Medium Term Workplan (2010 2015)

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Medium Term Workplan (2010 2015)

______2010/SOM3/ISTWG/017 Agenda Item: 7

ISTWG Medium Term Workplan (2010 – 2015)

Purpose: Consideration Submitted by: Lead Shepherd

39th Industrial Science and Technology Working Group Meeting Sendai, Japan 21-22 September 2010 MEDIUM TERM WORKPLAN (2010 – 2015)

Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG)


Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was formed in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies. Its goal is to advance Asia-Pacific economic dynamism and sense of community. APEC’s 21 member economies today are growing rapidly, and account for more than half of the total world income and global trade.

One of APEC’s specific objectives is to enhance the positive gains, both for the region and the world economy, resulting from increasing economic interdependence, to include encouraging the flow of goods, services, capital, and technology. The APEC Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG) has a critical and strategic role to play in helping member economies achieve these positive gains by encouraging widespread access to and knowledge about industrial science and technology.

APEC’s ability to harness technologies for the future and to develop the human resources needed for innovation will support sustainable economic growth and be a vital complement to efforts to facilitate increased investment and trade in the region.

APEC Leaders, Ministers and Senior Officials currently put in place the APEC growth strategy which sustains our environment, and which seeks to raise our growth potential through innovation and a knowledge-based economy. They are also ensured that the economic growth in our region is consistent with sustainable development and we should take steps to facilitate the diffusion of climate-friendly technologies, including through economic and technical cooperation (ECOTECH) and capacity building activities.

Goals of ISTWG in 2010-2015

 Enhanced economic growth, trade and investment opportunities, in harmony with sustainable development, through policies, innovative R&D and technologies, and knowledge sharing;  Better quality of life and a cleaner environment;  Safe and secure society, emphasizing the importance of measures for infectious diseases and natural disasters;  Human resource capacity building;  Enhanced international science and technology (S&T) networks;  Improved level of connection between research and innovation, involving and encouraging potentials of SMEs; and  Strengthened technological cooperation and achievement of best practices in strategic planning for IST projects and programs;

Key Priorities of ISTWG in 2010-2015 In order to achieve the goals of ISTWG, ISTWG will work on the key priorities, through the Work Program described in Section II. ISTWG will keep these key priorities and work programs under review in every ISTWG meeting in the first half of the year.

 Enhanced policy dialogue and review;  Sustainable development and climate change;  Human resource capacity building;  International S&T networks; and  Innovation and high-technology


1. Enhanced Policy Dialogue and Review

ISTWG will support opportunities for dialogue among the APEC member economies in order to exchange views, share knowledge and experience, and provide a clear and dynamic vision around which to build regional S&T networks and partnerships and focus ISTWG activities.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY Build linkage Innovation Policy Forum P Forum is a venue of mutual Every year in 2010- OECD, Private between APEC leaning for government 2015 Sectors (Industries economies  Propose to get an OECD presenter to officials of APEC economies and Businesses) (Innovative growth) help ISTWG with the innovation policy in ISTWG so that they can  Inclusion of topics on Intellectual raise their capacities in Property policy developing and  Emphasize on public-private partnership implementing innovation policy by learning from each other’s best experiences and practices. Build linkage Reducing Transaction Cost, Increasing Sustaining knowledge Every year in 2010- between APEC Foreign Direct Investment through economies, reducing 2015 economies Transparent Governance on Research transaction cost and (Innovative growth) Integrity within APEC Economies increasing international trade and investment through good governance on research integrity; Setting up a research integrity management GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY framework for international research collaboration within APEC; and Proposing a research integrity management training program for international research collaboration within APEC.

2. Sustainable Development & Climate Change

ISTWG will support activities that enhance environmentally sustainable development with particular regard to technological policies and practices that affect the private sector or that require regional Science & Technology cooperation to provide necessary scientific information and shared research to create a better living environment.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY Safeguarding the APEC Climate Center for Climate APCC provides optimized Every year in 2010- EWG (potential) Quality of Life Information Services to Society climate prediction 2015 through Sustainable information to 21 APEC Growth APEC Research Center for Technology members, including those Foresight members which have no capability to produce the CTF has been conducting the Research on high-cost climate the Futures of Low Carbon Society: Climate information. Change & Adaptation for Economies in APEC beyond 2050 and plans to further APCC also helps member economies reduce negative utilize the result to recommend policy and economic impacts, protect build capacity for member economies lives and properties, and towards sustainable growth. Possible further promote economic developments include technology prosperity. roadmapping of low-carbon technologies. Safeguarding the Research on the Futures of Low Carbon Aim to envision and describe Every year in 2010- EWG Quality of Life Society: Climate Change & Adaptation for the future society where a 2015 through Sustainable Economies in APEC beyond 2050 low carbon economy and GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY Growth adaptive lifestyle become the principle drivers governing trade and development and to formulate short, middle, and long term strategies for the region in terms of technological development. Safeguarding the APEC Center for Typhoon and Society Aiming to reduce socio- Every year in 2010- EPWG, WMO Quality of Life economic losses caused by 2015 through Sustainable typhoon Growth Safeguarding the Disaster Reduction Hyperbase-Asian Providing technical Every year in 2010- EPWG Quality of Life Application (DRH-Asia) assistances for disaster 2015 through Sustainable reduction policies in the Growth This project consists of: 1) Formation of APEC regions through DRH-Alliance with APEC economies. 2) application of the DRH APEC Workshop on Implementation Strategy system, a web-based of Disaster Reduction. information platform for disseminating useful disaster reduction technology and knowledge. Safeguarding the APEC Symposium on Low-Carbon EWG Reach a common In 2011 Quality of Life Technology and Industrial Cooperation understanding on joint through Sustainable development of “low-carbon Growth The symposium highly focuses on the economy” through Industrial common issues arising from climate change technical cooperation among that all the APEC member economies come APEC members; across and could not stay away from or manage to meet on one’s own. International Set up a technology transfer cooperation in emerging industries, platform to facilitate low- especially in low-carbon technology and carbon technical industrial cooperation between APEC cooperation among APEC members and others as well; members are very important to address the common goal of a green and sustainable GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY economic development. Develop an adoptable “low- carbon practice” that would benefit all APEC member economies.

