Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council of Farningham Held at The s1

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council of Farningham Held at The s1

- Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council of Farningham held at the Village Hall, High Street, Farningham at 7.45pm on Wednesday 3rd February 2016

Present: Cllr. P. McGarvey, Chair and District Cllr. Cllr. G. Bergne Cllr. D. Burns Cllr. H. Butler Cllr. M. Cook Cllr. A. McEnroe Cllr. B. Wells Mrs. J. Gray (Clerk) 128. Chairman’s Welcome and Apologies for absence: (i) The Chairman welcomed six Parish Councillors, District Cllr. Ingrid Tennessee and the County Councillor Roger Gough who arrived at 8.35pm. (ii) Apologies had been received from the Community Warden, Steve Armstrong, and the PCSO, Sarah Douse.

129. Register of Interests: The register of interests was confirmed as recorded in the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 13th May 2015.

130. Policing: PCSO, Sarah Douse had sent in a written report as she was unable to attend the meeting; she was working nights locally or on night patrols. She reported there have been a few reports of crime in the village this year; a motorbike was stolen from Sevenoaks train station and burnt out at the entrance to the car park of the Lion Hotel, Farningham. The British Transport Police have named suspects and the investigation is ongoing. On 7th January around £1,200 worth of various sized gas cylinders were stolen from Gorse Hill Nursery; unfortunately this crime was filed as there were no forensics or witnesses. On 27th January around £350 worth of tools were taken from a garage. The tools belonged to builders currently working on a property; this crime was filed due to no leads or evidence left at scene. A slim white male in his late 50’s or early 60’s had been targeting women in the neighbouring parish. She suggested all to be vigilant and offered personal attack alarms to any concerned individuals. She had received a couple of reports about nuisance bikes. When officers catch them if possible the bikes are seized but if that is not possible then they are served a Section 59 which is a final warning; if they are caught again the vehicle is confiscated. ‘101’ should be dialled if any nuisance vehicles are sighted in Farningham.

131. Matters Arising and Confirmation of the Minutes of the last Meeting; 1. Eynsford Parish Council had mentioned the Community Warden, Steve Armstrong’s impending retirement and suggested the new Darent book might be an 1 appropriate leaving gift. The Chairman offered to purchase the book and it was agreed the Clerk ask Eynsford Parish Council if this would suffice as a joint gift from the two Parish Councils. 2. It was agreed the Clerk write to Siobhan Mackay, Team Leader of the Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells, Public Protection Service stating that the Parish Council learned of Steve Armstrong’s impending retirement only from Eynsford Parish Council. It was agreed the Clerk confirm that Steve Armstrong has been a valuable asset, and will be much missed in our villages. Also to state that Councillors very much hope there will not be a gap between his departure and a new appointment, and to convey that we would be extremely disappointed if his retirement is used as an excuse to cut the role. It was agreed the Clerk write to him personally to thank him for the sterling work done over the last nine years in the villages. 3. A response had been received from the Kent Highways Officer, Steven Noad, regarding the concern about the poor road conditions after the fatal accident when a motorbike was hit by a car turning right from Button Street onto the A20. He states the result of the inquest is awaited and following this it can be discussed openly and will ask the Kent Polices’ Serious Collision Unit for an update. It was also agreed the Clerk and Cllr. McEnroe continue to remind Kent Highways of the water lying on the newly resurfaced A20, on the corner of the junction with Button Street. 4. It was agreed to pay Mr J G Harris £300.00 for the purchase of pyracantha to plant at the roundabout, in front of the wooden fence in between the A225, Dartford Road, and the A20 coast bound. 5. Cllr. McEnroe reported there had been an accident by the speed camera on the A20 near its junction with Scratchers Lane. It was agreed the Clerk write to ask for feedback on the accident and to suggest that the accident could have been indirectly caused by the camera as traffic slows down excessively to drive past it. The last report from Kent Highways stated that the average speed past the camera was 42mph (in a 60mph zone). If the camera is not doing its job in catching speeding vehicles there could be a case for removing it. 6. The minutes of the meeting held on 6th January 2016 were confirmed as correct, and signed by the Chairman.

132. County Councillor: The County Councillor, Roger Gough, reported: 1. He had not received any news from Graham Rusling, Kent Rights of Way Officer regarding SD192 Farningham, the Byway Open To All Traffic (BOAT). 2. Kent County Council is already borrowing heavily, and its precept rise is likely to be 1.99% - plus the additional 2% permitted by Government to help fund Adult Social Care. 3. The Boundary Commission has issued its final recommendations for new Division boundaries for Kent County Council, due to come into operation at the elections in 2017; it significantly revised the earlier proposals for Sevenoaks District. As part of the reduction in size of the County Council from 84 Members to 81, Sevenoaks would lose one Division.

2 Following the further consultation, Swanley Christchurch and High Firs go into an enlarged Swanley Division, and Swanley Village will stay in our Division which will be named Sevenoaks North and Darent Valley Division. Badgers Mount is transferred to the Sevenoaks West Division. All other parishes in the existing Darent Valley will remain in the successor Division, and will be joined in it by Otford, Kemsing and Seal resulting in a very large Division. 4. The three month deadline for any Judicial Review of Education Secretary Nicky Morgan's decision to approve the expansion of Weald of Kent Grammar School onto the former Wildernesse School site in Sevenoaks expired last week. Work to build the Annexe can now go on from late Spring and the opening date of September 2017 can be met. The lack of grammar provision for which many students take and pass the Kent Test will now be well on the way to be being met, but for girls only.

