) A shell fossil with only 25% of its carbon 14 isotope remaining is MOST LIKELY how many years old?

A) 2865

B) 5730

C) 11460

D) 22920 4)

The dots represent a bacterial infection. Sal was very sick with this bacterial infection. The infection was treated with antibiotics. Sal seemed to get well, but in a few weeks, she was sick again. How can this be explained using natural selection?

A) The antibiotics were ineffective to this strain of bacteria.

B) The stronger, more resistant bacteria survived the antibiotics and reproduced. C) The antibiotics did not kill the bacteria; it only forced them to be dormant.

Antibiotics will only kill a portion of the bacteria, no matter how much medicine D) Sal takes.

5) During ______, vesicles in the cell fuse with the cell membrane, releasing their contents to the outside.

A) diffusion

B) endocytosis

C) exocytosis

D) pinocytosis


'Ding-dong', the prized racehorse of Kentucky Bob Bluegrass, is tragically killed by a runaway tractor. Thinking quickly, Kentucky Bob sends a tissue sample from the horse to Zerox DNA labs, which can clone animals. Zerox DNA labs will need to correctly follow a series of steps to clone 'Ding-dong'.

Place the steps for cloning the horse in the correct order.

1) Cloned horse born. 2) Collect tissue from dead horse. 3) Remove nucleus from dead horse skin cell. 4) X-ray donor egg to destroy nucleus. 5) Impregnate surrogate mare with modified egg. 6) Implant desired nucleus into donor egg. 7) Collect donor egg from surrogate mother horse.

A) 2, 3, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1 B) 2, 5, 7, 4, 3, 6, 1

C) 7, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 1

D) 7, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 1

7) If two populations of the same species of insects have been geographically isolated from each other for an extended period of time, they will MOST LIKELY exhibit

A) increased rates of genetic mutation.

B) very few differences in terms of appearance.

C) evolution into two different species that can mate and interbreed.

D) different traits that allow each to better survive in its particular environment.

8) If a portion of a DNA strand has the base sequence ACGACG, what will be the base sequence of the mRNA strand transcribed?





9) Small, uncharged substances enter and leave the cell membrane through the process of A) endocytosis.

B) simple diffusion.

C) active transport.

D) facilitated diffusion.

10) In normal humans, sex cells contain the ______number of chromosomes.

A) diploid

B) haploid

C) multiploid

D) tetraploid 11)

Turgor pressure: the main pressure of the cell contents against the cell wall.

To maintain turgor pressure, cells in both the leaves and stems of most non-woody or herbaceous plants contain

A) chloroplasts.

B) starch granules.

C) many mitochondria.

D) a large central vacuole.

12) In an ecosystem, some plants may convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia through a process called

A) transformation.

B) denitrification.

C) nitrogen fixation.

D) nitrogenous mutation.

13) In rabbits, B represents the allele for black coat and b represents the allele for white coat. Black is dominant over white. If a rabbit has the genotype Bb, what is the rabbit's phenotype?

A) gray

B) black

C) white

D) BB X bb 14)

Which sets of mRNA codons could genetically code for a protein with the following amino acid composition:

Pro - Asp - Gly - Lys





15) Elodea uses ______to power its cellular processes.





In rabbits, white fur is a recessive trait. Based on this fact, what statement BEST describes this rabbit's genotype?

A) It must have the genotype Bb.

B) It is homozygous for fur color.

C) It cannot have the genotype bb.

D) It is heterozygous for fur color. 17)

Which organisms have the most energy available to them?

A) birds or omnivores

B) plants or producers

C) fungi or decomposers

D) animals or carnivores

18) Suppose that the great green galoofus lizard has fifty-two chromosomes in the nucleus of its body or somatic cells. How many chromosomes will be in the unfertilized egg of a great green galoofus lizard?

A) 13

B) 26

C) 52 D) 104


The zebra danios are a new type of pet fish, marketed as Glo-Fish. The fish were produced by transferring genes from jellyfish (green and yellow fish) and corals (red fish) into regular zebra danio fish (striped blue and white normally) embryos. Which of the following statements is NOT true about these fish?

A) These fish have recombinant DNA.

B) These fish are transgenic animals.

A vector, such as a plasmid or virus, may have been needed to get the C) foreign genes into fish cells.

These fish could have been produced by introducing the DNA of a coral D) or jellyfish into an empty fish egg. 20)

In the graph, the density-independent limiting factor is most likely

A) disease.

B) predation.

C) parasitism.

D) seasonal cycles.

21) What is the MAIN way the skin prevents pathogens from entering the body?

A) by fighting them

B) by acting as a barrier

C) by creating immunity against them D) by triggering a response in the brain

22) Substances that enter the cell without the expense of cellular ATP, but are too large to directly pass through the membrane, use ______in order to gain access to the inside of the cell.

A) vesicles

B) osmosis

C) pseudopodia

D) membrane proteins


Carl's throat hurt. He could not swallow to eat so his mother took him to the doctor's. Doctor Roberts swabbed Carl's throat and rubbed the swab on a Petri dish. "What's that for?" asked Carl. Doctor Roberts told him that many time severe sore throats are caused by a specific ______and culturing Carl's throat will help to identify it. A) bacteria

B) fungi

C) protozoa

D) virus

24) All of the environmental influences contribute to disease in humans EXCEPT

A) smog.

B) global warming.

C) radioactive elements such as radon.

D) heavy metals such as lead and mercury.

25) What is true about any two normal gametes from a human female parent?

A) Their chromosomes are exactly the same.

B) They can combine to form a new organism.

C) Each has a diploid number of chromosomes.

