(A) They Wanted to Discover and Explore New Lands

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(A) They Wanted to Discover and Explore New Lands


1. Which of the Following BEST explains why the ancestors of the Amerindians ended up in the Americas? (a) They wanted to discover and explore new lands (b) They were pushed out by enemies who were stronger than they were (c) They were following the herds of deer which thy needed for food (d) The mineral resources of the Americasattracted them.

2. Which of the following territories was inhabited by Tainos in 1492? (a) Belize (b) Jamaica (c) Dominica (d) St. Vincent

3. Which of the following were duties of the Cacique? (i) to organize the work of the village (ii) to decide on his successor (iii) to decide whether or not to attack other tribes (iv) To lead his people in festivals and ceremonies

(a) i and iii (b) ii, iii and iv (c) I, ii and iii (d) I, ii, iii, iv

4. Which of the following activities was MOST closely associated with the Taino practice of religion? (a) fishing for turtles (b) hunting for water fowls (c) drinking chichita (d) smoking tobacco

5. Which Indigenous group is believed to have used cocoa beans for trading? (a) Maya (b) Kalinago (c) Taino (d) Inca

6. In the late 15th century in Europe there was religious rivalry between Christians and ______(a) Pagans (b) Heathens (c) Moors (d) Anglicans 7. Which wind system was responsible for the arrival of Columbas ships into the Caribbean. (a) The Northern Equatorial current (b) The Southern Equatorial current (c) The North Atlantic Drift (d) The North East Trade Winds

8. The genocide of the Tainos after Spanish conquest occurred Mainly because (a) They were exported to Europe (b) They were killed in wars (c) They were offered as human sacrifices (d) They were overworked and ill treated

9. Which of the following policy regarding ownership was adopted by the Spanish in the New World after 1492? (a) Effective Occupation (b) Prior Discovery (c) Military Occupation (d) Divine Appointment

10. The Main interest of the Dutch in the Caribbean in the 17th Century was in (a) Searching for minerals and precious stones (b) Controlling the trade of the British and French colonies (c) Investing in sugar plantations (d) Buying salt for their fishing industry

11. In the 15th century in West Africa slaves were acquired in all of the following ways, EXCEPT (a) In famine, parents placed children with the wealthy (b) Prisoners of war (c) Through Race riots (d) people were sold as payment for debt

12. Which of the following was NOT a reason for tobacco growing becoming unprofitable in the Caribbean? (a) competition from Virginian tobacco (b) a rise in the demand for cotton (c) decline in the price paid for tobacco (d) Increased demand for sugar as a sweetener

13. All of the following were consequences of the change from tobacco to sugar, EXCEPT. (a) Indigenous population increase (b) larger farms (c) a large labour force (d) displacement of settlers 14. The loss of slaves on the Middle passage was due mainly to (a) riots and mutinies (b) starvation and branding (c) dysentery and smallpox (d) being thrown overboard

15. Drumming and hornblowing were forbidden among slaves in the new world because (a) It made the slaves homesick (b) It was considered noisy and disruptive (c) It was considered barbaric by missionaries (d) It was feared as communication tools among slaves

16. All of the following were measures used to control enslaved Africans, except (a) slaves could not assembly in groups (b) slaves could not cultivate provision grounds (c) slaves could not leave estates without permission (d) African religious and cultural expressions were outlawed.

17. Which of the following was the least common form of protest used by slaves in the British Caribbean in the 18th century (a) petitioning the Crown (b) sabotage of equipment (c) armed revolt (d) poisoning of livestock

18. Which of the following was the leader of the Mulatto revolt in St. Dominique (a) Le Clerc (b) Hughes (c) Oge (d) Petion

19. In which order did the following revolts occur i Berbice Revolt (a) i, ii, iii, iv ii Barbados Revolt (b) i, iv, ii, iii iii Christmas Revolt (c) i, iv, ii, iv iv Haitian Revolution (d) iv, iii, ii, i

20. The term Maroon means (a) runaway slaves (b) mountain dweller (c) enslaved African (d) forest hunter 21. The British Caribbean planters who supported the abolition of the slaves trade did so mainly on the grounds of (a) law (b) morality (c) economics (d) religion

