CIS 101 Introduction to Computers
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Career Preparedness Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Jan Bergdolt Room: Tech 1 Office Hours: M-F 7:35-7:50 a.m. Instructor E-mail: [email protected] Teacher/Class Web Site: Online Learning Environment: Edmodo and Google
COURSE DESCRIPTION The Career Preparedness course focuses on three integrated areas of instruction-academic planning and career development, financial literacy, and technology. Course content ranges from college and career preparation to computer literacy skills interwoven throughout the course. Mastery of the content standards provides a strong foundation for student acquisition of the skills, attitudes, and knowledge that enables them to achieve success in school, at work, and across the life span. This class is required for all incoming 9th graders. Credit: 1 unit.
All students are to contribute $20.00 to cover cost of computer lab supplies
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS No talking while working and sitting at assigned computer No loud talking or vocal outburst when working in assigned groups Enter room quietly and be in seat when tardy bell rings After entering classroom, begin immediately working on assigned bell ringer Return all textbooks and instruction sheets to assigned area before leaving the classroom Work diligently as grade given, in most cases, will reflect time on task (extra time may be given before and after school hours) No cell phone use allowed while in class unless approved by teacher STUDENT ORGANIZATION
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a co-curricular component of our business education program at PHS. Students are encouraged to become participating members of the organization that enhances classroom instruction, helps develop leadership skills, and provides opportunities for professional growth and service. FBLA club dues are $13.00.
You may write one check for $33.00 to cover $20.00 for the Career Prep course and $13.00 for FBLA membership.
Every Student must have: Pen or pencil Calculator Paper Ear Buds (Dollar tree has some for $1.00) Binder to file graded work and study materials
1. Students will apply oral and written communication skills needed in the workplace Mrs. Bergdolt /Career Preparedness Course Syllabus Page 1 2. Students will apply conflict management strategies to resolve workplace conflict 3. Students will demonstrate personal traits needed to develop leadership and teamwork skills 4. Students will utilize various forms of communication and technology in the successful pursuit of employment 5. Students will understand the effect of workplace behaviors 6. Students will analyze personal skills, interests, and abilities and relate them to current career opportunities 7. Students will develop plans for managing earning, spending, saving, and giving of money 8. Students will analyze advantages and disadvantages of using credit
Percentage breakdown for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter grading Test/Projects 65% Classwork 30% Professionalism 5%
Percentage breakdown for first semester average : 1st Qtr (40%) 2nd Qtr (40%) Mid-term (20%) Percentage breakdown for second semester average: 3rd Qtr (40%) 4th Qtr(40%) Final Exam (20%) Percentage breakdown for yearly average: 1st Semester (50%) 2nd Semester (50%)
Students will have a variety of assessment opportunities. Students will have class assignments, vocabulary quizzes, and projects that will count towards their final grade. Their culminating project will be a career portfolio which includes a 4 year academic high school plan, a resume, cover letter, and career interest test results.
Absences for exemption will begin the first day of school. The Autauga County School policy for exemptions is as follows:
5 Absences = A 3 Absences = B 2 Absences = C
No ISS, Alternative School, or Suspension for any reason.
Curriculum Units:
Keyboarding Personal Decision Making Digital Citizenship Academic Planning and Career Development Technology Skill Applications Managing Finances and Budgeting Saving and Investing Banking and Financial Institutions Credit and Debt Risk Management and Insurance
Make-up Work Policy
No make-up work will be given unless the absence is marked as EXCUSED in INow. It is the student’s responsibility to follow school policy for having absences officially excused.
Preparing for Examinations: Attend class, take notes during lectures, read the projects, and complete all lab assignments. The student should keep all notes, handouts, and returned assignments for exam preparation.
In Case You Are Late or Absent: It is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, and laboratory assignments.
Mrs. Bergdolt /Career Preparedness Course Syllabus Page 2 You may check your grades using INow. This is available through the front office for a cost of $10. By using the Internet and a password, with INow you will be able to access your grades for all your classes at PHS.
It is your responsibility to check grades throughout the year and report grade discrepancies to your instructor. If you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask. Parents feel free to e-mail the instructor at the e-mail address listed on the first page of this syllabus.
Dear Parent:
Your child is enrolled in the Career Preparedness class at PHS. Students will be assigned a homework assignment to open a Google email account. Gmail is free and offers students the opportunity to explore and practice with various Google tools. These tools will prepare your child for post-secondary educational as well as work-related endeavors. If you have any questions at any time during the semester, please feel free to call me at the school or e-mail me at [email protected]. .
Parent Signature: ______
Printed Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent Email: ______
Parent 1 Contact Phone number ______
Parent 2 Contact Phone number ______
All business students are encouraged to join FBLA for a $13.00 club fee. Club members are eligible to participate in PHS FBLA club events designed to enhance their business skill set. Membership in professional business organizations, like FBLA, give applicants a competitive edge when applying for jobs.
You may write one check for $33.00 to cover $20.00 for the Career Prep course and $13.00 for FBLA membership.
Go lions!
Mrs. Bergdolt /Career Preparedness Course Syllabus Page 3