Creating Your Own DBQ: The five portions of this assignment will be due over several weeks. You will keep a folder in which ALL of the segments of the project will be kept. Each time you turn in a part of the project it should be in the front of the folder with the previous parts IN ORDER in the back of the folder. (A word of caution against loss--keep copies of all of your work. I would highly recommend using gmail’s google docs which can be accessed from anywhere online) – staple this page of instructions with the rubric in front to the left side of your folder so you can keep track of your grade and always have your information. *** YOU WILL NOT PASS THE CLASS IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS PROJECT ***

The stages of the project are listed below. Follow the directions for each segment of the project carefully.

Check the due dates for each on your unit syllabi & the rubric on the back Part 1: Topic 1. TOPIC: Select a topic from United States history between the years 1950 and 1990. Use the list of topics given & Short to you in class to help you choose a topic. These may be from several categories of interest or controversy, such Bibliography as political, social or economic issues. Write a complete ¾ page description of the topic area you plan to investigate and submit it for approval on a piece of paper. 2. SHORT BIBLIOGRAPHY: The day of work in the Media Center (B day = Wed 16th & A day = Thurs 17th) your job is to find 5 sources (at least 2 must be from print). Look below for proper formatting using MLA format for your bibliography. This will be turned in with your topic description at the end of the class period in the Media Center. – NOTE: make sure you have reliable internet sources (someone’s random history blog can be made up)

Part 2: 1. RESEARCH NOTES: Research a. Write three pages of research notes (can be bullets – NOT meant to be an essay) of the BASIC DETAILS Notes, of your topic. (very detailed notes) This is a fact- finding mission to investigate the historical context, Additions to major figures and main events surrounding your topic. Include with your notes a list of sources in Bibliography bibliography form. & Question b. EXAMPLE: Source 1: Tindall, George Brown., and David E. Shi. Tindall and Shi: America : A Narrative History : Brief Third Ed., Study Guide. New York, N.Y. ; London: W.W. Norton &, 1993. Print (use MLA format - ) Page 407 - Election of 1836: “democrats held their second national convention, nominating Jackson’s handpicked successor, Vice President Martin Van Buren. The Whig coalition, united chiefly in its opposition to Jackson, held no convention but adopted a strategy of multiple candidates, hoping to throw the election into the House of Representatives” - This means …. It is significant because … (your notes) Source 2: "Killer Flu ~ Watch the Full Episode | Secrets of the Dead | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. flu/222/. Site video - Summary goes here Main page - “In 1918, a flu pandemic ripped through the global population with such speed and virulence that by the end of the following year an estimated 40 million people would be dead — four times the number of victims eventually claimed by the First World War.”

2. ADDITIONS TO BIBLIOGRAPHY: a. While the Internet is an extraordinary tool, these topics need historical interpretation and insight most often available to students only in print form. Therefore, at least five sources must be from print, one of which should be your textbook (total number of sources must be at least 10 and of that 5 need to be print). b. You have already turned in 5 sources in part 1, now you need to turn in at least an additional 5. Be sure that your total sources = at least 10 and that at least 5 are print. 3. QUESTION: Create an essay question requiring the skill of evaluation that deals with your topic. a. EXAMPLE: "The Great Society Program addressed poverty in the most appropriate way for the 1960's." Assess the validity of this statement. b. EXAMPLE: Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the "Era of Good Feelings." Evaluate the accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism. Use the documents and your knowledge of the period 1815-1825 to construct your answer. Part 3: 1. Select eight documents which will reflect several possible positions related to your topic/essay question. Documents & a. Speeches, letters, diary, cartoons, photographs, maps, etc. Revise your b. Secondary sources may be used. (textbooks, biographies, newspapers, etc.) DBQ c. Graphic (non-text) documents should be limited to two. Question to d. It is okay to copy the documents, but cut or prepare them to the actual size of the information to be match your used for the DBQ. (i.e. don’t use the whole speech that is 20 pages long, instead use a paragraph… just documents** like in an actual DBQ). 2. Format of the documents: a. Put the documents together in a pamphlet which could be used for writing a DBQ. The reading and interpreting time for this collection should not exceed 15 minutes. (so if you hand it to a friend to read and it takes them longer than 15 minutes it is too long) b. Include source information for each document (citations) that indicates where YOU found the information. Label each document by letter (“A, B, C etc.”). c. EXAMPLE:

