College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences s3

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College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences s3

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Executive Council - Minutes March 12, 2014 – Minard 204J

Present: David Bertolini, Betsy Birmingham, Jeffrey Clark, John Cox, Linda Fricker, Daniel Klenow, Mark Meister, John Miller, Carol Pearson, Kent Sandstrom, Michael Strand, Gary Totten, Rooth Varland

Guests: Kristi Wold-McCormick and RaNelle Ingalls

Kristi Wold-McCormick and RaNelle Ingalls discussed policy changes that are underway. These include: 1) Changes to criteria for graduating with honors (must take a minimum of 60 credits at NDSU and only the NDSU courses are counted). The GPA may also be reduced to 3.5 (currently 3.6). 2) Proposed change to definition of “in good academic standing” where all students must have a 2.0 GPA 3) Implementation of a new software program “CourseLeaf Catalog Management” for curriculum management and updating information in the NDSU Bulletin. 4) Formation of a new Scheduling Advisory Committee with representatives from academic units, Facilities Management, and Registration and Records. The committee will deal with space issues, teaching format/technology in spaces, and other scheduling issues. 5) The AHSS college general education requirements have been reduced to 9 credits, with 3 credits required from each of the three areas (Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences). Some professional programs will be exempted from this requirement.

Kudos/Announcements 1) Robert Littlefield is this year’s recipient of the Fred Waldron Research Award. 2) Michael Strand has been granted a 2014 Bush Fellowship. 3) John Cox will be on a Fulbright this fall. 4) The Department of Communication and the Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies are hosting Fulbright scholars. 5) Kay Thoreson (student) was awarded a Fulbright in Belgium; two other students are still awaiting decisions. 6) The Wind Symphony is back from performance at MMEA. 7) The Choral Journal ACDA will be co-edited by Michael Weber and Charlette Moe. 8) Meghan Kirkwood is organizing a trip to South Africa. 9) Gary Totten has been named editor of MELUS. 10) Jeffrey Bumgarner has accepted the position of Head of Criminal Justice and Political Science, beginning July 1, 2014. 11) Sociology/Anthropology will host a visiting scholar from Korea.

Faculty Activity Reports are due March 17.

Nominations for the college awards for outstanding teaching, service, research, and creative activity are due to the Awards Committee by March 15.

Chairs/heads were reminded to conduct third-year reviews for probationary faculty.

The final college meeting of the year is scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, at 3:00. Elections will be held for college committees and faculty senate. Chairs/Heads were asked to have nominations ready for these elections.

All NDSU employees are reminded to complete the mandatory annual Safety Training.

Dean Sandstrom would like to attend a departmental meeting this spring or early next fall for each unit.

Chairs/heads were reminded that ACE tutoring is available.

The Office of Registration and Records has asked departments to review and considering inactivating courses that have not been taught for a number of semesters. Linda Fricker reported that students in University 189 will be reading “Geography of Bliss” this fall. She would like faculty to participate by talking to these students about examples of their bliss. She has also organized an early move-in on August 21 for students in the dorms and welcomes involvement of faculty.

Searches 1) UNITE – African/Diaspora Heritage Studies – interviews in progress – two candidates this week and possibly two the week after spring break. 2) UNITE – Indigenous Tribal Studies Director – will conduct telephone interviews for twelve candidates and invite top candidates to campus for interviews. 3) Development Officer (with S&M) – position has been posted. Betsy Birmingham will chair the committee. 4) Grants Coordinator (with HD&E) – committee has conducted phone interviews and currently has three active candidates. Plans are to invite two to campus for interviews following spring break. 5) Provost Search – will conduct offsite interviews; finalists will be on campus following spring break. 6) Dean of Libraries – Kent Sandstrom will chair the committee. 7) Vice President for Student Affairs - Timothy Alvarez has accepted this position, beginning June 16.

Dean Sandstrom reminded chairs/heads of the three-year reviews required for all administrators. Reviews are due this year for administrators in the Department of Communication, the Department of History, Philosophy and Religious Studies, and the School of Music. The Dean’s review will be conducted next year. He requested an evaluation this year, but was told by the Provost it would be scheduled for AY 2014-15 because evaluations of other deans in the queue need to be completed first.

Departments were asked to update Kent on what is being done at the departmental level for alumni tracking and awards.

Evaluation and merit letters for faculty and lecturers should be completed prior to making salary recommendations.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Submitted by Cathy Heiraas

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