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Opening: NO SCHOOL!

WeekGuided of Practice May 31- 2 June 4 Unit: * see Standards: schedule for times and routine explanations Arrival: A.M. pick up students in the gym at 8:35 Project AP.M. pick up students in the gymProject at 12:35 B: Project C:

Opening: NO SCHOOL!


Extras: Standard:

Dismissal: A.M. 11:10 Dismiss bus riders and daycare students to the hallway. Teacher walks pickups out to the turn around and helps Guided Practice Put them 1 in their cars. P.M. 3:10 Teacher walks class down to the gym. WeekGuided of Practice May 31- 2 June 4 Unit: Oceans *StandardsSee schedule: Readingfor times andProcess routine # explanations 9 Monitor comprehension of orally read texts by asking and answering questions. #3 Know the Arrival difference: A.M .between pick up students illustrations in the gym and at print. 8:35 Project A:P.M. A Housepick up forstudents Hermit in the gymProject at 12:35 B: Ocean Animals Project C: Crab Sequence Opening: Attendance, morning message,Assessment: news, sight Did thewords students and phonics cut/glue dance. Assessment: Assessment: Did the student the animals that were in the story? Calendar/Weathersequence picture correctly?: Everyday Math Obj. Pg. #8-15, #18, #24, #52, #54, #64

Everyday Math: Standard: Number, Number Sense and Operations 10. Model and represent addition as combining sets and counting on and subtraction as take away and comparison. Activity: A Fishy Combination Mimio . Students will take turns making number combinations using ocean animal pictures on the mimio board.

Guided Practice 1 Tally Tuesday-______

Indicators: Math-Data Analysis and Probability # 1 Gather and sort data in response to questions posed by teacher and students. #3- selects the category or categories that have the most or fewer objects. Number, Number Sense and operations 2-Explain rules of counting, such as each objects should be counted once and that order does not change the number. 4-determine “how many” in sets (groups) of 10 or fewer objects. Language-Reading Applications-#4- identify and discuss simple maps, charts, and graphs. Math-Patterns, Functions, and algebra-#1- sort, classify, and order objects by and other properties, a. identify how objects are alike and different.

Assessment: Did students gather, identify, sort, and discuss data? GuidedDismissal Practice: 2 A.M. Standards 11:10 : ScienceDismiss bus Methods riders and and daycare Process students #4 Askto the “what hallway. if” Teacher questions. walks #5 pickups Explore out to and the pursueturn around student and helps Generated “what Put if them “ questions. in their cars. Reading Process #8 Answer literal questions to demonstrate comprehension of P.M. 3:10 Teacher walks class down to the gym. Orally read grade-appropriate texts. #9 Monitor comprehension of orally read texts by asking and answering questions.

Project A: Five Senses Box Project B: Five Senses Bingo Project C: Feely Book

Assessment: Did student ask “what Assessment: Did student ask “what if” Assessment: Did student ask “what if” if” questions, and answer literal questions, and answer literal questions? questions, and answer literal Weekquestions? of May 31- June 4 Unit: Oceans questions? *see schedule for times and routine explanations : A.M. pick up students in the gym at 8:35 Extras;Arrival taste different flavor: salty, sour, sweet, etc. P.M. pick up students in the gym at 12:35

Opening: Attendance, morning message, news, sight words and phonics dance. Calendar/Weather: Everyday Math Obj. Pg. #8-15, #18, #24, #52, #54, #64 Dismissal: Everyday A.M. 11:10 Math Dismiss: bus riders and daycare students to the hallway. Teacher walks pickups out to the turn around and helps Standard: Number, Put them Number in their cars.Sense and Operations 10. Model and represent addition as combining sets and counting P.M. on 3:10 and Teacher subtraction walks classas take down away to the and gym. comparison. Activity: Seashore Stories. Students will use their own words to describe experiences in a mathematical setting and use manipulatives (goldfish crackers) to represent number stories.

Guided Practice 1 Word Problem Indicators: Math-Data Analysis and Probability- #1 Gather and sort data in response to questions posed by teacher and students. Social Studies-Social Studies Skills and Methods-#1 listen for information, #4 communicate information Assessment: Did students, gather, identify, sort and discuss data?

Week of May 31- June 4 Unit: Oceans *see schedule for times and routine explanations Arrival: A.M. pick up students in the gym at 8:35 P.M. pick up students in the gym at 12:35 Opening: Attendance, morning message, news, sight words and phonics dance.

Calendar/Weather: Everyday Math Obj. Pg. #8-15, #18, #24, #52, #54, #64 Everyday Math: Standard: Number, Number Sense and Operations 10. Model and represent addition as combining sets and counting on and subtraction as take away and comparison. Activity: Fish Families or Pacific Pipers. Students practice adding to ten.

