Hazel Courteney Journalist | Broadcaster | Author www.HazelCourteney.com [email protected] Tel.office: +44 (0) 1491 843 900 Fax: +44 (0) 1491 843 910 Mobile: +44 (0) 7836 277 334 PA: Linda Chilcott: Tel: +44 (0) 1491 843 904

I was inspired to become a journalist in 1993, after suffering a lifetime of illnesses, which I healed by alternative means. Within nine months I had become the UK’s first Alternative Health Agony Aunt with my column ‘What’s The Alternative?’ in the Daily Mail.

In my youth I suffered numerous chronic illnesses ranging from ear infections to acne, glandular fever to chronic fatigue, plus thrush and several broken bones. In my twenties, as an air stewardess I collected illnesses instead of souvenirs. Colitis and dysentery were interspersed with liberal amounts of surgery.

After my second marriage in 1980, when my husband enquired as to ‘What was my disease of the day?’ His chance remark was to change my life. I began researching nutritional medicine and alternative therapies. As my knowledge grew, friends began turning to me for advice, and my reputation for being a health expert‚ was born. Somehow I always seemed to be able to point people in the right direction.

During my late thirties I also began researching the science behind more esoteric subjects such as psychic phenomena, the power of the mind, telepathy and energy healing.

In February 1993 my weekly column ‘What’s The Alternative?’ appeared in the Daily Mail. In 1995 I wrote my first book of the same title.

In January 1997 I was invited to join The Sunday Times, Britain’s foremost broad sheet, with my weekly column, and in June of that year was voted Health Journalist of the Year. After answering almost 30,000 readers’ letters during my five years as a weekly columnist, my knowledge grew.

In 1998 I underwent a near death experience, which forced me to leave my weekly column. My book Divine Intervention, originally published in 2000 and now republished with a Foreword by Professor Gary Schwartz in America and the UK, tells this incredible story. The sequel to this book The Evidence for the Sixth Sense was first published in March 2005, was republished in the UK and America in April 2011.

My latest spiritual science book Countdown to Coherence is also available in the UK, America and other countries.

I regularly speak on health and spiritual issues, and contribute to local, national and international radio. My TV programme, ‘The Highly Alternative Show’ was featured on Channel Health in the UK, Europe and Canada. My best selling alternative health book, 500 Of The Most Important Health Tips You’ll Ever Need (Cico Books) remains a popular Health A-Z of Health Tips a/v via Amazon and all good bookshops. My most recent book 500 of the Healthiest Recipes and Health Tips You’ll Ever Need is also a/v via Amazon and bookshops. To date my books have been published in Holland, France, Finland, China, Australia, South Africa, France and Lithuania.