Safeguarding the APEC - DRH Information Platforms for Promoting implementation Every year in 2010- EPWG Quality of Life Disseminating Implementation technologies and knowledge 2015 through Sustainable Technologies of Disaster Reduction in for disaster reduction through Growth APEC Economies DRH information platform in APEC economies. Safeguarding the APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Provide environmental Every year in 2010- Quality of Life Technology Exchange technology and information 2012 through Sustainable from governments, business Growth and environmental organization through the internet. Safeguarding the Develop the Eco-Environmental Impact Developing the eco- Every year in 2010- HWG Quality of Life Assessment Estimating Tool environmental impact 2015 assessment estimating tool such that a simplified means of deriving key eco- environmental information for ICT equipment / assets can be obtained Safeguarding the Comparative Research on Water To analyze and compare In 2011 HWG Quality of Life Treatment Technologies advanced water treatment through Sustainable technologies and give advice Growth to stakeholders who are in charge of conducting water treatment project. To facilitate the establishment of more environmental friendly water treatment projects with recommended technologies GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY in this project for the objective of sustainable development.

3. Human Resource Capacity Building

The ISTWG will help to advance initiatives decided upon by APEC to improve human resource development in the IST area. The ISTWG will conduct activities to expand researcher mobility and increase public interest in S&T, particularly among young people and women, with due regard to skill development and to education and training needs in IST. In order to increase the participation of women and ethnic communities in S&T, the ISTWG also stresses the importance of mainstreaming gender and minority concerns in its activities. Work in this area will be linked to work carried out by other APEC forum, especially the Human Resources and Development Working Group (HRDWG).

GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY Developing human APEC Youth Festival Provide young students 4th APEC Youth HRDWG capital around the APEC Region an Festival in Thailand in Target participants consist of approximately international platform and 2011 and every two 400 APEC and 300 local students aged of 15 opportunities to articulate year in a volunteering ideas, point of views from to 18 years old, as well as some 200 member economy. educators/mentors for APEC youth students. their locality knowledge as well as bringing awareness importance of S&T and its impact on global concerns and environment issues and put forward to proposed solutions from S&T aspects. Developing human APEC R&D Management Training Building a sound and robust Every year in 2010- HRDWG capital Program (ART) S&T network among APEC 2015 economies by exchanging S&T experts and sharing the best S&T policy practices. Developing human APEC S&T Mentoring Center for the Gifted Develop the human network Every year in 2010- HRDWG capital in Science for the Gifted in Science 2015 professional from APEC Organizing APEC Future Scientist economies. Build an infrastructure for GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY Conference science educators, scientists and the Gifted in Science for positive cooperation. Developing human APEC International Master’s Program: Promote economy Every year in 2010- HRDWG capital Policies for Technology Innovation and integration by development 2015 Entrepreneurship of innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem based on free commerce and investment rules.

4. International S&T Networks

ISTWG supports the creation of networks of S&T communities in Asia Pacific region that encourage the open flow of information and researchers. It also supports the establishment of “one-stop” technology centers, such as technology parks and engineering research centers, that have a multilateral collaborative and networking dimension, and provide facilities for technology development, training and information sharing for businesses, research institutions and institutions of higher learning. It supports the creation of networks among these centers to facilitate more widespread cooperative activities.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY Build linkage Enhancement of Interaction and Enhancing In 2010-2015 TELWG between APEC Networking of IST Human Resources in network/community of the economies the Region by Utilizing ICT experts in the region with a (Innovative growth) view to maximizing its Launching a project researching on how innovative potentiality with currently practically available ICT tools (ex. policy recommendations as Web page, Blog, SNS, Wiki, online meeting to effective use of ICT and tools) are. an optimal format of network/community in the region Build linkage APEC ISTI Database Promoting the exchange of Every year in 2010- between APEC information regarding the 2015 economies Database on Science and Technology S&T of member economy in (Innovative growth) indicators (e.g. R&D expenditures, human the region. resources, etc.) available via internet. Build linkage APEC Research Network for Advanced To innovate a high rate bio- Every year in 2010- GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY between APEC Bio-hydrogen Technology hydrogen production system, 2015 economies including bacterial (Innovative growth) screening, cultivation, bioreactor design, optimum operation, scale-up technology, biogas purification, applications of high value-added liquid products, reuse of organic wastes, as well as the molecular monitoring techniques on the bio- hydrogen bioprocess Build linkage APEC Network for Materials Evaluation Study on the difference of In 2011-2012 between APEC Technology meteorology found in APEC economies economies. (Innovative growth)

