Logical Framework Matrix Armenia 2014 - 2017


OVERALL OBJECTIVE Political stability. Statistical yearbook Contribute at improving the impact of VET Enrolment in VET Data from the Ministry of Education The co-operation between the EU reform process in Armenia. and Armenia remains unchanged Work based learning of VET graduates

PROJECT PURPOSE VET system less academic and better VET budget Financing Agreement signed by the suited to the requirements of president of Armenia; companies. National statistics on employment To contribute to improving the efficiency of and unemployment Co-operation and support is the implementation of the VET reform VET system image improved process and of the capacity for policy VET system enrolment figures provided by the EU Delegation in development of relevant stakeholders. Increased employability of VET graduates Armenia;

Decrease in youth unemployment

Increase in financing of VET

Capacity for policy development increases

Improved efficiency of reform efforts  Action Fiche for agriculture Support provided by RESULTS 1,1, Baseline study on VET in  The National VET Council competent authorities and agriculture elaborated and used as a adopts ETF recommendations employers’ organisation; for improvement of mechanism 1. Improvement of quality of VET provision basis for identification and design of SPSP of WBL. Support and –operation provided 1.2 WBL practices reviewed and  The national strategy for career at college level; policy recommendations made guidance is reviewed by the MCPO and adopted at national 1.3 Career guidance units trained and level Inter-institutional co-operation is operational in the 12 RSC under  The Strategy for Supplementary ensured by key Armenian the guidance of the MCPO and Continuing Education stakeholders and supports the 1.4 Pilot project for VNFIL process adopted by the Ministry of MCPO strategy; 1 extended to construction sector Education adopts the 1.5 VNFIL process mentioned as methodology and Improved trust between public and relevant in the implementation of recommendations developed by private sectors; the Mobility Partnership. ETF through pilot projects;  Mobility Partnership review 1.6 National Training Fund becomes Visibility and participation of highlights relevance and by law validation and certification national stakeholders to the progress of ETF VNFIL project; Mobility Partnership; authority and strategy for  The Strategy for Supplementary Supplementary and Continuing and Continuing Education Improved image of the National training revised accordingly adopted by the Ministry of Training Fund and trust from 2. Capacities strengthened for evidence Education defined tasks and employers increased based policy development. 2.1 Support provided for the review of the responsibilities of the Nation al Torino process SBA outcomes used Training Fund; Co-operation and support to develop national strategy  Torino process reports provided by all parties involved 2.2 SBA reviewed  SBA assessment results 2.3 Migration inventories developed disseminated Recommendation of migration  Migration inventories inventories shared by relevant disseminated national authorities Conditionalities of fulfilment for EU ACTIVITIES 2014 MEANS OUTPUTS SPSP 2013-2014 include, among 1.1 Support provided EC DG EAC in the - ETF country manager 0,40 others, the operation of career preparation of the annual report on the state - ETF senior expert 0,10 1. SUPPORT TO THE EU guidance services, the mechanism of progress for the EU - Armenia of Validation of Non-Formal and Subcommittee on People to People Issues. - Project officer 0.25 2. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF Informal Learning and the VET 1.2 Regular inputs to DG Home Affairs on - International expert for career provision of VET for physically up-dating the scoreboard for the Mobility guidance 3. EVIDENCE-BASED POLICIES disabled students in accordance Partnership with Armenia. with international standards. - International expert for VNFIL 1.3 Baseline study on agriculture completed through missions in the field - Local expert The development of VET in - ETF SBA co-ordinator agriculture is considered a top 2.1 Review of Career guidance services national priority and WBL process in 12 Regional state - Framework contractor Colleges through consultation with organisation: from 5 to 6 events Work-based learning (WBL) is management boards with 3 regional considered an important seminars and field reviews; instrument in career decisions of 2.2VNFIL pilot implementation is reviewed students. and extended to another sector through 3 training sessions of assessors The partnership model and VNFIL ( catering and construction) and three experience tested in 2013 assessments (catering and construction) extended to other sectors and the of candidates. capacity for co-ordination built within the National Training Fund 3.1 Support to Armenian authorities in order to become a reference provided in the elaboration and point on this issue. 2 dissemination of the 2014 Torino process report and participation is ensured in the Support and importance recognised validation seminar on the endorsement of by relevant national authorities. the findings of the report and developing follow up actions. Visibility and image of the SBA 3.2 SBA assessment 2014 drafted assessment provided at national 3.3 Migration inventories completed and level; disseminated in Armenia in co-operation the EU project for Targeted Initiatives for Armenia What pre-conditions are required ACTIVITIES 2015 MEANS before the action starts? - ETF EXPERTS FTE 1,1 EU Budget support for VET in What conditions outside the agriculture defined; - INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS Beneficiary's direct control have to be met for the implementation of the - NATIONAL EXPERTS 1,2 WBL practices reviewed and policy planned activities? strategy implemented; - LOCAL FRAMEWORK CONTRACTOR FOR ORGANISATION OF EVENTS 1,3 Strategy for Supplementary and Continuing Education implemented and the National Training Fund is a driver for promoting CVT in Armenia; 2,1 Torino process report is disseminated and used for the production of the VET reform programme and action plan 2017- 2021; 2,2 SBA assessment results disseminated. ACTIVITIES 2016 MEANS What pre-conditions are required - ETF experts FTE before the action starts? 1,1 Agreement for budget support signed; What conditions outside the - International experts Beneficiary's direct control have to be 1,2 Career guidance units in the 12 RSC met for the implementation of the prepare in co-operation with management - National experts planned activities? boards plans for WBL; - LOCAL FRAMEWORK CONTRACTOR FOR ORGANISATION OF EVENTS 1,3 5 sectors are involved in VNFIL pilot tests;

2,1 Torino process reviewed and used to assess progress for VET reform;

3 2,2 SBA outcomes used to develop a national strategy for Entrepreneurial Learning. ACTIVITIES 2017 What pre-conditions are required MEANS before the action starts? 1,1 Starting of implementation of EU Budget - ETF experts FTE What conditions outside the support for VET in agriculture; Beneficiary's direct control have to be - International experts met for the implementation of the 1,2 The MCPO revises the national strategy for planned activities? career guidance. Career guidance units are - National experts established in all colleges at national level; - LOCAL FRAMEWORK CONTRACTOR FOR 1,3 VNFIL is taking place in Armenia and fully ORGANISATION OF EVENTS regulated and it promotes CVT market;

2,1 Torino process disseminated and adopted by national authorities;

2,2 National strategy for entrepreneurial learning is adopted by the MoES.