Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems (ICAO Doc 9750, 2Nd Edition)
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Working Group C – 5th meeting Kobe, Japan 15 – 25 October 2002
AMCP/8 REPORT, chapters 8 and 9
Presented by Alain Delrieu AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.1 PREAMBLE: NEED FOR ATM GLOBAL CONCEPTS...... 1 8.2 THE TARGET ATM CONCEPT...... 1 8.2.1 Target ATM concept relevant for the coming decade...... 1 8.2.2 Most Probable High-Level ATM Concept in 2010/2015...... 2 8.2.3 Airspace Organisation and Management (ASO&M ) Process...... 3 8.2.4 Homogeneous Zones of Airspace (HZA)...... 4 8.2.5 ATM concepts expected beyond 2010...... 5 8.3 CONVERGENCE OF ATM OPERATING CONCEPTS BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT ICAO REGIONS...... 9 8.4 AIRSPACE ORGANISATION VIEWS ACROSS ICAO REGIONS...... 10 8.4.1 ATM concept lower-level description...... 11 8.5 HOMOGENEOUS ZONES OF AIRSPACE AND HIGH-LEVEL ATM CONCEPTS...... 12 8.5.1 ATM Concepts in ECAC Core Area Upper Airspace...... 12 8.5.2 ATM Concepts in ECAC Periphery Upper Airspace...... 12 8.5.3 ATM Concepts in ECAC Major TMAs...... 13 8.5.4 ATM Concepts in ECAC Other TMAs...... 13 8.5.5 ATM Concepts in ECAC Major Airports...... 14 8.5.6 ATM Concepts in ECAC Other Airports...... 14 8.5.7 ATM Concepts in ECAC unmanaged airspace (UMAS)...... 15 8.6 ATM CONCEPTS INFORMATION SOURCES AND APPLICABLE REFERENCES...... 15 8.6.1 The ATM European context...... 15 8.7 DOCUMENT REFERENCES...... 15 8.7.1 Documents for Europe...... 15 8.7.2 Document sources for comparison with other ICAO Regions...... 17 8.8 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS...... 18 9. REQUIRED AIR-GROUND AND AIR-AIR COMMUNICATION SERVICES, CAPABILITIES AND PERFORMANCE...... 20
9.1 SCOPE AND REFERENCE DATA SOURCES...... 20 9.2 TYPES OF ATM OPERATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS :...... 20 9.3 ATM COMMUNICATIONS : DEFINITION OF TERMS AND LEVELS...... 21 9.4 OPERATIONAL SCENARIO USING BOTH VOICE AND DATA SERVICES OR A TYPICAL FLIGHT...... 21 9.5 OPERATIONAL COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS NEEDED...... 22 9.6 COMMUNICATIONS BREAKDOWN BETWEEN VOICE AND DATA EXCHANGES...... 25 9.6.1 Voice Communication services needed...... 25 9.6.2 Data Communication Services needed...... 27 9.7 DATA OMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS PER CLASSES OF SERVICE (COS)...... 28 9.7.1 Data services to be considered...... 28 9.7.2 . Performance requirement ranges in quantitative terms...... 29 9.7.3 Requirements for each Data Service considered on its own...... 31 9.7.4 Consolidated data communication requirements at the applications level...... 33 9.8 VOICE COMMUNICATION SERVICE CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS...... 37 9.8.1 Voice communication traffic Estimation...... 37 9.8.2 Voice communications capacity requirement evolution...... 40 9.8.3 Estimated voice communications loading per service...... 41 9.9 TRANSITION ISSUES...... 43 9.9.1 Spatial Transition of Services...... 43 9.9.2 Temporal Transition of Services...... 43 9.9.3 Transition between Systems...... 44 9.10 CONCLUSIONS...... 45 AMCP WGC5/WP2
8. Identification of ATM operating concepts to be supported by aeronautical communications from now till 2015
8.1 Preamble: need for ATM global concepts
The ICAO FANS Committee recommended that the ATM concept be developed on a global scale to overcome the limitations of the existing, conventional systems to meet future demand. To facilitate the planning and development of ATM within the states and regions, ICAO has developed the Global Air Navigational Plan that provides recommendations and guidance on various aspects of CNS/ATM. The ICAO regional offices also provide substantial assistance in the development of the regional concepts. Due to ICAO’s active participation and involvement in developing the regional ATM concept, there is significant synergy among the ATM concepts of all ICAO regions. Relative differences exist due to economical, and environmental limitations; variations in traffic demands; and complexity of existing air navigation infrastructures. The ATM concepts of ECAC and the US appear to be most mature, whereas the concepts of other regions can be viewed as a subset of the ECAC concept, in earlier stages of development life cycle. The ATM concepts in Asia/Pacific, CAR/SAM, and Africa will evolve further according to their respective traffic demand and the cost-benefit trade-offs to maintain a capacity margin, to improve operational safety, and to permit the earliest possible achievement of ATM benefits
8.2 The Target ATM concept
The target ATM concept needs to incorporate a mix of route structuring, free routing and autonomous aircraft operations to answer to the need of diverse user community. The target ATM involves fundamental changes to current roles both in the air and on the ground; a distribution of responsibilities for separation assurance between air and ground ATM elements according to aircraft capabilities and services provided; greater use of computer support tools to cope with increased levels of service and to keep ATC and cockpit workload within acceptable levels; and a more dynamic and flexible management of airspace. Under this target concept . ATM is considered as a network which encompasses, En-Route and TMA airspace, including that in TMAs and around airports, as a continuum for airspace planning and flight management purposes, in order to optimise available resources. In particular ATM airspace structuring needs to be based on ATM needs rather than on national boundaries
8.2.1 Target ATM concept relevant for the coming decade
For the period up to year 2010 the relevant target concept is that of Co-operative ATS or COOPATS. (Ref [3]) Although defined by EUROCONTROL Operational Concept Document (OCD, Ref [6]) for the ICAO/Europe/ECAC region it has global relevance for all the other ICAO regions as its overall objective is to " enhances the productivity and safety of ATS by optimising the involvement of controllers, aircrew and airline operator through integrated Data Communications and improved forms of surveillance and automation”.
It targets the following areas of ATM Operational Improvements with regards to En-Route, TMA and Airport ATC Operations:
1°)Communications between aircrew and controllers (Voice and CPDLC) Provision of airborne data to increase controller situational awareness and improve support tools (ADAP) 3°)Provision of ground based data, to improve and automate flight information for aircrew, and to allow dissemination of essential meteorological or other flight information to any potential user (D-FIS) AMCP WGC5/WP2
Provision of traffic and other information to aircrew : (a) to increase traffic situational awareness (ATSAW) in the initial period (by 2010) (b) to enable delegation of separation assurance as part of the Cooperative Separation Concept ((COSEP), beyond the 2010 timeframe (c) to enable autonomous flight operations (AUTOPS) concept beyond the 2010 timeframe
Together with the generalized communication and information exchange concepts of COOPATS, the following complementary surveillance concepts, initially formulated by the EUROCONTROL Surveillance Roadmap [5]) are also deemed to be relevant to most ICAO regions for progressive implementation - subject to regional planning and agreements:
Enhanced Surveillance consisting in downlinking actual Aircraft Derived Data (e.g. Magnetic Heading, Air Speed and Vertical Rate) to Controller and to ground systems/automated tools so as to increase efficiency in tactically separating aircraft, Intent Based ATM consisting in down-linking, additional Aircraft Derived Data to enhance estimation of Aircraft Trajectory, Weight, Way-points, etc., to the Controller and supportive ground systems Co-operative Separation (COSEP) as an enabler to delegate separation assurance applications to aircrew under conditions. These applications are deemed to be introduced gradually with an increased level of complexity. Examples are in-trail or station keeping manoeuvres which may be introduced initially, while crossing manoeuvres or airborne conflict avoidance would be considered as ultimate implementation steps. They would likely require as enabler , an advanced surveillance concept consisting of exchanges of state and intent data from aircraft to aircraft, possibly involving the ground systems as well.
In the formulation of this target ATM concept, airports are being seen as an integral part of the ATM and nodes of the overall air transport network. Airport capacity in low-visibility conditions requires enhanced vision systems and new concept and procedures. In addition, the reduced vortex separation minima in certain defined conditions will increase the runway throughput. This, assumes the introduction of Advanced Surface Movement and Guidance Control Systems (A-SMGCS), together with the introductions of operational changes to airport management to achieve Operational Improvements, namely:
Management of ground movement; Airport traffic situational awareness is integrated in COOPATS Operational Improvement 4a as listed above; Ground conflict detection is integrated in COOPATS Operational Improvement 4 as listed above; Alert and ground traffic guidance is integrated in COOPATS Operational Improvement 4 as listed above.
8.2.2 Most Probable High-Level ATM Concept in 2010/2015 Strongly emerging trends and options
Considering the ATM concept anticipating that they are foreseeable to impact the most the future communication infrastructure, the following strong trends or direction of change have been in identified in Europe (see OCD , ref[6]) as well as in North America and deemed to be applicable to the other ICAO world regions too:
More dynamic and flexible use of airspace; Increasing use of free routes and user-preferred trajectories; More integrated planning between ATM, aircraft operator and airports; AMCP WGC5/WP2
Improved cockpit awareness of the surrounding traffic situation; Greater use of computer support tools to reduce ATC and cockpit workload.
They are illustrated in the following picture :
2015 Target Concept:
Direction of Change: Airspace Structure Optimisation Flexible and Fixed Statically-sized Dynamically-sized No Adaptive Organisation Sectors Sectors Sectors Sector Direction of Change: Route Network (Structuring) Optimisation
Free Routes Dynamic Fixed Free (Planned Flexibility) Route/CDR Route Restructuring Routes
Direction of Change: Free Flight Airspace
Free Flight Airspace Imposed Ad-hoc Free Autonomous (FFA) Routes Direct Routes Operations in Routing FFA
Today Intermediate Target
Figure 8-1: ASO&M Process Trends
8.2.3 Airspace Organisation and Management (ASO&M ) Process ATM airspace structuring definitions and assumptions
In order to implement ATM concepts airspace organisation needs to be optimised to offer flexibility options:
The retention of fixed sectors, i.e., sectors with fixed airspace boundaries, using automated support tool to reduce workload, with the possibility to increase / decrease their size by the grouping and degrouping of several fixed sectors (concept of statically-sized sectors). The sector is adapted to variation in Traffic Flows and/or Airspace availability, i.e., the sectorisation is tailored to meet capacity demands, to accommodate traffic variations, to take advantage of released airspace and to satisfy operational needs.
The concept of dynamically-sized sectors corresponds to the introduction of dynamic management of airspace by responding in real-time to changing situations in traffic patterns and/or short-term’s changes of user’s intention. Dynamically sized sectors adjust dynamically airspace boundaries of ATC sectors to provide the best balance between their size and controller workload.
The replacement of sectors with control on a flight-by-flight basis using extended intent based surveillance (no sector concept).
Route Networks would only need to be implemented in those areas where some route structures will still be required to meet capacity targets. The two main options for the optimisation of the existing route structures are:
Optimisation of route structuring by arranging traffic flows and patterns for the pre-defined static route network (Fixed routes) exists today as a mean of enhancing airspace capacity and improving capacity. Dynamic route structuring can be envisaged by pre-defining dynamic routes the activation of which will be adjusted to particular flows and peak in demand At the time being, dynamic route structuring performed in a strategic way already exists, not in real time. Free routes and User-preferred trajectories AMCP WGC5/WP2
Free routes is the concept whereby aircraft operate in a specific airspace within which they may freely plan and fly their own trajectory between specific entry and exit points without reference to the ATS route network. In this airspace, flights will remain subject to ATC . Free Flight is the concept which gives freedom for users to exercise the responsibility of separation from other traffic and to effect trajectory changes in any direction. These flights are operated within FFAS and provided with Advisory Service.