22. The amelioration proposals included i. freeing all slaves under 6 (a) i, ii, iii, iv ii not dividing slave families (b) i, ii, and iii iii not flogging worker (c) i, and ii iv compensating slaves for overtime work (d) ii, and iii

23. Who led the campaign for the abolition of the slave trade in the British Parliament in the 1830’s (a) Granville Sharp (b) William Wilberforce (c) Thomas Clarkson (d) Thomas Buxton

24. All of the following were included in the Emancipation Act of 1833, except (a) All slaves under 6 years to be freed (b) Planters to receive compensation of £20M (c) Stipendiary Magistrates were to be appointed (d) Land was to be sold to ex-slaves by planters

25. What system did the British create to facilitate the transition to a free society? (a) Apprenticeship (b) Immigration (c) Manumission (d) Christianization

26. Which of the following were brought to the Caribbean to form a middle class and model a “civilized lifestyle” from 1830’s (a) Chinese (b) Indians (c) Europeans (d) Syrians

27. The Main reason why India was preferred to China as a source of immigrant labour was that - (a) Indian immigrants were good peasant farmers (b) Indians were skilled in agriculture (c) Indians were less expensive to transport and generally stayed longer (d) Indians were liked by the blacks. 28. Because of their fear of religious conversion, Indian immigrants (a) pretended to be Christians (b) refused to send their children to school (c) did not marry black ex-slaves (d) returned home after one year

29. All of the following led to the stoppage of Chinese immigration to the West Indies, except (a) China began to suffer from depopulation (b) Chinese mortality rate was very high (c) The government in China felt it hurt Chinese pride (d) Chinese immigrants were expensive to transport

30. The BEST reason for describing the Indian immigration scheme as a “new system of slavery” is (a) The long journey between India and the Caribbean (b) living and working conditions on plantation (c) recruitment practices in India (d) The way they were transported on ships

31. Which of the following was NOT an effect of Indian immigration in the Caribbean (a) They diversified the culture of the region (b) They introduced new skills into agriculture (c) They introduced new religious practices (d) They established retail trading

32. Which of the following actions were introduced to hinder peasant development in the Caribbean i. refusing to sell crown lands (a) i, ii and iv ii evicting squatters from crown lands (b) i and iii only iii introduction of immigrants (c) i and iv only iv selling land in large parcels (d) i, ii, iii, iv

33. Which of the following islands had the LEAST established peasantry (a) Barbados (b) Jamaica (c) Trinidad (d) Guyana

34. The Indo-Caribbean peasantry in Trinidad was largely responsible for the development of the following crop (a) Limes (b) Cocoa (c) Banana (d) Sugarcane 35. One political effect of the development of the peasantry was the acquisition of (a) Property (b) Voting rights (c) Social status (d) Business

36. The Peasantry in the Caribbean was instrumental in the introductions of the following crops- except (a) Rice (b) Arrowroot (c) Wheat (d) Limes

37. Which of the following policies influenced United States’ interest in the Caribbean up to the 19th century (a) A good neighbour policy (b) Platt Amendment (c) Manifest Destiny (d) Mercantilism

38. The main reason for United States’ invasion of Cuba in 1898 was to (a) Fulfil an old desire for control of Cuba (b) Protect American life and property (c) Establish a naval presence (d) Retaliate for Spanish attack on the USS Maine

39. In which of the following countries did the US intervene after it failed to pay its debts to European nations? (a) Puerto Rico (b) Panama (c) The Dominican Republic (d) Cuba

40. In which Caribbean country did the US intervene after a coup to remove the pro- communist leaders? (a) Grenada (b) Cuba (c) Jamaica (d) Haiti

41. United States involvement in the Caribbean has produced all of the following, except (a) Increased American investment (b) Influx of American culture (c) Introduction of democracy in the region (d) Increased trade between US and Caribbean 42. Which of the following was NOT responsible for the disturbances among workers in the British West Indies in the 1930’s (a) Low wages (b) Increased pleasant production (c) Poor living conditions (d) High unemployment