5. Innovation and high-technology

ISTWG also supports the innovative activities in the industries and businesses of the region and it also focuses on the projects especially in the fields of new and high-technology such as bio-technology, nanotechnology, aerospace, and measuring science, etc.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY Build linkage Advancing biotechnology and ensuring Accessing life science In 2010-2011 EWG between APEC sustainable financing developments; economies (Innovative growth) Looking at strategic partnerships with industry and capital; and


Build linkage APEC International Biogas Resources Promoting APEC member In 2011 EWG between APEC Development and Utilization Science and economies’ communication economies Technology Cooperation Forum and cooperation on biogas (Innovative growth) and other new energy development and utilization technologies, develop high effective energy technologies, strengthen regional cooperation, attract more energy investments, promote cross-boundary energy trade and promote common prosperity of APEC. Build linkage Seminar on Satellite Data Application for Exchange of experience in In 2011-2012 between APEC REDD Project Support in APEC-Satellite organizing and carrying out economies Imagery Data Application to Resolve REDD projects, using (Innovative growth) Climate Change Response Tasks by satellite technology for Monitoring Forest Cover Dynamics in the monitoring and verification; APEC Economies improve the understanding of REDD projects Seminar on satellite data application for development trends, REDD project support in APEC especially with the deployment of Remote Sensing. Build linkage Innovation Technology of Helium Providing impetus to new In 2010 between APEC Industrial Processing and its Influence on high-tech projects in the field economies Economic Impacts of Helium Distribution of nanotechnologies, energy (Innovative growth) under Regional Aspects in the APEC Zone engineering, market oriented R&D. Build linkage APEC Capacity Building Seminar on Gathering experts in In 2011-2012 between APEC Nutrigenomics Nutrigenomics to discuss the economies interrelationships of diet, GOALS/OBJECTIVES ACTION ITEMS/SPECIFIC PROCESSES/ACTIVITIES EXPECTED OUTCOMES TIMEFRAME COOPERATING PARTY (Innovative growth) disease and the application of Nutrigenomics in the improvement of health of individual APEC members.

III. ISTWG Meeting Plan in 2010-2015

Science & Technology Ministerial Meeting/ Year Leaders' Meeting ISTWG (Spring) ISTWG (Autumn) Youth Festival Innovation Ministerial Meeting Korea 2015 TBC TBC TBC (Tentative) Canada 2014 TBC TBC TBC (Tentative) Australia 2013 Indonesia SOM1 in Indonesia TBC (Tentative) Chinese Taipei 2012 Russia Russia (Tentative) SOM1 in Russia (Tentative)

2011 U.S. SOM1 in the U.S. Chile Thailand

2010 Japan Secretariat SOM3 in Japan

 ISTWG meeting and event will be hosted by one member economy in the principle of “Voluntarism” and “Rotational Basis”  APEC STMM or Innovation ministerial meeting will be held in a voluntary member economy every two year from the year of 2012  ISTWG meeting in the first half year will be held on the occasion of the first Senior Official Meeting (SOM) in the host economy of the APEC Leaders’ meeting and ISTWG meeting in the second half year will be held in one voluntary member economy. If there is no voluntary economy to host the ISTWG meeting, the APEC Secretariat will be alternative meeting place on the condition that ISTWG will pay “Administrative Recovery Fee (ARF)”  APEC Youth Festival will be held every two year in a voluntary member economy from the year of 2011

IV. ISTWG Leadership Group in 2010-2015  ISTWG Lead Shepherd is selected every two year from a voluntary member economy in an alphabetical order and with ISTWG members’ consensus. (The objective and responsibility of ISTWG lead shepherd will be consistent with the “APEC Consolidated Guidelines on the Rotation System for Lead Shepherd/Chair and Deputy Lead Shepherd/Chair of APEC Working Groups and Other APEC Fora” adopted in 1998.)

 The previous lead shepherd assists the current lead shepherd as Deputy Lead Shepherd and assumes the position of lead shepherd when the lead shepherd could not continue his/her duties.

 In 2010-2011, Madame Wan Zaharah Wan Mohamad from Malaysia will serve ISTWG lead shepherd. In 2012-13 and 2014-15, Mexico and New Zealand each is expected to serve next ISTWG lead shepherd with two year term.

 ISTWG Sub-group Chairs are selected in a voluntary and rotational basis with two year term when a new lead shepherd is appointed. They assist a lead shepherd as Friends of the Chair (FOTC) and serve an ISTWG project assessment/evaluation as standing ISTWG QAF (project qualification assessment framework) member.

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