De Anza College Reading 211 5 Units P/NP

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De Anza College Reading 211 5 Units P/NP

De Anza College Reading 211 5 units P/NP Marian Wronsky Email: [email protected] Office: TTH 9-10:00 am at 408-720-1544 and at the Part Time Offices in Baldwin Winery on request. Reading 211 is a class for students who are serious about developing their reading comprehension, study, and learning skills vital for success in college classes and career prosperity. It is a prerequisite for English 1A.

What will I learn to do? You will learn to 1. Apply critical skills in order to read, analyze and criticize nonfiction and fiction. 2. Get vocabulary meaning in context for comprehension and usage, and increase your vocabulary. 3. Show flexibility in adjusting reading rate to suit purpose and material. 4. Improve present reading level through practice of study skills, reading strategies, and memory techniques 5. Comprehend main ideas, thesis, examine purpose and effects in both expository and persuasive texts.

Student Learning Outcomes 1. Students will decide on the use of appropriate reading strategies to improve reading comprehension. 2. Students will respond analytically and critically to readings.

What materials will I need? Warner and Hilliard, Visions Across the Americas, 8th edition Doctorow, Welcome To Hard Times Reading 211 Strategies and Resources for Spring Quarter 2017 College dictionary, 2-3 small 8-½” X 7” blue books 3 ring binder for Strategies and Resources

How will I be evaluated and graded? This is a pass/no pass class. To receive a recommendation for English 1A, students must pass the Final Exam (70% or better); receive a Pass grade for the class (70% or better). These requirements are firm and need to be taken seriously.

33% Daily (Homework, In-class Performance, and Quizzes) 17% Book Review 17% Midterm 25% Final Exam 8% Vocabulary Test

What are the standards and penalties of this class? While the student is responsible for his/her success or failure, the instructor has the responsibility to facilitate an environment that guarantees the individual’s right to learn and succeed. Students are responsible for all class meetings, having all instructional materials, and completing all assignments on time. Involvement in class meetings insures meeting of course objectives and successful completion of assignments.

1. Assignments must be turned in on the time and date due and meet standards specified or will lose points or will not be accepted. It is student’s responsibility to communicate issues, with the instructor to discuss options. Students are responsible for 100% class notes, in class activities, and instructional materials distributed at class meetings. Students can access my website at Add coursematerials after last / to get course documents. 2. Respect for the standards, the subject, themselves, other students, and the instructor is required. Students who disrupt class learning through more than 3 combined absences/ tardiness/early departures for any reason, come to class unprepared, and/or prevent classmates from learning are subject to dismissal from class for the day and/or being dropped from the class. Other types of disruption include verbal or physical abuse, threats, inordinate demands for time and attention, harassment, and discrimination. 3. Students can be dropped due to neglect of assignments. Students who fail to turn in more than 2 assignments are subject to being dropped. Assignments not completed as directed, lose points or may not be accepted. 4. Students who miss any class or come late the first week of school, may be dropped to accommodate other students who want to get into the class. 5. Students’ success depends on preparation and participation in class meetings and assignments. Students are expected to plan appointments and outside activities around the scheduled class time and take responsibility for all classes and assignments. This means that when there are absences due to dire circumstances, students are responsible to get notes, handouts, and complete assignments by and for each class meeting when due. Students who desire to succeed and have special or unforeseen problems are expected to contact and consult with the instructor immediately, before tit creates a serious problem.

Fall Quarter 2017 TTH class 6. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in loss of points on the part copied or the whole assignment.

Thursday 11/23 is Thanksgiving holiday

The Final Exam Part 1 will be Tuesday 12/5 and Part 2 will be Tuesday 12/12 1:45-3:45.

Dear Reading 211 student:

Welcome to this class. I look forward to joyful and satisfying times together, sharing meaningful experiences, struggles, performances, and achievements.

In this class you will learn new strategies to comprehend expository essays and fictional literature to succeed in English 1A, as well as study strategies for all college classes. The reading content is very relevant and stimulating and will give you some ideas to improve your personal life.

I have a few suggestions to ensure success in this class. First, recognize a connection between yourself and this class. Ask yourself what are your challenges in your courses, at work, or in your personal life. Look for answers in this class. Be open to other ideas, skills, and strategies offered.

Second, find out how your instructor will grade you, on what activities, how many points, or what percent of the total grade. Find out the standard for grading on each assignment and do your best. Use the strategies you know and learn new ones. Realize that reading demands a lot of skills and practice and accept yourself where you are, while working your hardest to improve.

Third, find out your instructor’s values, goals, and policies. Studies continue to show that getting along with your boss will get you rewards. Punctuality communicates respect for your instructor, yourself, and classmates. Find out how much time and effort you will need to put into this course in class and out of class to succeed. What activities will help you learn?

Fourth, recognize that in order to get value out of the instructor and the course, and get a good grade, that there are certain preparations such as reading, studying, reviewing, having proper materials, knowing daily objectives, relating new information to objectives and to yourself, making inferences, getting to class early and getting ready to learn. For this summer class, you need to set aside 5 hours per class meeting.

Finally, while you are allowed a certain amount of absences, it is advisable to not miss any classes because each class is vital to performing well on tests, assignments, and projects. While classmates are helpful, remember they are learning, and cannot be depended on solely to get accurate information. Also, class offers learning activities that cannot be done outside of class. Therefore, to do well, today creatively make changes in upcoming appointments or other plans to not conflict with class. If relatives want you to help them out, explain to them assertively that your first priority is school and that to succeed you cannot afford to miss classes. Respect them to take care of themselves and find alternatives.

I pledge to give you all that I can to help you succeed. The rest is up to you to be receptive, responsible, and proactive.

Now it’s your turn, please help me understand you by completing the following information and by writing me a letter about yourself (about a page). This assignment is required and due at the next class meeting. Please help me work better with you.

By the way, if you now or ever have any concerns, please feel free to contact me before class, after class, or by telephone at 720- 1544. If you need more time, ask for an appointment. Do this before it’s too late!


Marian Wronsky

Two Recent Studies

Two recent studies compared under prepared students who succeeded in college to those who did not (Nelson, 1998; Yaworski, Weber, & Ibrahim, 2000). Their findings reveal a number of traits common among successful students. Specifically, successful students:

1) Attend class on time, 2) Are prepared for class (by completing course assignments), 3) Perceive instructors as experts, 4) Adhere to an organized study routine, 5) Develop a repertoire of study skills strategies, and 6) Take responsibility for their own learning. Fall Quarter 2017 TTH class

Fall Quarter 2017 TTH class

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