Billy & Jeanne Campbell’s News Update - January 2017

The Chinese New Year is 28th January. A Happy Chinese New Year of the Rooster! MYANMAR (Burma). The 2017 Bible College graduations will take place at the beginning of February. The Myanmar Vision Christian College (MVCC) ceremony will be on Friday afternoon, 3rd February, and the Calvary Theological and Missions Academy (CTMA) will hold theirs on Saturday afternoon, 4th February. Please see the ATTACHED photo-page of all the graduating students; as you read their names, please remember each one in prayer. Both of us will attend the graduations and take part. We will be joined by Zeta Towers, SRM trustee from the UK, and by Mark Lo and Anna Le Phuong, faithful prayer and financial supporters from Melbourne, Australia. Missionary Retreat at Pyin Oo Lwin, Shan State. In the ten years that we have been ministering in Myanmar, this is the first time we have been able to schedule a spiritual retreat with the missionary evangelists and church planters, who are serving in various states throughout the nation. At the time of writing, travel and accommodation arrangements are being finalised. We will include a report on the retreat in the next News Update. Please remember this special event in prayer. Evangelism and church planting. In Myanmar, the months of February to May are similar to our months of June to September. During this period, most of the MVCC and CTMA Bible College students are engaged in evangelistic outreach, mainly in their respective tribal regions. Many of these communities are strongly Buddhist and the workers often face stiff opposition. Please pray, and as you pray claim God’s promise, written in John’s Gospel, that as the light of the Word shines in the darkness, “the darkness cannot put it out.” John 1:5 CAMBODIA. Zeta Towers will be in Cambodia with Jeanne from 13th-17th February. Early in March, the Rev Chris Poniah and a team from Resurrection Church, Sai Kung, Hong Kong, will be in Cambodia on a fact-finding, skill-sharing visit. Resurrection Church has been a partner church in Cambodia for almost 17 years. They have been supporting Yi Narith, the director of Hope House, since his missionary internship years at their church in the late 1990s. The team are keen to see the developments at the Hope House Education Center site, Kompong Speu, especially the new farmland project! They will be giving expert advice. A veterinarian on the team, will advise on the recently established goat project; many of you have contributed to the purchase of goats. There are now almost 50 goats and kids; however, the aim is to double this number, as funds become available. The Resurrection team will also inform and advise on how best to proceed with developing the water pond / reservoir, particularly as we are interested in having fish in the pond, as a means of providing protein for the Hope House school children, and their families in the surrounding villages.

The Hope House Education Center (HHEC) continues to operate a regular day school, together with Skills Training, Resource Center activities, weekly Fellowship meetings, and occasional medical clinics. Approximately 250 children benefit from the various programmes and ministries led by a dedicated Cambodian staff. Please pray for them, and for increased financial support for the Lord’s work both in Cambodia and Myanmar. THANK YOU for your faithfulness in prayer; this is so crucial and always an encouragement.

______UK Mailing: SRM, P.O.Box 69, ST HELENS, Merseyside WA11 7GA. [email protected] Tel: 0151-426-0266 Address in Hong Kong: 1/Fl., 202 Yuen Leng Village, TAI PO, N. T., Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2328-2337 Mobiles: Billy (852) 6570-4871 Jeanne: (852) 6702-8428. Emails: [email protected] & [email protected]