Part 4: STANDARDS, OUTSIDE INFORMATION AND INTERPRETING THE DOCUMENTS Grading ** the examples on the blog are from actual DBQs from the College Board, you should model your Grading Rubrics Rubrics off of theirs – they are the experts **

1. Write a set of standards for the successful answering of this question. Suggest a nine point criteria that includes thesis development (see examples on blog). 2. Create a separate list of at least 30 specific facts which could be provided as SFI or "outside information” (see blog) 3. Create an interpreter's guide for the documents. (see blog)

Part 5: Final In pamphlet or booklet form present your final finished product (ONLY YOUR FINAL PAPERS SHOULD BE INCLUDED Presentation AND YOUR GRADING SHEET)

1. State the question and DBQ directions 2. Present the documents and their sources. 3. Scoring / Grading information 4. Provide a sample essay answer to the question which would rank 6-9 according to your standards (This is your answer to the question, the essay will be worth an essay test grade!! – but this should be easy because you should be an expert on the topic by this point) DBQ Project Rubric: ** Staple this in your folder when you turn materials in to keep track of your grades** (each part will be entered as a separate project grade… this is the same % wise as entering it cumulatively)

Part 1: Topic & Short Bibliography Not Minimal info Effort to Completed with Extra effort and found complete but acceptable info beyond the Due @ end of MC work day lacking in requirement depth *List your sources below Topic Summary  1-8pts 9-12pts 13-15pts Bibliography  1-2 3 4 List resources: 1.) ______ 1-2 3 4 2.) ______3.) ______ 1-2 3 4 4.) ______ 1-2 3 4 5.) ______ 1-2 3 4

Part 1 Total ______35pts

Part 2: Research Notes, Additions to Not Minimal info Effort to Completed with Extra effort and Bibliography & Question found complete but acceptable info beyond the Due: lacking in depth requirement A = Thurs 2/21 B = Fri 2/22 Research  25-29 30-33 34- 40pts - NOT an essay - Makes sure to organize & know what info came from which source. Bibliography:  1-2 3 4pts List Resources:  1-2 3 4pts 1.) ______2.) ______ 1-2 3 4pts 3.) ______ 1-2 3 4pts 4.) ______ 1-2 3 4pts 5.) ______

Question  1-5 6-7 8-10pts

Part 2 Total: ______/ 70pts Part 3: Documents (list briefly below) Not Minimal info Effort to Completed with Extra effort and Due: found complete but acceptable info beyond the A = Tues 3/19 lacking in depth requirement B = Wed 3/20 Revised Question to match documents  1-2 3-4 5pts Doc A:  1-2 3-4 5pts Doc B:  1-2 3-4 5pts Doc C:  1-2 3-4 5pts Doc D:  1-2 3-4 5pts Doc E:  1-2 3-4 5pts Doc F:  1-2 3-4 5pts Doc G:  1-2 3-4 5pts Doc H:  1-2 3-4 5pts

Part 3 Total: ______/40pts

Part 4: Grading Rubric Not Minimal Effort to complete Completed with Extra effort and Due: (after spring break) found info but lacking in acceptable info beyond the A = Mon 4/15 depth requirement B = Tues 4/16 Standards  7-9 10-11 12-15pts Outside Information  7-9 10-11 12-15pts Interpretation for each document  10-13 14-16 17-20pts

Part 4 Total: ______/50pts

Part 5: Final Not Minimal Effort to complete Completed with Extra effort and (make sure to fix anything that you found info but lacking in acceptable info beyond the lost points on before**) depth requirement Due: B = Wed 4/24 A = Thurs 4/25 Turned in, in booklet / pamphlet  5pts form Question  Check 2pts Documents with citations A:  1 2 3pts B:  1 2 3pts C:  1 2 3pts D:  1 2 3pts  1 2 3pts E:  1 2 3pts F:  1 2 3pts G:  1 2 3pts H: Bibliography (at least 10 sources, 5  1-6 7-8 9-10pts of which are print) – ABC order Standards  1-2 3 4pts Outside information (SFI)  1-2 3 4pts Interpretation of docs  1-2 3 4pts Sample Essay Graded on 1-9 scale via the grading material presented

Part 5 Total: ______/ 53pts

Sample Essay: ______/ 100pts (counts in test essay category)