Welcome to Lamb of God Preschool

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Welcome to Lamb of God Preschool

Welcome to Lamb of God Preschool

Our mission is to provide a rich Christian environment for children to grow in all areas of development and to know Jesus as their Savior and friend.

1 The goals of our preschool program are:

 To share the love of Jesus with your child and help him/her learn about Jesus.

 To increase your child’s ability to get along with other children and adults outside his/her family situation.

 To help him/her to be able to share, wait, and take turns.

 To learn to follow simple directions.

 To develop strong bodies through development and controlled use of muscles.

 To increase your child’s ability for creative expression through music, art, dramatic play, literature, nature, games and free play.

 To develop skill through experiment with material such as paper, crayons, scissors, paint, glue, clay, etc.

 To introduce and develop concepts of shape, color, and size through various learning activities.

 To provide activities in language and literacy development (love of books, learn print concepts, practice writing).

 To develop fine-motor skills through various art and play activities and beginning handwriting skills (beginning with writing their own name).

 To learn to recognize the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet. *Four-year old classes will also concentrate on learning the sounds of each letter and work on pre-reading skills such as listening for beginning or ending sounds, blending the sounds together, and rhyming.

 To learn mathematical concepts such as number recognition, classification, sorting, weighing and measuring.

 To foster a sense of discovery and curiosity about the world around them.

2 SCHOOL HOURS Morning classes run from 9:00 – 12:00 pm and afternoon classes from 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Children may enter the building through the south door, next to the Preschool room no earlier than 8:45 am. ***Children must be picked up at 12:00 pm or 3:00 pm. A $5.00 fee per 5 minutes will be assessed for being picked up late.

TUITION FEES Registration Fee: $50.00 (nonrefundable) per child is due at the time of registration.

Tuition is paid monthly from September through May and is due on the 1st of each month. Please note: a $10.00 fee will be assessed if tuition is not paid by the 7th day of each month. If tuition is not paid by the end of the month, then your child’s place in our preschool could be terminated. A $25.00 fee is also assessed for each check not honored by the bank.

Preschool 3’s: T/TH (am) $100.00 per month

Preschool 4’s: MWF (am) $150.00 per month

Preschool “High 5’s”: MWF (full day) $225.00 per month

ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. All children must be toilet trained to start to attend classes. We will work with your child for two weeks, and then no diapers or pull-ups will be allowed. 2. AGE REQUIREMENTS: o To enter the T/TH three year old class your child must turn 3 before they begin. o To enter the 4’s MWF morning class your child must be 4 years old before September 1 or have been in our T/TH three year old class the year before. o To enter the MWF afternoon “high 5’s” class your child must be 4 years old before July 31st.

3. IMMUNIZATIONS: The Nebraska legislature has passed legislation that requires parents or guardians of each child enrolled in an early childhood program to submit proof that the child is protected by immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and homophiles influenza type B. These requirements apply to all children under 13 years of age enrolled for more than two hours per week and on the average less than 12 hours per day. WE MUST HAVE THIS RECORD IN ORDER TO ADMIT YOUR CHILD TO OUR PROGRAM.


Lamb of God Preschool is a play-based, child-directed school. We provide lots of time for children to explore their world by playing outdoors and in a “centers” environment in the classroom. We do large, long-term projects that are of interest to the children.


We believe that appropriate social interactions must be learned, just like the letters of the alphabet and numbers. We provide many opportunities to learn respect of friends, teachers, and materials. We positively reinforce appropriate behavior, which greatly minimizes the need to give negative consequences. If a child does not respond to peer and adult requests to stop or adjust a behavior, the child is gently removed from the situation and allowed time to calm down in a safe, quiet place in the classroom. The teacher discusses the situation with the child when everyone is calm.


Please provide your child with a backpack to bring to school each day. This should be large enough to hold 8 ½” x 11” papers and the extra set of clothes mentioned below. LABEL the backpack with your child’s first and last name on the inside of the backpack.


1. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather as we will be going out to the playground when we can. We also ask that you dress your child in washable play clothes for the school day. While we try to use washable art materials, they can still be hard to get out at times. 2. Your child should wear comfortable shoes that are not open at the toe or heel. This keeps feet safe when running and playing on the playground. 3. Please make sure your child has a change of clothes in his/her backpack every day in case of an emergency.


A snack program each day introduces children to the importance of good nutrition and the proper foods for healthy growth and development. Each child will be asked to take a turn providing nutritional snacks and paper products. This may be a snack of your own choosing, provided when it’s your turn. (See separate sheet of snack suggestions.) Water will be provided for drinking. Please let us know if you will be bringing in special treats for your child’s birthday. Please bring snack by 9:00 am for the morning classes.


Please do not bring toys from home into the classroom. We have a wide variety of fun materials for your child to play with. We do not want to be responsible for any items getting lost, stolen, or broken. If your child brings something from home, it will stay in their backback, and they will not play with it during the day.


Parents are welcome to visit at any time. We love to have parent help working with small groups. Finding childcare for younger siblings will keep these visits special for your preschooler. Special invitations will be sent for programs and parties on holidays throughout the year.

PICK UP/DROP OFF If someone other than a parent will be picking up or dropping off your child, please let the teacher know in advance. The teacher will ask that individual to show proof of identification (driver’s license) before allowing the child to leave with that person.


You can do a great deal to help your child have a happy experience at preschool. Prepare the way by suggesting some of the new experiences and widening of his/her world that take place. Show sincere interest in the things your child brings home or tells you about preschool. Each experience is important to him/her and should have your interest. Be specific. Instead of saying “What did you do today?” ask questions like “What did you play with outside?” Who did you read stories with today?” Since art is a creative expression by your child, it deserves adequate respect. Please say, “Tell me about it,” rather than, “What is it?” Parental guidance of television viewing and bedtime hours are very important in your child’s success in preschool. We suggest your child be in bed by 8:00 pm.


