Chap. 14 Reading Quiz: the Resurgence of Empire in South Asia Name: ______

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Chap. 14 Reading Quiz: the Resurgence of Empire in South Asia Name: ______

This reading quiz COMBINES two chapters. Be sure to complete ALL parts of the quiz. Chap. 14 Reading Quiz: The Resurgence of Empire in South Asia Name: ______

Part A -- ANALYSIS: You may need an additional sheet of paper to fully answer each part of the question. (15 POINTS POSSIBLE)

1) Examine the picture of foreign dignitaries visiting China during the Tang Dynasty on page 285. What is the meaning of the phrase, "the Middle Kingdom?" Why does this phrase seem appropriate based on this picture? Give ONE clear example of how an historian would use the picture?

2) Read Sources from the Past, page 286, The Poet Du Fu on Tang Dynasty Wars. Give one example of a phrase that shows the poet's feelings about the wars. How would the Tang rulers respond to Du Fu's interpretations? How could an historian use this poetry?

3) View the two (2) pictures from the Song Dynasty on page 288 and 289. What do each picture tell the observer about life for commoners during the Song era? How would an historian use the picture on page 289 to explain trade in Kaifeng.

4) Read Eyewitness, "Xuangzang: A Young Monk Hits the Road" on pages 281-282. Then examine the two pictures on pages 296 and 297. To what extent can the spread of Buddhism be attributed to the individual actions of Xuangzang? What other factors might explain the popularity of Buddhism beyond India? How could an historian connect the two pictures?

5) Examine the picture on page 301. What does the picture convey about the political situation of Kamakura Japan? How could this picture be used to contrast with the values of the Nara and Heian eras? How could an historian use this picture to illustrate the idea of bushido (you might have to look it up!) that was critical to a samurai?

Part B -- MULTIPLE CHOICE & SHORT ANSWER: Circle or give the one BEST answer. (10 POINTS POSSIBLE)

6) The Sui construction of which of these items would have important economic implications well into the twentieth century? a. The Grand Canal b. The Great Wall c. The first printing press d. A modern banking industry

7) Which of the following is NOT a direct reason for the overthrow of the Sui Dynasty? a. Dependence on high taxes. b. Conscripted labor for construction projects. c. Integration of Northern and Southern China. d. Military reverses in Korea.

8) The Tang relied heavily on a "bureaucracy of merit" which: a. led to a reduction of military force and expansion. b. led to increasing educational opportunities for commoners. c. led to a weakening of Tang influence within China. d. led to increased Tang domination over foreign lands.

9) During the Tang dynasty, a. powerful neighbors kept the Chinese from expanding. b. most of far western China fell to barbarian tribes. c. Japan was brought under complete Chinese control. d. Chinese armies pushed into Korea, Manchuria, Tibet, and northern Vietnam.

10) The name given to the Chinese practice of ritual submission to authority is ______

11) In the 840s, Tang emperors: a. made Buddhism the favored religion of the central court. b. officially favored the Manichaeans instead of the Buddhists. c. converted to Buddhism but didn’t force the spread of the religion. d. ordered the closure of monasteries and the expulsion of Buddhists. This reading quiz COMBINES two chapters. Be sure to complete ALL parts of the quiz. 12) The Song dynasty was substantially weakened by Song Taizu’s decision to: a. invade India. b. allow scholar-bureaucrats to lead the army. c. dismantle the Chinese bureaucracy. d. give his generals almost unlimited authority. 13) The shortage of copper coins in the Song and Tang dynasties was alleviated by issuing ______

14) All of the following reflect patriarchal society within Song China EXCEPT: a. the binding of young girls' feet. b. the rule of Wu Zhao over the Song Dynasty. c. the view that political leadership was the duty of men. d. the practice of sons inheriting and managing properties.

15) One of the more popular schools of Buddhism in China was: ______

Chap. 15 Reading Quiz: India and the Indian Ocean Basin

Part A -- ANALYSIS: You may need an additional sheet of paper to fully answer each part of the question. (15 POINTS POSSIBLE)

16) Examine the picture of Mahmud of Ghazni on page 308. How does the picture reinforce the image of Mahmud found in the text? How does it challenge those views? How would an historian use this image to help explain the impact of the Turks on India?

17) Examine the picture on page 310 and the picture on page 312. How do both of these pictures display the wealth of Vijayanagar? Be descriptive. How would an historian use these pictures in some way OTHER than as illustration of wealth? Be as specific as possible.

18) Use the map on page 313, the picture on page 314, and the picture on page 323 to explain the impact of the monsoons on India during this era. Be sure you cover all three images.

19)Read Sources from the Past, The Bhagavata Purana on Devotion to Vishnu on page 319. How is this reading different from the Bhagavad Gita on page 183? How does this passage influence your views of Hinduism? How would a historian use this passage to highlight the connection between belief and ritual in India?

20) Examine the picture on page 320 of Khwaja Khidir. Why would Sufis emphasize non-religious themes while promoting Islam? How would an historian use this image to emphasize key values of the Sufi? What is the significance of the symbols used in the picture of Khidir?

Part B -- MULTIPLE CHOICE & SHORT ANSWER: Circle or give the one BEST answer. (10 POINTS POSSIBLE) 21) In regard to political structure, postclassical India: a. rivaled Tang China in respect to size and administrative brilliance. b. developed no single centralized imperial authority. c. copied the Chinese model after being conquered by the Tang. d. was most influenced by Byzantium.

22) Islam reached India by all of the following routes EXCEPT: a. conquest by Arabic invaders. b. missionaries sent by the emperor Harsha. c. Islamic merchants. d. migrations from Turkish-speaking peoples from central Asia

23) Mahmud of Ghazni’s main inspiration for visiting India in the eleventh century was to: a. spread Islam. This reading quiz COMBINES two chapters. Be sure to complete ALL parts of the quiz. b. forge a lasting trading alliance with China c. build a centralized state based on a Persian model. d. build wealth through plunder.

24) The Delhi sultans were: a. never able to expand their control beyond northern India. b. able to unite all of India for the first time since the Mauryas. c. able to make Islam the main religion of India. d. proponents of a more syncretic version of Islam.

25) The kingdoms of southern India were mainly made up of members of the ______faith.

26) The wealthy trading state that controlled southern India from 850 through 1267 was a. the Chola kingdom. b. the Delhi sultanate. c. the Vijayanagar kingdom. d. the kingdom of Funan.

27) Vijayanagar, the name of a southern Indian kingdom, means ______.

28) The presence of the changing monsoon winds ensured that a. irrigation never developed in India, because it was never necessary. b. India enjoyed complete isolation. c. shipping was impossible in the Indian Ocean basin. d. irrigation was necessary in arid southern India

29) The two most important deities in the Hindu pantheon were ______and ______.

30) The bhakti movement: a. never caught on in India as it had in China. b. appealed to Indians who were stifled by the strictly monotheistic views of Hinduism. c. tried to find god through a strictly rationalistic pursuit of the divine. d. sought to erase the distinction between Hinduism and Islam.

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