Free routes and user-preferred trajectories will enhance efficiency and will be an alternative to structuring traffic. The two main options for their implementation are:
Retain the control over flights by ground organisation while enabling the airspace users to freely plan its routes between pre-defined two points (free routes). The implementation of this operational concept starts from the existing situation which makes use of Imposed Routes where aircraft only follows statically route network, and of Direct Routing allowing an aircraft in flight to proceed directly between two points outside the structured routes. Free routing operations can already be supported to some extend by existing infrastructure and avionics,
Delegate the responsibility of separation assurance control to airborne, by giving freedom for users to exercise the responsibility of separation from other traffic (autonomous separation), and giving users the freedom to effect trajectory changes in any direction (concept of Free Flight) Airspace Regimes
Airspace regimes, for the ICAO European Region/ECAC, will encompass 3 different types of airspace regimes - Managed Airspace (MAS), Free Flight Airspace (FFAS) and Unmanaged Airspace (UMAS) The definition of these regimes encompasses all the current ICAO airspace classification, legislation and applicable rules (including visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)) (see EUROCONTROL OCD , ref[ 6]) Managed Airspace
Managed Airspace (MAS) is expected by 2015 to consist of airspace that will be needed to support en- route operations within which the control of aircraft is the responsibility of the ground ATM organisation, with however in some specific traffic situations, the possibility to delegate responsibility for separation to aircraft. Traffic structuring (Structured Routes), will be used in the busiest areas at peak times. In other areas and outside peak times in the busiest areas, MAS will also support the operation of aircraft using user-preferred trajectories outside the structured routes (the Free-Routing concept). Free Flight Airspace (FFAS):
The volumes of airspace that will be allocated to FFAS will be promulgated by the airspace planning and management service on a daily basis to reflect the demand patterns expected across the ECAC airspace. This will take into account the forecast traffic flow densities, the capabilities of flights and the balance of benefit to the users’ quest for flexibility and economy. The aim will be to adjust the volumes of FFAS to maximise the benefits for capable aircraft, while providing an incentive for aircraft operators with less capable aircraft to upgrade their avionics fits. Suitably equipped aircraft will be able to fly user-preferred 3-D or 4-D routings. Responsibility for SA from other aircraft operating in the same airspace will rest with the aircraft in almost all circumstances, although some responsibility can be undertaken by ground- based ATM (emergencies) or delegated to other organisations (principally the military).
Unmanaged Airspace (UMAS): UMAS will be basically the same as today’s “Outside Controlled Airspace”. There will be no interaction with ATM for aircraft operating in UMAS, except for those flights that wish to notify their presence either by filing a flight plan (in the air or on the ground) or by broadcasting their position (and perhaps intentions) by electronic means. ATS, in particular, Flight Information Services, may be provided to aircraft in UMAS on request AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.2.4 Homogeneous Zones of Airspace (HZA)
The Homogeneous Zones of Airspace are defined as a combination of the above criteria and a set of operational applications in table 8-1 hereafter. The purpose of their definitions is to set a combined level of standardization of airspace characteristics, ATM operational practices and required airborne and ground capabilities required to achieve a predefined level of ATM capacity and safety: Airspace density Airspace regime / HZAA id Comment and traffic shape COSEP status HZA-1.1 MAS/ COSEP off Upper Airspace HIGH AIR- HZA-1.2 MAS/ COSEP on TRAFFIC DENSITY Core Area HZA-1.3 FFAS HZA-2.1 MAS/ COSEP off Upper Airspace HIGH AIR- HZA-2.2 MAS/ COSEP on TRAFFIC DENSITY Periphery HZA-2.3 FFAS HZA-3.1 MAS/ COSEP off Major TMAs HZA-3.2 MAS/ COSEP on HZA-4.1 MAS/ COSEP off Other TMAs HZA-4.2 MAS/ COSEP on HZA-5.1 MAS/ COSEP off Major Airports HZA-5.2 MAS/ COSEP on HZA-6.1 MAS/ COSEP off Other Airports HZA-6.2 MAS/ COSEP on Aircraft may use FIS and broadcast HZA-7.0 Unmanaged airspace UMAS their position in UMAS
Table 8-1: Homogeneous Zones of Airspace
The concept of HZAs, as a flight progresses, is illustrated in the following figure
Inbound flight Outbound flight En route airspace HZ1.x or HZ2.x
Dep flight Arr flight TMA TMA HZ3.x or HZ4.x HZ3.x or HZ4.x
Airport Airport HZ5.x or HZ6.x HZ5.x & HZ6.x
Figure 8-2: ATM Flight Phase and Homogeneous Zone of Airspace (HZA)
8.2.5 ATM concepts expected beyond 2010 The above ATM conceptual elements together with their associated definitions are summarized in table 8-2 and 8-3
Most likely ATM Concept Status in 2010-2015 timeframe AMCP WGC5/WP2
Statically Sized Sectors Same sector principles as Existing fixed sectors with possible grouping / degrouping today
Fixed Structured Routes Same route principles as Predefined static route network today
Dynamic route structuring / Optimised structured Routes Pre-defined dynamic route network with route activation adjusted to particular flows and peak in demand in strategic way
Free Routes In operation from 2010 Aircraft operating in a specific airspace within which it shall freely plan its routes between an entry point and an exit point without reference to the ATS route network. In this airspace, flights will remain subject to air traffic control.
Air Traffic Service Awareness (ATSAW) In operation from 2010 with Airborne situational awareness (CDTI, ADS-B). Does not require change in CDTI + voice operational separation task. control exchanges, then in 2015 with D/L operational control exchanges
ASAS/Airborne Spacing (COSEP/Spacing) In operation from 2010 with Navigation Contract: Delegation of manoeuvre implementation to maintain CDTI + voice delegation separation for one couple of aircraft (Delegated aircraft, target aircraft). instruction, then in 2015 with Separation responsibility still under ground control. CDTI+D/L delegation instruction
Enhanced Surveillance In operation from 2010 Airborne surveillance concept of down-linking actual Aircraft Derived Data to Controller and/or ground systems to increase his efficiency in tactically separating aircraft
Intend based ATM In operation in 2015 Airborne surveillance concept of down-linking additional Aircraft Derived Data to Controller and/or ground systems to better estimate Aircraft Trajectory, Weight, Way-points, …
Co-operative Separation Assurance In operation in 2015 Airborne surveillance concept enabling ASAS applications. Exchange of state and Intent Data from Air to Air (possibly involving ground to air systems as well)
Table 8-2: Anticipated ATM concepts evolution till 2015
Emerging ATM Concepts beyond 2010 Emergence Timeframe
ASAS/Airborne Separation (COSEP/Separation) from 2015 Responsibility contract - COSEP/Spacing + Separation responsibility under aircrew control for one couple of aircraft (aircrew aircraft and target aircraft)
ASAS/Self Separation (AUTOPS) in ATC-Controlled airspace 2015++ Flight crew is responsible for separating their flight from its surrounding traffic AMCP WGC5/WP2
ASAS/Self Separation (AUTOPS) in segregated airspace (Free Flight Mode) 2015++ Flight crew is responsible for separating their flight from its surrounding traffic
Table 8-3: ATM concepts beyond 2015 En-Route and TMA ATC Process Trends and Options
Concept 2015 emerging in Operational some airspace Concept Direction of Change: Transfer of Separation Responsibility/ASAS
ASAS Applications Categories Ground ATSAW COSEP/ COSEP Autonomous Control Spacing /Separation aircraft (AUTOPS)
Separation Responsibility Ground Limited Partial Delegation to Air Delegation to Air Control Transfer Transfer (Aircrew (SA Ground (SA Aircrew responsible Responsibility) responsible for all its surrounding) for 1 a/c couple) Autonomous Ground Situation Airborne Airborne Airborne Aircraft Control Awareness Spacing Separation Self-Separation Applications Applications Applications
Today Intermediate Target
Figure 8-3: ASAS Trends for En-Route and TMA ATC Process AMCP WGC5/WP2
2015 Operational Concept Direction of Change: Air-Ground Co-operation
Comm Services (Data + Voice) Voice Comm. Basic Advanced Air-Air enabling Primary mean Air-Ground Air-Ground Comm. Service D/L Services D/L Services Co-operative ATS
Intent Based Airborne Surveillance Enhanced ATM Surveillance with Radar Surveillance enhanced support tools Co-operative enabling Separation Co-operative ATS Assurance
Today Intermediate Target
Figure 8-4: COOPATS Trends for En-Route and TMA ATC Process ASAS Operational Concepts Definitions
The “Principles of Operations for the Use of ASAS” (see ref [7]) defines different ASAS application categories which corresponds to COOPATS concept elements as well.
The following table summarises those ASAS application categories in terms of main characteristics and differences. For more details please refer to ref[7].
ASAS Application Description Separation Separation Assured for Category/ Responsibility COOPATS Concept
ATSAW Airborne traffic situational No change in N/A awareness provided by ADS- separation B, for instance, and displayed responsibility on CDT ATSAW does not require any change in separation task
Airborne Spacing or Navigation Contract: Controller 1 aircraft couple COSEP/Spacing Delegation of manoeuvre (1 delegated aircraft, implementation to maintain 1 target aircraft) separation.
Note: Requires a tool onboard to maintain the contracted separation responsibility contract.
Airborne Separation or COSEP/Spacing + Partial Aircrew 1 aircraft couple COSEP/Separation Transfer of Responsibility (1 delegated aircraft, 1 target aircraft)
Airborne Self-Separation or Flight crew is responsible for Aircrew N aircraft couple AUTOPS separating their aircraft from (1 delegated aircraft, AMCP WGC5/WP2
surrounding traffic. N target aircraft)
Note: Requires ad-hoc onboard communication and surveillance means to respect responsibility.
Table 8-4: ASAS Concepts
It is expected that there will be two possible surveillance options to support ATSAW and COSEP/Spacing:
i) Direct air-air surveillance feeding ASAS systems, or
ii) Provision of aircraft information on ground, then uplink broadcast of complete (radar + TIS-B) air traffic picture
Then, it is still to be determined whether air-ground systems supporting ASAS/Spacing will be able to support ASAS/Separation, while it is not applicable to air-air communications.
Possible assumptions on operational constraints to migrate from COSEP/Spacing to COSEP/Separation migration are:
i) there will be no significant evolution in the amount of air traffic data as compared to today
ii) COSEP/Separation will require higher reliability / integrity / security Airport ATC Process Trends and Options
2015 Target Concept:
Direction of Change: Surface Movements
CDM Poor Info Real Time CDM/ Integrated (Controller view) Sharing Info Provision Automated Surface Mgt ATC Tools System ATSAW on Ground Taxi and Runway Taxi and Runway Improved (Pilot view) Voice Clearance D/L Clearance Taxi and Runway Occupancy awareness
Figure 8-5: Airport ATC Trends Operational Concepts Definitions
From the controller view point, the trend is towards a information-rich collaborative decision-making (CDM) environment , where data is at first provided in real-time, then exchanged system-wide feeding automated ATC tools. The trends are towards computer assistance to support arrival and departure AMCP WGC5/WP2
sequence optimisation, towards integrated planning across the whole airport and to reduce “capacity gap” between airport throughput in normal and low visibility conditions. It is understood that there is no specific CDM applications with the aircraft. In that case, from a mobile communication standpoint, CDM should have no significant impact.
From a pilot standpoint, surface movements will be enhanced by a trend towards an ATSAW on ground for “Improved Taxi and Runway Occupancy Awareness“. The implementation of this ASAS/ATSAW application requires Taxi and Runway Data Link Clearances to be in operation as a prerequisite.
The ATSAW on ground provides airborne awareness of proximate surface traffic (both aircraft and other surface vehicles), using display of the airport map on CDTI.
As an initial implementation, ATSAW on ground may supplement the flight crew’s out-the window visual assessment of surface target position, direction, and speed of the airport surface.
In a subsequent implementation step, it should help for detection and alert ground conflict, as well as for guidance of ground traffic.
