Graduate Student Congress
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Graduate Student Congress Associated Student Government University of Arkansas
AGENDA Date – September 17, 2017 Graduate Education Auditorium 10:00 am – 12:30 pm.
I. Call to Order II. Attendance III. Approve Minutes last Cabinet meeting IV. Approve Agenda V. Public Comment (10 minutes) VI. Special Reports a. ASG Advisor Michael McAllister (3 minutes) b. GSC Advisor Vicky Hartwell (3 minutes) VII. Reports a. Speaker (10 minutes) a.i. Arley Ward b. Vice Speaker (5 minutes) b.i. Josh Burbridge c. Secretary (3 minutes) c.i. Garret Jeter d. Treasurer (3 minutes) d.i. Ashley Whiting e. Parliamentarian (3 minutes) e.i. Vacant f. Legislative Affairs and Advocacy (3 minutes) f.i. JD DiLoreto g. International Concerns (3 minutes) g.i. Vacant h. External Affairs and Marketing (3 minutes) h.i. Vacant i. Social Chair (3 minutes) i.i. Vacant j. Facilities (3 minutes) j.i. Vacant k. Grad Student Life (3 minutes) k.i. Vacant VIII. Old Business a. N/A IX. New Business a. Legislation Writing Basics
a.i. Vice Speaker, Josh Burbridge (15 minutes)
b. Robert’s Rules Basics
1 b.i. Leah Morse (15 minutes)
b.ii. Robert’s Rules
c. Approval of Judicial Appointments
c.i. Cory English, Chief Justice, ASGJ (10 minutes)
d. Approval of Committee Appointments
d.i. Natalie Counce, Vice-President, ASG (5 minutes)
e. Election of Committee Chairs
e.i. Parliamentarian (10 minutes)
e.ii. International Concerns Chair (10 minutes)
e.iii. External Affairs and Marketing (10 minutes)
e.iv. Social Chair (10 minutes)
e.v. Facilities Chair (10 minutes) Grad Student Life Chair (10 minutes)
f. Sorting into Committees (10 minutes)
f.i. Policies and Procedures Committee
f.ii. Facilities Committee
f.iii. Graduate Student Life Committee
f.iv. Finance Committee
g. Election of College Caucus Chairs (5 Minutes)
g.i. Bumpers College
g.ii. Fulbright College
g.iii. Walton College
g.iv. College of Education and Health Professions
g.v. College of Engineering School of Law
X. Announcements
2 a. GSC Inauguration and General Meeting a.i. September 20th, 6:00PM a.i. Graduate Education Auditorium b. Next meeting, October 19th, 6:00Pm b.i. Graduate Education Auditorium
b. Adjourn