Grafton U3a Jabber Journal June 2014Page 1

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Grafton U3a Jabber Journal June 2014Page 1

JUNE 2014 IN THIS ISSUE JABBERFEST - 10.00AM – 16 JUNE GRAFTON COMMUNITY CENTRE - DUKE STREET GRAFTON April Jabberfest 1 GUEST SPEAKERS BRIAN CARTER – TRAVELLING THE MURRAY VALLEY U3A NSW Conference 1 Brian will speak on a trip he and his wife undertook travelling in the President’s desk 2 Murray Valley, which they felt was very enjoyable, as well as being excellent value. The Carters lived in March wrap 2 Sydney for thirty years where Brian worked for many years in shipping New member update 2 and insurance, before moving out of Sydney for a stint managing a nursing home in Gilgandra. They Courses/int groups 3 finally moved to Grafton and are long-term members of U3A. Dates for the diary 4 JOHN LIESK – SES VOLUNTEERING John has been the SES Controller in Ulmarra and an RFS member since Morning tea roster 4 2009. He will speak about SES volunteers who come from all walks of life contributing to the NSW SES and their local community in their own way. He Editor’s note 4 will explain the diversity of roles in which volunteers can participate regardless of age, gender or ability and possibly invite A touch of humour 4 U3A members to join. John came from a large family of nine children and thirty two Contact editor 4 foster children one of whom was with the family for twelve years. He has been a teacher since 1976 – a Primary teacher for Journal deadline 4 thirty years, then a High School teacher, where he taught just about everything from IT to Manual Arts.

GRAFTON U3A JABBER JOURNAL JUNE 2014 PAGE 1 We welcome new members – Barry & Joy Campbell, Sally Elks, Kay Blaker, Robyn Higham, Keith Chadwick and Susan Kershaw. We trust that you enjoy your association with Grafton U3A and avail of the courses/interest groups available.

FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Another very successful Jabberfest was held on 12 May which was very well attended. Undoubtedly the big attraction was Nola Mackey who never fails to attract a crowd. Nola provided information of a wonderful new project that she has devised titled The History Club outlining the project and inviting members to participate. Basically, it will involve recording details of family and local history and may expand into other areas if successful. The concept proved very popular with a good number of members. Since Jabberfest, classes/courses have continued with enthusiasm and 26 people enjoyed lunch at the Village Green Hotel on Sunday 25 May. A pleasant day was had by all sitting outdoors enjoying beautiful sunshine and 26C temperature. Please remember that Jabberfest will be held later in June due to the long weekend and I will see you all on 16 June. Don’t forget that you are welcome to bring a guest to Jabberfest who may be interested in joining U3A but would like an opportunity to ‘try before you buy’. They will be most welcome. Maree Burrows

VALE - MARY CARLTON Mary Carlton was part of the driving force behind the establishment of Grafton U3A in August 2002 along with Wendy and Martin Jacobs and a small band of Graftonians, who were members of Clarence River U3A (Maclean & Yamba) and were anxious to create the local chapter. Mary, Wendy and Carole Cairns sought assistance from our Mayor at the time Shirley Adams and received great support, which led to the establishment of the group with small beginnings (membership in 2002 was 36, now over 300). Apart from filling an executive role as treasurer, Mary had many interests with U3A and her lifelong love of teaching led to many members enjoying her skills with family history classes as well as other interests – she was involved in a gardening group also. The photo is from an early edition of the Jabber Journal and whilst it is a bit fuzzy, it shows Mary (in red) holding court after one of her classes – note the attention she attracts – always elegant and interesting. She was Grafton U3A’s first Life Member and whilst we mourn her passing, we salute her great contribution to us. The members of Grafton U3A extend sincere condolences to Mary’s family on her passing. David Abrahams