8.3 Convergence of ATM operating concepts between the different ICAO regions
The table hereafter highlights the convergence and differences in ATM concepts among these regions.
ATM Concept in ECAC Differences in ATM Concept with other ICAO regions ATM Process Options 2015 US Asia/ Caribbean / Africa ATM Concept Pacific South America ASO&M/ Airspace Statically-sized Same as Same as ECAC Same as ECAC Same as ECAC Airspace Flexibility sectors ECAC Structure Optimisation ASO&M/ Traffic Organised Same as Flexible routes Flexible routes Flexible routes Route Structuring Routes ECAC based on based on CPDLC based on Network CPDLC and on and on ADS CPDLC and on Optimisation ADS ADS ASO&M/ User Free Routes Same as User preferred User preferred User preferred Free Route Preferred ECAC trajectories trajectories trajectories Airspace trajectories Variations Variations Variations negotiated in negotiated in real negotiated in real time based time based on real time based on filed flight filed flight plan on filed flight plan plan En-route and Surveillanc Airborne Same as YES. Radar in YES. Secondary YES. Some TMA ATC e Conflict ECAC high-density radar and ADS primary radar Avoidance area. ADS in and ADS some regions En-route and Delegation Limited Same as 4-D RNAV. 3D RNAV. 3D RNAV. TMA ATC/ to air Transfer (SA ECAC Some Reduced Reduced Transfer of (En-Route) Ground Resp. delegation of longitudinal and longitudinal SA Resp. En-Route) responsibility vertical and vertical to the aircrew separation separation to maintain standards standards separation Airport Automation CDM/ Same as Same as ECAC Same as ECAC Same as ECAC ATC/Surface Automated ECAC Movement ATC Tools AMCP WGC5/WP2
Table 8-5: ICAO regions ATM operational concepts in tabular format
8.4 Airspace Organisation views across ICAO regions
The following Table distinguishes different ECAC airspace categories with regards to their Airspace density , and Traffic Shape in descending order of density. Compared to those identified Airspace Categories, the following equivalence or analogies between ECAC regions and other ICAO regions ones can be done per the following table
ECAC US Other non-ECAC Regions
Upper Airspace ECAC Upper Airspace North Eastern US Core Area (NY/Boston/Washington) Upper Airspace South Eastern US (Atlanta/ Miami) Upper Airspace South Western US (L.A)
Upper Airspace ECAC Upper Airspace of remaining parts of Asian En-Route Airspace Periphery continental US African En-Route Airspace US Oceanic Airspace Caribbean/South America En-Route Airspace Major ECAC TMAs Major US TMAs
Other ECAC TMAs Other US TMAs
Major ECAC Airports Major US Airports Other ECAC Airports Other US Airports
Table 8-6: Airspace classification across ICAO regions
8.4.1 ATM concept lower-level description
At lower-level, it is expected that:
No new voice requirement is likely to emerge, with however an exception regarding the trend towards enhanced security
With regards to the European project status, data communication implementation should be broken down into 4 phases deploying 4 different sets of data link services, as follows: AMCP WGC5/WP2
Phasing Time Scale
Basic D/L Services Support to alleviate voice communications Phase 1 2005-2008 (CPDLC services, FLIPCY, D-OTIS limited to ATIS)
Advanced Basic D/L services + D-FIS + Support of advanced D/L Services concepts as 4D trajectories (DYNAV, FLIPINT, PPD, SAP)1
ATSAW D/L service definition on-going Phase 2 2008-2012 D/L Services
COSEP/Spacing COSEP/Spacing D/L service
COSEP/Separation COSEP/Separation D/L service Phase 3 2015 + COTRAC + 4D trajectories negotiation COTRACD/L service
AUTOPS AUTOPS D/L services Phase 4 2015++
Table 8-7: Concepts versus data link implementation phases
8.5 Homogeneous Zones of Airspace and high-Level ATM Concepts
8.5.1 ATM Concepts in ECAC Core Area Upper Airspace HZA type 2010 Scenario 2015 Scenario 2015++ Scenario HZA-1.1 ATSAW (CDTI + voice) ATSAW (CDTI + D/L) HZA1.1 could MAS/COSEP off Optimised structured Routes , Optimised structured Routes, Free progressively disappear Free Routes when possible Routes when possible from 2015+ as ASAS Enhanced Surveillance & Improved Air-Ground Co-operation Self-separation is Basic D/L services via Intent based Surveillance and appearing, COSEP could Advanced D/L services be used in MAS in the whole Core Area Upper Airspace ? HZA-1.2 ATSAW (CDTI+ voice) ATSAW (CDTI + D/L) + ASAS/Self Separation MAS/COSEP on COSEP/Spacing COSEP/Separation (ASAS/CDTI+ in ATC-Controlled (ASAS/CDTI+ voice D/L delegation instruction) Airspace delegation instruction) Optimised structured Routes, Free Optimised structured Routes, Routes when possible Free Routes when possible Improved Air-Ground Co-operation Enhanced Surveillance & via Intent based Surveillance and Basic D/L services Advanced D/L services HZA-1.3 This HZA does not exist at This HZA does not exist at this Free Flight Mode FFAS this timeframe timeframe (ASAS self-separation in segregated airspace) Table 8-8: ATM Concepts in ECAC Core Area Upper Airspace
8.5.2 ATM Concepts in ECAC Periphery Upper Airspace HZA type 2010 Scenario 2015 Scenario 2015++ Scenario
1 for data link services definition see Annex A, para 2., to chapter 9 AMCP WGC5/WP2
HZA-2.1 ATSAW (CDTI + voice) ATSAW (CDTI + D/L) HZA2.1 could progressively MAS/COSEP off Free Routes, Fixed Routes Free Routes, Fixed Routes disappear from 2015+ as Enhanced Surveillance & Improved Air-Ground Co- ASAS Self-separation is Basic D/L services operation via Intent based appearing, COSEP could be Surveillance and Advanced D/L used in MAS in the whole services Periphery Upper Airspace ? HZA-2.2 ATSAW ATSAW + ASAS/Self Separation in MAS/COSEP on COSEP/Spacing COSEP/Separation ATC-Controlled Airspace (ASAS/CDTI+ voice (ASAS/CDTI+ D/L delegation delegation instruction) instruction) Free Routes, Fixed Routes Free Routes, Fixed Routes Enhanced Surveillance & Improved Air-Ground Co- Basic D/L services operation via Intent based Surveillance and Advanced D/L services HZA-2.3 This HZA not exist at this This HZA not exist at this Free Flight Mode FFAS timeframe timeframe (ASAS self-separation in segregated airspace) Table 8-9: ATM Concepts in ECAC Periphery Upper Airspace
8.5.3 ATM Concepts in ECAC Major TMAs HZA Type 2010 Scenario 2015 Scenario 2015++ Scenario HZA-3.1 ATSAW ATSAW HZA3.1 could MAS/COSEP off Structured Routes Structured Routes progressively disappear Enhanced Surveillance & Improved Air-Ground Co- from 2015+ as COSEP Basic D/L services operation via Intent based could be used in all ECAC Surveillance and Advanced D/L Major TMAs ? services HZA-3.2 ATSAW Recommended ATSAW No fundamental change in MAS/COSEP on COSEP/Spacing Recommended concepts with regards to (ASAS/CDTI+ voice COSEP/Separation 2015 scenario (only more delegation instruction) (ASAS/CDTI+ D/L delegation equipped aircraft, and more Structured Routes instruction) ground tools…) ? Enhanced Surveillance & Structured Routes Basic D/L services Improved Air-Ground Co- operation via Intent based Surveillance and Advanced D/L services Table 8-10: ATM Concepts in ECAC Major TMAs
8.5.4 ATM Concepts in ECAC Other TMAs HZA Type 2010 Scenario 2015 Scenario 2015++ Scenario HZA-4.1 ATSAW (depending on ATSAW ATSAW MAS/COSEP off local implementation – Structured Routes Structured Routes ground capabilities in Further deployment of Improved Air-Ground Co- complement of air-air Surveillance & Basic D/L operation via Intent based surveillance ?) services Surveillance and Advanced Structured Routes D/L services Initial deployment of Enhanced Surveillance & Basic D/L services (depending on local implementation) AMCP WGC5/WP2
HZA-4.2 HZA4.2 Does not exist at ATSAW ATSAW MAS/COSEP on this timeframe Recommended Recommended COSEP/Spacing COSEP/Separation (ASAS/CDTI+ D/L (ASAS/CDTI+ D/L delegation delegation instruction) instruction) Structured Routes Structured Routes Enhanced Surveillance & Improved Air-Ground Co- Basic D/L services operation via Intent based Surveillance and Advanced D/L services Table 8-11: ATM Concepts in ECAC Other TMAs
8.5.5 ATM Concepts in ECAC Major Airports HZA type 2010 Scenario 2015 Scenario 2015++ Scenario HZA-5.1 ATSAW ATSAW Trajectory Gate-to-Gate MAS/COSEP off Enhanced Surveillance (?) Improved Air-Ground Co- Contract & Basic D/L services operation via Intent based Surveillance and Advanced D/L services HZA-5.2 ATSAW ATSAW MAS/COSEP on HZA5.2 Does not exist at Recommended COSEP/Spacing Recommended this timeframe (?) (ASAS/CDTI+ D/L delegation COSEP/Separation instruction) (ASAS/CDTI+ D/L delegation Improved Air-Ground Co- instruction) operation via Intent based Improved Air-Ground Co- Surveillance and Advanced D/L operation via Intent based services Surveillance and Advanced D/L services Table 8-12: ATM Concepts in ECAC Major Airports
8.5.6 ATM Concepts in ECAC Other Airports HZA type 2010 Scenario 2015 Scenario 2015++ Scenario HZA-6.1 No ATSAW ATSAW ATSAW MAS/COSEP off Initial deployment of Further deployment of Improved Air-Ground Co- Enhanced Surveillance & Surveillance & D/L services operation via Intent based Basic D/L services Surveillance and Advanced D/L (depending on local Improved Air-Ground Co- services implementation) operation via Intent based Surveillance and Advanced D/L services HZA-6.2 HZA6.2 Does not exist at HZA6.2 Does not exist at this ATSAW MAS/COSEP on this timeframe ? timeframe ? Recommended COSEP/Spacing (ASAS/CDTI+ D/L delegation instruction) Improved Air-Ground Co- operation via Intent based Surveillance and Advanced D/L services Table 8-13: ATM Concepts in ECAC Other Airports AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.5.7 ATM Concepts in ECAC unmanaged airspace (UMAS) HZA type 2010 Scenario 2015 Scenario 2015++ Scenario HZA-7.0 No specific concept No specific concept No specific concept UMAS implementation required implementation required implementation required ATSAW (depending on ATSAW (depending on local ATSAW (depending on local local implementation) implementation) implementation) Table 8-14: ATM Concepts in ECAC unmanaged airspace (UMAS)
8.6 ATM concepts information sources and applicable references
8.6.1 The ATM European context
The European ATM context, centered around the EATMP concept –which is now known as ATM 2000+ Strategy, is described mainly from the following sources of information:
i) At the higher level of the ATM core process, ATM concepts are extracted from the Eurocontrol ATM2000+ Strategy 1, and from its derived documents: the Operational Concept Document (OCD) 6. ATM Concepts more specifically related to Airspace Management are extracted from ATM Airspace Strategy 4 and from Operational Concept Document 6. Significant information for airspace organisation are extracted from ATM2000+ Strategy 1, ATM Airspace Strategy 4 and Operational Concept Document (OCD) 6.
ii) At the lower-level, communication conceptual elements, needed to support ATM concepts with specific communication services are extracted from:
a) the COOPATS Concept document 3, Operational Requirements Document for Air-Ground Co- operative ATS 2, the Surveillance Roadmap document 5.
b) the ODIAC report produced by a Task Force which is responsible for specifications of data link services such as COTRAC, FLIPINT, SAP, D-SIGMET currently underway and which is investigating future services.
c) documentation issued by major European ATM R&D, sponsored either by Eurocontrol or the European Commission. They deal with more or less advanced concepts and hence may a status from experimental trials to operational implementation.
d) document on “ASAS Principles of Operations” 7, produced by a joint FAA-EUROCONTROL working group .