133. Correspondence: 1. The Chairman reported there had been an increasing number of consultations received and the Clerk reported this had been discussed at a recent Parish Clerk’s meeting. The consultations had been circulated to Councillors and it was agreed that these should be shared between Councillors as much as possible but some consultations could also be responded to as individuals. It was agreed consultations received be completed as follows: (i). KALC regarding membership and training: the Clerk. (ii). Darent Valley Landscape Partnership Scheme by Sunday 11th April; by individuals (iii). The Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP) 2013-30, to be completed by Friday 4th March 2016; by individuals. (iv). Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) a consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework DCLG Consultation by 11.45pm on 22 February 2016; Cllr Bergne. (v). Kent County Council “Making best use of the Mobile Library Service” by Friday 4th March; by individuals. (vi). Highways England (via KALC) Lower Thames Crossing Route Consultation 2016. Consultation closes on Thursday 24 March 2016; by individuals.

2. Mrs Goldsworthy, the Secretary of the PCC had written stating they were happy with the service provided by Lothlorien Landscapes for grass cutting and maintenance of the churchyard and asked if the Parish Council were happy to fund this for the next year. It was agreed the Parish Council would continue to meet the cost of a maximum of seven cuts per annum. It was also agreed that the sum of £200.00 would be made available towards funding collection of waste from a Green Bin in the churchyard; a service which was now deemed necessary and will be provided commercially by Sevenoaks District Council. 4. It was agreed the initiative ‘Clean for the Queen’ as part of the 90th Birthday celebrations should be supported. Cllr Butler agreed to liaise with Mrs Carol Salmon to see if she wished to be involved. 5. In December a communication had been received via KALC with a Factsheet from NALC, SLCC and the Association of Drainage Authorities on the

3 establishment of a Sector Led Body to procure audit for smaller authorities (Parish and Town Councils with an income of less than £6.5m) and for the management of these audit contracts for a period of 5 years. It stated that the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 requires that from 2017, smaller authorities will appoint auditors through a 'sector led body' or opt out of such arrangements and appoint auditors locally. It was noted that the deadline to ‘opt out’ had been extended from 31 January to 31 March 2016. The Clerk had informed KALC that this Council will not opt out. 6. It was resolved not to join the Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign. 7. An invitation had been received to a Spring Forum at Sevenoaks District Council’s offices on Monday 18 April 2016 at 11am for 11.30am; Marcus Jones MP, Minister for Local Government is the keynote speaker. The Clerk confirmed up to three representatives were invited to attend. The Chairman would be in attendance (as District Council Chairman) and anyone else interested should confirm their attendance to the Clerk. 8. It was agreed the invoice from the Village Hall Committee in respect of hall hire charges totalling £267.20 be settled. 9. Mrs Liz Meachin was organising the lighting of a beacon to mark the Queen’s actual 90th Birthday on Thursday 21st April 2016. She had sent details of the event planned on the day which had been circulated to Councillors.

134. Planning; 1. It was agreed the following comments be sent to Sevenoaks District Council regarding the planning applications received:

SE/16/00110/HOUSE 3 The Limes, Eynsford Road Erection of a single storey front extension Comments: Please check the 45 degree rule for neighbours windows has not been breached by this extension being so far forward of the building line of their porch

2. Planning decision received from Sevenoaks District Council:

SE/15/03424/HOUSE 18 Oliver Crescent The erection of a block built outbuilding at the bottom of the garden to be used as a family room GRANTED

SE/15/03464/HOUSE Springfield, 16 Horton Way Demolition of existing conservatory and the erection of a single storey rear extension. Loft conversion incorporating one front dormer with Juliet balcony and 2 rear dormers REFUSED

SE/15/03616/LDCEX Maple Bank Farm House, Maplescombe Lane Residential use of Maple Bank Farm House without compliance with agricultural occupancy condition (2) GRANTED

SE/15/03746/ADV W J King Petrol Filling Station Dartford Road Signage, as applied for had been approved.

135. District Councillors: The Chairman reported: 4 1. Sevenoaks District Council was keen to balance their books; next year’s Council tax would be agreed at a meeting of the Full Council but it was likely the increase would be 1.9%. The tax base for Farningham had increased 8.5%, reflecting the increased numbers of households. 2. The Leader of the Council, Cllr Peter Fleming, had recently been awarded the OBE.

136. Open Spaces: 1. The Clerk was asked to contact David Boorman at Sevenoaks District Council to alert him that the grass was growing on the Crescents due to the recent unusually mild and wet weather and to ask him to let the Clerk know when grass cutting will commence and to liaise with the Clerk over the schedule of cuts. 2. The Clerk had received a response from Nicky Biddall the Kent Rights of Way Officer regarding the Darent Valley Path beyond the Lion Hotel. As the section from the Lion Hotel to the junction with SD154 is not a recorded public right of way, she was corresponding with Mitchells and Butlers, the landowners, and it was understood they were considering granting a permissive path licence agreement to KCC which would then define who was responsible for what element of the path. 3. In response to a request from a member of the public it was agreed that possible installation of adult gym equipment be investigated as a village asset.

137. Highways and Lighting: Cllr. McEnroe reported the carriageway of Button Street had deteriorated with pot holes developing, particularly at the passing places. She stated trenches had been dug by the farm and subsequently more mud and water comes onto the road, some brought by tractors. She suggested some remedial action be sought.

138. Finance: (i) Members resolved to authorise the Schedule of Payments.

Signed ……………………………………….. Wednesday 2nd March 2016

The meeting closed at 9.30 pm. The next meeting of the Parish Council of Farningham will be held at 7.45 p.m. on Wednesday 2nd March 2016.


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