VALE - DENNIS BUTLER It is with sadness that we note the sudden death of Dennis, a keen member of the Mens Shed for the last seven years. Dennis had a very pleasant manner and was always offering to help with whatever the project was – enthusiastic about all the shed activities and very well-liked by all. He shone at the smoko and lunch table, always making comment on the topic at hand with his engaging grin. Dennis was also an enthusiastic member of the Computer Users group and again was forthcoming in our discussions about our computer experiences. The group undertook a project to produce a Power Point production about our own group and each member contributed a comment re problems to be published with their photo. Some measure of his attitude to all things can be judged by his contribution – “WHAT PROBLEM!” Our condolences go to his wife Doreen and family – he will be sadly missed. David Abrahams

GRAFTON U3A JABBER JOURNAL JUNE 2014 PAGE 2 MAY JABBERFEST WRAP President Maree opened the meeting and welcomed 119 attendees and also new members. John Fahey also received congratulations on the occasion of his 85th birthday. In course and interest group news – Vacancies are now available in the 500 card game group and enquiries should be directed to Gwen Rudder – 6642 1377 or Joan Ingram – 66421560; Craft group is now meeting on 1st Wednesday of the month at the U3A rooms from 9.45am – 1.00pm; Creative writing group now meet on 1st Monday and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Peter Mears addressed the meeting and offered an insight into activities of the Bushwalking group including a slideshow of a selection of beautiful photos from a number of their walks. He invited members who are reasonably fit to join the group. Enquiries to Peter Mears 6643 5748 or Barbara Fahey 6642 3934. Vreni Voigt the convenor of a new course, commencing 16 May, titled “The other side of History”. Vreni furnished details of the course, which focusses on daily life in the ancient world for ordinary Egyptian, Roman and Greek citizens. Interested members should contact Vreni Voigt 6649 5003 for further details. After morning tea, Marr maree introduced guest speaker and noted historian Nola Mackey. Nola detailed her proposal to commence a U3A History Club. She stated that the 300+ membership with has have a wealth of knowledge available for this type of club. The concept initially will involve two strands – family history and local history. The latter strand having the sub title ‘mapping our neighbourhood’ as the last link and generation there is a need to save the history of local family and small businesses such as corner stores, butchers, bakers, shoemakers etc. Nola indicated that diverse skills will be needed by the group members including typing, scanning, digitally enhancing, voice recording and other skills. Interested members were asked to record their names and a meeting will be called soon to plan a strategy. At the completion of her presentation, Nola responded to questions from the enthusiastic audience before being accepting a gift created by members of the Mens Shed. The lucky door prize was won by Annette Campbell. President Maree then closed the meeting. Peter Smyth

COURSE/INTEREST GROUPS UPDATE ARMCHAIR TRAVEL Please note that there will be no meeting in June. Our next meeting will be 22 July – details in July Jabber Journal. Peter Smyth 6642 1692. BUSHWALKING RED ROCK

GRAFTON U3A JABBER JOURNAL JUNE 2014 PAGE 3 An easy walk I promised. An easy walk I delivered Refreshed we set to the fourteen stalwarts who came to Red Rock on out again from this picture perfect day. We begin at the park the caravan park beside which the Red River, like the unstoppable past the surf club flow of existence, rushed to join the sea drawing it and up the rise to in as if inhaling in its sleep. The paperbark trees the north facing radiated with bird song as many scaly-breasted lookout. Spread lorikeets with their multitude of friends feasted on out before us are the nectar from the the estuary, the island home for wild birds and blossoms, the Yuraygir National Park with its beaches and creek colour of the froth stretching to the coastal range. Down now to Little on beer. Along the Beach where a lone fisherman tries his luck and riverside thousands then up to the Headland, Red Rock, called by the of mangrove roots Gumbaingirr people, Blood Rock. Here those who protected the banks survived the shootings at Jewfish Point were herded and provided and driven to their deaths over the cliff, a terrible oxygen to the trees story of great shame in local history. Today’s and a nursery for marine life. Beside the boardwalk, sounds are not screams but the echo of waves the plants of the salt marsh were decorated with breaking on rocks below. The sea is so blue and dozens of small circular webs, their lines of infinitely creased, a sheet of silk pulled over the life gossamer gleaming in the sunlight. Jewfish Point and that rolls and mutters below. The whales, where the river turns is a favourite place for cavorting towards the horizon, where sea and sky fishermen and was a special place for the become one, give testimony to this. On Back Gumbaingirr people who lived in this region for Beach, we can see the impact of a past geological thousands of years. This fact is substantiated by time when the rocks were twisted and thrust the nearby midden, which has been carbon dated. upwards then moulded by the power of wild storms It was here that the tribe was camped when the and undersea tides. The red and yellow ochre used massacre began and mounted men with guns by the Aboriginal people is found here. The dune attacked and the river ran red with blood. As we behind Back Beach is stabilised by spinifex and walk further, the track leads us into a stand of pigface but all coastlines are forever changing. littoral rainforest with lofty trees contrasting their Back in the park we eat a late lunch as the pelicans, greenness with the blue of the sky and its reflecting cormorants, gulls and terns watch from the sand river. Eventually we return to the trimmed and island. The wildflower walk through the wallum trained regularities of the village and into the park. heath we will save until Spring when plants like flannel flowers will bask in glory. Next walk will be fourth Monday in June, probably Dandahra Crags, medium difficulty and approx. 8kms. Barbara Fahey

