Turkish Bank Gains a Competitive Edge and Gives Users Self-Service Reporting Tools

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Turkish Bank Gains a Competitive Edge and Gives Users Self-Service Reporting Tools

Microsoft SQL Server Customer Solution Case Study

Turkish Bank Gains a Competitive Edge and Gives Users Self-Service Reporting Tools

“This is a highly competitive market, and we often need to turn around financial reports the same day that management requests them. Now, we can easily do so with SQL Server 2012, and that helps the bank react faster to market changes.” Ersin Ünal, Database Administration Manager, Intertech/DenizBank

DenizBank, one of Turkey’s fastest-growing banks, wanted to compete better in the regional market and give its employees self-service data analysis and reporting capabilities. It also needed to reduce the time it took to build reports. DenizBank deployed a business intelligence (BI) solution that reduces report development time and helps to make it more competitive. Now employees can create their own reports, without relying on IT, and the bank has an integrated solution that boosts efficiency.

Business Needs which operates 600 domestic Founded in 1938, DenizBank provides DenizBank branches. Its subsidiary a range of lending and investment Intertech provides Microsoft-based IT services to customers throughout solutions to financial institutions. Turkey. Owned by European financial group Dexia, DenizBank is part of As one of the fastest-growing financial DenizBank Financial Services Group, institutions in the region, DenizBank

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published March 2012 must react quickly to changes in the SharePoint Server, and other Microsoft market to stay competitive. “There is products for many years,” says Ünal. Helps Bank Gain a Competitive Edge very heavy competition in the finance “We have a close relationship with Because analysts and branch managers market in Turkey,” says Ersin Ünal, Microsoft, and the technologies have create their own reports, there is no Database Administration Manager, met our needs very well.” more reliance on IT. “Previously, Intertech/DenizBank. “All the banks employees had to wait up to several have challenging annual growth targets, One reason DenizBank wanted to months for IT to get them BI reports,” and there are still new players coming upgrade to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 says Ünal. “Now, users can develop into the market.” Enterprise database management their own reports and publish them to software was to use Power View, the the SharePoint Server portal.” To stay ahead in this business new data visualization reporting tool environment, Intertech analysts must in SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services. As a result, DenizBank can compete regularly produce accurate, timely DenizBank was also interested in the BI better in its region. “This is a highly analytical BI reports for DenizBank. Semantic Model in SQL Server 2012 competitive market, and we often need These financial reports are used as the Analysis Services, a SQL Server 2012 to turn around financial reports the basis for trend analysis, business semantic layer that works with Power same day that management requests scorecards, and comparisons between View and Microsoft Excel 2010 them,” says Ünal. “Now, we can easily actual revenue and target revenue. For spreadsheet software. do so with SQL Server 2012, and that the past several years, Intertech helps the bank react faster to market produced these reports, using Microsoft In December 2011, the bank changes.” The bank will also be more SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services. It implemented a new BI solution that competitive because its reports are took weeks, or even months, before a uses Power View, SQL Server 2012 more accurate. “Many reports are report was completed, because of the Analysis Services, and Microsoft created from one data source, so there busy workload that IT employees were SharePoint Server 2010 for report is more consistency and accuracy,” faced with. generation. The solution, deployed on Ünal says. “That gives us better HP DL 380 G7 and HP DL 580 G7 business insight.” As DenizBank sought to gain more of a server computers, includes 10 SQL competitive advantage, its senior Server 2012 Analysis Services Gives Users Self-Service Reporting management requested faster report databases, with 3 gigabytes of data in Tools turnaround times. “They wanted reports each database. Data is structured for Using the bank’s new Microsoft BI to be produced in only a few days, and online analysis using SQL Server 2012 solution, non-IT employees can quickly some business units even wanted Analysis Services, powered by the and easily create and publish their own reports within hours,” says Ünal. “Those xVelocity in-memory analytical engine. financial reports. “With SQL Server kinds of timelines were impossible for IT 2012 Power View, our analysts, branch to meet, because of all the other tasks The solution, which employs the BI managers, portfolio managers, and they need to perform.” Semantic Model, generates 32 Power head office staff have the self-service View reports and gives self-service BI reporting capabilities they need, and For these reasons, the bank wanted to reporting tools to 250 analysts and they are empowered to do their own give its analysts self-service BI reporting other non-IT bank employees. Once data analysis,” says Ünal. “They can do capabilities. “Our analysts need to the solution is in production in late rapid data analysis and create visually quickly create their own reports using 2012, 5,000 workers in the head office compelling and attractive reports and real-time financial data, while also and bank branches will be able to dashboards right from their having the ability to query the data to create their own analytical reports. computers.” rapidly discover business trends.” DenizBank started looking for a new Benefits Increases Employee Efficiency solution in July 2011. With its Microsoft BI solution, With the new solution, employees can DenizBank can compete better, and now work more efficiently. “SQL Server Solution employees have easy-to-use, self- 2012 Power View is a great, user- DenizBank and Intertech considered service reporting tools at their friendly BI visualization capability that only Microsoft for its new solution. “We fingertips. Employees can also save makes our employees more efficient,” have used Microsoft SQL Server, time and be more efficient. says Ünal. “Power View gives them

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published March 2012 drag-and-drop capabilities and The BI Semantic Model also increases we can easily move among those dashboards that are easy to understand overall BI efficiency. “With the SQL environments,” says Ünal. “We’re more and facilitate data analysis and report Server 2012 BI Semantic Model in efficient from a BI perspective, which creation.” place, we now have personal BI, team gives us more flexibility and sets us BI, and organizational BI in place, and apart from the competition.”

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published March 2012

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