Atemi Jutsu Curriculum

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Atemi Jutsu Curriculum

Subject: Atemi Jutsu AtemiAtemi JutsuJutsu Level: Seniors Number of Sessions: 140-150 CurriculumCurriculum To 450 hours Development Scheme Duration in Hours: 1½x 2per week tal : Programme Title: Atemi Jutsu (Senior)

Module Rationale With in this scheme and the time available for instructing/training, emphasis will be placed on the development of technical mastery of the Techniques in Atemi Jutsu, incorporating mobility and flexibility training, fitness with aerobics, balance, co-ordination and speed and tactical work from 1v1 to 1v5. Developing decision making, communication & understanding skills and discipline.


Rang Teachin Teac Objectives Desired Aims g & hing


Work on develo ping quick feet/f lexibili ty and co- ordina tion exerci ses.

Aerobi c, anaero & Learnin bic and Lear interva g Warm ups ning l Resourc trainin Meth es g. ods Main muscle groups used are the calves, quads, hamstr ings, gluts, abs, Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved Studen t to display forwar d right & left handed break fall, side break fall, attacki ng break falls foward .. Break- out breakf alls. Backw ard over right and left should Breakfalls er breakf alls.

Also breakf alls (fowar d) over a 1m hight right and left hand. Then 2m length Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved Practit ioner need to aim a correc t distrac tion or evasio n measur e at a point on the oppone nt. Prior to a confro ntation an studen t is requir ed to first study the atemi- points and be able to select points Evade or Distraction to use before they start the techni que. Called kyusho or pressu re Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved Once a studen t has an openin g, distan ce and positio n of your oppone nt comes into play,

Creati ng time and space to receiv e redire ct attack under increas ed pressu re (1v1, 1v2, 1v3 & 1v4). Receivi ng strikes and control under increas ed pressu re Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved Contro lling and from differ ent angles, height, and varying speeds .. The unders tandin g of differi ng Atemi points on the body togeth er with the unders tandin g of the various angles of impact , in order to manipu late oppone nt in a certain way in order to obtain the Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reservedcorrec Studen ts work to improv e speed and increas e impact on deliver y of techni ques.

The studen t develo ps and throug h unders tandin g of impact of speed has on atemi points occurri ng at differ ent speeds to differ ent parts of the body.

Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved For The Analysi s requir es an enorm ous amount of rapid though t proces s of a situati on and or the oppone nt. In order to find the weak spots on the oppone nt or oppone nts.

The develo pment and increas ed efficie ncy to map the openin gs or making the openin gs Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved Objectives Range Items Covered Desired Aims Teachin T

Other g & e Decision making Learnin a Where and when to switch the technique. g c Resourc h Refine space and striking targets. Gaining understanding of timing, how and when to open and strike es i targets at the correct angle. n g Understanding of When, where, who and how, angle, distance and communication. & Forcing and challenging, defence and attack

Understanding of your role and responsibilities, consequences of your L actions. e a r n

Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved Codes of awareness to allow people a 360 degree environmental awareness. What I would like to add to this, with respect to the great man, is also awareness of attack ritual, physical reality and of bodily reactions to confrontation -after all awareness is a complex thing.

Code White is known as 'switched off', unaware of environment, inhabitants and their ritual of attack. Code White is the victim state that all attackers look for. They usually don't have to look far because most people are completely switched off most of the time.

Code Yellow is threat awareness. Known as 'switched on', this state of perception allows 360 degree peripheral awareness of environmental vulnerability. For example the awareness of secluded doorways, entries etc. and the psychological dangers of untested physical artillery (selfdefence techniques that have not been pressure tested) adrenal dump, attackers rituals etc. Initially, Code Yellow is similar to commentary driving, where you talk through and describe, as you drive, everything you can see around you. Similarly, as TACTICAL you walk, run a subconscious commentary of everything that is happening in your locale, ultimately, with AWARNESS practice, managing the same without verbalising the commentary. Code i Yellow is the state of mind which everyone adopts whilst crossing a busy road. It is not a state of paranoia, rather a state of heightened n observance. g

Code Orange represents rising threat, allowing evaluation if circumstances in your locale deteriorate. For instance, you may, as you M walk, notice a couple of suspicious-looking men e over the road from you. If they begin to cross in your direction with menacing intent, and you feel there is a possible threat, Code Orange t will allow assessment and evaluation of the situation. h o Code Red is the final stage. You have evaluated the situation in Code Orange. If there is a threat, prepare to fight or run. Never stand and d fight if there is a possibility of flight. If no s threat presents itself, drop back to Orange and Yellow. Never lose your awareness and drop to White -many people have been beaten in real situations because they have lost their zanshin (awareness). Stay switched on.

Copyright © 2010 Carl Withey all rights reserved

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