8.7 Document References
8.7.1 Documents for Europe [Ref 1] Eurocontrol : ATM Strategy for 2000+ [Ref 2] Eurocontrol: Operational requirements for Air / Ground Cooperative Air Traffic Services - Ref AGC-ORD-01 - Ed 1.0 - dated 2 April 2001 [Ref 3] Eurocontrol: Towards Cooperative ATS: The COOPATS Concept version 1 18-Jun-2001 [Ref 4] Eurocontrol: Airspace Strategy for the ECAC States version 1 18-Jan- 2001 [Ref 5] Surveillance Development Roadmap Eurocontrol – Ed Draft D – dated 11 June 2001 AMCP WGC5/WP2
[Ref 6] Eurocontrol Operational Concept Document , FCO.ET1.ST07.DEL01, Ed. 1.1, 4 January 1999 [Ref 7] Principle of Operations for the use of ASAS – FAA/ Eurocontrol Co- operative R&D – Ed. 7.1 – Dated 19/06/2001 [Ref 8] Eurocontrol ADS Programme : High-Density 2015 European Traffic Distributions for Simulation V1.2 dated 24 April 2000 [Ref 9] Eurocontrol: PETAL-II End-to-End Trials Specifications version 3.2 [Ref 10] Eurocontrol: Link2000+ Master Plan Ed. 0.94 30-Jul-2001 (proposed issue) [Ref 11] Eurocontrol: Link2000+ Operational Scope Document Ed. 1.1 1-Aug- 2000 [Ref 12] Eurocontrol: European Data Link Investment Analysis – CAFT 22-Aug- 2000 [Ref 13] C/AFT documentation: [Ref 14] STATFOR, Air Traffic Statistics and Forecasts, Doc. 98.70.14, EUROCONTROL, June 1998 [Ref 15] ICAO Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) – ICAO DOC 9705/AN956 (2nd edition) sub-volume II [Ref 16] Eurocontrol PRU : Performance review report PRR4 Year 2000 [Ref 17] Eurocontrol ADS Web site: [Ref 18] MFF project: public documentation [Ref 19] NUP project public documentation [Ref 20] AFAS project: public documentation [Ref 21] MA-AFAS project: public documentation [Ref 22] ROAD project: Documentation [Ref 23] Eurocontrol CARE/ASAS documentation [Ref 24] EEC FREER project documentation [Ref 25] Eurocontrol Communication strategy document [Ref 26] FUA Project: public documentation [Ref 27] Civil Military Action Plan [Ref 28] EUROCONTROL Study “Operating concept of the Mobile Aviation Communication Infrastructure supporting ATM beyond ATM”, WP1 ATM context, D1 Draft 01, 30 April 2002 [Ref 29] EUROCONTROL Study “Operating concept of the Mobile Aviation Communication Infrastructure supporting ATM beyond ATM”, WP2 Operating concept for the future mobile communication infrastructure, D2 Draft 02, [Ref 30] EUROCONTROL Study “Operating concept of the Mobile Aviation Communication Infrastructure supporting ATM beyond ATM”,WP3 Synthesis report, D3 draft 0B [Ref 31] French DGAC/CENA VOCALISE Study "Analysis of Pilot Controller voice communications types and loading within a datalink implementation context " CENA/CS/R01-002, 2 Oct 2001 AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.7.2 Document sources for comparison with other ICAO Regions North America [Ref 32] National Airspace System (NAS) – Operational Evolution Plan – A foundation for Capacity Enhancement 2001-2010 – FAA – Version 3.0 – dated June 2001 and the current activities on RTCA SC 198 WG1- WG4 dealing with the development of the Next Generation Air-Ground Communication (NEXCOM) Principles of operation Asia/South Pacific [Ref 33] Air Navigation Plan, North American and Pacific Regions, ICAO Document 8755 – 13th edition [Ref 34] Report of the Asia-Pacific Area Forecasting Group (ATA TFG), ICAO Asia Pacific Office [Ref 35] APANPIRG/12 Report (the Twelfth Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group) held in August 2001 and other APANPIRG Reports. [Ref 36] CNS/ATM Transition Plan in the Region (CNS/ATM Transition Plan 1998-2013 Papua New Guinea, dated 30/04/98; The Philippines CNS/ATM Systems Transition and Implementation Plan, dated 28/08/97) South America [Ref 37] Air Navigation Plan – Caribbean and South American Regions – ICAO Document 8733 - 14th edition dated 1991, [Ref 38] CAR/SAM/3 Report (the Third Caribbean/ South America Regional Air Navigation Meeting held in October 1999). Africa [Ref 39] APIRG ICAO AFI Document 003: AFI CNS/ATM Implementation Plan AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.8 Glossary of terms and abbreviations ACARS Aircraft Communication And Reporting System ACC Area Control Centre ACL ATC Clearance and Information (Service) ACM ATC Communications Management (Service) ADAP Automated Downlink of Airborne Parameters ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance ADS-B ADS Broadcast ADS-C ADS Contract AFAS Aircraft in the Future ATM System AGC Air/ Ground Cooperative ATS (EATMP Programme) AIRSAW Airborne Situation(al) Awareness AIS Aeronautical Information Services AOC Airline Operational Communications ASAS Airborne Separation Assurance System ATC Air Traffic Control (Service) (Unit) ATCO Air Traffic Control Officer (Controller) ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service ATM Air Traffic Management ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network ATS Air Traffic Services ATSAW Air Traffic Situation(al) Awareness ATSU Air Traffic Services Unit AUTOPS Autonomous Flight Operations CAP Controller Access Parameters (Service) CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information CFMU Central Flow Management Unit CM Context Management (ATN application) CNS/ ATM Communications, Navigation, Surveillance/ Air Trafic Management COOPATS Co-operative ATS (Concept) CoS Class of Service COSEP Co-operative Separation Assurance COTRAC Common Trajectory Co-ordination (Service) CPDLC Controller/ Pilot Data Link Communications (Services) D-FIS Data Link Flight Information (Services) D-OTIS Data Link Operational Terminal Information (Service) D-RVR Data Link Runway Visual Range (Service) D-SIGMET Data Link Significant Meteorological Information (Service) DAP Downlink Airborne Parameters DCL Departure Clearance (Service) DLL Data Link Logon (Service) DSC Downstream Clearances (Service) DYNAV Dynamic Route Availability (Service) E-ATSAW Enhanced ATSAW EASA European Aviation Safety Authority EATMP European Air Traffic Management Programme ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference EEC Eurocontrol Experimental Centre FANS Future Air Navigation Systems (ICAO Concept) FANS-1/A Future Air Navigation System, an operational data link package initially developed for the South Pacific; 1 corresponds to Boeing implementation; A corresponds to Airbus implementation FFAS Free Flight Airspace FFM Free Flight Mode AMCP WGC5/WP2
FIS Flight Information Services FLIPCY Flight Plan Consistency (Service) FLIPINT An extension of the FLIPCY service to accommodate the flight time and flight level components FMP Flight Management Position FMS Flight Management System ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation IFPS Initial Flight Plan Processing System MA-AFAS More Autonomous Aircraft in the Future ATM System MAS Managed Airspace MFF Mediterranean Free Flight OCD Operational Concept Document OCM Oceanic Clearance Message ODIAC AGC Focus Group OI Operational Improvement ORD Operational Requirements Document PPD Pilot Preferences Downlink (Service) QoS Quality of Service R/T Radio Telephony SAP System Access Parameters (Service) SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information TIS Traffic Information Service TMA Terminal Control Area TWR Tower Control Service (Unit) AMCP WGC5/WP2
9. Required air-ground and air-air communication services, capabilities and performance
8.9 Scope and reference data sources
This section defines the aeronautical communication service requirements for both air-ground and air- air exchanges associated with the ATM operating concepts identified in the preceding section 8. It also identifies the potential transition issues within and among the regional airspace based on operational scenarios and communication capabilities addressing both the spatial and temporal transition aspects
The data in this section are extracted from an EUROCONTROL-sponsored study, performed in 2002 and entitled “Operating Concept of the Mobile Aviation Communication Infrastructure Supporting ATM (up to and) beyond 2015 “ (ref [29]).and [30]). The results of this study have been offered for the consideration of ICAO AMCP towards the development of the hereby AMCP 8 Report.
8.10 Types of ATM operational communications :
Pilot-ATCO Dialogue: communication between two entities (the aircrew and the ATCO) for ATC service. It is based on message exchanges including a set of clearance/information/request message elements, which correspond to voice phraseology employed by current ATC procedures, which could be extended to support further operational needs
Pilot-Pilot Dialogue: communication exchanges between the aircrew of two different aircraft, in flight or eventually on the ground (airport surface), for ATC service purpose (mainly co-ordination transactions)
Automated provision of flight information services (Ground-to-Pilot communication): based on automatic sending of ground-available aircraft-environment information.