D) They have the same number of chromosomes. 26)

A farmer was growing the peas seen here: round and yellow are dominant traits; green and wrinkled are recessive traits. The farmer's goal was to produce a crop of round, green peas. To do this, she introduced plants that bred true for green seeds (peas). Over time the gene pool was modified and the presence of yellow peas became non-existent.

This change in the gene pool is a result of hybridization. In scientific terms, we could call this a method of A) gene flow.

B) emigration.

C) niche shift.

D) genetic drift.


A section of this DNA molecule that codes for a specific inherited trait is called a

A) chromosome.

B) codon.

C) gene.

D) phenotype.

28) What are the reactants of cellular respiration? A) ATP and water

B) sugar and oxygen

C) NADPH and hydrogen

D) carbon dioxide and water

29) Gene splicing is used to produce

A) chromatase.

B) glucose.

C) insulin.

D) lactose. 30)

Malaria is one of the human population's oldest diseases and greatest causes of death. The malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium falciparum has occurred in human populations for around 100,000 years. Because this disease is so devastating, humans have had to evolve adaptive traits to survive over the course of time.

The sickle-cell anemia allele has been found in a population in some African and Southeast Asian populations. Individuals with the sickle cell allele have resistance to malaria. Some other red blood cell diseases also provide malaria resistance. The sickle cell disease increased in the malaria prone areas since

A) it was developed to cure malaria B) individuals with sickle cell die young

C) sickle cell and malaria have no connection

D) individuals with sickle cell live to reproduce

31) Carbon Years Elapsed Remaining Percentage of Original Carbon-14 0 100 5,500 50 11,000 25 16,500 12.5 22,000 6.25 27,500 3.13 33,000 1.59

The chart seen here shows the decay of a sample of carbon-14 over a period of 33,000 years. What is the approximate half-life of carbon 14?

A) 5,500 years

B) 11,000 years

C) 16,500 years

D) 33,000 years

32) Which fact about fossils is MOST important to scientists who study evolution? A) Fossils are often found in sedimentary rock.

Footprints, body structures, and even animal droppings can become B) fossilized.

The age of a fossil can be determined by examining the rock strata in C) which the fossil is found.

The formation of a fossil depends on the geologic and chemical D) conditions present when an organism dies.

33) Which of these best describes genetic drift?

A) The movement of alleles between population

B) Random fluctuations in the gene frequencies within a population

C) A planned method to reduce the number of inferior genes in a population

The combining of alleles to create more genetic variations within a D) population

34) Which is true about what models allow us to do to the system being studied?

A) Increase the amount of waste produced.

B) Decrease what we learn about a system.

C) Decrease the amount a system is studied.

Increase the size of a very small system, allowing easier understanding of what D) is occurring.

35) Several biology students are counting kernels in an ear of corn. They count a total of 420 kernels: 242 purple wrinkled, 84 purple smooth, 70 yellow wrinkled, and 24 yellow smooth.

What is the ratio of kernel phenotype in this case?

A) 3:2:2:1

B) 8::4:2:1

C) 9:3:3:1

D) 24:8:7:2


A section of DNA is transcribed to produce a strand of mRNA. The original DNA has the following sequence of nitrogen bases: ATG GCC CAA TCG TGA Due to a point mutation, transcription results in the mRNA sequence of: UAC CGG GUU AGU ACU

Transcription in this case will result in

A) a mutated protein that is potentially harmful.

B) the correct sequence of amino acids in the synthesized protein.

C) a situation where protein synthesis does not "stop" translating.

D) the incorrect sequence of amino acids in the synthesized protein.


In the illustration, the long, whiplike extensions on the bottom of the cell are called

A) cilia.

B) flagella.

C) mitochondria. D) pili.

38) All of the following EXCEPT the resistance of ______demonstrate artificially selected resistance.

A) beef cattle, to "shipping fever",

B) many agricultural wheat varieties, to drought and fungus,

C) Anatarctic fish to freezing, due to antifreeze proteins in their blood,

many common grasshopper species to pesticides, such as diazinon, sevin, and D) others,


The alveoli are surrounded by ______carrying blood to and from the heart.

A) vena cava B) bronchioles

C) blood vessels

D) white blood cells

40) In the cell, which organelle has the function of using oxygen in the breakdown of glucose, releasing energy and carbon dioxide?

A) ribosomes

B) golgi bodies

C) mitochondria

D) endoplasmic reticulum

41) An organism with 24 chromosomes in each body cell will produce sex cells with ______chromosomes.

A) 12

B) 24

C) 48

D) 96

42) Viruses have all of the characteristics of living things EXCEPT A) cells.

B) organization.

C) reproduction.

D) response.


To generate an action potential, an axon needs a stimulus of a certain minimum strength. This is referred to as the

A) threshold.

B) excitation.

C) polarization.

D) resting potential.

44) To drill or not to drill? That is the big question as Americans face climbing gas prices. A group of research scientists employed by Mobil Oil conducted a study on the feasibility of drilling for oil off the coast of California. They researched the impact of oil drilling on near-by ecosystems and investigated the likelihood of future oil spills. According to their data, coastal California would be an excellent location to drill for oil.

Based on standard scientific method protocol, what should these scientists have done before reporting their findings?

A) An unbiased research team should review their methods, data, and conclusions.

B) They should collaborate with the executives from Mobil Oil on a research plan.

C) They should share their data with concerned California environmentalist groups.

D) The team should meet with local governments to get some feedback on their findings.

45) Classical hemophilia, or hemophilia A, is a genetic disorder in which blood fails to clot. In one family, males are shown to carry and express the defective allele in every other generation, while females seem unaffected. Based on the information given it could be concluded that hemophilia is ______.

a disease caused by A) bacteria.

a sex-linked, dominant B) genetic disorder.

an paleozoic, dominant C) genetic disorder.

a sex-linked, recessive D) genetic disorder.

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