Scheduled parent-teacher conferences will be held in the fall and spring, but you may request a conference at any time.


We will follow the decision of the Omaha Public School concerning cancellations due to inclement weather. If the radio or T.V. announces that the Omaha Public Schools are closed, this means our preschool is also closed.


We encourage your child to check things out of our church library. We have a system that will allow them to take one item at a time and enjoy it for two weeks. When the item is returned, another one can be check out. All materials checked out from the classroom will be marked Pacific Hills Church Library. Please share our love of “books” by helping your child find a special, safe place to keep these items while they are in your home! We also will be sending home “book buddies” with the children on Thursdays or Fridays. Each week your child will get a bag that has a book and an activity in it. Please read the book together and bring it back by the next Thursday or Friday.


A special area of the classroom has been set up for parents. In the church nursery (across from the classroom) are books for parents to check out, helpful articles, and information about events going on around town. Please take time to regularly look over this area. It has been set up for you! MULTIPLE CHILD POLICY We do offer a discount to parents of multiple children in our program. The oldest child pays the full amount, and each additional child receives a $25 a month discount. The family pays one $50 registration fee for all children.


All children, upon their arrival will have direct contact with a staff person for the early detection of an apparent illness, communicable disease, or unusual condition or behavior which may adversely affect the child or the group. Parents may be asked to take their child back home again if they appear to have a fever, a contagious rash, or are unwilling to participate in routine activities. A quiet area under supervision will be provided if a child becomes injured or ill during the school day. The parent or a designated person will be notified of the child’s health status. If your child is ill and will not be attending school that day, we request that you please call 391-2288 and leave a message on the machine.

MEDICATION We prefer that parents handle administration of medication to their child before or after school, if at all possible. In the rare instance a medication must be given at a specific time during the preschool session, it would be administered by the teacher/director only, following the guidelines set forth by DHHS: Any staff who gives or applies medication must do so in accordance with the “Five Rights” as set out in the Medication Aide Act. The Five Rights are:

1. The right drug; 2. The right recipient; 3. In the right dose; 4. By the right route; and 5. At the right time.


If your child is not ready for group experiences, or, if the child’s needs are not best met in the group setting, we may ask for removal of the child in a confidential conference with the parent. We do not believe the child should remain in school unless he or she derives some benefit from the program. Final decisions on termination of care will be made by the preschool director.


In the event of a large scale emergency (fire, bomb scare, etc.), our “safe place” is Kindernook Preschool at Countryside Community Church. They are at 8787 Pacific Street, across from Countryside Village. Parents will be notified by phone if we have to relocate to this place. The doors by the courtyard on the north side of their building (facing Pacific St) will be open. Their phone number is 402-391-0350. The preschool director at Kindernook is Stacey Carnazzo.

Our preschool maintains an emergency binder that has every child’s contact information in it, as well as a backpack with first aid supplies. This backpack and binder go with the teachers and students when we exit the building for an emergency or drill. The secretaries at Pacific Hills Lutheran Church also have our preschool directory, if we need assistance in contacting parents.

We practice monthly fire drills and storm drills in the fall and spring. In the event of a weather emergency such as a tornado, we seek shelter in the lower level of our building between the education wing and the sanctuary.

Children with special needs will be escorted to our “safe places” by the preschool teacher/director, with assistance from the classroom aide and other church staff.


LAMB OF GOD PRESCHOOL admits students of any race, color, handicap, national and ethnic origin. All of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded, are made available to all students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, handicap, national and ethnic origin, in administration or its educational policies, admissions, and other school administered programs.


Please contact the teacher/director of Lamb of God Preschool if you have any questions or concerns regarding our program. If you feel your concerns have not been adequately addressed, you can contact the preschool board chair, who will bring the issue to the preschool governing board.


If you have any questions about preschool regulations or have concerns or complaints that have not been addressed by working with the teacher/director, please contact the Office of Children’s Services Licensing at 402-595-3375 and ask for Renee Madsen.


LAMB OF GOD PRESCHOOL began operation in the fall of 1996, and operates according to state regulations as an educational agency of Pacific Hills Lutheran Church. Our physical address is: 1110 S 90th St. Omaha, NE 68124 (Corner of 90th and Pacific). The phone number is: 402-391-2288. Preschool director: Kay Storck


8:50 am Doors open

9:00 am Quiet table activities

9:15 am Jesus Time: Bible story, prayer, singing

9:30 am Large motor time: Outside play or “gym” time

10:15 am Nutritional Snack

10:30 am Circle/Story Time: Calendar, weather, letter of the week activities, music

10:45 am Center Time Art – Create with a variety of materials Literacy – Books, writing Blocks – Trucks, trains, etc. Dramatic Play – Kitchen, dress-up, puppets Science/Math – puzzles, games, discovery

11:45 am Music

12:00 pm Closing Prayer and Dismissal

12:00– 12:30 pm Lunch Bunch (for High 5’s) (M/W/F) Teacher Planning Time

12:30 pm Afternoon High 5’s outdoor time (M/W/F)

1:00 pm Rest Time

1:30 pm Literacy activities (story extensions, writing, etc.)

1:50 pm Center Time (Art, Construction, Discovery, Dramatic Play)

2:30 pm Math: counting, graphing, sorting, comparing

2:50 pm Class meeting/review of the day

3:00 pm Dismissal of afternoon class (M/W/F)


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