Automated provision of aircraft information services (Aircraft-to-ground communication, mainly used for surveillance), allows ATCO and ground systems so as to obtain position data and other information from equipped aircraft in a timely manner in accordance with their requirements
ATM automation: based on the automatic exchange of ATM-related data between the airborne system (mainly the FMS) and the ground system. It is based on message exchanges including principally trajectory and flight intent data
Air-air surveillance (also used by ground to enhance surveillance): it consists on periodic transmissions of data derived from on-board equipment in destination of other aircraft, generally in the vicinity, or of ground facilities AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.11 ATM communications : definition of terms and levels
The following figure depicts and establishes hierarchical levels for the notions of operational application, communication service and communication application,. As an exemple the CPDLC communication application supports the ACM, ACL, DCL Data-link services services, the definition of which is given in Annex A, section 2 to this Chapter 9, extracted from ref[ 3 and 10] ,
Operational Application level AAapplications level Human in loop Automated systems
Pilot – ATCO Pilot – Pilot Automated ATM Provision of Air-Air ATC dialogue dialogue Provision of Automation aircraft Surveillance Flight Informatio Information Services n
Data-link services level
ACM, Provision D-OTIS DYNAV CAP ACLs for D- COTRAC SAP ATSAW Extended SIGMET PPD DCL ACL D-RVR FLIPCY DSC ATSAW FLIPINT Ground (in link with E- Comm. applicationsTIBA) level
CPDLC Voice D-FIS CPDLC ADAP ADS-B Voice Extended or ADS-B TIS-B Data FIS-B ADS-C Communic ation Applicatio n Technologies level
Fig 9- 1. Communication application and service multi layer model
8.12 Operational scenario using both voice and data services or a typical flight
This scenario is given in Annex A to this section 9. AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.13 Operational Communication applications needed
The following table summarizes the communication applications needed to support the ATM operating concept identified in the preceding section 8 ATM Concept ATSAW COSEP Enhanced traffic Broadcast information 2 Enhanced Visual Acquisition Airborne Spacing & Separation Applicable HZA Airports and TMAs: HZA-3.x, HZA-4.x, Airports and TMAs: HZA-3.x, HZA-4.x, HZA5.x, TMA: HZA3.2, HZA4.2 (see chapter 8) HZA5.x, HZA6.1 HZA6.1 En-Route: HZA1.2, HZA2.2 En-route: HZA1.1, HZA1.2, HZA2.1, HZA2.2 En-route: HZA1.1, HZA1.2, HZA2.1, HZA2.2 Principles of use Enhancement of the Traffic Information Enhanced out-the-window visual acquisition, - Aircrew is provided with surrounding traffic Broadcast by Aircraft (TIBA) procedure, awareness of proximate surface traffic, see and information (displayed on CDTI) regulated by ICAO, that is intended to permit avoid, visual approach, by using CDTI to display - ATCO uses clearances to regulate the traffic flow-rate reports and relevant supplementary information surrounding traffic and the target aircraft designated to spacing conditions, then designates a target aircraft to of an advisory nature to be transmitted by flight by the ATCO. It is based on air-air surveillance a given aircrew and sends delegation instruction crews on designated VHF frequency for the information, and possibly ground-air surveillance appropriate to a specific encounter information of other aircraft in its vicinity. information - Aircrew acknowledges and transmits relevant Particularly useful for non-radar regions. information to ATCO Corresponding Automatic exchange of aircraft state vectors Pilot-ATCO exchanges for target designation, using Pilot-ATCO exchanges for delegation instructions Exchanged ATM CDTI as surrounding traffic display (Tactical (Tactical Clearances) Information messages) Eventually, pilot-pilot information exchanges Air-Air information exchange for situation Air-Air information exchange for situation awareness awareness (flight parameters of aircraft in the vicinity) Required Air-Air Surveillance Pilot-ATCO Dialogue Pilot-ATCO Dialogue Operational Eventually, Pilot-Pilot Dialogue Air-Air Surveillance Air-Air Surveillance communication D/L services None (Directly on ADS-B/TIS-B) Enhanced ACL Enhanced ACL N/A None (Directly on ADS-B/TIS-B) None (Directly on ADS-B/TIS-B) ATM Concept Enhanced ATC Communication 3 Support for increased ATM automation4 Enhanced ATCO/Aircrew Exchanges Provision of flight information to aircraft Applicable HZ All HZAs All HZAs All HZAs
2 ATSAW basic service to present flight crew with flight information concerning surrounding traffic using air-air surveillance. Pre-requisite to Enhanced Visual service. 3 From an operational concept standpoint, there is no distinction between basic data link services and advanced data link services. The distinction is related to implementation phasing. 4 The operational ATM concept of ‘optimised structured routes’ has no specific communication service with regards to the service of ‘support for increased ATM automation’. The latter will provide flight information on route availability and will propose alternative routes to be negotiated between pilot and ATCO. AMCP WGC5/WP2
(as WP1 result) Principles of use Exchanges between ground and airborne Exchanges between humans. Flight information services. systems in which the human do not interfere in Alleviate voice VHF, exchanges of data clearances Transmission from the ground to the aircraft of the full the communication process, although the and information between ATCO and Aircrew by range of flight-operation-related and meteorological human may consult information resulting from using D/L communications instead of voice ones, information the exchanges. apart from high-criticality tactical messages Range of new ATM services via D/L between the aircrew and the ATCO increasing automation between the ground system and the airborne system Corresponding Flight Plan Collaborative Exchanges Strategic Clearances, Tactical Clearances Terminal Flight information Exchanged ATM Information messages, Emergency messages Weather information Information Communication Pilot-ATCO Dialogue Pilot-ATCO Dialogue Automated Provision of FIS operation/applica ATM automation tion D/L Services Enhanced ACL Set of CPDLC-based services D-OTIS, D-RVR, D-SIGMET, NOTAM, SNOWTAM FLIPCY, DYNAV ATM Concept Enhanced Surveillance Intent Based Surveillance Co-operative Separation Assurance Provision of aircraft parameters for ATCO Provision of aircraft parameters for Trajectory Negotiation display accurate automation tools Applicable HZA En-Route: HZA1.x, HZA2.x, En-route: HZA1.1, HZA1.2, HZA2.1, En-route: HZA1.1, HZA1.2, En-Route: HZA1.x, HZA2.x, (as defined in section TMA: HZA3.x, HZA4.x HZA2.2 HZA2.1, HZA2.2 TMA: HZA3.x, HZA4.x 8 ) TMAs: HZA3.1, HZA3.2 TMAs: HZA3.1, HZA3.2 Airport: HZA5.1, HZA5.2, HZA6.1 Airport: HZA5.1, HZA5.2, HZA6.1 Principles of use Aircraft automatically provides to the ground Aircraft automatically provide the 4D and co-operative trajectory Aircraft broadcast system with airborne information for directly ground system with airborne negotiation between the aircrew information which are directly display to the ATCO or for computerized information that are used by ground and the ATCO captured on the aircraft bus assistance systems in one or several ATSUs. from the sensors. Provision to one or several possible ATCOs: No acknowledgement required from the one in charge of the aircraft, possibly the ground. ones in adjacent ATSUs. No acknowledgement required from ground. AMCP WGC5/WP2
Corresponding Downlink Aircraft parameters (IAS, Downlik Aircraft intent information to Trajectory Collaborative Air-to-air information Exchanged ATM Magnetic Heading and vertical rate or the ATSUs for the ground automation. Transactions (ATM exchanges broadcast Information selected altitude) sent periodically to the Specific transactions involving aircrew and ATCO) Air-to-ground information ATCO in charge of the aircraft, and possibly broadcast also to ATCO that could be in charge in later Broadcast from ground-to-air time of consolidated aircraft Specific transactions information/radar data Required Operational Provision of aircraft information Provision of aircraft information ATM Automaton Air-Air Surveillance communication
D/L services CAP SAP FLIPCY, FLIPINT, COTRAC5 None (Directly on ADS- B/TIS-B) Table 9-1: Operational Communication applications
5 Besides trajectory exchanges, COTRAC includes a part of pilot-ATCO dialogue for trajectory negotiation AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.14 Communications breakdown between voice and data exchanges The assumptions of operational use among voice and data are the following per Homogeneous Zones: a) En-Route (HZA-1.x & HZA-2.x) : i) Data link used as primary means for all exchanges
ii) Voice used for emergency messages, and as back-up (for each data service or for the full system) b) TMA (HZA-3.x & HZA-4.x) : i) Voice used as primary means for low delay & high availability Pilot-ATCO exchanges, and as back-up (for each data service or for the full system)
ii) Data link used as primary means for other messages c) Airport Surface (HZA-5.x & HZA6.x) : i) Voice used as primary means for low delay & high availability Pilot-ATCO exchanges, and as back- up (for each data service or for the full system)
ii) Data link used as primary means for other messages Then, in general, the data link will mainly be used as the primary communication mean with the voice link as back-up of a given service or for the whole system. Voice will be used as primary means for tactical exchanges in high density airspace (TMA, Airport Surface). The trend towards 2015 should be a decreasing use of voice communication requirements
This translates in terms of operational needs as summarized by the following table: c /
e f a
n n
t c d o f e o o
o e i n i
o u r l t t t n a
i i a g a l a o a n S l M P i o - I i - o m l m s m r T
Pilot-ATCO Dialogue t e i i F r i a o o s o i v t t v A o i l r A f i u u o v D u r n P o A i A S P r P
n s s s s s n n n t s
t y c s
o e e e e e s o o o
e c c l o n e i
i i i i c c r a l t g g g t a g n t t t a i g i c g n n l a n n n c a h e a a a a a l M i P e a a d s a a a - i g s g t t - r r m r s i a T m m m r t e s h h h c r a i l a a r r r e o e e c c c r o v a o A e e F r t l o o o r A l l f x x x i f f f T m M S u M B n
E E E P n n n C C I E S I I I En-Route Voice D/L D/L D/L Voice* D/L D/L D/L (HZA-1.x, HZA- D/L D/L Voice Voice Voice D/L Voice Voice Voice 2.x) TMAs Voice Voice D/L D/L Voice* D/L D/L D/L (HZA-3.x, HZA- D/L D/L D/L Voice Voice D/L Voice Voice Voice 4.x) Airport Surface Voice Voice D/L D/L Voice* D/L D/L D/L (HZA-5.x, HZA- Some D/L D/L D/L Voice Voice D/L Voice Voice Voice 6.x) Voice & D/L Key : Primary means, is given first , back-up appears in second *: No specific operational requirement, but implicit usage with voice as primary means Table 9-2: Communications breakdown between voice and data exchanges
8.14.1 Voice Communication services needed
The table hereafter summarizes the different operational communication types supported by voice exchanges AMCP WGC5/WP2
Communication Pilot-ATCO Dialogue Pilot-Pilot Broadcast Service service Dialogue Partly Line Selective Voice Pilot-Pilot Voice Broadcast Voice Classes of Services Voice Tactical Voice Full-System Exchanges D/L Back-up Exchanges Operating Mode Push-to-Talk Push-to-Talk Push-to-Talk Push-to-Talk Broadcast of information between users. between users between between users concerning the flight Air-initiated Controller and Currently, no Information Service as data managed by the Air-initiated Pilot specific link back-up ground. managed by the Ground-initiated operational ground. based on requirement, but addressed implicit usage. communication. Main Functions In-flight In-flight messages In-flight In-flight Information and message messages exchanges between messages messages broadcast in the aircraft exchanges service users on a exchanges exchanges vicinity. between strategic plan between between pilot service users Backup of full D/L controller and and aircrew on a on a tactical System, mainly en- pilot on a tactical plan. plan. route strategic plan Highly tactical Backup of data- support to link (single aircraft aircraft data-link manoeuvre in failure) TMA QoS Requirements High quality High quality Medium quality Medium quality No specification presented communication communication communication communication because back-up system with high peak with medium with low with low dimensioning would be capacity, low connection time establishment connection time, depend on safety connection and high time and high low criticality requirements that are still to time, and very availability availability and low be defined. high protection availability Service Topology Meshed Meshed Point-to-point or Meshed Broadcast point-to- multipoint Table 9-3: Voice Communication services needed AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.14.2 Data Communication Services needed
The table hereafter identifies the different foreseen communication applications to be supported by datalink exchanges, for the Pilot-ATCO Dialogue ategory
Communication Pilot-ATCO ATC Dialogue service Classes of Services Emergency in-flight A/G Tactical A/G Strategic A/G Information Dialogue Messages Dialogue Dialogue Operating Mode Support to abnormal Mandatory to real- Support to future Support exchanges mode of other services in time aircraft aircraft manoeuvres in between pilot and all phases of flight manoeuvres in en- en-route mainly aircrew directly route, in TMA and related to aircraft airport surface operation in all phases of flight Main Functions In-flight exchanges of In-flight messages In-flight messages In-flight exchanges of emergency between exchanges between exchanges between information messages ATCO and aircrew on an ATCO and aircrew ATCO and aircrew on between ATCO and urgent plan on a tactical plan a strategic plan aircrew QoS Requirements Highest availability High quality High quality High quality communication with communication with communication with low delay and high high reliability high peak capacity availability Service Typology Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Communication Provision of FIS to the aircraft ATM Automation service Classes of Services Medium Flight Long Flight ATM G/A Messages ATM Two-way Long Information Exchange Information Long Transaction Transaction Important Exchange Operating Mode Provision of ground Provision of Flight Plan Exchanges Negotiation of 4D information about important ground trajectories terminal and weather information Main Functions Provision of ground Provision of ground Sending of flight plan Establish and agree 4D information messages to information related information trajectory contract the aircrew during the messages to the extracted from the between the aircrew flight aircrew during the avionics towards the and the controller flight ground QoS Requirements High quality High quality High quality High quality communication with high communication with communication with communication with peak capacity high peak capacity high peak capacity high peak capacity Service Topology Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Table 9-4: Pilot-ATCO Dialogue communication services AMCP WGC5/WP2
Communication Air-Air-Surveillance Provision of aircraft Information service Classes of Services High Periodicity Air Information High Periodicity Low Periodicity Uplink Broadcast Broadcast Downlink Broadcast Downlink Broadcast Operating Mode Enhanced Enhanced Aircraft information Pilot Preferences surveillance using surveillance based downloaded for Downlink ground radar data on air-air exchanges controller and automation tools Main Functions Provides current Surveillance service Sending of aircraft Sending of pilot aircraft transmitting parameters extracted preference surveillance parameters for from the airborne parameters to the information from utilisation by any air system to the ground ground ground system to and/or ground users airborne mobile system QoS Requirements High quality High quality High quality High quality communication communication with communication with communication with high capacity very high peak high capacity with medium and low delay capacity capacity Service Topology G-to-A Broadcast A/A Broadcast A-to-G Broadcast A-to-G Broadcast
Table 9-5: Needed communication services for "air-air surveillance" and "provision of aircraft Information"
8.15 Data ommunication requirements per Classes of Service (CoS)
8.15.1 Data services to be considered Pilot-ATCO ATC Dialogue
The Pilot-ATCO Dialogue can be classified in 4 distinct Class of Services, differentiated by their different QoS parameters:
CoS 1-1: Emergency In-flight A/G Messages. It consists of in-flight exchanges of emergency messages on an urgent plan, therefore imposing very though quality of communication criteria. This CoS is a point-to-point service that could be either ground- or air-initiated.