43. All of the following were involved in the development of trade unions in the British West Indies, except (a) Critchlow (b) Prescott (c) Cipriani (d) Butler

44. Which of the following Political leader is NOT correctly matched with the Political Party he founded? (a) The People’s National Party - Norman Manley (b) The People’s Progressive Party - Forbes Burnam (c) People’s National Congress - Chedi Jagan (d) People’s National Movement - Authur Ciprani

45. Which of the following played an important role in the 1930’s workers’ struggles in St. Kitts? (a) Uriah Butler (b) Clement Payne (c) Grantley Adams (d) Robert Bradshaw

46. The Moyne Commission recommended all of the following, except (a) Creation of a West Indian Welfare Fund (b) Independence from Britain (c) The diversification of crops (d) Closer association among the Windward and Leeward Islands

47. All of the following are reasons for Britain outstanding Crown colony government in its colonies, except (a) It wanted to prevent the dominance of blacks in Assemblies (b) It wanted control over the transition process from slaves to free societies (c) It wanted to reduce government excesses and inefficiencies (d) It wanted to gradually ease all colonies into independence 48. The factors which contributed to the failure of the West Indies Federation of 1958 were the i. Lack of funding for the Federation (a) i and ii only ii Insularity of Caribbean political leaders (b) i and iv only iii Withdrawal of Jamaica from the Federation (c) i, iii and iv only iv Federation (d) i, ii, iii and iv

49. After the 1958 Federation was dissolved the Eastern Caribbean Islands tried to (a) form a free trade union (b) return some form of closer union (c) gain independence individually (d) form a clever relationship with the US

50. Which set of territories entered into a political relationship described as Assimilation with the Mother country? (a) Dutch Colonies (b) Spanish Colonies (c) French Colonies (d) English Colonies

51. In which chronological order were the following cultivated for export from the British Caribbean area? (a) Tobacco, sugar, bananas (b) Sugar, bananas, tobacco (c) Bananas, tobacco, sugar (d) Tobacco, bananas, sugar

52. Which of the following groups of countries is arranged in the chronological order in which they freed their enslaved? (a) France, Spain, Britain (b) Spain, France, Britain (c) Britain, France, Spain (d) Britain, Spain, France

53. In which chronological order did the following territories achieve independence? (a) Jamaica, Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad (b) Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados (c) Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados (d) Jamaica, Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad 54. In which chronological order did the following become MAJOR industries in the British Caribbean i. Banana (a) i, ii, iii, iv ii Tobacco (b) iii, ii, i, iv iii Sugar (c) ii, iii, i, iv iv Tourism (d) ii, iii, iv, i

55. In which order did the following events occur? i The abolition of the slave trade (a) i, iii, ii, iv ii The emancipation of slaves (b) i, iv, ii, iii iii The passage of the Sugar Duties Act (c) ii, i, iv, iii iv The introduction of Amelioration proposals (d) ii, iii, iv, i

56. The dominant system of government in the British West Indies before 1865 was a (a) Crown Colony Government (b) Proprietory Government (c) Representative Government (d) Self-Government

57. The large-scale movement from tobacco growing to sugar cultivation in the Caribbean described as (a) The Columbian exchange (b) The sugar revolution (c) Spanish colonization (d) The agricultural revolution

58. To solve their labour problems immediately after emancipation, most British Caribbean planters were in favour of (a) Immigration (b) Higher wages (c) Diversification (d) Mechanisation

59. In which of the following system of government in the British Caribbean did the Governor have MOST power? (a) Proprietory Government (b) Self-Government (c) Crown Colony Government (d) Representative Government

60. The notable event in Caribbean History which occurred in 1838 was the (a) End of the apprenticeship system (b) Introduction of the apprenticeship system (c) Approval of the amelioration proposals (d) Abolition of the tax on manumission ANSWERS 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. D 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. A 41. C 42. B 43. B 44. D 45. D 46. B 47. D 48. D 49. B 50. C 51. A 52. C 53. B 54. C 55. B 56. C 57. B 58. A 59. C 60. A

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