Theatrical Direction and Stage Management 1

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Theatrical Direction and Stage Management 1

Theatrical Direction and Stage Management 1

Course Syllabus Mr. Richmond Room 6-122

Course Numbers 0400500

Course Description

Students learn how to select, organize, and mount formal and informal staged productions by means of exploring the leadership roles of director and stage manager. Students focus on the nature and responsibilities of the director and stage manager in relation to the entire production team; the effect of the director's concept on the overall production; vocabulary and principles of the various elements of play production; techniques used to create an effective theatre work; and basic knowledge and application of staging. Public performances may serve as a culmination of specific instructional goals. Students may be required to attend and/or participate in rehearsals and performances outside the school day to support, extend, and assess learning in the classroom.


Text Book The world of theatrical direction is one filled with theories, concepts, ideas, and creativity. Great directors examine the world through a fine microscope in order to engulf themselves into the very heart of human interaction and conflict. It is quintessential in the directing process that we read a magnitude of texts. This course will introduce you to many great directors and their respective approach. We will read various texts in the areas of directing, script analysis, history, socio-economics, anthropology, cultural diversity, acting theory, and philosophy to name a few. This course will require you to constantly read and research the world of the play (a term you will become very familiar with). In addition to the classroom library, students will be expected to research, discover, and develop a reading resource list for this course. In the final quarter of this class students will submit a research paper on a directing theorist of their choice. In order to become a well-rounded director one must constantly read. Needless to say this is a reading heavy course.

Below is a list of the suggested reading for this course. These books will be covered in the class.

Backwards & Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays David Ball A Director Prepares Anne Bogart The Empty Space Peter Brock On Directing Harold Clurman The Director at Work Robert Benedetti Directors on Directing Toby Cole & Helen Krich Chinoy Play Directing: Analysis, Communication, and Style Francis Hodge & Michael McLain The Art of Directing John Kirk, Ralph Bellas, and Christina Kirk A Sense of Direction William Ball

The Backstage Guide to Stage Management Thomas A. Kelly Stage Management Lawrence Stern Course Format

This course will consist of a great deal of in class discussion. We will read and discuss many directing theorists. It is essential that students come to class ready to participate in the conversations. If you are unprepared to join the class conversation you will have a very hard time understanding the foundation upon which our hands on work will be developed. In addition to the foundational work, students will be directing several scenes as well as a full-length one-act production. Students will also be required to have a stage management rotation throughout the course. This will be explained in detail later on. The course will be broken into the following areas:

 Foundational understanding  Format, structure, and vision  Script analysis  Scene breakdown  Beats, Intentions, and Verbs  Scene studies  Blocking  The casting process  The Rehearsal Process  Scene Presentations  Play Reading and Selection  Directing Research  Prompt Books  The Design Process  Play Productions  Research Papers  Stage Management  Homework, Quizzes, and Exams

All MCCA students are required to attend a minimum of one MCCA performing or visual arts event outside of their department each grading period and submit a written critique of the event. There will be 4 critique papers a year.

Major Assignments Throughout this course there will be several benchmark assignments. This is a course where one assignment will build directly off of the work in the assignment before it. Many of these tasks will be placed together in various culminating presentations. In addition, there will be several in class directing presentations, stage management scenarios, prompt book activities, casting applications, and the culminating direction of a one act. Some of the major benchmark assignments are listed below. More detail on each will be addressed as we introduce each topic.

 Director’s Prompt Book  Blocking Assignment  Beats and Intentions Assignment  World of the Play Paper  Stage Management Project  Assistant Stage Manager/Stage Manager assignment  In Class Scene Presentations  Fall Research Project  Spring Research Project  Full Length One-Act Direction Applicable Fees

MCCA Directing students are required to join West Port High School’s Thespian Troupe #6180 and the Omega Theatre Company, the producing organization for our main stage shows, one-act and Thespian Festival entries. The dues for membership are $35. Students may earn points toward membership in the International Thespian Society, an honor society for high school theatre students. Students are expected to participate in all Thespian activities, including monthly troupe meetings, fundraisers and productions. Troupe fees are due on or before September 11.