CoS 1-2: Tactical In-flight A/G Dialogue It consists of in-flight exchanges of messages on a tactical plan (meaning that a change in flight parameters is required in real scale). This CoS is a point-to-point service, which could be either ground- or air-initiated.
CoS 1-3: Strategic In-flight A/G Dialogue It consists of in-flight and preparation exchanges of messages on a strategic plan (meaning that a change in flight parameters may be required in a future point of time as flight progresses). This CoS is a point-to-point service that could be either ground- or air- initiated.
CoS 1-4: Information Dialogue It consists of in-flight exchanges of information messages, not directly dealing with aircraft operation. This CoS is a point-to-point service that could be either ground- or air-initiated Flight Information & ATM G / A Long Messages Transactions The Flight Information and the ATM Ground / Air Long Messages Transactions could be classified in 4 distinct Class of Services, differentiated by their functionality and different QoS parameters: AMCP WGC5/WP2
CoS 3-1: Medium Flight Information Exchange. It consists of flight information messages provided to the aircrew during flight. This CoS is a point-to-point service, which is air-initiated.
CoS 3-2: Long Flight Information Important Exchanges It consists of flight information messages provided to the aircrew during flight. This CoS is a point-to-point service, which is air-initiated.
CoS 4-1: ATM Ground/Air Messages Long Transaction It consists in exchanging information on aircraft route, particularly on automatic propositions of flight route modification between the aircraft and the ground. This CoS is a point-to-point service, which is ground-initiated.
CoS 4-2: ATM Two-way Long Transaction It consists in establishing and agreeing 4D trajectory contracts between the aircrew and the controller. This CoS is a reserved point-to-point service, which is expected to be ground- initiated. Provision of aircraft Information
The Flight Information and the ATM G/A Long Messages Transactions can be classified in 4 distinct Class of Services, differentiated by their functionality and different QoS parameters:
CoS 5-1: High-periodicity Information Broadcast It relies on the sending of aircraft parameters extracted from the airborne system to the ground. This CoS is an operational broadcast service.
CoS 5-2: Low-periodicity Information Broadcast It relies on the sending of pilot preference parameters to the ground. This CoS is an operational broadcast service. CoS 5-3: Long Messages Ground /Air Information Transactions It relies on the sending of flight plan related information extracted from the avionics towards the ground. This CoS is a point-to-point service that is ground-initiated Air-air Surveillance The Flight Information and the ATM G/A Long Messages Transactions could be classified in 4 distinct Class of Services, differentiated by their functionality and different QoS parameters: CoS 6-1: High-periodicity Information Broadcast It provides current aircraft surveillance information from ground system to airborne mobile systems. This CoS is a broadcast service. CoS 6-2: Air Information Broadcast It is a surveillance service transmitting parameters for utilisation by any air and/or ground users requiring it. This CoS is a point-to-point service that is air-initiated.
8.15.2 . Performance requirement ranges in quantitative terms
The following table defines the ranges of quantitative values for the performance level specifications indicated as “High”, “Medium”, “Low” , etc… in the subsequent tables AMCP WGC5/WP2
Fast time response Very High 1 to 3 sec 95% of the time 5 sec 99,996% of the time High 5 sec 95% of the time 15 sec 99,996% of the time Medium 10 sec 95% of the time 20 sec 99,996% of the time Low 30 sec 95% of the time 60 sec 99,996% of the time Priority Very High Ex: Emergency High Ex: Tactical Medium Ex: Strategic Low Ex: Information Integrity and High C, M, A, D security/access RER around 10-8 restriction (1) Medium M, A, D RER around 10-7 Low M, A RER around 10-6 Availability Very High > 99,99% High > 99,9% Medium > 99,5% Low < 99,5% Exchanges Size Very Short Around 20 octets Short Between 20 and 50 octets Medium Between 50 and 250 octets Long Over 250 octets Message Frequency Very High Every second High Every 10 seconds Medium On event less than a minute Low On event more than a minute Throughput Continuous Regular Sporadic Isolated Table 9-6: Definition of performance requirement ranges applicable to communication services Note 1: Security/access restriction key :: ' C ', indicates that the data must be protected against any unauthorised access, including copying of the data; 'M ', that the data must be protected against any unauthorised and undetected modification of a message; 'A ', protection against unauthorized addition of messages is required ; 'D ', protection against unauthorised deletion of messages is needed AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.15.3 Requirements for each Data Service considered on its own Quality of Service (QOS) requirements per classes of service (CoS)
The following table describes the different data QoS considering the different communication applications identified above. In this table, the Data Link CoS are considered in the “stand-alone” case, i.e. the individual requirements of the service used by one aircraft, are identifed without consideration of HZA nor sequence within the different flight phases, but only takes into account the geographical coverage of relevance where the service should be available with the following key : AFP = All Flight Phase; AP/S = Airport Surface, or within a range expressed in Nautical Miles (NM), for small scale services
Time-related Integrity-related Availability-related Capacity-related Exchan Exchange Approximate ge Size 99.996% Priori Covera Data Size Qualitative 95% Time 6 Access RER MTBF MTTR Exchange Uplink D/L CoS in “stand-alone” Time Delay ty ge Integrit Downlink Mean Delay (sec) Control7 (10^) (days) (minute) Frequency min- (sec) y min-max Throughput (per flight) max (bytes) (bytes) Pilot-ATCO Dialogue CoS : Isolated Emergency In-flight A/G AFP + C, M, A, 2 5 1 Max -8 1000 0,1 1 per year 20 40 Transmission Message AP/S D s Tactical In-flight A/G AFP + C, M, A, Sporadic 5 15 2 Max -8 1000 0,1 15 45-145 30-130 Dialogue AP/S D Exchanges Strategic In-flight A/G AFP + C, M, A, Periodic 10 20 3 Max -7 100 0,5 65 45-150 35-130 Dialogue AP/S D Exchanges AFP + Sporadic Information A/G Dialogue 30 60 7 Max M, A, D -6 100 1,5 10 50-150 30-130 AP/S Exchanges Pilot-Pilot Dialogue CoS: C, M, A, Sporadic Adapted Clearances 5 15 2 25 NM Max -8 1000 0,1 Reserved 50-150 50-150 D Exchanges Automated Provision of FIS Medium-Size Flight Sporadic 30 60 7 AFP Max M, A -6 100 1,5 10 50-140 40-120 Information Exchange Exchanges
6 Priority Category: Category 1 for Distress messages (very high priority messages); 2 for Urgent messages … and 8 for very low priority messages. 7confidentiality levell key :: 'C', indicates that the data must be protected against any unauthorised access, including copying of the data; 'M', that the data must be protected against any unauthorised and undetected modification of a message; 'A', protection against unauthorized addition of messages is required ; 'D', protection against unauthorised deletion of messages is needed. AMCP WGC5/WP2
Time-related Integrity-related Availability-related Capacity-related Exchan Exchange Approximate ge Size 99.996% Priori Covera Data Size Qualitative 95% Time Access RER MTBF MTTR Exchange Uplink D/L CoS in “stand-alone” Time Delay ty ge Integrit Downlink Mean Delay (sec) Control (10^) (days) (minute) Frequency min- (sec) y min-max Throughput (per flight) max (bytes) (bytes) Large-Size Flight 150- 30 60 7 AFP Max M, A, -6 100 1,5 5 40-120 Bursts Information exchange 250 ATM Automation Large 570 / 40-500/ Trajectory Transactions 10 20 3 AFP Max M, A, D -7 1000 0,5 10 / 5 Messages 70-500 620 Bursts Provision of AIRCRAFT Information AFP Continuous Flight Parameters 2 5 2 (range? Max M, A -8 1000 0,1 2000 0 30 Short Broadcast ) Messages Preference Parameters AFP + Periodic 30 60 4 Max C, M, A -7 100 1 100 0 35 Broadcast AP/S Exchanges 25- Flight Plan Exchanges 30 60 4 AFP Max M, A, D -7 1000 0,1 10 / 40 125 / 530 / 20 Bursts 500 Air-air Surveillance 25*Nb_ Large AFP G/A Information Broadcast 3 5 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 0,5 1400 aircraft 0 Messages +range s Bursts Continuous Air Information Broadcast 2 5 4 AFP Max M, A, D -7 1000 0,5 1650 0 32 Short Messages Table 9-7: Quality of Service (QOS) requirements per classes of service (CoS) AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.15.4 Consolidated data communication requirements at the applications level Throughput and Capacity
It is on the throughput and capacity requirements, for a given class of service, that the impact of the consolidation by HZA, with multiple aircraft per zone, should be the most significant. It could seem clear that, the more there are aircraft in the HZA, the more the demanded capacity for a given class of service will be important (the two values being directly proportional).
On the one hand, the previous section has considered mean and peak throughput values for each Class of Service, considering that a single aircraft is using the service. On the other hand, in order to size the needed capacity for the required communication infrastructure in a given HZA one now needs to take into account.
. The single aircraft mean throughput; . The single aircraft peak throughput; . The HZA PIAC8 for services available in the whole HZA or the peak number of aircraft in a certain range for services with limited scope. The global throughput then depends on the technical system and network architecture supporting the required classes of service, Communication Requirements consolidation parameters
Operational requirements are consolidated for each Homogeneous Zone of Aispace by taking into account:
. individual requirements . traffic density . voice-data allocation scenario . aircraft needed avionics equipage rate figures Aircraft-density in terms of PIAC estimation
The following figures, extracted from the EUROCONTROL study [Ref. 27], present projected traffic levels for 2015 in the core area of Europe (an extremely high density environment similar to North America Nort-Eastern and Sout-Western corridors), which could be used for performance modelling under the highest instantaneous load conditions. The PIAC estimated figures are:.
