BROOKLYN COLLEGE Department of Television and Radio TVRA 4040 (Section RQ2): Convergent News Platforms Spring Semester 2015 Professor John Anderson Class meets Thursdays, 2:15-6:45 PM / 302 Whitehead Hall (Radio Lab) Contact: 404S Whitehead Hall / (608) 395-4389 /
[email protected] / @diymediadotnet Office Hours: Wednesday 4:00-5:30 PM / Thursday 12:30-2:00 PM in 404S Whitehead or by appointment Course Description Catalog Description: Exploration of online platforms that extend the reach of broadcast media. Introduction to the tools and techniques of online newsgathering and production, with special focus on the effective use of social media and livestreaming. Production of content for the Brooklyn News Service. Detailed Description: Media convergence is loosely defined as the blurring of previously distinctive media systems, and the settlement for all of them on a unified distribution platform— today, we call this the Internet. Convergence has been an incredibly disruptive force in the field of journalism, but it has also created new opportunities to find and tell stories. This class is an introduction into the tools and techniques for doing journalism on convergent news platforms. First, the good news: this is an emerging field where there are no hard-and-fast work-protocols (save for those traditionally defined by the standards of quality journalism, which are the same regardless of platform), so we have a lot of latitude in how we navigate this course. This is also the challenge: because journalists are effectively making up the workflow for these new platforms as we go along, there very few definitive “lessons” to be taught regarding convergent news reporting.