Minutes of Ludborough Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of Ludborough Parish Council Meeting

Notes of Ludborough Parish Council Meeting

Held on Tuesday 21 July 2009

St Mary’s Church Centre, Ludborough

At 7.00 p.m.

Attendees: Janet Dixon (JD) (Chair) John Loomes (JL) Diana Smith (DS) Margaret Row (MR) Karen Ingoldby (KI) (Clerk)

Apologies: Michael Carr (MC)

Action 1.0 Chairman’s Remarks Letter of thanks received from Jean Wrisdale for the Churchyard compost clearance work.

2.0 Apologies Apologies received from Mike Carr.

3.0 Declarations of Interest No Declarations of Interest received in accordance with the LGA 2000.

4.0 Approval of Notes The notes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 23 June 2009 which had already been circulated, were approved as the minutes and signed by the Chair. JD displayed accounts on notice board.

5.0 Clerks Report Clerk’s report on matters outstanding:

Bus Shelter on Stocks Hill LCC grant received for £2k, thanks extended to JL for all his hard work in securing funding.

Drains Alfred Lodge drains – action complete. JL reported problem drains near cottages are responsibility of Anglian Water – ongoing.

6.0 Financial Report Following invoices paid as follows:

Cheque 303 - £10 St Mary’s Church Centre – June 09 Cheque 304 - £10 St Mary’s Church Centre – July 09 Cheque 305 - £120 J M Wilson Cheque 306 - £250 K I Ingoldby (Clerk salary 2007/8

7.0 Planning Applications Vale Farm planning permission granted. Low Wood plans received – no objections. Clerk to KI send reply.

Page 1 of 2 Action 8.0 Northern Area Committee Meeting JD reported very interesting meeting.

Utterby to be have pedestrian refuge, exit of Church Lane to be altered to improve visibility, negotiations to purchase land to left of Church Lane to facilitate this.

Pear Tree Lane junction came up for discussion with options for review including:

a) Extend speed limit to include junction b) Installation of traffic lights to increase A18 traffic flow

North Thoresby Granby Junction

a) Requested moving interactive 50 mph sign further back away from junction. b) Request interactive sign to be re set to work at 50 mph and not 40 mph as current setting. c) Removal of some signs at junction as large number of signs distracting and confusing.

9.0 Correspondence i. Trees and hedging plants available – clerk to ask Ralph Pinder, Dave & John Wrisdale KI if they are interested. ii. ELDC Highways Report – JL iii. National Litter Week – Keep Britain Tidy iv. Magers – spoil dumped near A16, JD to ring to request copy of letter – missing from correspondence. v. EMDA News – DS vi. LCRNews - DS

10.0 Any Other Business Fundraising Next fund raising event to be held 16 / 17 April 2010. Further discussion at later date. ALL

Pedestrian Steps at end of Station Road JD to ask Mark to clear area. JD Parish Council Web Site JL, MR & JD to go to Lincoln for web site training. JL/MR /JD 11.0 Date of Next Meeting Next meeting to be held at 7.00pm on Monday 7 September 2009 at St Mary’s Church Centre. ALL

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