Plan of the Day Page 6 of 6 Pages

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Plan of the Day Page 6 of 6 Pages


Saturday & Sunday 16 and 17 AUGUST, 2014

This plan of the day is an official document of the Theodore Roosevelt Division, United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Its contents reflect the current orders of the Commanding Officer. All Division members are responsible for reading and understanding the information contained herein. Parents and guardians are encouraged to read the plan of the day and to make note of its meeting times and special announcement that may affect their personal schedules

Commanding Officer LCDR FORREST WOODWARD, USNSCC (646) 522-2917 [email protected] Executive Officer LT ROBERT GARCEAU, USNSCC [email protected] Personnel Officer ENS. NELLY GONZALEZ, USNSCC [email protected]

Uniform of the Day

Report in Service Dress White (SDW) bring Working Uniform: NWU & PT uniform as defined by SOP

Duty Section (Q-Deck) (Main Gate) Command Duty Officer 0800-1000 1000-1200 Duty MAA 1200-1400 1400-1500



Calendar of Events/Announcements

1. Events – The Division’s events and their locations are scheduled as follows:

Time Drill Event Instructor Location Conference 0700 STAFF Staff onboard Room 0740 0755 All Morning Formation. (Seasonal Dress Uniform) CO Flagpole

0800 All Honors Rendered to Colors (National Anthem) CO/LPO Flagpole 0805 0825 All In-ranks Inspection DRESS WHITES CO/LPO TBD 0830 0855 All Morning procedures / Switch to PT gear Classroom Duty Duty Officer available to receive newcomers for Conference 0900 1100 LT Garceau Officer program briefings Rm 0900 1400 Supply SUPPLY OPEN TBD Unit Supply Admin Admin Officer available to receive and process 0900 1000 ENS Gonzales Crow’s Nest Officer new enrollments 0900 1010 All PT INSTR BOPP Outside area 1000 1200 CO New Cadet/Parents orientation briefing CO Classroom 0900 1000 Admin Admin Officer available to receive and process ENS Gonzales Crow’s Nest

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personnel/service jackets from cadets returning from training. ALL service jackets must be Officer returned at the first drill following the last training you attend for the summer. 1015 1025 All Cool down and clean up REMAIN IN PT GEAR Misc. 1030 1040 All Switch to working uniform Locker Rms XO Time – debrief on training attended (war Classroom / stories) Discuss problems encountered, outdoors if 1040 1130 XO changes we need to stand up for next training, weather sufficiency of issued uniforms, etc. permits 1130 1200 All Lunch Outside area 1200 1210 All Clean up messing areas and prepare for training Outside area Return of temporary issue items that were Supply / 1210 1400 All Supply room issued for training. INST BOPP Select Pick up and deliver building materials to base to 1210 TBD XO Cadets construct obstacle course. Sweepers – man your brooms. Secure 1400 1455 All Hands Quarterdeck watch, Make clean sweep fore and LPO & CC’s Division Area aft, and empty all trashcans. Evening Formation, knock off all ship’s work – 1500 All Hands LPO CO/XO Bldg. 5 dismiss the Division 1515 1600 Staff Officer’s/Staff Call – Required for all Officers CO Classroom

SUNDAY 17 AUG 2014

Time Drill Event Instructor Location 0700 STAFF Staff onboard 0740 0755 All Morning Formation. (NWU) XO Flagpole

0800 All Honors Rendered to Colors (National Anthem) XO/LPO Flagpole 0815 0830 All Morning Procedures, prep for day’s activities LPO/XO Classroom Take care of any business not completed the 0845 0950 All previous day as scheduled. 0950 1000 Break XO & Outside 1000 1125 All Construction of obstacle course INSTR BOPP training area 1130 1200 All Lunch Classroom Outside drill 1200 1300 Drill and Ceremony INSTR BOPP area 1300 1400 All Construction of obstacle course Parent’s 3rd support group meeting – any/all parents are invited to participate. Agenda Melissa includes fundraising, holiday party, recruiting Bronsveld 1400 1500 Parents Classroom drive & membership; discussion about the good ENS Gonzalez / and the bad of training and our preparation of INSTR Besser our cadets!

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Station Cleanup (Empty trash, clean and straighten office and training class room, LPO 1400 1455 All Hands LPO/CC’s Division Area inspect and report to OPNS Officer who will conduct spot checks for compliance. 1500 All Hands Evening Formation - Dismissed XO Bldg. 5 READ ALL BELOW CAREFULLY!!!

2 General

IMPORTANT NUMBERS / INFORMATION WEBSITE: Facebook Region 03-4 Website: Homeport:


Welcome to the beginning of the TR Division. The next several months will be packed with challenges.