MCCA Directing students are required to pay a participation/materials fee for the Directing course. This fee is $35. MCCA fees are due by August 28th. The proceeds for this fee are earmarked specifically for educational materials that will be used in the Directing course. Any student that is unable to pay this fee by the required date needs to see Mr. Richmond to discuss other arrangements. This is a required fee for the MCCA program.


Students will need to have the following items:

 A sketchbook (minimum 8 ½ by 11)  2 3-ring binders with dividers  2 Spiral Notebooks  2 Dozen Pencils  Additional materials may be necessary to complete projects

All materials are due on September 7th in class.

Any student who has a financial inability to procure these items should see Mr. Richmond privately. Any student who is not prepared with the proper materials will have a classroom writing assignment. Failure to bring the proper materials or scene work to class or rehearsal time could result in a failing grade. Participation is very important in a Directing. You will be expected to perform and participate in activities in front of the class. If you do not participate, you will not be able to achieve a passing grade in this class.

Work Outside of Class Time

All students in the MCCA Directing and Stage Management program are required to work outside of class hours. This requires participation above and beyond the school day. The purpose of this is to help students learn the craft of theatrical direction and stage management through hands on practical application. Students will be working on various aspects and capacities within the theatre as well as fully producing a one-act production. Additionally, all members of this class will be expected to serve in the capacity of a stage manager and/or assistant stage manager for a MCCA production. It is essential to this course that students put forth time outside of class. More detailed schedules will be discussed as this course progresses. Students will be responsible for scheduling their own rehearsal time. We will have a great deal of in class rehearsal time, however much of this course requires out of class rehearsal with actors. Mr. Richmond will post a schedule of when student rehearsal space is available outside of school and students will sign up in this course. Any students with an out of class conflict must see Mr. Richmond during Power Hour within the first week of school. All conflicts will need to be submitted in writing within the first week.

Contact Info for Mr. Richmond

To Contact Mr. Richmond by Email: Jordan A. Richmond MCCA Technical Director Technical Theatre Instructor Directing Instructor [email protected]

To Contact Mr. Richmond by Phone (352) 291-4000 Office Ext. 59830 Tech Lab Ext. 59791 Scenic Shop Ext. 59829

Please leave me a message so I can return your call. Student Syllabus Agreement

I have received the Syllabus from Mr. Richmond. As per this syllabus I will execute my responsibilities accordingly. Mr. Richmond has explained all elements of this syllabus in class and answered my questions. It is my responsibility to know and participate in this class under the guidelines laid out in this syllabus. I understand the overall safety policy and will at all times operate under it. I will follow all instructions for the course and I will follow all instructions from Mr. Richmond on operating in the theatre. After having all of my questions answered about the rules, I understand and accept the responsibilities of this course, and to the best of my abilities I will learn and exemplify the attitude of a theatrical director and stage manager. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility to obtain the requested materials for this course. I will bring all materials to class on/or before September 7th. Finally, I acknowledge the level of work required outside of this course to demonstrate mastery of content and gain experience and I commit to doing that work.

______Printed Student Name

______Student Signature


Parent Syllabus Agreement

By signing this I am indicating that I have read the syllabus and that I am aware of the expectations that the MCCA Theatrical Directing and Stage Management program has for my child. I am also aware that there is a $35.00 Thespian Troupe Fee and a $35.00 MCCA fee that will be earmarked for the theatrical direction and stage management course. In addition I am aware that there is a course materials list for this class and that all supplies are due no later than September 7th. Troupe fees are due on or before September 11 and MCCA fees are due August 28th.

By signing this I also agree and understand that my student will need to work on scene work, stage management, and one-act play productions outside of class. I understand that this schedule will be further defined as students choose their area of stage management as well as select their one-acts.

If I have any questions I know that I can contact Mr. Richmond via email or by phone at West Port High School.

______Printed Parent or Legal Guardian Name ______Parent or Legal Guardian Signature


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