My Favourite Pub Walks .com

Dedicated to Pub Walkers across the UK

Grantchester and the meadows

By Paul Cane

Can be done on foot or by bike. Nearly 1 mile out to the starting point and then a 3 mile walk. The alternative route back, by bike, via Byron's Pool and Trumpington makes it 4.5 miles. See map.

The Green Man of Grantchester

Start at the junction of Barton Road and Grantchester Street on the corner of Lammas Land. A pleasant way here from the centre is via Silver Street, Sheep's Green, the Mill Pond and Lammas Land - see the Coe Fen walk.

Head down Grantchester Street and then bear right into Eltisley Avenue. Follow this into Grantchester Meadows road which soon becomes more of a track than a road. At the end pass onto the cycle/footpath between hedges.

This soon comes out onto open land - the famous Grantchester Meadows. This is where the early Pink Floyd spent time 'grooving in a cave with a pict' - no cave or pict to be found these days. Must have been in the mind ... The singer, guitarist, main inspiration of the first Pink Floyd and generally wayward genius, Syd Barrett, lived in Cambridge up until his recent death - bless his socks!

The river is to your left across the water meadow. There are probably several romantic trysts in full swing. Keep to the path crossing a couple of cattle grids. Where the meadow opens up on your right with houses in view beyond you can take a strictly non obligatory excursion: bear right (noticing very small ancient earthworks to your left), over a stile, turn right onto the road down to the Blue Ball pub - a quiet local. And back again of course. Otherwise follow the main path until it reaches the edge of the lovely village of Grantchester. Find your way onto the paved The Footpath and almost immediately turn right into the back of the garden of the Green Man pub. After pints of foaming ale or whatever return to The Footpath and turn right, meeting a road a little further on. Explore further down the village to the left if you wish - see the alternative return route. Otherwise turn right and have a look at the church, made famous by the poet Rupert Brooke. My Favourite Pub Walks .com

Dedicated to Pub Walkers across the UK

Continue on to the front of the Green Man, and then right into the dead end off the High Street leading to the Red Lion pub. Continue to the end of this lane passing out into Grantchester Meadows via the gate. Make your way back to Grantchester Meadows road in Cambridge - walk across the Meadow to the river and follow this left if you want a change of scenery from the path you came on, although occasional ditches will take you back to the path unless you are good at long jump or don't mind getting wet. Once on the road, find your way back the same way to the starting point.

Alternative return route - recommended if you've got a bike Via Byron's Pool and Trumpington: best done by bike as a lot of it is on the road. Turn left out of The Footpath. Stop off at the very pleasant Orchard tea gardens on the left if you wish. The tea room has information about Grantchester and Rupert Brooke.

Follow the road around sharp bends. Fine houses in view, including one owned by Jeffrey Archer. Soon you'll be on the bridge by the old mill and mill pond. Have a walk around by the water's edge. Continue on the road, shortly coming to another bridge. Just past the first house on the right is a wide track through woodland taking you to Byron's Pool. Presumably the famous Lord swam here. Find your way back to the bridge on the road by following the river as closely as paths allow. There is a nice picnic spot in a clearing as you near the road. Back on the road towards Trumpington, continue on, passing Trumpington church on your right. Fork left just past the church into Church Lane; this takes you to the main road (High Street, Trumpington). On your left are the fine wrought iron gates of Trumpington Hall. Turn left down the High Street: this takes you right in to the city centre - there is a cycle path most of the way. If you need to get back to the walk's starting point, turn left just past the Brooklands Avenue junction onto the path following Vicar's Brook. Avoiding right turns, cross 2 major branches of the Cam. Follow the tarmac drive (watch out for sleeping policemen) beyond the second bridge back to our starting point.