This Day in Naval History

16 AUG

 1822 - USS Grampus investigates and pursues a brig flying Spanish colors. When called upon to surrender, the privateer brig Palmyra from Puerto Rico fires cannon and musket fire. USS Grampus fires back on Palmyra's broadsides reducing Palmyra's rigging to a complete wreck, killing one and wounding six. The brig surrenders with a crew of 88, one long 18- pounder gun and eight 18-pound carronades. Her officers acknowledge they had robbed the American schooner USS Coquette.

 1863 - During the Civil War, three Union ships, USS Rhode Island, USS De Soto and USS Gertrude each capture steamers loaded with cargoes of turpentine, cotton, tobacco, coffee, cigars and dry goods from the Bahama Islands to the Gulf of Mexico to Cuba.

 1864 - During the Civil War, USS Saratoga, commanded by Cmdr. George Colvocoresses, captures 100 prisoners and a quantity of arms on a raid into McIntosh County, Ga. Cmdr. Colvocoresses also destroys a salt works and a strategic bridge across the South Newport River on the main road to Savannah.

 1944 - USS Croaker (SS 246) sinks Japanese auxiliary minesweeper, Taito Maru.

 1954 - Operation Passage to Freedom begins. The operation transports refugees from Haiphong to Saigon, Vietnam.

 1958 - USS Seadragon (SSN 584) launches at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. USS Seadragon decommissions in 1984.

17 AUG

 1812 - The frigate, USS President, captures British schooner, HMS L'Adeline, in the North Atlantic.

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 1841 - Secretary of the Navy George E. Badger signs that the Chief Clerk's signature is valid on the certified copy of the medal citation awarded to Capt. Stephen Decatur, for his gallantry in action against the British frigate, HMS Macedonian, on Oct. 25, 1812. Smith Thompson, who signs the original medal citation, was the Sixth Secretary of the Navy.

 1942 - The submarines USS Nautilus (SS 168) and USS Argonaut (SM 1) land more than 200 Marines on Makin Island, Gilbert Islands, in the first amphibious attack made from submarines.

 1943 - Army troops enter Messina terminating the campaign in Sicily. Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 15 conducts unopposed landings from motor torpedo boats (PT 215), (PT 216) and (PT 217) on islands of Lipari and Stromboli. Commander Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 15 (Lt. E.A. Dubose, USNR) accepts the unconditional surrender of the Lipari Islands (Alicudi, Filicudi, Vulcano, Stromboli, Salina and Lipari). Destroyer Trippe (DD 403) covers the operation.

 1959 - Adm. Arleigh A. Burke, is reappointed as Chief of Naval Operations for his third, two-year term, serving the longest as Chief of Naval Operations.

 1962 - The Navy's first hydrofoil patrol craft, USS High Point (PCH 1) is launched at Seattle, Wash.

U.S. Naval Academy The Naval Academy athletic program is not just an extracurricular activity, it is part of the mission, and as such receives a priority much different than at civilian schools. The athletic teams are an integral part of the overall education of a total person. Athletics provide leadership opportunities and the experiences of team play, cooperative effort, commitment and individual sacrifice for goals that some may or may not be able to achieve. Athletics play a big part of every midshipman's life at the Naval Academy.

Culture of Fitness Physical activity helps in keeping the body’s metabolism – the rate the body burns calories) working effectively. As one ages, the body’s metabolism naturally decreases. Participating in a regular exercise program assists the body in maintaining a higher metabolic rate. Calories are burned more effectively, and extra weight gain normally incurred as one ages is minimized.

Why do Sailors exercise? Sailors interviewed world-wide repeatedly said that exercise decreases stress; increases energy level; helps them feel better, look better, and sleep better; reduces their body fat; and improves how they feel about themselves.

Diversity Note Based on DOD Directive 1350.2, Military Equal Opportunity Program, religious discrimination is "any action, intentional or unintentional, that unlawfully or unjustly results in unequal treatment of persons or groups based on religion and for which distinctions are not supported by legal or rational considerations."

EXECUTIVE OFFICER / Drill dates of all region units and other events are listed on the calendar of events page of the Region website

A page has been added to the Region website just for parents. %20support.html On this page, parents can find useful information such as the Parent’s Handbook; How to Properly Fold The Dress Blue Bellbottom Trousers (Dress blues & Whites); How to tie neckerchief; How and Where to stencil uniforms and personal items; Where to purchase equipment; and how to prepare for NSCC recruit training. Let your parents know!