Guided Practice 1: (Look below under Guided Practice 2 for optional activity for writing) Guided Writing: Mini lesson topic- teach hunks and chucks sh/th. Review capital, spaces and period. Students will write in their journal about snow facts. Discuss letters words and sentences. Discuss kid writing, stretching words and writing down the sounds they hear. Stretch out each word as a class. When sentence is complete put the adult writing under the kid writing. Demonstrate independent reading to students, then assign spot for them to have to read independently when Finished with journal writing. Allow time for independent reading.

Indicators: Language-Writing Process #5 Write left to right and top to bottom Language-Writing Process #1 Generate Writing discussion with others; #4 Organize and group related ideas; #7 Re-read own writing, #8 Using resources (ex: word wall to enhance vocabulary Q3- Language-=Writing Application #1 Dictate or write a simple sentence, using letters words or pictures; Writing Conventions-Print capital letters and lower-case letters correctly spacing the letter. #3 show characteristics of early letter name-alphabetic spelling; #4 Use some end constant sounds when writing #5 Place punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Assessment: Student is able to draw a picture that properly illustrates the theme. Students begin to put dominant letter Sounds in order to spell words. Student will use capital letters and punctuation where appropriate.

Guided Practice 2 Standards Language-Writing Process #5 Write left to right and top to bottom Language-Writing Process #1 Generate Writing discussion with others; #4 Organize and group related ideas; #7 Re-read own writing, #8 Using resources (ex: word wall to enhance vocabulary Q3- Language-=Writing Application #1 Dictate or write a simple sentence, using letters words or pictures; Writing Conventions-Print capital letters and lower-case letters correctly spacing the letter. #3 show characteristics of early letter name-alphabetic spelling; #4 Use some end constant sounds when writing #5 Place punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Project A: What live in the Project B: Story Writing Mimio Project C ocean, cut out characters, make an ocean scene, and write a Assessment- Did student write a story story about ocean animals? Assessment- Did student write a story about ocean animals? Extras:.

Dismissal: A.M. 11:10 Dismiss bus riders and daycare students to the hallway. Teacher walks pickups out to the turn around and helps Put them in their cars. P.M. 3:10 Teacher walks class down to the gym. Week of May 31- June 4 Unit: Oceans EARLY DISMISSAL *see schedule for times and routine explanations Arrival: A.M. pick up students in the gym at 8:35 P.M. pick up students in the gym at 12:35 Opening: Attendance, morning message, news, sight words and phonics dance.

Calendar/Weather: Everyday Math Obj. Pg. #8-15, #18, #24, #52, #54, #64 Everyday Math: Standard: Number, Number Sense and Operations 10. Model and represent addition as combining sets and counting on and subtraction as take away and comparison. Activity: Turtle Tunes or Symphonic Sea Horses. Students will practice adding to five or adding to ten.

Guided Practice 1 Guided Writing: Mini lesson topic- teach hunks and chucks sh/th. Review capital, spaces and period. Students will write in their journal about snow facts. Discuss letters words and sentences. Discuss kid writing, stretching words and writing down the sounds they hear. Stretch out each word as a class. When sentence is complete put the adult writing under the kid writing. Demonstrate independent reading to students, then assign spot for them to have to read independently when Finished with journal writing. Allow time for independent reading.

Indicators: Language-Writing Process #5 Write left to right and top to bottom Language-Writing Process #1 Generate Writing discussion with others; #4 Organize and group related ideas; #7 Re-read own writing, #8 Using resources (ex: word wall to enhance vocabulary Q3- Language-=Writing Application #1 Dictate or write a simple sentence, using letters words or pictures; Writing Conventions-Print capital letters and lower-case letters correctly spacing the letter. #3 show characteristics of early letter name-alphabetic spelling; #4 Use some end constant sounds when writing #5 Place punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Assessment: Student is able to draw a picture that properly illustrates the theme. Students begin to put dominant letter Sounds in order to spell words. Student will use capital letters and punctuation where appropriate.

Guided Practice 2 Standards: Reading Application#3 Retell or re-enact a story that has been heard.

Project A: Five Little Sea Project B: Ocean Movie Project C: Creatures Poem Assessment: Did student retell Assessment: Did the students follow the the poem cardinal directions using the map? Extras: Rainbow Fish, Fishy Friends

Dismissal: A.M. 11:10 Dismiss bus riders and daycare students to the hallway. Teacher walks pickups out to the turn around and helps Put them in their cars. P.M. 3:10 Teacher walks class down to the gym.

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