Florida Institute of Technology College of Engineering

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Florida Institute of Technology College of Engineering

Florida Institute of Technology  College of Engineering DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS Science  Engineering  Management

Course: ENS 4300 Renewable Energy and the Environment (3 credits)

2005-2006 Catalog Data: Understanding human energy needs, alternative generating systems, renewable energy sources including wind, solar, biomass, hydro, ocean, and geothermal; socioeconomic implications of sustainable energy. (Prerequisite: none; senior standing or permission of the instructor.)

CRN: 11259 [changes each time] (ENS 4300)

Textbook: Boyle, Godfrey. Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Second Ed. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 452pp., 2004. A number of books will be placed on library reserve including: [TBD] Mukand. Wind and Solar Energy. Gipe, Paul. Wind Energy for Home and Business.

Course Website: The course website can be found at the web address my.fit.edu/~fleslie. The website includes class notes, PowerPoint visual presentations, homework schedule/assignments, project assignments, examination schedule, results of project tests, etc.

Course Objectives: Introduce the student to the general understanding of energy choices with special attention to the leading renewable energies. Current sources of coal, oil, and nuclear power will be reviewed, and applications of future renewable energy sources, pollution, and relative costs of all sources will be discussed.

Topics Covered: (not updating for changing dates each year; see the RE Sessions list)

Week 2006Dates Topics Instructor 1 10, 12 Jan Introduction: energy requirements, energy types, conventional fuels, Leslie/Leslie advantages & limitations. Current events; Pollution and other effects 2 17, 19 Jan Climate change controversy; GHG; Fuel usage now and future; trends Maul/Leslie 3 24 Jan Coal: reserves; Oil& NG: reserves, extraction, usage, advantages and Leslie/Leslie disadvantages 3 26 Jan Energy conservation and efficiency; “Emergy” and EROEI concepts Leslie/Leslie 4 31 Jan Thermal energy systems: boilers, aeroderivative turbines, heat recovery Leslie steam generators, cogeneration (CHP) 4 2 Feb Nuclear: reserves, extraction, usage, reactors, risk assessment, Leslie/Leslie advantages and disadvantages 5 7 Feb Solar energy: collection, instrumentation, and assessment Leslie 5 9 Feb Solar thermal, advantages and disadvantages Leslie 6 14 Feb Solar electric, advantages and disadvantages Leslie/Leslie 6/7 16, 21 Feb Wind energy: distribution and climate, advantages and disadvantages Lazarus/Leslie 7 23 Feb Wind turbine systems: airfoils, transmissions, generators, controls Leslie 8 28 Mar Wind turbine systems: airfoils, transmissions, generators, controls Leslie 9 2 March Mid-Term Exam Leslie 10 7, 9 Mar Spring Break 11 14 Mar Hybrid Systems: wind/diesel, PV/diesel, Wind/PV/diesel Leslie 11 16 Mar Bioenergy, pollution, availability, advantages and disadvantages Leslie/J. Thomas? 12 21 Mar Hydroelectric (dams); power and storage, advantages and disadvantages Leslie 12 23 Mar Geothermal energy, sources, advantages and disadvantages Leslie 13 28, 30 Mar Ocean energy: waves, tidal energy, OTEC, advantages and Maul/Leslie disadvantages 14 4 Apr Energy transmission, RTOs; Energy storage, Hydrogen Economy Leslie/Leslie 15 6, 11 Apr Transportation energy usage (air, land, & sea) J. Thomas / Leslie 15 13 Apr Distributed generation & grid interconnection Leslie 16 18, 20 Apr Economics, current and future costs; Energy tradeoffs Slotkin/Leslie 17 25 Apr Legal aspects and other complications; Future trends and possibilities attorney?/Leslie 17/18 27 Apr, 4 Review, term project & reports; final exam Leslie/Leslie May

Class Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM, Link Building, E250 Final Exam: Thursday, May 4, 2006 – 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Link Building, E250 Final Grade: The course grade will be based on midterm (15%), final (30%), term paper (20%), term project (10%), quizzes (10%), and homework (15%). A: 90-100; B 80-89; C 70-79; D: 60-69; F <60.

Contribution of course to meeting ABET professional component: Engineering Science: 3 credits or 100% Engineering Design: 0 credits or 0%

Relationship of course to program ABET objectives (DMES Environmental Science program must demonstrate that their graduates have): (a) An ability to apply knowledge, science, and engineering. (b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. (c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. (d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. (e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. (f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. (g) An ability to communicate effectively. (h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global and societal context. (i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. (j) A knowledge of contemporary issues. (k) An ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (l) Knowledge and skills to apply the principles of probability and statistics. (m) Knowledge and skills to apply the principles of energy collection, conversion, and storage to engineering problems. (n) An ability to integrate multiple technical areas. (o) An understanding of the necessity for design optimization.

Person who prepared this description and date: Frank R. Leslie, Adjunct Lecturer Department of Marine & Environmental Systems College of Engineering  Florida Institute of Technology 150 West University Boulevard  Melbourne FL 32901 Tel: 321 674 7377; Fax: 321 674 7212; [email protected] Website: http://www.fit.edu/dmes; my.fit.edu/~fleslie; www.geocities.com/windy4us January 4, 2007 FRL

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