COMMUNITY SERVICE is now required for promotion! Three community service hours are required for promotion to E-2 thru E-4; six hours for E-5 thru E-6 and nine hours for promotion to E-7/CPO. You must have the community service form completed and submitted to verify service for credit. Keeping track of your community service time is YOUR responsibility.


Reaching 18th Birthday (NSCC/NLCC Admin Manual, 0108 GENERAL CADET ADMINISTRATION) Cadet High School graduates who are 18 years old may remain in the program until 30 September after they turn 18, but no more than 6 months for payment purposes. If more than 6 months, a full year’s enrollment fee is required. the

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same applies to those cadets who turn 19 in their senior year of high school. Requests for waivers will be submitted to the Executive Director for approval, and must specify termination date and must be accompanied by the appropriate re-enrollment fee.


Meals – All hands are reminded that sack lunches are the order of the day. Don’t forget yours. We do have a refrigerator for storage of food items and a microwave available for our use.

We received additional uniforms since our last drill so we will be working on issuing those out. Last drill we issued uniforms but did not have time to update personnel inventory forms so this drill we will be adjusting and signing inventory forms. We have not been able to obtain dress white pants in the smaller sizes and those cadets who require 27 – 30 may have to order them from the NEX. The unit will reimburse you for that with an invoice/receipt. We will discuss this at drill.

OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT TBD Reporting time – Cadets are to report aboard the station NO LATER than the reporting time on the POM and be present for morning muster. Staff and CC’s are expected to be on station NLT 0700 to prepare for the day’s activities. Final muster is at 1500 (3:00 p.m.) on Saturday and 1600 (4:00 p.m.) on Sunday. Cadet personnel must depart the station within (30) minutes of the last formation of the drill day.


Field Day Activities: The duty Company Commander is directly responsible for supervising cleanup and inspecting the cleanliness of common areas at the conclusion of drill. The LPO is responsible for final inspection and reporting to the XO that all common areas are shipshape before any cadet will be released. This includes the coat rack area— ensure that no coats, shoes, sea bags or other paraphernalia are left behind.

ATTENDANCE – IAW new command policy, your attendance will be reviewed quarterly instead of annually. NSCC Regulations state that you must attend 85% of all scheduled drills. That is five of six drills per quarter. If you do not meet this minimum standard, you will be administratively warned. If you continue to fail to meet minimum attendance standards, you will be discharged from the NSCC/NLCC. Failure to maintain 85% level of attendance (90% for CC’s/LPO) will result in cadets who are otherwise eligible for promotion will have their promotions held up until he/she brings attendance back to an acceptable level. Additionally, failure to maintain the required level of attendance at drills will result in non-issuance of orders to attend advanced trainings. TRAINING DEPARTMENT / TBD Correspondence Courses. Select unclassified Navy correspondence courses are available to the cadets and adults at the unit level and on line from the USNSCC “HOMEPORT” Website. Certain mandatory courses are the “homework” cadets must complete for advancement. The BMR is recommended for adults not having a military background. Additionally, for any Cadet who does not have access to a computer, all correspondence courses can be separately provided on a CD disc. BRING CORRESPONDENCE COURSE MATERIALS TO DRILL; Time may be allotted for cadets to work on correspondence courses. A reminder that NSCC Regulations require that “assignments are due each drill. “ You must complete at least one course per year to remain in the USNSCC. – see NSCC regulations for requirements.

All new Cadets will bring their 3-ring binder and any other hand out materials you will be provided to include, but not limited to: the Eleven General Orders; Navy’s Core Values; Sailor’s Creed; NSCC Regulation (for NSCC Cadets); NLCC Syllabus (NLCC Cadets); Uniform Manual and the current POM.

Physical Training. Physical fitness training is a regular part of the units overall training program. The Physical Fitness Standards are listed on form NSCTNG 020. FUTURE EVENTS

PARENT’S GROUP / Melissa Bronsveld

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Our THIRD meeting will take place Sunday afternoon at 1400 (2:00 p.m.) in the classroom. We will discuss fundraising, holiday party, recruiting drive & membership, discussion about the good and the bad of training and our preparation of our cadets, how we can do better next time! Please try to attend; we need your help and ideas.

LEADING PETTY OFFICER / SN Kennedy Prior to my recruit training I did not get a lot of experience with marching/drill other than facing movements, and it was one the area I personally lagged behind in, so I highly recommend that each of our new cadets who will be going to recruit training this summer pay attention to what you are being taught and practice – practice – practice! Don’t forget to memorize your eleven general orders. You are reminded that your absence from drill now requires that you submit an absence from requesting authorization for your absence BEFORE the drill weekend. This form can be accessed from the TRAINING page of our website.

Forrest W. Woodward F. Woodward LCDR, USNSCC Commanding Officer


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