. En-route traffic inside core: 696; . Major ‘inner’ TMA inside core: 145 (29 per TMA); . Major ‘outer’ TMA inside core: 515 (130 per TMA); . TMA traffic outside core: 150; . En-route traffic outside core: 435. Using above data, and the assumptions on the other consolidation parameters, such as airborne equipage rate, voice/data services allocation given in the EUROCONTROL Study entitled “Operating Concept of the Mobile Aviation Communication Infrastructure Supporting ATM (up to and) beyond 2015 “ , (ref[29]) , one can infer the consolidated QoS requirements, at the application level and in terms of performance. See the table here-after
8 Peak Instantaneous Aircraft Count AMCP WGC5/WP2
Time Integrity - Accuracy Availability Capacity C Singl H Mean 95% 99,996 Total Total Freque Uplin on Prio Data RER e MTTR Downli Peak Z Duration PIAC CoS Time % Time Coverage Access MTB System ncy k Qualitative ne rity Integrit (10^ MTB (minute nk Throughpu A (sec) Delay Delay Control9 F Availabilit (per (bytes Throughput xi y ) F ) (bytes) t10 (sec) (sec) (days) y (%) flight) ) on (days) 1-1 2 5 AFP + AP/S 1 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 1,4 0,1 99,995 1 per 20 40 20 o/s Isolated D year Transmissions 1-2 5 15 AFP + AP/S 2 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 1,4 0,5 99,976 11 45 30 25 o/s Sporadic D Exchanges 1-3 10 20 AFP + AP/S 3 Max C, M, A, -7 100 0,1 0,5 99,759 30 50 40 12 o/s Periodic D Exchanges 1-4 30 60 AFP + AP/S 7 Max M, A, D -6 100 0,1 1,5 99,280 5 50 30 5 o/s Sporadic Exchanges 3-1 30 60 AFP 7 Max M, A -6 100 0,1 1,5 99,280 4 45 50 5 o/s Sporadic 1 40 696 Exchanges 3-2 30 60 AFP 7 Max M, A -6 100 0,1 1,5 99,280 2 175 45 10 o/s Bursts 4-1 30 60 AFP 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 1,4 0,5 99,976 1 500 15 15 o/s Bursts 5-1 2 5 AFP (range ?) 2 Max M, A -8 1000 1,4 0,1 99,995 615 0 30 20 o/s Continuous Short Messages 5-2 30 60 AFP 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 1,4 0,5 99,976 15 500 35 20 o/s Bursts 5-3 30 60 AFP + AP/S 4 Max C, M, A -7 100 0,1 1 99,519 47 0 35 2 o/s Periodic Exchanges 6-1 5 15 AFP 4 Max M, A, D -7 100 0,1 1 99,519 240 0 22272 4,46 ko/s Continuous 6-2 5 15 4 Max M, A, D -7 100 0,1 1 99,519 240 0 20 20 o/s Bursts 2 ??? 435 1-1 2 5 AFP + AP/S 1 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 2,3 0,1 99,997 1 per 20 40 20 o/s Isolated D year Transmissions 1-2 5 15 AFP + AP/S 2 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 2,3 0,5 99,985 6 45 30 25 o/s Sporadic D Exchanges 1-3 10 20 AFP + AP/S 3 Max C, M, A, -7 100 0,2 0,5 99,849 19 45 40 12 o/s Periodic D Exchanges 1-4 30 60 AFP + AP/S 7 Max M, A, D -6 100 0,2 1,5 99,549 2 50 30 5 o/s Sporadic Exchanges
9Security/access restriction key :: ' C ', indicates that the data must be protected against any unauthorised access, including copying of the data; 'M ', that the data must be protected against any unauthorised and undetected modification of a message; 'A ', protection against unauthorized addition of messages is required ; 'D ', protection against unauthorised deletion of messages is needed 10 Peak Throughput per aircraft AMCP WGC5/WP2
Time Integrity - Accuracy Availability Capacity C Singl H Mean 95% 99,996 Total Total Freque Uplin on Prio Data RER e MTTR Downli Z Duration PIAC CoS Time % Time Coverage Access MTB System ncy k Peak Qualitative ne rity Integrit (10^ MTB (minute nk A (sec) Delay Delay Control F Availabilit (per (bytes Throughput Throughput xi y ) F ) (bytes) (sec) (sec) (days) y (%) flight) ) on (days) 3-1 30 60 AFP 7 Max M, A -6 100 0,2 1,5 99,549 3 45 50 5 o/s Sporadic Exchanges 3-2 30 60 AFP 7 Max M, A -6 100 0,2 1,5 99,549 2 175 45 10 o/s Bursts 4-1 30 60 AFP 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 2,3 0,5 99,985 0 500 15 15 o/s Bursts 5-1 2 5 AFP (range ?) 2 Max M, A -8 1000 2,3 0,1 99,997 615 0 30 20 o/s Continuous Short Messages 5-2 30 60 AFP 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 2,3 0,5 99,985 15 500 35 20 o/s Bursts 5-3 30 60 AFP + AP/S 4 Max C, M, A -7 100 0,2 1 99,699 47 0 35 2 o/s Periodic Exchanges 6-1 10 20 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 100 0,2 1 99,699 240 0 13920 1,4 ko/s Continuous 6-2 10 20 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 100 0,2 0,5 99,849 240 0 20 20 o/s Bursts 103 1-1 2 5 AFP + AP/S 1 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 9,7 0,1 99,999 1 per 20 40 20 o/s Isolated D year Transmissions 1-2 5 15 AFP + AP/S 2 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 9,7 0,1 99,999 5 45 30 25 o/s Sporadic D Exchanges 1-3 10 20 AFP + AP/S 3 Max C, M, A, -7 100 1,0 0,5 99,964 17 45 40 12 o/s Periodic D Exchanges 1-4 30 60 AFP + AP/S 7 Max M, A, D -6 100 1,0 1,5 99,893 2 50 30 5 o/s Sporadic Exchanges 3-1 30 60 AFP 7 Max M, A -6 100 1,0 1,5 99,893 3 50 50 5 o/s Sporadic 3 17 Exchanges 515 3-2 30 60 AFP 7 Max M, A -6 100 1,0 1,5 99,893 2 175 45 10 o/s Bursts 5-1 2 5 AFP (range ?) 2 Max M, A -8 1000 9,7 0,1 99,999 665 0 30 20 o/s Continuous Short Messages 5-3 30 60 AFP + AP/S 4 Max C, M, A -7 100 1,0 1 99,929 23 0 35 2 o/s Periodic Exchanges 6-1 3 5 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 9,7 0,5 99,996 340 0 3296 1,1 ko/s Continuous 6-2 2 5 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 9,7 0,5 99,996 340 0 20 20 o/s Continuous Short Messages 4 12 20 1-1 2 5 AFP + AP/S 1 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 50,0 0,1 99,9999 1 per 20 40 20 o/s Isolated D year Transmissions 1-2 5 15 AFP + AP/S 2 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 50,0 0,1 99,9999 5 45 30 25 o/s Sporadic AMCP WGC5/WP2
Time Integrity - Accuracy Availability Capacity C Singl H Mean 95% 99,996 Total Total Freque Uplin on Prio Data RER e MTTR Downli Z Duration PIAC CoS Time % Time Coverage Access MTB System ncy k Peak Qualitative ne rity Integrit (10^ MTB (minute nk A (sec) Delay Delay Control F Availabilit (per (bytes Throughput Throughput xi y ) F ) (bytes) (sec) (sec) (days) y (%) flight) ) on (days) D Exchanges 1-3 10 20 AFP + AP/S 3 Max C, M, A, -7 100 5,0 0,5 99,9931 12 45 40 12 o/s Periodic D Exchanges 1-4 30 60 AFP + AP/S 7 Max M, A, D -6 100 5,0 1,5 99,9792 2 50 30 5 o/s Sporadic Exchanges 3-1 30 60 AFP 7 Max M, A -6 100 5,0 1,5 99,9792 2 50 45 5 o/s Sporadic Exchanges 3-2 30 60 AFP 7 Max M, A -6 100 5,0 1,5 99,9792 2 175 45 10 o/s Bursts 4-1 30 60 AFP 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 50,0 0,5 99,9993 1 500 15 15 o/s Bursts 150 5-1 2 5 AFP (range ?) 2 Max M, A -8 1000 50,0 0,1 99,9999 470 0 30 20 o/s Continuous Short Messages 5-2 30 60 AFP + AP/S 4 Max C, M, A -7 100 5,0 1 99,9861 15 0 35 2 o/s Periodic Exchanges 6-1 3 5 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 50,0 0,5 99,9993 240 0 640 0,22 ko/s Continuous 6-2 2 5 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 50,0 0,5 99,9993 240 0 20 20 o/s Continuous Short Messages 5 10 25 1-1 2 5 AFP + AP/S 1 Max C, M, A, -8 1000 40,0 0,1 99,9998 1 per 20 40 20 o/s Isolated D year Transmissions 1-3 10 20 AFP + AP/S 3 Max C, M, A, -7 100 4,0 0,5 99,9913 8 55 35 10 o/s Periodic D Exchanges 1-4 30 60 AFP + AP/S 7 Max M, A, D -6 100 4,0 1,5 99,9740 3 50 30 5 o/s Sporadic Exchanges 3-1 30 60 AFP + AP/S 7 Max M, A -6 100 4,0 1,5 99,9740 1 50 40 5 o/s Sporadic Exchanges 3-2 30 60 AFP + AP/S 7 Max M, A -6 100 4,0 1,5 99,9740 2 175 45 10 o/s Bursts 125 5-2 30 60 AFP + AP/S 4 Max C, M, A -7 100 4,0 1 99,9826 13 0 35 2 o/s Periodic Exchanges 5-3 30 60 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 40,0 0,5 99,9991 1 530 50 20 o/s Bursts 6-1 1 3 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 40,0 0,5 99,9991 400 0 800 0,8 ko/s Continuous 6-2 1 3 AFP + AP/S 4 Max M, A, D -7 1000 40,0 0,5 99,9991 400 0 20 20 o/s Continuous Short Messages Table 9-8: Consolidated communication requirements at the applications level AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.16 Voice communication service capacity requirements The data in this section is the synthesis of a study ("Vocalise" StudyProject , ref[31]),)recently performed by the French DGAC ATM R&D Center, CENA, to analyze pilot/controller voice communications types and traffic loading, in both TMA and En-Route environments and their evolution in time
8.16.1 Voice communication traffic Estimation
The hypothesis used for this project are :
In TMA all the tactical communications remain supported by the controller-pilot party line service, The controller-pilot selective service is not used for tactical exchanges, but is limited to backup of the data-link in case of single failures. It is therefore used for strategic and information exchanges only. This assumption is not obvious and is clearly an open point. Selective service could be used for tactical exchanges outside TMA. The capacity estimation is based on the results of the Vocalise project (. The objective of this project is to study the use of VHF as a media for Pilots/Controllers communications. It also tries to build up a base of indicators to evaluate the benefits of a DataLink environment. The first step of the project allowed to go through about 60 hours of air traffic communications derived from different types of sectors from the French en-route control centres, and to draw a lesson from the current use of the frequency, in a situation of heavy traffic. For the present study, the following outputs have been considered : Mean channel loading : 30% average / estimated 95% bound : 60%
Mean average pilot-controller contact length : 11s
The dimensioning of the capacity is performed for a load corresponding to the 95% upper bound. The capacity is given in number of contacts per hour for the whole of ECAC. The equivalent system throughput in kilo bits per second, is computed using the assumption of a voice coding at 4.6kbit/s, and with an additional channel coding with a rate ½ (FEC ½ for instance). This protection doubles the system required throughput. Signalling is not considered here, because it is heavily dependant on the technology used. The estimation focuses on the system throughput at the user interfaces. AMCP WGC5/WP2
Assumptions Average contact duration per Aircraft 11 s (Vocalise source) Number of Aircraft per controlled sector 20 Scenario Service Usage Ratio vs. 95% Avge Nr of Duration per Justification Reference Capacity Contacts per Aircraft per Traffic per per Aircraft per hour (s) Aircraft Aircraft hour (mE) 2000 VHF Radio-telephony All ATM functions Reference 30 9,8 108 Extrapolated from "Vocalise" (mean channel Reference load 30%; estimated 95% bound 60%) 2010 Controller-Pilot Party Line Tactical exchanges 90% 27 8,8 97 In TMA, tactical exchanges represent 90% of Service in TMA the contacts (Vocalise)
Controller-Pilot Party Line Strategic/Info 55% 16,5 5,4 59 50% for remaining strategic/info due to partial Service exchanges and Full data link introduction - 5% provision for full Data Link Backup data link backup
Controller-Pilot Selective Single Failure Data 5% 1,5 0,5 5 Selective Service used as Data Link backup Service Link Backup (5% of reference traffic) Pilot-Pilot Service Relay - 12345 2% 0,6 0,2 2 Provision Interactive Voice Service Reserved 2% 0,6 0,2 2 Provision 2015 Controller-Pilot Party Line Tactical exchanges 80% 24 7,9 86 Same as 2010 plus additional 10% reduction Service in TMA from reference traffic due to removal of media management contacts Controller-Pilot Party Line Strategic/Info 6% 1,8 0,6 6 1% for residual strategic/info - 5% provision Service exchanges and Full for full data link backup Data Link Backup
Controller-Pilot Selective Single Failure Data 5% 1,5 0,5 5 Selective Service used as Data Link backup Service Link Backup (5% of reference traffic) Pilot-Pilot Service Relay - 1245 2% 0,6 0,2 2 Provision Interactive Voice Service Reserved 2% 0,6 0,2 2 Provision
Assumptions: Average contact duration per Aircraft : 11sec AMCP WGC5/WP2
Voice coding : Vocoder DVSI 4,6kbps with FEC1/2 channel coding
H ZA PIAC Party Line Selective Pilot-Pilot Interactive Total System Total Service Service Service Service Traffic (E) Throughput Messages (mE) (mE) (mE) (mE) (kbps) per hour En-route Core Area (HZA-1) 414 30 0 0 0 12,42 114 4065 En-route Outside Core Area (HZA-2) 259 30 0 0 0 7,77 71 2543 Major TMAs (HZA-3) 393 30 0 0 0 11,79 108 3859 Other TMAs (HZA-4) 89 30 0 0 0 2,67 25 874 Major Airports (HZA-5) 71 30 0 0 0 2,13 20 697 Other Airports (HZA-6) 15 30 0 0 0 0,45 4 147 Total communication traffic, year 2000 37,23 343 12184 En-route Core Area (HZA-1) 601 16,5 1,5 0,6 0,6 11,54 106 3776 En-route Outside Core Area (HZA-2) 375 16,5 1,5 0,6 0,6 7,20 66 2356 Major TMAs (HZA-3) 570 27 0 0 0 15,39 142 5037 Other TMAs (HZA-4) 129 27 0 0 0 3,48 32 1140 Major Airports (HZA-5) 108 16,5 1,5 0 0,6 2,01 18 657 Other Airports (HZA-6) 22 16,5 1,5 0 0,6 0,41 4 134 Total communication traffic, year 2010 40,03 368 13101 En-route Core Area (HZA-1) 696 1,8 1,5 0,6 0,6 3,13 29 1025 En-route Outside Core Area (HZA-2) 435 1,8 1,5 0,6 0,6 1,96 18 641 Major TMAs (HZA-3) 660 24 0 0 0 15,84 146 5184 Other TMAs (HZA-4) 150 24 0 0 0 3,60 33 1178 Major Airports (HZA-5) 125 1,8 1,5 0 0,6 0,49 4 160 Other Airports (HZA-6) 25 1,8 1,5 0 0,6 0,10 1 32 Total communication traffic, year 2015 25,11 231 8219 Table 9-9: Voice communications traffic volume estimation in time AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.16.2 Voice communications capacity requirement evolution
Derived from the preceding communication traffic capacity requirements table, the figure here below shows the global trend of voice communications capacity requirement.
