Type AB Simple Weekly Menu Planner

Breakfast Lunch Supper Snack

Protein Shake Vegetable Nut Pate Hayter’s Turkey Sausage Northern Bean Dip w/ Monday Mixed raw vegetables including snow Steamed Veg incl. beets, veggies or Red Roasted Millet Rice Cereal w rice milk peas, red peppers, carrots, cucumber cauliflower, spinach or Swiss chard Pepper Dip w/ spinach risotto balls

Mesclun Mix Green Salad Cod with Vegetables Pumpkin Rice Muffins Tuesday 2 soft boiled eggs with Ezekiel Home-made Dressing Brown Rice w/ stir-fried zucchini toast Sardines or tuna salad w/ rice cakes Oatmeal & Raisin cookies

Wednesday Oatmeal with chia seeds, Romaine Caesar Salad Pad Thai Meatballs/Noodles and Trail mix with walnuts, raisins, cinnamon With left-over turkey slices Stir Fry dried blueberry, cranberry Miso Soup Or Protein Bar

Blueberry-cranberry spelt Butternut Squash & Northern Bean Turkey Stir Fry Hummus with Rice Chips Thursday pancakes with maple syrup Soup Brown Rice, Carrots, Onions, Spelt Tortilla with Egg Salad Broccoli, Zucchini, bok choy Helen’s Blueberry- Cranberry Yogurt Muffin

Sweet Potato Zucchini Spelt Crust Pizza w/ pesto sauce Wild Pacific Salmon Organic Goat Milk Kefir Friday pancakes w/ butter and Vegetables sticks with Goat-Feta Dip Or pan-fried Tilapia or optional agave nectar Cooked quinoa w/ wheat free Org Yogurt w/fresh berries tamari

Almond Butter on spelt toast Home-made Turkey Soup Broiled Lamb Chops Apple Lemon Kale Saturday With optional pure honey Turkey Burger on Ezekiel bun Brown Rice with Maryan’s Pineapple Green Smoothie Luscious Dressing, broccoli

Omelette with feta cheese, Spinach Salad & Ginger Dressing Roast Turkey Vegetable Pie Millet Pudding Sunday mozzarella, tomato, onions, Lentil Soup, brown wild rice cakes Turnip fries Romano, asparagus with butter Ela’s No-Grain Carrot Cake Rice Pudding