FIVE HUNDRED CARD GAME Vacancies are available now for any members who would like to join this group. Please contact Gwen Rudder 6642 1377 or Joan Ingram 6642 1560.

HISTORY CLUB Please note that there will be a short half-hour meeting for all members interested in this group after the June Jabberfest at the Community Centre.

WOODWORK FOR WOMEN This course was held over seven weeks earlier in the year at the Mens' Shed. Seven intrepid women enrolled in the course, with tutor Kevin Watkins, ably assisted by Frank Heppel. It proved to be a most enjoyable learning experience (for the women, anyway) and we are all very proud of our completed projects. This time we made boxes, of various shapes and sizes and functions, some with lids, some without. We struck many challenges along the way and Kevin and Frank were given many opportunities to correct a wide range of mistakes. This they did with much patience and the

GRAFTON U3A JABBER JOURNAL JUNE 2014 PAGE 4 occasional deep sigh. We are particularly grateful MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL – Important! for their expertise and their patience in setting up Enclosed with your journal, for again and again the various machines we those members yet to pay their attempted to master in the completion of our annual subs, is a renewal notice projects. We particularly appreciate Frank's (attached to email) for your assistance, since he was battling major health attention. Your response will be problems at the time of the course. Jeanette Calvi welcomed. If you wish to took many photos of the group, which have been discontinue membership, a call to Carole Cairns copied to a DVD. It is hoped to display both this 6642 4615 or a note to that effect would be little film and the actual projects at the August or appreciated - thanks. September Jabberfest, time permitting. Alysan Pender MORNING TEA ROSTER LOST & FOUND 16 June - Warren Grant * Val Woods * Yvonne A good quality ring was recently found in the U3A Gillett rooms. It may have been lost during the month of 14 July – Pat Connolly * Cave Stiener * Elaine Platt May. It is such a pretty ring,ring; the owner should have missed it by now. If you May have lost a ring Our sincere thanks to our morning tea volunteers. please contact President Maree Burrows. 6642 1640 CAROLE CAIRNS – CHANGE OF EMAIL DOORS AT DOUGHERTY HOUSE Following the demise of “oneseniors” I now have a It has been reported that some members have new email address [email protected] Fortunately experienced difficulty making their way to U3A my phone number 6642 4615 and mobile rooms for classes due to door restrictions. The 0409400816 remain unchanged. Carole Cairns double doors in the corridor are not always both open and the bolt at the top of the closed door is CLOSING DATE – EDITOR CONTACT too high for some to reach. This problem occurs Contributions to the Jabber Journal are always when members are carrying supplies/books into our welcome. We reserve the right to edit material rooms. I have asked Matt Dougherty to request the submitted for publication. Closing date for the July person who opens the building to open both doors edition is Monday 30 June 2014. every day. Please let me know if this does not Editor: Dennis Kelly [email protected] happen. Maree Burrows 6642 1640.


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