Note :It must be noted that the above computation is based on the assumption that the VHF R/T media management procedures (which today is highly generative of communication loading) would be replaced by automatic aircraft handling for sectors transfers and silent, i.e. voice-less It must be noted that such change compared to-day operational context, would most certainly have significant operational impacts since today's ATC aircraft transfer procedure to downstream sectors is combined with that of ATC responsibility transfer.
Voice Profile Evolution
10000 r
u Strategic, Info o h r e p
8000 s t c a t n o c 6000 l a t o T 4000
Tactical TMA
Emergency 0 2001 2005,5 2010 2012,5 2015
Fig 9- 2. global trend of voice communications capacity requirement AMCP WGC5/WP2
From the above computation it is possible to have a precise estimation of the communication traffic evolution per HZA by 2015
140 ) 1
0 120 0 2
n i
0 0 1
100 x e d n I (
d 80 a o L
c i f f
a 60 r T
e c i o
V 40
0 En-route Core Area En-route Outside Core Major TMAs (HZ-3) Other TMAs (HZ-4) Major Airports (HZ-5) Other Airports (HZ-6) (HZ-1) Area (HZ-2)
Fig 9- 3. communication traffic evolution per HZA
The picture shows that one challenge for the Communication Infrastructure in 2015 is to cope with a significant increase of the Voice traffic increase in the TMAs. Due to the decrease of voice traffic in the other airspace, there is a potential spectrum resource that could be recovered and affected to TMA, but the feasibility of such spectrum re-allocation must be demonstrated, taking into account the constraints associated with the current system (VHF).
Feasibility to reorganise the available resource to cope with such traffic loading increase in TMAs must be assessed, especially with the current local coverage media, i.e. VHF radio-telephony in use.
8.16.3 Estimated voice communications loading per service
From the capacity requirement computation table, the loading , in message per hour (mph) can be also estimated per service, as given by the following table : Year Party Line Service Selective Service Pilot-Pilot Service Interactive Service
2010 12149 mph 543 mph 192 mph 217 mph 342 kbps 15 kbps 5 kbps 6 kbps 2015 7117 mph 629 kbps 222 kbps 252 mph
200 kbps 18 kbps 6 kbps 7 kbps
Where : mph stands for “message per hour”. A complete exchange sequence is considered as one “message”.
The relationship between “message per hour” and “bit per second” is :
Throughput (kbps) = 4.6 x 2 x 11 / 3600 Messages (mph) AMCP WGC5/WP2
With :
Vocoder rate : 4.6 kbps Channel Coding : FEC ½ (this doubles the radio link throughput) Average Message Duration (Vocalise) : 11 AMCP WGC5/WP2
8.17 Transition Issues
The section identifies the potential transition issues within and among the regional airspace based on operational scenarios and communication capabilities described in previous sections. It addresses both spatial and temporal transition aspects of the evolution of operating concepts. It also addresses the impact of temporal transitions at the system level.
8.17.1 Spatial Transition of Services To / From adjacent ECAC or other high air-traffic density regions
An aircraft may interact with both ECAC and adjacent airspace. With regards to WP1 findings, it appears that ATM capabilities will be similar at all adjacent airspace. The main difference lies in COSEP as COSEP will only be implemented by ECAC and the US regions.
From a pure technical standpoint, both COSEP equipped and non-equipped aircraft may co-exist within the same managed airspace. Partial delegation of responsibility to equipped aircraft will require full awareness via data link and ground automation.
However, the use of COSEP when a small number of aircraft is equipped will depend on benefits derived from controller workload.
Additional procedures and training will be required to use COSEP in a mixed environment. Within ECAC Airspace
Transition issues relate to services provided by voice and/or data link
Four scenarios exist as aircraft transitions across Homogeneous Zones of Airspace (HZA):
Continuity of services using voice or data: It is the nominal case providing transparency Introduction of a new service via data Termination of a service: Not an issue in terms of transition capability Replacement of a voice service with data or vice versa
For seamless transition, the supporting communication infrastructure should extend beyond HZA boundaries
These transitions do not impose other QoS requirements on the communication services
Dissimilar capabilities are to be managed by procedural changes
8.17.2 Temporal Transition of Services
A clear roadmap is required for the introduction new data services or migration of voice services to data.
No new voice services are anticipated in the projected timeframe (2015+).
As individual States would have ultimate responsibility for the implementation of services:
Implementation plans should be fully coordinated at ECAC regions to minimize variances; AMCP WGC5/WP2
Dissimilar capabilities will exist during transition but effort should be undertaken to reduce the timeframe duration; Adequate procedures and training should be provided to manage the disparities .
8.17.3 Transition between Systems The complexity of the transition will depend on several interrelated constraints that can not be evaluated independently as the optimum solution for one user or category of users may adversely impact other users or categories of users. Those constraints are addressed in this section System Intrinsic Aspects Operational, Safety and Performance Constraints Mixed aircraft environment with different capabilities may increase controller workload during transition; Overall system performance may degrade due to mixed airborne capabilities; Mitigation requires operational and procedural changes; Through safety analysis need to be performed before new capabilities and procedures are introduced; Accommodation could be made on ground or airborne systems to ease transition Need to keep the transition period as short as possible. Technical and Implementation Constraints Limited real estate on aircraft restricts introduction of new systems and technologies; Evolution of technologies are related and directly impacted by current systems and architecture; An unified and coordinated introduction of technologies will simplify airborne implementation which requires long lead time; Thorough safety analysis and established regulatory standards will promote adoption of new technologies that drive user benefits. Spectrum Constraints Foremost constraint that drives technological development and introduction of new capabilities; Benefit of reduced spectrum requirement as voice services are migrated to data will not be realizable until end; It is a daunting task to obtain additional spectrum to support migration ; Use of temporary spectrum that must be release at a future date is risky, and should be a last resort; Uniform communication solution across all regions will be desirable to reduce demand for additional spectrum. Economic Constraints
Even the best technical solution will not be implemented unless it offers an acceptable ROI to the users/operators. Typically, users want return on investment after two years.
Full cost-benefit analysis needs to be performed for each proposed service. AMCP WGC5/WP2
Users may implement capabilities that have a high benefit to cost ratio.
Economic incentives may be required to entice first and quick adaptation of new capabilities. Transition of Airborne Capabilities
Technological advances, interoperability, reliance on information, and economics are driving factors.
On board architecture need to be flexible, open, and scalable to meet future capabilities.
Integrated architecture offers more benefit than federated architecture:
Lower development and integration cost; Weight reduction reducing operating cost; Better allocation of resources, ease of sharing information; Better failure management and maintenance; Possible certification credit for common components; May introduce single point of failure.
Majority of airborne architecture are federated, and current AEEC specification still recommends a federated architecture.
Safety analysis for multi-mode, software radios must be performed.
Fully integrated avionics will require another generation of aircraft.
Regulatory and standard bodies need to provide guidance on integrated avionics architecture.
Mandatory carriage requirement may facilitate equipage rate and shorten transition period. Migration Strategy
Migration strategy depends on the way new services are to be introduced: Substitution of voice services with equivalent or enhanced data service
Need pilot/controller training Need operational procedure changes Introduction of new data services
All new services should be cost justified Full safety analysis should be performed to identify impacts on operational procedures
Services with high continuity requirement may need overlapping coverage which may need to be supported by the same communication infrastructure
8.18 Conclusions
This chapter has addressed communication operational needs arising from the ATM concepts identified as the most likely in operation in the 2010-2015 timeframe. It results in the identification of six broad types of operational communication applications handling nine types of application messages:
a) Pilot-ATCO dialogue, handling: Tactical Clearances AMCP WGC5/WP2
Strategic Clearances Information Messages Emergency Messages b) Pilot-Pilot Dialogue handling: Pilot-Pilot Information Exchanges c) Automated provision of FIS (Ground-to-Pilot communication), handling: Flight Information Exchanges d) Automated provision of aircraft information services (Aircraft-to-ground communication, mainly used for surveillance), handling Information Broadcast e) ATM automation (automatic exchanges of ATM-related data between ground and airborne systems), handling: ATM Exchanges d) Air-Air Surveillance.
Communication operational needs can be provided either by voice or by data services, or by both. The section states that in terms of voice/data inter-relation, the data link will mainly be used as primary communication mean with voice as back-up of a given service or of the whole system. Voice is to be used as primary means for tactical exchanges in high density airspace (TMA, Airport Surface).
The trend towards 2015 will be a decreasing use of voice, but voice will still be necessary as back-up to data link.
For spatial transition within ECAC and other high density airspace, for seamless transition, the supporting communication infrastructure should extend beyond HZA boundaries so as to support enlarged service volumes. These transitions do not impose other QoS requirements on the communication services. However, services with high continuity requirements may need overlapping coverage which may be supported by same communication infrastructure. Dissimilar capabilities between adjacent airspace are to be managed by procedural changes.
In terms of temporal transition, a clear roadmap is required, from 2015, to define the migration strategy towards the introduction of new services.
The introduction of new voice service is not anticipated at the present time, unless there is an opportunity to introduce new communication systems integrating both new voice and new data services, depending on future economical and geo-political decisions.
The introduction of new data services should be cost justified. Full safety analysis should be performed to identify impacts on operational procedures. Selected data communication infrastructure will be capable of supporting new data services.